
Embodiment Quotes

There are 949 quotes

"Morality is something that carbon atoms can embody, given a billion years of evolution."
"The spirit and the body are the soul of man."
"I am the essence of miracles. I embody complete healing now and every moment forward."
"If you're going to play Fred Hampton, do what Daniel Kaluuya did. Because Daniel Kaluuya embodied that man, he killed that right there."
"A canon is only as good as the people who are embodying it and living it out...The great books are only great because you're living them."
"The only way for them to be fully true is for us to dive in and embody."
"Kindness, love, grace allow heaven to become embodiment, much more than a place."
"Embody the highest goodness and absolute love."
"What we really care about here is how deeply do you understand reality at the ultimate level, how conscious are you of it, and that determines how well you're also able to embody it."
"It's time to truly embody and believe in a loving, divine relationship."
"We want to be able to merge all of the parts of ourselves... and fully be embodied."
"Could you imagine how frustrating it is to be in a body that you think isn't yours?"
"It's not about size, it's also about message and what you embody."
"Marcus Stacker is one of the main personifications of the Marine."
"These mystical beings have hands a face legs and great powers from God."
"An incantation is not only you speak it, but you embody what you're saying with all the intensity you can."
"Samuel L. Jackson embodies every role he's ever played."
"God wants everybody to become the message; He doesn't want us to just preach it, He wants us to be it."
"She represents an ideal... the living embodiment of that cute little anime character."
"Imagine the ideal version of you and embody that every single day."
"Once you start to feel it in your body and really feel it, you... you might want to interview a woman named Anita Moorjani."
"I just embody the things that I say and that I believe."
"Megan is the embodiment of the new world... one that seeks freedom and exploration."
"Anything that can invite us more into our bodies is generally good."
"I'm back on Earth and finally in my own body. How cool is that?"
"Every time we go into it, it's a certain amount of practice to fully embody the power and the strength."
"Understanding intellectually isn't enough; embody your understanding."
"Experiences of the world become grounded in our biological embodiment."
"Yet, here you are… embodiment of the impossible." - Osiris
"There's no other being that is the embodiment of pure and utter evil than Quan Chi."
"Humans are not merely brains; we're encased within a very powerful body full of emotions and senses."
"You don't need to carry a Bible to work; you're supposed to be the Bible to these people."
"Mars will invite us to embody that truth, to be that truth, to live that truth more fully than we have before."
"It's an invitation... to transform and change... to embody love and wisdom more than we did before."
"They embody everything that I was looking for."
"He is absolutely the focus of Nazism, he is the embodiment of Nazism."
"Be present within your body, not just in your head."
"Living the Divine messages becomes a way of embodying love, compassion, and wisdom."
"May they become that word, Father. May that word become flesh on the inside of them."
"You are literally the physical embodiment of unfairness."
"Corvus is just a physical embodiment of death."
"She really turns it out; she embodies the character that she is playing."
"It's so important to be what you believe and embody it, even when other people don't see it."
"They are the embodiment of strength itself."
"We are called to embody all that has been added to our spiritual house."
"Using embodied artificial intelligence, Neo will understand its environment deeper thanks to the fusion of their AI senses and their physical body."
"Step into inhabiting the mindset, emotions, and presence of the person who already walks as the radiant embodiment of health, wealth, fearless self-assurance, compassion, freedom, love, and creative power."
"Let your supreme essence be fully embodied, honored, and expressed through every fiber of your being."
"I embody the hopes and wishes of all the Saiyan comrades."
"Someone's amazed at how well you embody that energy for yourself."
"If you can't control the mind with the mind, look to the body to control the mind."
"Consciousness has to be embodied."
"You guys definitely embody a lot of raw authenticity."
"We are not ghosts in a machine; we are our bodies, and our body is equally a part of who we are."
"There is a lot that we can know by or through embodied feeling, through intuition."
"Embody who and what you want to be."
"I feel at one with my body, which I haven’t done for a long time."
"He really is the embodiment of hope."
"You're going to feel like you're in your body when you're in this relationship."
"You carry a legacy of consciousness and embodiment of light upon this earth to share for the betterment of future generations."
"Your life is not meant to be lived in your head."
"Presence in your material realm where you are allowing yourself to be fully present."
"You're the embodiment of a true divine feminine."
"We are a spirit created in the image of God, and we live in these bodies so that we can navigate on Earth."
"The wisdom only lands when it is embodied."
"You don't get to talk about peace until you're the living prayer of peace."
"You’re actually going to end up with a better understanding if you slowed down enough to feel what you’re learning in your physical system, particularly when it comes to plants and planets."
