
Goal-oriented Quotes

There are 546 quotes

"Kraven... focuses on his goals with laser-like accuracy, not getting caught up in other emotions and deviating from the plan."
"People really like that about you: you have your mind made up on something and you go after it."
"I think this is why I enjoy working with coaches and high-intensity environments. If you give me a plan, I can do it."
"A good leader doesn't have to be right; he wants the team to win."
"Until his plan is completely fulfilled, he will train to increase his power."
"Be determined to reach your goals and don't back down."
"If every one of us can go deep into our passions, realizing our passions using our talents, but always have as a guiding point that we will work to creating an environmentally sustainable, socially just, and peaceful world, then we will get there."
"Keeping it positive, keeping it focus and keeping it from point A to point B is the most important thing."
"She knew what she wanted. She had her eyes on the prize."
"Develop a mindset where things you enjoy doing also move you towards your goals."
"My goal isn't to just... research and not apply."
"Keep your hand on the plow... keep pressing toward the mark."
"Take a regret and make it your goal for this week."
"Keep rowing, the shoreline is there. Just keep pulling the oars."
"One step at a time and you will eventually get to your goal."
"It's the passion, you wake up every day with this goal and you're driven."
"Get to the end product or you ain't getting [ __ ]."
"I made sure I secured the bag. I've got to win and that was the most important thing."
"Save a little bit every time you get paid and put that towards your goal."
"The point of success is to do the things that make you successful."
"I'm looking at outcomes and what's going to get me to those outcomes."
"He had a goal and he used whomever he saw fit to help him do it, no matter their birth circumstance or even prior criminal records."
"When he got something into his head, he couldn't rest until he'd conquered it or achieved it."
"You're like a real achiever, you're gonna go after your goals and you are gonna be successful."
"It is the moment we have been working towards for the past ten seasons."
"You have to have a certain assignment with a certain goal at the end."
"Every human being should only ever do and believe that which moves them towards their goal."
"I am constantly and passionately taking action towards achieving my goals."
"Follow up with value, keep the connection going by remembering their goals."
"They're fighting, they want a goal, they're not done, they're hungry."
"It’s about doing it as quickly as possible because every year counts."
"You can play your games, conduct your stunts, we're here to get [__] done."
"Focus on making the pieces that you want and asking yourself what tools do you need to get there."
"Everything you need to do to get to your goal is right here, right now."
"Everything I do is based on the goal that I have in my mind."
"It's not about being driven by facts, but by the goals we care about."
"They have life goals, they're going places, they have a vision, they want to go out there and do something big."
"Successful people are motivated by purpose and all their activities are geared toward achieving that goal."
"We're in a title race right now, and this is what we have to be focused on."
"Once I find a winner, it's game on, I'm gonna go crazy."
"You're very committed to your goals and your dreams."
"Ask yourself, does it move me towards my goals or not?"
"I'm hungry for that 600K man, so if you guys can help me out and smash the subscribe button down below if you haven't already."
"Every day you need priority tasks that move the needle toward your projects, goals, and vision."
"Jack Sparrow is the physical manifestation of motive, he's always pursuing something, he's always active, he always has a specific goal."
"Keep your eyes on the prize, focus on what you do want."
"Goals are a great shield against distractions."
"You are cutting through anything that's in the way... you are focused on what you want."
"Your dreams are grounded in reality. You have a plan and you're sticking to it."
"Take control, make things happen, really go for the goal."
"This is a one-lane road, there's only one path to the summit."
"Form a plan around your goals and stick to it."
"One game at a time, focus to win every game."
"The Vex are driven by a singular goal: to impose their pattern upon all reality."
"You're ready to go, you know what you want, you know how to do it."
"Opportunity speaks in the language of purpose, vision, and goals."
"It's extremely rewarding to go into a match and know that you have a goal for something that you need to achieve."
"You don't ask yourself if you can do it you ask yourself how fast you can get it done."
"Our only goal is to beat this death game and make it out alive."
"Be sure to sense even the slightest change in your environment and respond as necessary, whilst always remembering your ultimate goal."
"Resolve yourself to do things every day that moves you towards your goal."
"The strategic combination is the most difficult. It's called a strategic combination. I might sacrifice for a specific type of goal. It might be to make my opponent's king vulnerable, it might be to create a fortress."
"Just bite the gum shield and keep going, and then at the end of the day, I'll catch my man."
"Monk mode implies that it's temporary... just a step towards a larger goal."
"Self-made in a sense that like you're working towards your goals."
"The ascension at its core, in my opinion, is always the best when there's a specific goal in mind."
"Success is about the journey, not just the destination."
"I want someone that has goals in their life, they have a future that they see and they're very passionate on working every single day to reach those goals and to get the life that they hope to have one day. I find that very attractive."
