
Skill Level Quotes

There are 242 quotes

"Our simpler option of the two, this one gives you less creative freedom but also requires less technical skill."
"I float low-mid Masters, low-mid GM, insta-lock an Ana."
"If you are indeed a gold level player, you should naturally be able to keep up a 50% win rate at gold, no matter who you're playing against."
"This is high-level play no matter how you look at it."
"I am massively overleveled, you have no idea what you've got yourself into."
"DIY vinyl graphics on your bike. That's definitely about my skill level but that's my team."
"You want to play at a really high level, perform any job at a high level."
"Even a 23-2400 player, give him four or five moments in a game and boom."
"The NBA right now, skill-wise, it's the best skill I've ever, ever, ever seen."
"Even if I'm bad with something, I don't really mind as long as I'm having a hilarious time."
"If kilo can play the hitscan at the type of level we've seen from him in the past."
"Newer riders need less power, but for seasoned riders with throttle control and stuff like that, bring on the power."
"A powerful martial artist at the level of six or maybe a martial arts Grandmaster."
"I've met some of the happiest people in the world doing some of the lowest skill level jobs."
"You don't have to do advanced magic to be a powerful witch."
"It just shows how insane professional golf is how good you guys are it's it's nuts."
"For me, I switched to both of these and I felt like I was playing at a much higher level."
"This is a luxury, but also it shows the level of these guys is so high."
"You have to have a 300 IQ to play log bait, yeah definitely."
"Hey, I won! Is it because this computer is so super awesome or that I set the difficulty to easy? Probably."
"I feel pretty confident in my skill. I'm just not as good as I used to be."
"The Hero of Winds is insane powerful in terms of skills."
"Steals are not overpowered and broken. I have a 99 steal."
"GT Sport's online mode ensures you always have a full field of cars racing at your skill level."
"Every facet of his game was on a different level, bro."
"He's going to take care of business. Linares is a great fighter, this man is his levels, levels above. He's a pound-for-pound great."
"The higher rated you are, the more you have to appreciate this nuance."
"All platinum players are actually just ceiling shot masters."
"I'm literal dog [__] at this game because I never played it off stream."
"I actually really like the fact that so we had talked about the section of artists that you shouldn't try and emulate because it's like wow their skill is just insane."
"This is nuts! Wow, these guys are serious. This is seriously on another level."
"If you manage to beat this thing without taking a hit, well then you're a god among men."
"The level of play we're seeing right now is absolutely insane."
"Absolutely ludicrous the level of play we're witnessing right now."
"Sheik is such a high skill cap character because the micro spacing of sheik is so ridiculous."
"That's the level you want to be at as a DPS player."
"Collagen is the building block of your skin."
"Yo, what kind of level is he on now because he's gone, bro?"
"Mitch Marner is on a different level though, like Mitch is... this is the best hockey he's ever played. Underrated, best hockey zone."
"Dodge the blue shells... it's not super hard but it's not easy either."
"It's a crazy level that the top guys are at right now."
"Octane can compete in all levels of the game from pub games to ranked and even the top tier competitive scene."
"Nick, you are seriously on the verge of getting to the upper echelon of the 9000s, the 9500 plus territory, and that just is beyond amazing."
"There is a world gray area between something being too hard and too easy."
"Level 5 at this stage of the game is actually really high."
"He plays and scores at a very, very high level."
"There's lore, we'll find out on the planet, I have 2,000 iron right now and I'm level 15 mining already because I don't mess around."
"As long as we don't fail, here it is: level 99 Thieving in Old School RuneScape League."
"Ribery five-star skill moves, five star weak foot."
"IG gets fifth because they had an insane apex of skills and they embarrassed the best teams in the world."
"When you make a mistake against a good team, you get punished for it."
"I play Yu-Gi-Oh at the highest level possible."
"He's legitimately doing it! A 1600 player is pushing a 2100 player."
"You're now a black belt, maybe you can access new areas."
"This is a really good project for beginners to intermediate, just want to build something."
"When you encounter people who are really at the virtuosity."
"These Pro players are the best of the best they make Radiance look like Mortals and dominate on the world stage against some of the best the game has."
"LeBron is Magic Johnson with Jordan ability."
"He's literally 10 CS per minute right now, guys, it's so crazy."
"It's the exact same boss fight as it is on PC except I'm doing it with the controller so I'm naturally a lot worse at it."
"The level of skating was so high in the semifinals, undeniable that all those skaters belong in this final."
"I truly believe anyone can get to diamond four but negative in the sense that if you haven't got great fundamentals you can still get to diamond four."
"A better score, that was a hard trick I thought a lot more technical."
"This is probably the answer, I'm baffled, this is crazy, I knew that he was crazy talented but this is like next level."
"I love playing video games, wish I was good enough to play with you guys!"
"Kane is shocked to see that all of his magic blessings and skills are at level 10."
"The New London is better than me at disc golf."
"No matter your skill level, give each rep your very best effort."
"I would definitely recommend this app to any artist: beginner, intermediate, advanced."
"The difference between a pro-level master player and a struggling intermediate player is that the master player thinks in terms of the bigger picture schemas."