"You are the true embodiment of art."
"Everything we do is around this notion of embodied minds and what it means to be a cognitive agent in this physical universe."
"By themselves, the embodiment of the universe are already Uber powerful."
"Sexual intimacy is the opportunity to be in your body more fully than any other time and shield of love and give love to your partner."
"Matthew Perry perfectly embodies that guy."
"Our own body is a manifestation of God."
"Accessing the state of mind and body that resembles the trauma is the first step in moving trauma out of the body."
"We must remember that we are God's, goddesses, and work to embody that energy."
"He just embodies everything that I admire in an investor."
"He doesn't just speak about the American dream, he is the American dream!"
"From a man who didn't believe in it to a man who embodied everything it stands for."
"Van Halen personified a certain kind of California culture."
"Embodiment is so important in actually reaching cognition."
"That’s kind of an embodied experience, which is something that’s very physical."
"He embodied publicly everything that people thought was good and righteous."
"Embodying the essence of what it means to wield influence responsibly."
"Our bodies are icons like our bodies point toward these Divine realities."
"Luffy won't return to strawhead or more specifically Shanks will refuse it once Luffy offers it back to him."
"Luffy's symbolically embodies the straw hat better than anyone else."
"He's literally an embodiment of the universe composed of energy itself."
"Be that embodied energy of knowing your own worth."
"It's about giving awareness to the body itself, having that realization of what is where and how does it feel, and then the conversation and the movement of the pattern through the body."
"Being in your body, in your body, being present."
"The realm of the kingdom where he rules is the whole of you, and then when it flows out of your body as rivers, then it contains the whole dimension around you."
"Isn't that interesting that the figure who sets up shop as the captor of souls, the torturer of souls, the supervisor of all those innocent infants in limbo, is the one who can't tolerate incarnation, embodiment?"
"It's about taking all the senses because we are an incarnate people."
"This conference couldn't have a better title and more related to the way I see trauma as a journey towards greater and greater embodiment."
"Clients come to me when I focus on high-value content and embodying what I sell."
"You need to embody whatever it is that you are coaching on."
"You embody this confident self of yours."
"Embodiment is felt beyond words, it's the energetic weave that we leave behind as we continue to weave through life."
"Your body is the instrument for this magic to unfold."
"Breathwork allows us to embody truth beyond intellectualization."
"Courage is a word that is exemplified through the gravitational, it is absolutely something that you can feel."
"I am here for a reason and I'm going to embody that."
"To live an embodied way... to find more and more connection with our bodies, more connection with each other through sharing of our living knowing bodies."
"When I got in my body with what I had seen, it became enlivened and real."
"One way you could do it is you could take one little thing of how you're going to embody it."
"She embodied a kind of transcendence and the ephemerality of youth at the same time."
"We're bodies that really do think."
"Feelings are the language of the body."
"The degree to which you're in your own frame inside of your own body is the degree to which you are magnetic."
"Embody love, be the energy of love."
"Heaven is the body that you wear wherever you go."
"It's not enough to give the message, you must also be the message."
"The essence of your presence practice is delicately yet deeply interwoven into the very fabric of your life."
"You embody emotions and understand people deeply."
"Intimacy is embodied. AI is there is not. But I am. And you are."
"Learn to be grateful for the desires you have been given; they already exist and are ready for embodiment in your world."
"He was the ultimate embodiment of presence."
"When you leave here today, I want you to find a doorway, put your elbows or your hands on the back side of that doorway and I want you to step through, opening your chest up."
"Your body is the temple, y'all. Feel, baby."
"They coalesce in the person of Yeshua."
"You embody divine femininity at its best."
"Embodiment to me is to really fully allow all that you are in this moment."
"When your spirit is not in your body, the body goes numb. There is no feeling. So, when you go numb, not only does your intuition go dormant, you don't hear when people are talking to you, you don't smell the food, you don't taste what you're eating."
"Stonewall Jackson became an embodiment of all the virtues, all of the hopes, all of the aspirations for the Confederate cause."
"It felt to me like energetically I was trying to embody and capture the essence of what you felt like when you're first watching those John cavetti Stu you know what I mean."
"You're embodying yourself here as a form of source."
"Embody it. To me, that's what it means. Be good stewards of the information."
"Life is magical when it's embodied and it is magnetic to everyone, and you really influence your environment rather than the other way around. It's really powerful."
"The life of Jesus may be manifested in our mortal flesh."
"He's like the embodiment of all things good."
"How do I embody the truth of being? Well, I start by telling the truth."
"Practice feminine embodiment exercises to connect with your body and emotions. Embrace pleasure and self-love as essential aspects of feminine power."