"I'm always on, bro, like if I'm gonna do something, I'm not gonna half-step. I'm trying to figure it out, I wanna do it right and I wanna do that [ __ ] good."
"Do something every day that moves you closer towards your goals."
"The result matters, not the time spent achieving it," Annie encouraged.
"Every single individual within this team has worked towards the ultimate goal."
"Don't concern yourself with the means, always go to the end."
"By hook or by crook, do what you need to do to get what you want."
"You gotta know what you want, why you want it, and you're gonna be taking action to make that happen."
"Nothing more, all we're concerned with is your results."
"Productivity is not the end goal; it's a tool to get to your end goal."
"You're a planner, you're planning for the future, you're planning ahead, you are focused on your goals."
"Let's go ahead and drag Man United to the Champions League title."
"It's all about knowing what they want and going for it, despite opposition."
"The only thing that matters is the objectives. Kill anything that stops me from getting to an objective."
"I just want to solve problems and make people come together."
"You're either working on creating something big in your career. A lot of Aquariuses have really big goals and they spend almost all of their time on this one specific goal."
"You're feeling passionate and driven, ready to take action towards your goals."
"I'm here to prove, to all those who turned me down for an apprenticeship, not only am I a great artist, I'm the next Ink Master."
"Keep your eye on the prize and remain persistent."
"You're ready to go after the things that you want."
"Just gotta win the [bleep] thing if you're gonna win."
"You're a go-getter, an achiever, and you know as you can see the prize in the distance, you propel yourself forward towards that."
"Apple just had one goal that they're going for."
"Work hard, work smart, and work in the right direction."
"When an INTJ locks onto an idea that they consider valuable and they believe will help others in the future, they become laser-focused and imovable in trying to accomplish their goals."
"My time gonna come but I'm patient at waiting while I'm doing what I need to do to get there right."
"The plan only works if you're working and it's real simple but it's hard because you have to decide."
"You have a plan and you're sticking to it. Action and consistency bring real change."
"Keeping the goal in mind is important... evaluating our progress relative to that end goal."
"The whole sphere of this everything around it is to make something good happen, right?"
"Do not lose sight of your goal, keep moving forward."
"Resuscitate aspirations and goals, breathe life into them."
"One of the big things is that there are no shortcuts and if you wanna if you want to be successful at this you're gonna have to be the one to set your goals."
"The people who are the wealthiest tend to be really heavily focused on one or two business objectives. They have a goal, they have an idea, they want to pursue it, and the money is a side product."
"Get really good at the thing that you care about... that feeds into your confidence."
"Different ranges of volume depending on different goals."
"His classmates remembered Dunch for his determination, stating he had his goal in sight."
"Maintain the goal and maintain the mindset that I can do this."
"Begin with the end in mind...start with your goals."
"Let's secure the bag, that's exactly what I intended to do today."
"From Hot Dog Hills, our favorite town, till we get to the finish line."
"They're very focused on their goals, like nothing can kind of take them away from that."
"If the plan doesn't work, change the plan but not the goal."
"Never do anything that diminishes you, never do anything that moves you away from your goal, whatever it is, until you need that like you need oxygen."
"That guy straight up looks like he's coming for... that stuff."
"Someone's taking a shot, aiming for what they desire."
"Focus your direction, and whatever you start will have lasting victory."
"Taking a leap of faith towards something you have your eye on."
"Say the thing that moves you closer to your goal, not the problem."
"Goodbye. My primary goal is to focus on the invasion, but I will accommodate your request."
"Success is the result of sustained discipline, focus, perseverance, and a relentless pursuit of emotionally compelling outcomes."
"Take empowered steps and action in the direction of what you desire."
"Keep your eye on the prize, we're moving forward toward that finish line."
"Pick one thing and do it with force and determination."
"Increase your efforts if you want to achieve your goal."
"Every decision within it [your primary pursuit] by asking: will it make the boat go faster?"
"Simplify action. Objective, action. Forward progress."
"There's an award, don't lose focus, serve the purposes of God."
"What do you really want? If you want this, head for it now, but don't get emotions involved in it."
"These chase cards are the end goal for most people when opening packs."
"This person, when they want something, they go after it."
"Do not ever let someone break your peace. You have a goal, you have a dream, you have all of these gifts that you're out here to give the universe."
"He always looks forward and is efficient with taking objectives."
"I always need to have a goal or else I feel like I'm wasting that effort that energy."
"Everything that you physically do with your time should contribute towards that long-term goal."
"I work fueled by passion for my desire to make these hours that I work endlessly worth something, to put them towards a bigger idea, to reach my goals."
"Every day do something that moves you toward that goal, that keeps that goal alive and in focus."
"I'd rather not drag a family through much... we're trying to accomplish."