"Definitely worth trying if you're a beginner baker."
"His skills, as you all can see, are extremely high level."
"I'm shooting way more than him, but I'm not way better than him."
"Practice will 100% get you to the level you want."
"This recipe is for people who have basic set skills in the kitchen, it's easy, fun, and flavorful."
"Now that downswing and impact Rick is like tour level different..."
"You will not find anybody in wrestling right now who has a higher average quality wrestling match than this guy."
"The launch of Counter-Strike 2 has been up and down like my skill level at things."
"I found that I actually was more equal to their skill level and I could contribute with them."
"It's just a ridiculous phenomenon now that individual investors have a whole different skill level than anybody that manages tremendous amounts of money."
"This video is great for both beginners and intermediate artists."
"Zoro's armament hockey is a nine. Nine or ten."
"At the end, you will have something very, very good, probably above your level of drawing."
"Everything you want when we get into Alex's level of the game."
"... nearly impossible to score on Lee Kemp, one of the all-time greats."
"It's like, 'Don't lump me in with those noobs!' Most of those guys couldn't even make it past level ten!"
"For S-Class level characters, that should be a given, so it's not nearly as impressive as it otherwise would be."
"bro was operating as if he was level 100 and restarting the game from scratch"
"You should be in an amateur level, not a novice, I don't think it's a novice level to go over these passes."
"The stitching is a little more complicated but you can definitely do it if you've done the first two that I mentioned."
"I am no Baker whatsoever like my bacon is like a hit-or-miss."
"Just steadily moving along. Well, I think it's safe to say J J is on another level compared to everyone else we've seen so far."
"At the end of the day, I mean, think about this way. Can you imagine someone like Brian Shaw at a mid-level blue belt skill level? Would you roll with that guy? I f***ing wouldn't. That guy, I don't want to roll with that guy. That's a lot of guy to roll with, you know?"
"This pattern says it's intermediate so maybe I'll have to try it I just think it's so gorgeous."
"You really do have to take an honest look at your work and ask yourself like is this something that enough people want to buy is this skill level good enough is what I am doing at a skill level where I have a large enough audience pool or customer base."
"I'm riding probably a 8.25 um we've stepped it up quite a bit these days."
"A beginner level project that looks more advanced than it actually is."
"When you're a certain level of good, then the game becomes even harder."
"Trailer Sailors are serious consideration for Sailors of all skill level and experience."
"I'm not the most proficient at doing mouth flaps."
"Dude, I'm no good at shooter games, okay?"
"The skill level these younger generations have is incredible."
"What separates the best archers in the world from the ones that just continue to struggle."
"This is like Middle School basketball and this is the NBA."
"When attacking him, he realizes that Tanjiro is nowhere near the level of his brother."
"Overexpecting our skill level and our results."
"Honestly, if you're not crushing the middle, these things are four out of ten for forgiveness, certainly in the long irons."
"These are all three gorgeous swirl techniques. They're perfect for beginners."
"I'm not going to teach you about picking because I suck at it."
"I am an amateur, amateurs you can get."
"It's great for any skill level. Someone that's never painted before can try a simple study and get an immeasurable amount of growth from that experience."
"So the last section of our beginner guide is going to be touching on layering now layering can sometimes be seen as an advanced technique I don't necessarily think so."
"So if you're a beginner, you may want to skip mounting an FPV drone with a GoPro, but if you are somebody who's a little bit more advanced...yeah, mounting a GoPro is going to give you a new dynamic."
"Be prepared for a bunch of 10 year olds in like jumpsuits to be at Olympic level just literally doing circles around you the whole time. It's a little traumatizing."
"Logan Paul might not have as many matches but he's at the same level wrestling in parentheses as Seth Rollins."
"The u-turn basic is not entry level in my opinion, it's mid-range."
"If you are not a Kage or among the best in your village in Ninjutsu, it is highly recommended that you not bother to attempt this technique."
"You really need a good mixture of top-level pros and really entertaining recreational players as well."
"Every day is a skill level... brilliant, you literally have took us a skill here today mate."
"Worry about your skill level before you worry about marketing yourself."
"I believe Zoro and Sanji have increased their ability so much that you can make a case that they are Admiral level."
"...definitely something that a beginner could definitely tackle."
"We are at the Golden Age of skilled players. Unless you are, there are less and less, which is a compliment."
"The green light is to signify the AM driver. Joe Barbosa is definitely not an AM driver."
"The first rule of Rocket League: Everybody is trash at Rocket League."
"I don't consider myself a pro, I'm a hobbyist at heart."
"When you roll with a good brown belt, you should always feel uncomfortable. Even if you're a black belt going against a good brown belt, they're making you feel uncomfortable."
"I mean, just like a guy that needs to mediocrely play the guitar."
"We're all at different levels so it's good to have options for making it harder."
"Do what feels appropriate to your skill level."
"What a fantastic cueist and probably played some better standard I've ever played."
"Pereira beating Adesanya who is a guy that usually does a good job at cruising to a safe decision in the fifth round is very impressive it's high level"
"This might be an intimidating project, but it's certainly not a hard one and can be accomplished with minimal skill level and tools."
