
Photography Techniques Quotes

There are 100 quotes

"Lines and shapes can create effortless movement around the image."
"By mixing the reflection with what's actually there in reality, you can create really unique, really powerful photos quite easily."
"All the techniques will be the same. I'm not going to cover every single little feature in here because the camera has things like little special effects that it will do, things that I don't find to be core to learning photography."
"Back button focus... I couldn't live without."
"Using a small F number for a small depth of field is a really powerful way of directing the viewer's eye."
"Pro capture starts taking pictures before you push the shutter."
"What makes an emotionally compelling image? Well, we do that through combining three techniques: presenting story information in a shot, movement, and visual beauty."
"Lighting is not just about creating a proper exposure; it's about creating depth and the illusion of three dimensions in a two-dimensional medium."
"Back button focus can really change how you shoot and make you a quicker and more effective photographer."
"The general guideline with exposure is that if you're not sure, you want to expose your image to be just a tiny bit darker."
"HDR stands for High Dynamic Range. And it's a camera technique that allows you to take photos where both the highlights or the bright parts of the image and the shadows or the dark parts of the image are well exposed."
"The easiest way to learn your camera's focusing systems is to think of it in terms of how, when, and where the camera is focusing."
"There's more to smartphone photography than just megapixels and selfies."
"Lens selection plays a key role in how you compose your photograph."
"Pre-visualization is something that I find key to finding great photographs within a scene."
"Overcast days are just God's big light bank, okay, and it's just beautiful soft light coming down."
"Shooting the Milky Way core, not just a wide angle landscape."
"Direct manual focus is a really cool way to go because it'll basically use autofocus but then once the focus locks you could then turn the focus ring and fine-tune the focus."
"High light weighted metering mode and flat picture profile: game-changers for handling high dynamic range scenes."
"Dark areas got hit with a lot of light so most of the grains become activated and developed, whereas light areas had few grains get hit so only a few show up here and there."
"Flash can fill in shadows, making your subject pop!"
"Take control of your focus points for crystal-clear shots."
"Create stunning bokeh with a shallow depth of field."
"Exposing to the right, the background is going to blink if you have your highlights enabled and that's okay as long as you don't get anything blinking on your subject."
"One of the biggest advantages of shooting in pro mode is the ability to capture a raw picture."
"Cropping is vital before anything else because if you're hoping to make changes to the exposure then the best tool that we have to judge that is the histogram."
"Tweaking settings for the perfectly exposed photo."
"A good lighting system is when you have a good balance of light and shadows."
"Unlocking and unleashing the power of luminosity masks - why you're gonna be really excited about it by the end of this tutorial."
"My recommendation is not to use live view to shoot still images. I'm a big proponent of holding the camera like this and shooting through the viewfinder just like this."
"I want the best quality possible, and that's why I personally shoot RAW."
"Single focus is great for objects that aren't moving and people that aren't moving."
"Continuous focus is for when you're shooting things that are always moving."
"Don't be afraid of ISO, don't be afraid to push it."
"Long exposure noise reduction can be very effective at reducing or even eliminating undesirable artifacts."
"Switch off stabilization to avoid compensating for shakes."
"By moving the light around what we're doing essentially is creating shape and form on the top of the bottle."
"Focus that color, pull all that lightness into this area here brightening this area right here and brightening this area here."
"The low angle is what adds so much connection to this photo."
"I'm a big fan of using out-of-focus areas in a frame to draw you in to the subject."
"Most of the time I'm always recomposing my shot so I can go back to the main camera."
"Going from GoPro color to flat color is a game changer."
"The lower you are the longer you want it so that's how I pick it but what's nice is the way it isolates remember we had trouble isolating with a wide-angle."
"Photography's inventive. You've got to fit different puzzle pieces together."
"Just a high shutter speed and stabilizer, and a little bit of praying." - Bill Ingalls
"Figure out your story first. Short lighting makes things three-dimensional, slimmer. Broad lighting makes things feel thicker. Rim lights are good for separating things from the background."
"The best images almost always happen around sunrise and sunset."
"Auto white balance pretty much gets the job done."
"Bracketing takes pictures at a variety of different exposures."