"I'm not stopping until I get that points lead back." - Ryan Anderson
"It's all about the destination, not the journey."
"They're very passionate about the things that they do; once they figure out what they want, they just kind of go for it."
"You have to figure out what you're trying to achieve and then you need to put in the work."
"Do not be afraid to totally immerse yourself in a project, interest, or a goal this week."
"Take action towards your desired goals to manifest them."
"Keep on that track, stay on that path. Spirit is saying do not become indecisive, continue to work towards your goals."
"People see that you're working towards your goals... they believe in you."
"Interaction designers play around with visual importance to direct action towards a goal."
"He only sees goals, you know he's got tunnel vision and that's what you want."
"If those are truly your desires, you won't wait; you'll find a way to do it right now."
"Dick explained to Simon that spending weekends with a goal in mind is super important."
"Powerful energy, Sagittarius, you have your eye on the prize."
"I feel like you're really focused on your goals."
"You're a visionary and someone who has the courage to go after your goals and dreams."
"When there's an actual specific goal in mind, people are more likely to be supportive of that cause."
"Having that goal in mind will help you so much in avoiding buying parts that are wrong."
"The rich and successful are outcome focused. Everything they do, they do it with an end in mind."
"Life is a journey; all those moments are bringing you towards where you want to go."
"Take dead aim with your life and make sure that your life accounts for all of eternity."
"Old reliables right here is the quest step but it simply requires sidearm and auto rifle kills for the point system."
"Focus on your goal and do whatever it takes to achieve your goal."
"Get seven here, get seven here, get seven here."
"Everyday I've got to give a hundred percent towards this goal."
"I'm a planner, and I like to make plans. I like to set goals."
"I'm here to win. That's the goal and that's why I'm here."
"The idea being that you can use the raw elemental power to fuel your workings towards a particular outcome."
"Once they have a plan in mind and they're on track to do something, they usually will stick it out until they've completed the task."
"You're still focused on your goals, you're reaching your goals."
"There's something about your optimism and moving forward and you got your eye on the prize."
"We're here to accomplish the one goal which is to win."
"You got to try to continue to keep your foot on the pedal until things start to click and work out."
"It's designed to fast-track you into getting a job."
"When you're going for the jackpot like our company is, you gotta keep your eye on the main goal without letting minor things block your path."
"Your future spouse loves that you are very goal-oriented, you know what you want in your life."
"They kept it simple, they were goal-oriented, they wanted to make money, and they knew that not everybody had a lot of money to spare."
"At the end of the day, our goal and our mission is to win championships. That's it. I don't care how you get there."
"Knowing how motivated and persistent Jonathan is in order to achieve his goals."
"I'm very goal orientated, I'm very plotting, planning preparation, I'm very organized."
"When they have a goal, they're very focused and precise. They're good at helping others find their direction."
"Contessa is very goal oriented and she strikes me as one of those people that always has to be doing something and I love the fact that she finds a way to do it."
"Akane ends the series with one goal in mind: to advance society past the civil system."
"At the end of the day, it's a very um purpose-driven vehicle."
"Rationality is always relative to a goal."
"A determined person that knows exactly what they want."
"The goal is what matters, the direction doesn't really matter."
"David was the type of person that was extremely goal oriented."
"Your vibe is intimidating because you're patient and consistent in achieving your goals. You consistently get to the bag."
"We're not petty criminals, we're working together to achieve a larger goal," Compress said smiling at Isuku.
"You want to make sure whatever products you're using are targeted towards your specific skin concerns so take a good look in the mirror focus on what your number one skin care goal is and make sure that the products that you are using are actually targeted to meet that goal."
"Embrace the journey. Don't just have your mind fixed always on the end goal."
"I just want three points but we'll talk about it anyway."
"You are the type of person that is going to do what's necessary to achieve the goal."
"...he's an intelligent soul. This man is extremely intelligent. He knows how to get to his goals."
"You did what was required to accomplish your goal."
"They're focused on their path, they're focused on like getting the bag."
"Your next major breakthrough is that if you resonate with being a goal-oriented person, that target, that bull's eye, that thing that you want, it's a go. You're going to get it."
"Focus on the prize and not on the honey."
"Reinforcement learning is where there is no data. There's an environment and an ML model generates data and makes many attempts to reach a goal."
"Everything we're doing is with that goal in mind."
"People will think that you're a pest. Here's a deal. You should be worried about helping them get to their goals rather than whether or not they'll think you're a pest."
"Their eye is on the prize. They want to accomplish something huge."
"Get them the result. That's the goal."
"He's willing to sacrifice pretty much anything and anyone in order to achieve his goals."
"She's very persistent, goal-oriented, and she's just relentless as far as her drive, so her success does not surprise me."