"...he's probably a supreme novice horse."
"...easy, easy round one type of player to me."
"Eddie took it and just took it to a whole other level. I mean, they just did the simple, easy stuff, and Eddie was doing all these pinch harmonics and all these whirly sounds."
"Whether you're new to sublimation or a seasoned pro, come join us"
"If you don't see it at the top level of play with performance you're not likely to see it as you work down into the amateur golfer level."
"You have a certain skill level and we are a certain skill level, so you should be like absorbing us like a sponge instead of fighting us."
"Whatever your skill level is... you don't have to be an expert in anything... you're going to find some things that you are better at and other things that you have more fun at."
"I've got a lot to learn before I get up to these guys level."
"You think I was maybe the 175th best rapper."
"This is a group that has experience, they play at a different gear."
"People's plays are far better than Michael Jordan. And I don't know, but I tell you what, man he's really still putting it down at a high level right now."
"A majority of them are beginner friendly."
"The skill level really is just going to always depend on your material and your stabilizer."
"I'm going to edit this down and simplify it to match the skill level that I'm currently at, that doesn't there's nothing wrong with that."
"This pudgy penguin pattern is a beginner to intermediate crochet pattern."
"That's right, assessment is crucial, no matter how advanced you are."
"I'm much more experienced than he is and a more complete fighter."
"Strict typed languages have a higher ceiling of skill gap."
"I'm not going to make them, I can't put the stamp 'beginner ready' on that thing."
"Ten years ago poker was a lot easier to make a living in because nobody was good."
"You don't find the minor league playing in the pros, there's a difference in the level of maturity and experience."
"There are good traders, there are great traders, and then there is James. He operates on an entirely different level to most."
"Skill-wise there's not a more skilled player in this draft class he's uh one of the most skilled Russians I've ever seen."
"Professionals and low single-digit handicappers, you know that's what it's really built for."
"Non-obviousness refers to the quality of something being not obvious to a person who has ordinary skill in the art."
"I love where the game is at talent-wise."
"Boredom occurs when the challenge of a task is too low for your skill level."
"Anxiety occurs when the difficulty of a task is too high for your skill level."
"A six handicap golfer and just a wonderful talent."
"He controlled everything and when I saw that, I was like, man, I'm in a whole another league; this is beyond me."
"There's an upper echelon of raw skill that not many people share."
"They flatter you as a rider, really no matter what your level."
"On average, people that do play mixed games make fewer mistakes than they would in no limit hold'em."
"It's very docile and even on the box it says beginner-friendly skill level one."
"It's great for both advanced and beginner riders."
"He's not playing the game correctly, he's playing it too well."
"This is definitely the best average skill of the lobby."
"His talent level might be like a 10 out of 10."
"You just keep painting him and painting him, and you'll be into the 2 & 3 hoots before you know it."
"It's advanced beginner level, which means probably not your first shawl, but if you're familiar with crochet terms, there's really no crazy complicated stitches in here."
"You're on the green, very forgiving, for a very high handicapper I'm quite happy."
"Identify what level you're at: beginner, intermediate, or expert."
"This is the right level of difficulty."
"You need to get the right equipment in your hands regardless of what level you're at."
"I mean, you consider yourself a junior developer, but looking at your portfolio, this is some senior level."
"The better the golfer, the hips are staying more centered and they have more hip rotation."
"Scratch handicap is widely seen as the pinnacle of amateur golf."
"A typical scratch golfer averages 260 yards off the tee."
"Scratch golfers hit 62 percent of greens in regulation."
"A portfolio is a place where you could proudly show off your past work and when people go to it they can immediately start to get a sense of your skill level."
"It's not particularly difficult, though it is not a real beginner's necklace either; it's moderate level."
"You gotta gauge a player's toughness and skill level."
"The entire process may take you, depending on your skill level, maybe an hour; if you're skillful, less than an hour, 20 minutes."
"Drawing a cake is way easier than you think, and I'm going to show you exactly how you can do it no matter your skill level."
"Drawing your spirit animal is easier than you think, and I'm going to show you exactly how you can do it no matter your skill level."
"The virtuoso level of modern jazz players is off the charts now."
"If you earn a blue belt under me, you will be able to take care of yourself against 75% of any attacker on the street."
"Most fans would agree that the turn of the century is where the modern era of hyper-skilled players began."
"No matter what skill level you are, implementing it will definitely help you break out of artist's block."
"Timing is about finding what works for you based on your physical skill and ability level."
"If you've been calling yourself a crochet beginner, you are level up. I will now announce you intermediate crocheter."
"I have prepared this session to a level between beginners and advanced so that people at every level sort of get something out of it."
"You should be able to crochet it regardless of your difficulty level."
"It's a great bike for any beginner, but an intermediate rider is going to have lots of fun on it too."
"This is beginner friendly. The first two bags are actually beginner friendly, and then the last two bags are a little bit more beginner intermediate."
"There's really a ski up here for every ability level, depending on your style and your strengths."
"His IQ and his decision making is really, really up there."