"The really cool thing about this tent though is that it acted like a giant soft box, which diffused such a gargantuan amount of light."
"Long exposures also add a creative element to your timeline given them a dreamy effect or making them feel more fluid."
"Most people can handhold even slower shutter speeds than the camera suggests."
"Time warp when you're going somewhere and going like moving through a space and time lapse when you're staying static."
"By underexposing this photo we were able to save it and bring out the detail which I'm sure the photographer saw when she was shooting this photo."
"This is just about focus stacking, so at this point, I first need to line these up."
"Modern autofocus systems are definitely more accurate in all conditions than manual focusing." - Chelsea
"The landscapes are all evenly lit, which you could achieve in a studio if you had a large diffused light overhead, but that would then create soft light and shadows when in fact we see hard edge single shadows."
"Camera angles play an enormous role in the intent of a photograph when combined with composition and your intent as a photographer."
"A well-balanced photo has a foreground, mid-ground, and background."
"One of the most common ways that people use the curves is to create an S-curve to either add or remove contrast."
"HDR mode is a fun novelty item... but I use HDR mode more often than not."
"Panorama photos can be taken with all three lenses: ultra wide, wide, and telephoto."
"So sometimes if things are feeling a little bit like, I'm a bit bored or I'm tired of portraits, going out and shooting star trails or steel wool photography and just mixing it up and stepping into a zone that you are completely unfamiliar with."
"Understanding the relationship between light versus shadow, how to read a scene that's unfolding in front of you, and also how to read your histogram is crucial."
"Street shooting at night lends itself perfectly to using layers as a means to add volume and depth to your images."
"But bouncing light in weird ways, especially just taking it and moving it around the set and looking at the camera and seeing what happens, is definitely a great idea."
"Photographers do this all the time when they take a photo of an image, like a photograph, is basically run the unsharp mask because it takes some of that blurriness out of the original photograph and gives it a little bit more structure."
"Be creative, be different, that's why I do the motion panning, the multi-exposure, all that kind of stuff."
"Every photographer has their own different style and technique, but this is just mine."
"We're gonna create foreground elements by hanging Christmas lights in front of my camera."
"Sunbursts are super useful to make a picture really interesting and also fresh."
"Panoramas are so cool because you can capture so much of the scene in a single photograph."
"I really enjoy working with hard light a lot of the time as it creates shadows on the scene."
"The greater the contrast between the light and dark portions, the more dramatic your photo will look."
"You can create images with nice blurry motion in them with static subjects as well."
"That's the joy of doing this, and that's why you want to shoot RAW because you can put everything together and then you can still manipulate it any way you want."
"We're going to need to do exposure bracketing in camera, and we're going to have a look at setting that up."
"As a creative person, you need to make the decision as far as how bright or how dark your image should be because that's part of your style."
"The settings aren't what makes the picture, what makes the picture is your lighting and making your subject feel something, trying to get something into their eyes and something into their faces."
"This is great for taking over-under shots, where you're halfway underwater and halfway above the surface."
"Now the shot should be properly balanced when it comes to colors."
"It allows you to blur out the background, eliminate all the distractions, and create a single focus on your subject."
"Mix and match and use what you can because often just one or two techniques are more than enough to give your images more of that 3D pop we're all after."
"This is just one of the fun things about Fujifilm cameras: how much we can play around with what the different looks are like in the camera using these film simulations and custom recipes."
"I think it's amazing that we can take such an old camera and essentially improve its dynamic range by four stops just by taking exposure brackets."
"It's all about the angle. Try to give as many perspectives as possible."
"A hyperlapse is where you take a photo, move a step, take a photo, move a step, and so on."
"For landscape photographers, it can be very important to make sure that we have the entire image in focus, front to back."
"That's how you work problems, that's how you do this in photography."
"The techniques I'm about to share with you in this video are so powerful, that if you use them you can literally improve any photo that you've ever taken with your iPhone or with any other camera."
"When you start getting to really slow shutter speeds, your percentage of keepers go way down, but you have a chance to create something really different and spectacular."
"The idea of fill-in flash is not for the flash to be the main light source; your natural light is the main light source."
"Those are the foundational things that I always set up and it works really good for my style of landscape photography."