
Ethical Behavior Quotes

There are 436 quotes

"If you choose to act in ways that disregard the moral metrics, then you're not acting morally. If you do act in ways that do incorporate the moral metrics, by definition, you are acting as a moral agent."
"There is an objective categorical reason not to behave this way that you are irrational to disregard."
"Basic human decency requires you to be basically human and decent."
"Hate what is evil; cling to what is good; honor one another above yourselves; don't be lazy; work hard; rejoice in hope; be patient in trial; and keep on praying."
"We do not act rightly because we have virtue or excellence, but we rather have those because we have acted rightly."
"Businesses can actually find more profit just by acting ethically."
"Be positive, do the right thing even in the face of adversity. Do the right thing."
"One should strive to act with compassion and empathy towards all creatures in accordance with reason."
"As long as you create a system that punishes people who are doing the right thing and glorifies people who do the wrong thing, you will get more people who do the wrong thing."
"A hyper-awareness of the outcomes of your actions seems like a necessary prerequisite to avoid making the world worse."
"You can use some of these things to manipulate people, but this is not about that. This is about being a good human to other humans."
"Beliefs inform your actions; your actions have consequences for yourself and others."
"When you steal someone's work, you're sending the message that you don't respect them."
"When you watch people how they treat the waiters... when they treat the little people as though they're big people, that's amazing."
"If the only reason you don't rape and kill people is because of the Bible you're a [ __ ] piece of [ __ ]."
"Never put any man above yourself. Never worship any man. Always make sure to take care of yourself first."
"When you do good, there is good that you will reap."
"You want to be a good person here, Jennifer. Anybody else in your situation would have done the exact same thing."
"You're making up all these what-ifs and what-ifs and what-ifs. Ultimately, what you could say is, no, ripping people is wrong."
"You make a million dollars by doing the right thing every day."
"Hey, we can't be mean to these people we can't we can't be..."
"I have dealt with people doing a variety of bad things but if you can treat them like a person with respect and at least acknowledge who they are."
"What you do to each other, you're doing it to Jesus."
"I don't want to use you guys as a weapon. That's so cowardly on my part."
"If you're hurting people then you're a bad person... do you feel bad when you do wrong?"
"Am I doing this out of love? Am I willing the good of the other?"
"The best of you are those who are best to their wives."
"If you're doing evil, you'd be stupider. If you're doing good, I want you smart."
"A good person exposes evil without stooping down to the level of their opponents."
"All that is required for evil to Triumph is that good men do nothing. Amen. Correct. Good persons do not understand good people can do bad things if they're in bad systems."
"It's important to show people that integrity pays off, being solid pays off."
"Truth and transparency are always the best course, even when it's not popular."
"Leading somebody on is like the worst thing you can do."
"Let's not prey on people who are already in vulnerable spots."
"Helping Frank, getting to the truth, that's the right thing to do."
"You should always treat people how you want to be treated."
"It's up to us to check ourselves, check if you're in the wrong."
"You can't ethically assault your fellow citizens when they are doing nothing to you. That's the end of the story."
"I think it's a responsibility that we have to just walk away if a person says no."
"Liberty is not the ability to do whatever you want it's the right to do what you ought to do."
"You're going to be judged by how you treat the least among you."
"Walking off like that is not right on the very basic level," stresses Mark.
"True freedom, true liberty is not just doing whatever we want all the time... it's doing what we ought to do."
"Never rely upon people at the top to do what's right. Always do what's right for yourself."
"Just because someone's terrible to you doesn't mean you have any right to be terrible to anyone else."
"A lot of people think they could do things and get away with it but there's no such thing because karma sees everything."
"Shouldn't the beauty we celebrate on the runway also extend to behavior behind the scenes?"
"I'm so proud of these talented people. They are committed to do the right things for the right reasons."
"The accountability of simply admitting you were wrong is very important."
"All you really need is a desire to do good and a belief about what is good."
"I'm trying to talk about something that helps us tell when someone doing good for good's sake is actually good versus doing good for the wrong sake."
"Who says something like that and actually has it be to serve the greater good?"
"The best of you are those that are best to their families."
"It takes just as much time to do the right thing as it does to ignore it."
"People that fight against incentives, I tend to give a lot of credit to."
"You cannot kick them when they're down, you cannot step on them."
"It's the right thing to do, it's the fair thing to do, it's the just thing to do."
"Everybody's got a right to do as they do, as long as you're not breaking the law or making a victim out of anybody else."
"Consider using Johnny's commitment to doing the right thing even at the greatest cost to inspire your own actions."
"Acts of sacrifice and decency without regard to what's in it for you, that also creates ripple effects."
"The reason not to have sex with your wife and her brother at the same time is because it's wrong."
"It's not about being sued, it's about doing the right thing."
