
Radicalization Quotes

There are 146 quotes

"Censorship can actually increase radicalization through social isolation."
"Shame culture doesn't help. It radicalizes people."
"Radicalization doesn't happen over the course of one conversation... it's like boiling a frog; it happens over a long period of time."
"What do you do when someone starts going down the path? If you criticize them, it makes them radicalized further, and if you don't criticize them, then you remain complicit in disinformation being spread. What is the right level of critique?"
"The problem with Facebook is not about freedom of speech... it's that Facebook's algorithm is recommending radical content to people who otherwise wouldn't have seen it."
"The more religious you are, the less likely you are to be radicalized, according to Britain's own MI5."
"Anti-terrorist plan aims to spot those vulnerable to being radicalized."
"Extremists are getting more and more radicalized as time goes on, we're seeing like a polarization type of thing taking place."
"When you bring up common sense and people say you're radical, that's more of an issue about how [bad] the system is."
"This is the beginning of us needing, as a country, to be focused on the radicalization of these mostly white men."
"If you put meaning into the lives of those vulnerable to extremist recruitment, they won't resort to violent actions."
"People can become radicalized... that's part of the danger of the contamination of the profane with the sacred."
"We're getting too comfortable with our ability to take kinetic strikes around the world without having enough process to avoid consistently the kinds of civilian casualties that can end up actually hurting us in the war against radicalization."
"The people who are most radical and most violent have an intersection of being both an incel and neurodivergent."
"The republican party is halfway to QAnon now..."
"This president has radicalized so many more people than Isis ever did."
"Bullying people you're going to want to be an ally. They're going to probably radicalize in an opposite direction."
"The recent wave of internet censorship is making people really radical. The more we try to ignore it or shame people for it, the worse the problem is going to be."
"If you jumped on Tik Tok for 3 hours you would go from a who loved your Jewish friends to Adolf Hitler in just a couple of hours."
"China recognizes that part of the radicalization."
"Contrary to the gateway drug narrative, the study shows the intellectual dark web, Jordan Peterson, Prager U, Joe Rogan, and Ben Shapiro's Rubin Report is D radicalizing potential alt-right viewers."
"So what they're really saying is the first pathway to radicalization online is being told the truth."
"Someone close to us became enraged and unreachable after excessively listening to or watching right-wing media."
"These people are already many of them committed to the concept of overthrowing American democracy and inciting civil war."
"I love how the progression of the character was shown and I love that it never felt like cheap or undeserved when we see how she gets radicalized, the mother character."
"Is this government unwittingly radicalizing the public against itself?"
"It's absolutely terrifying how a person can get brainwashed by sticking with the wrong crowds."
"Radicalization on the internet can be a devastating thing."
"We've seen the radicalization of certain parts of our society and these radicalized people pose a clear and present danger to our nation."
"Students are very radicalizable... the perfect basis for a cultural revolution."
"People haven't had their great disillusionment yet so they're very radicalizable."
"We must recognize that the Internet has provided a dangerous Avenue to radicalize disturbed minds and perform demented acts. Mental illness and hatred pulls the trigger, not the gun."
"The more engagement you have, the less radicalization you have."
"When you take away their free speech, you turn them into that very thing."
"YouTube's algorithm rabbit hole... exploited by online predators and led to radicalization."
"The money and the fame radicalizes creators too."
"Censorship causes radicalization." - Unapologetic Live
"The right wing is radicalizing and arming the mentally ill for their political gain."
"The problem is we tend to confuse radicalization with religiosity. It is not the same thing."
"The dominoes of radicalization are just like, and then the next thing you know they're cutting off ties from their family, defending people in real life, you know, burning down a Starbucks. It just gets out of control."
"Twitter is now the hotbed for that kind of radicalization there are more Nazis out and about openly [ __ ] fantasizing about death to all Tommy's Jews whatever the [ __ ] they decide or their enemies than ever before."
"These conversations that take place in Nazi chat rooms are poison, perpetual emotion machines of radicalization."
"Anyone that has been indoctrinated since birth or radicalized by revenge has to be considered a victim of the war."
"The radicalization in this country is largely taking place online and on social media."
"Politicians play to stereotypes by saying or tweeting radical things to fire up fringe view supporters."
"The YouTube algorithm will play more of the same type of video, leading people towards radical ideologies."
"It makes no sense at all to attempt to create a decentralized social network unless you solve the bigger problem of how do you de-radicalize people."
"This kind of [expletive] gives them purpose."
"I think that the overlap between online radicalization, loneliness, and... pornography is something that's really potent." - Ashley
"They knew they were sending them to kill the vice president... they radicalize people to do the thing radicalized people do, which is political violence."
"The left-wing mob has become utterly radicalized at this point."
"Sometimes this radicalization has some pretty funny side effects."
"I appreciate what you do. As a Southern Christian, it's easy to get radicalized. You kind of pulled me out."
"People will get super radical if they feel cornered and they feel like you know I'm under attack and no one's come to save me."
"The real story here is how this goes back to what we talked about earlier this week which is that Fox News and Trump within his fake news meme have so radicalized the right that they just reject anything that is reality-based media."