"Poppy embodies what I think the writers wanted the Harfords to be."
"The mind is being both embodied and relational as a process that regulates the nervous system in an ecosystem of relationships."
"Start with loving yourself and embodying energies of light and wisdom."
"The ultimate manifestation of a spirit."
"The greatest sermon is the one that's lived."
"Every one of us has a body that brought us here."
"God dwells in our physical bodies."
"Embody your desires through intentional acts of manifestation."
"Everything is ultimately interconnected and can't be just wrenched out of context. Everything has an embodied nature. Everything actually flows, and the world is an animate one with which we feel in connection."
"You're very present in your body. You're so present in your body it looks like you're almost growing from the ground up."
"When they're back in their body, they have access to their memory and their wisdom and a kind of sense of safety to think, but also to receive love and give love."
"Getting into the now, getting into your body is very important."
"Spawn, merged with the man of miracles, becomes the conceptual and physical embodiment of everything that was or ever will be in existence."
"Your brain is in your body, and that both of them are embedded in the world. It's the trio that counts."
"Mort is the sentient embodiment of the biblical apocalypse."
"I'm trying to help people have an experience, particularly embodied, and the approach that I use is something called accelerated experiential dynamics psychotherapy."
"Grace and Truth came by the word made flesh dwelling among men."
"Getting out of your head, getting into your body, becoming more aware, more connected."
"You embody healing energy and compassion."
"We are nature becoming grounded, embodiment living in connection."
"Our body reminds us that there is a God, it's like a flashing neon sign."
"If you're gonna follow me, if you're gonna claim to be a disciple of mine, then what this story is talking about is something that you should embody in your own lives."
"Life gets really good when you see your body as a base of operations for the Holy Spirit to dwell within and work through to other people. That's when life really, really gets good."
"Our bodies have shaped our views of the world, just as the world has shaped our views of our bodies."
"Our physical machinery is able to experience the transcendent."
"The person that's in their body it's like you feel they're connected to the earth."
"Start playing with the emotion that you want to live that you want to run throughout your body."
"To change your life, you have to bring it into your heart and your body."
"He embodies the spirit of say like a Didier Drogba."
"Use your body to trigger that state, to trigger that dream, to trigger that vision for your life."
"We want to acknowledge where our bodies might be. And for me at least, I feel it going very much into a protective place."
"Every time I step onto my yoga mat, I'm just reinforcing these qualities, and I reinforce them in my yoga practice so that in the real world, they kick in in a way that's organic and almost effortless."
"If we can physically embody a new version of ourselves, it's just going to help so much more with everything else that you want to do."
"Take up lots of space, get comfortable, and notice how you feel now as opposed to when you first stepped onto your mat."
"It's not about mastering the movement, it's about seeing what the movement can invite us to feel, to embody."
"We navigate our imaginations of the otherworldly in terms of our own bodies."
"This is what it feels like to embody connection."
"He's the living breathing embodiment of hip-hop."
"Kurushi is the embodiment of hatred and fear towards cockroaches."
"The word needs a body, and then that body is sent into the world."
"The wine became an embodiment of all of this passion and love."
"Stay connected to your body and your world."
"It truly embodies a fairy tale like life."
"You're a divine spark of the universal mind inside a body."
"Your greatest superpower is to remember that every single thing that you are experiencing is designed to be felt through the body."
"Being barefoot forces me to stay within my body's capability."
"A living embodiment of unity and connection."
"I think that Consciousness has to take place inside a particular physical structure."
"Brain is where you live in your body."
"It's a beautiful thing to see somebody who embodies the values of the gospel."
"Man can embody truth but he cannot know it."
"Embodiment is the secret to becoming whoever you want in life."
"You are your body. You don't have a body, you are a body."
"You're a vessel that carries Christ into the world."
"Give yourself a little wiggle, just experience your body, feel your body."
"We became the embodiment of unwavering courage."
"...a must-listen-to hip-hop experience that truly embodies everything that has made rap music the life-changing art form."
"You cannot separate the concept of embodiment from the first wave of Ascension; they are one in the same."
"I want adventurers to embody the spirit their title invokes."
"Bodies. That's my only sensible answer."
"Embody what you want. It is that simple."
"The only difference between you and Jesus right now is your body."
"He came embodied with all the knowledge, with pity."
"They were a pure embodiment of the power of music."
"His spirit goes into your spirit, and then is seen on the outside."
"You will embody true love for life."
"'The body is the temple in which the goddess lives. Every limb of it carries a certain power, and these powers are located at these places.'"
"Joy isn't just a mind thing, it's actually feeling it in my body."