"It is reason, principle, conscience that calls to us, with a voice capable of astonishing the most presumptuous of our passions, that we are but one of the multitude, in no respect better than any other in it."
"Humility isn't about cowering behind things and refusing ever to say what you think. Humility is having the confidence to do what is right without thinking it's all about you."
"Your behavior has consequences, and people will remember you and your actions."
"I should not be approaching minors under any circumstances. And that's my fault. That's why I said, 'You know what? No, this is not okay.'"
"If there is like an objective noticeable physical difference in size and force between two parties, it's on the larger person to not retaliate."
"Never take advantage of other people never take the time to glory in other people's suffering."
"The golden rule of life is this: do unto others as you'd want them to do to you."
"If you are somebody who is still trying to manipulate the energies to get what you want and you're not doing it in the highest good of everyone involved, you better play catch-up here."
"Treat people right, treat people right, treat people."
"I'm a man of Honor, I wouldn't do such a thing."
"Courage doesn't count when you take on your enemies, courage counts when you stand up to your friends."
"So I think the most important thing about being an investigator is number one is integrity, integrity is doing the right thing when nobody's watching you."
"Absolutely crucial that you do the right thing."
"You shouldn't harass people if they're bad. You should criticize them for sure and shame them and let other people know what they've done."
"Even good people can miss it and always have."
"Karma [] is real bro just be regular don't do weird [] bro."
"Sometimes a sin is just not doing unto others as you would have them do unto you."
"It's important for us to not buy or trade accounts. If no one buys it, there's no incentive for them to hack accounts."
"I feel like this will change V tubing forever, this is probably one of the most cataclysmic moments in V tubing history."
"Do not incite death, do not commit crimes, do not threaten anyone violence, even if they do fly the Antifa flag. That is absurd, plain and simple."
"Using your brain and your conscience it's not the kind of job that requires a resume or professional references that's something you're supposed to be doing all the time especially when it comes to this particular issue."
"Being a hypocrite, saying one thing and doing the other."
"Just because something is subjective doesn't mean that there isn't some social consequence from doing the wrong thing."
"You can't be out here scheming and scamming."
"I wanted so badly for her to... grow as a person and become a leader... I wanted... her to ethically grow as a person."
"Integrity's honorable, you know. It takes personal courage, standing up and doing the right thing."
"I would much rather be wrong and not hurt somebody than think I'm right while hurting somebody."
"We have to be careful not to allow our past moral goods to justify negative behaviors."
"If you do the right thing, even if it's staying silent, that's what gives you the most respect, not internet points."
"If you're in the presence of gossip, walk away or stop it."
"Just because you have trauma doesn't mean you have the right to traumatize others"
"If you do what's right for you, you will show other people that they can do the right thing."
"If you do good by other people, they'll do good by you."
"Let's follow the example of scripture in our own behavior and let's call for others in leadership over us to do the same."
"It's not okay to steal people's identities and act like a bitch and be a criminal."
"It's not hard to be a good person and not be abusive and horrible."
"He had some outstanding ethics and he was very, very caring."
"Honorable people express gratitude for kindness."
"Stay true be who you are and don't screw people along the way."
"To me, it underscores our responsibility to deal more kindly with one another."
"Be ethical, it might rub off on others. Don't give up."
"Disconnect from those intent on doing harm. Shun participation with those who perpetuate wrongdoing."
"Everybody wants the result of good karma but they don't want to do the good karma."
"Be respectful, be kind, be compassionate, but be honest."
"Helping people is better than raping people. That one's pretty easy."
"You do not engage in any behavior that risks the safety, security, or survival of our people."
"Being in integrity with what you do, being honest."
"Love always protects; love does not rejoice in wrongdoing but rejoices in the truth; love always perseveres."
"Props to the people that had to do their job and actually maybe rose above the propaganda opportunities."
"And there's never a wrong time to do what's right."
"Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit but in humility consider others better than yourselves."
"Do the right thing. That's all it is. That's it."
"I promised myself I was gonna do a whole lot more punching up and little to no punching down."
"Treat others how you feel you want to be treated back. I believe in that wholeheartedly."
"You're a good person because you have a good moral compass."
"I think we should tell more stories of people who do it the right way."
"It's so sad, the amount of people are going to die because of this selfish behavior."
"Let us not be overcome by evil but instead turn away from it."
"I'm all about being accountable for my own actions."
"As long as I'm not intentionally hurting others, I think that's ethical."
"The basic gist of it is like just being a good person."
"Do not listen to the conmen and the frauds and the charlatans who lie and they know it's a lie."
"Strength comes from doing what is hard, not from cruelty."
"Focus on unethical behavior, not personal attacks."
"Rather they start small, with seemingly insignificant wrongdoings."
"But a majority of us want to do the right thing."
"Stop saying things that violate your conscience."
"The most important lesson... staying on the right side... doing the right thing."