"The kind of radicalization I'm referring to goes much farther beyond the popular sentiments echoed in this side of the internet."
"Social media certainly leads to radicalization right-wing radicalization than Levering radicalization"
"Oh no, a woman with short hair. This is what politics, the radicalization of ridiculousness has done to many in this country."
"The radicalization of the culture precedes the radicalization of politics."
"Radicalization is happening all over: politically, between different gamers, even between Twitch streamers."
"They've just become too radicalized and too extreme."
"The Republican party is shrinking and becoming more radical and extreme."
"They're dangerous because they know there's a radicalized group of individuals who will do exactly what they say."
"Ideology is not what is radicalizing people... the pre radicalization happens from the day we're born."
"Radical groups have used psychology for their radicalizing people for a long time."
"Unemployment, economic instability, deep inequality, and most importantly disillusionment with mainstream politics is a ripe breeding ground for radicalization and extremism."
"There is a movement to radicalize young people, and I'm not going to wait until it's done and all of a sudden acknowledge the existence of it."
"Disinformation... can radicalize."
"Most US veterans are successful in their transition to civilian life but an increasingly radicalized element is drawn to insurrectionist movements."
"Men from these communities are carrying out offline crimes because of the radicalization that's happened online."
"Tana may have been radicalized by the amount of hate she received in her early career."
"If I had stayed on the path Sister Aisha put me on, I might have been one of them, a willing executioner of jihad."
"There are a lot of young men that don't have good role models and they don't have correct outlets and they are becoming radicalized and taken under the wing by people that I personally don't think have their best interest in mind."
"Deradicalization implies that there is a normative, authentic Islam."
"It's designed to encourage people especially those with pre-existing concerns whether they're reasonable or not to start their Journey down the path to radicalization by taking those concerns and building on them with lies and half truths."
"...the people that are most susceptible and accessible to radicalizations are those directly around you so your family friends and whatnot um who you should be having these conversations with um that's a bit easier than you know just talking to some random person."
"Radicalization in gaming is real, platforming Alex Jones, you'll lose me as a customer."
"The whole nature of the Middle East today is a product to a great extent of the settlements after World War I which begin to radicalize the Middle East."
"The ideal time, of course, to have those moments of respectful dialogue is before radicalization."
"As someone who has become pretty radicalized lately towards making sure media is not only available but consistently accessible, if you can get these things onto a hard drive and keep hold of them."
"People who used to be reactionaries were once radicalized by all of the conservative propaganda they've seen. They know all the arguments."
"Young people especially young men are the easiest to radicalize"
"Dylan Roof used this to gas himself up to prepare himself to go kill nine people."
"I think Cyril Karn is our case study of like radicalization, you know, and someone who bought the company line and then just goes deeper and deeper down the rabbit hole. I think that's the story of Serial card."
"The concept of algorithmic radicalization goes that if you were to look up some political content on the Internet or in this case YouTube... the algorithm will slowly but surely introduce you to increasingly extreme videos."
"Maga is more radicalized, more angry, and in many ways more dominant than I imagined it would be."
"Britain created her you know she was radicalized in the UK."
"Did we just make more terrorists? Will these kids grow up to try and kill more Americans? I probably would if I were them."
"When algorithms are radicalizing very young boys, something needs to be done."
"Extremism and radicalization are subtle and sinister."
"But the future, and try to radicalize the conversation more."
"I feel like as you get older if you are already a somewhat socially left-leaning person you're just going to get more and more radicalized by those experiences."
"What I think is happening now is the right's just given up on trying to radicalize young people... instead what they're trying to do is advocate for things such as voter suppression."
"Conspiracy theories are just generally associated with political extremism which can contribute to radicalization and violence."
"You don't become a radical person overnight. It normally is a slow build, and something really infuriating normally turns you in that direction."
"One of the reasons why people get radicalized and fall into fascist groups is a sense of belonging."
"Your platforms' recommendation algorithms... drive people who show an interest in conspiracy theories far deeper into hate, and only you have the ability to change this."
"Extremism can lead to the radicalization of individuals, deny people their full rights and opportunities, suppress freedom of expression, incite hatred, weaken social cohesion, and ultimately it can lead to acts of terrorism."
"If you take a break from the things that are radicalizing you, you find the common ground and work together to discuss."
"The alienation, the Islamophobia, the feeling of suppression and humiliation is so pervasive that pushes them to commit these atrocities."
"The Enlightenment has to radicalize before it becomes something that the church finds fault with."
"During the 18th century, flowing out of the 17th century, you do see a radicalization of the Enlightenment."
"The radicalization that people are learning about online has real world consequences, including the fatalities of Canadians."
"It's so much more easy to become radicalized if... imagine if we could raise all of our young men to be... life over the last however many thousands of years has swayed towards the benefit of... and we need to make sure that we make this a more equal and Progressive Society."
"In moments of crisis, people become radicalized and politically reawakened."
"Andor out here radicalizing a whole Star Wars generation."
"If you ostracize them, they usually become a lot more radical and extremist."