"There's no double standard there, there's no hypocrisy there."
"We are all imperfect but with a little bit of thought about it we can keep those infractions to a minimum."
"Treat everyone as how we want to be treated that's the golden rule."
"The believer's perfect faith is displayed through the best manners."
"The only thing better than doing the right thing is having a paper trail of doing the right thing."
"Be careful how you treat one another. Jesus said, 'What you do to my least, was you do unto me.'"
"When it comes to sins, it's not just the action that matters, it's also the intention."
"The point is to be good to those that can't return the favor. That's tough stuff."
"It's never the wrong time to do the right thing."
"Recognize why it's wrong instead of being sorry that you were caught."
"Honesty is the fastest way to prevent a mistake from turning into a failure."
"Sin is those behaviors that deny the inherent worth and dignity of others."
"That's why when you see someone in trouble, you help."
"Suddenly, things that we were all doing became ethical bonuses."
"Nobody should send death threats, seriously."
"I just think it's wrong to make fun of anybody's physical appearance."
"Doing the right thing continuously, no matter what you did before, that's what matters."
"There’s no historical or biological excuse for being a prick."
"If you take that long game and you do the right thing, that stuff will come back to you."
"Do the right thing do the right thing do the right thing."
"Actions speak a whole lot louder than words."
"No one can give you your honor. It's something you earn for yourself by choosing to do what's right."
"Feeling good about doing good things is fine if it leads you to doing good things."
"You become what you do. If you cheat, you become a cheater. If you lie, you become a liar."
"Just have to try to do right by people around you."
"Good deeds are the people that are closest to you that you don't do wrong by them."
"Lead with Integrity because you will come out on top."
"I just don't like slimy people trying to take advantage of others."
"Follow the golden rule: Do unto others as others treat you."
"Maybe that's why she's starting to do the right thing." - Jessica Denson
"If you don't tell the truth, you resign. If you bully or intimidate, you resign. If you're guilty of predatory behavior, you resign."
"I love that they continually take the high road."
"In every single transaction, in every single confrontation, and every single meeting, try to be a part of making the world the type of world that you want to live in."
"True poise comes from good intention. It respects other people's poise."
"Why do you call me Lord, Lord, and don't do what I say?"
"If you do the right thing, people will reward you."
"A real man will never put hands on somebody unless it's self-defense."
"We should be living in clean spaces in general, but really we need to prioritize this especially during the season of cough cold flu."
"It's okay to be wrong, but it's not okay to stay wrong."
"Affirmative action is the only way to protect black people from systemic oppression."
"Karma was tenfold on them... treat people good even if you don't want to be with someone..."
"You can't make good duas in the midst of horrible deeds."
"I deserve to be held accountable for my actions."
"It's not about Jon Jones necessarily having to be the best of men or the perfect man; it's about Jon Jones doing things the right way."
"If you do stuff the right way without hate or negativity, I promise you, that shit will come back to you."
"The core function of morality is to check your desire to pursue unlimited self-interest... Don't do that, that's not right."
"As long as you are within the law we admire versatile people but someone who destroys the system, who makes accountability zero, you know, we can't have a high opinion of such people."
"The magnitude of the initial lie was bad and the need for the apology was almost non-existent in the first place."
"Shame is good when it costs women to stop doing things that are wrong harmful and sinful and to do what's right instead it's what's best for them don't stop speaking truth for fear of shaming women."
"If you incentivize people to say 'oh it wasn't me,' people will begin ideas will plant themselves in people's minds."
"When is it ever appropriate for that to happen?"
"You don't have to do anything that isn't within your heart or within your ethical limits."
"We'll compete without cheating, mindful that it's all from Him and for Him."
"I strongly believe what goes around comes around, and if you keep stepping on people to get to the top, eventually you're gonna fall."
"Love does no harm to a neighbor; therefore, love fulfills the law."
"You must tell the truth, never ever lie, never stretch the truth."
"Always in life make sure you treat people how you want to be treated."
"My God is that little voice in my head that says no I'm not going to inflict pain upon another human being because it's wrong."
"If you do the right thing, then you become a trendsetter."
"This is important to be a good person, it's important to make good choices, it's important to help people who need help."
"Everybody should be able to report unacceptable Behavior."
"You have to kind of mimic you have to be approximate a good person and do good things and don't steal don't kill don't do these things because it gets you ahead because um you you can't get away with it."
"Covenant Keepers win, Covenant Breakers lose every time."
"The biggest violation in the scene is to do something without consent."
"Leadership means acting with decency and integrity."
"We need to spread more love... ways to stop taking advantage of each other."
"We are accountable for our actions, whether we act upon our feelings or not."
"All the media has to do is start behaving honestly."
"You know what's right and you make it happen."
"Being cruel to animals, even if it's unintentional, is really not acceptable."