
Social Systems Quotes

There are 55 quotes

"Clearly when it's important to see the world correctly, we manage to work around the limits of our visual system. Clearly we need to find some way of legislating and developing social and political mechanisms that enshrines our better judgment and our real moral wisdom, and leaves us no longer vulnerable to our moment to moment failures of moral intuition."
"If you can't, if you don't have the language to describe systems of power, you can't confront them."
"White supremacy is a social system in which white people are given de facto and sometimes de jure elevated status in a white majority nation."
"Heteronormativity is a social system in which heterosexuality is granted status as the normal sexuality."
"Racism is a complex system of social and political levers and pulleys set up generations ago."
"Religion is just a system to help poor people find a sense of belonging."
"We cannot allow ourselves to celebrate the best case scenarios of a system that is fundamentally against us."
"Whiteness is not skin color, whiteness is a system of oppression."
"What is patriarchy? Patriarchy is a social system in which men are granted greater privileges than people of other genders."
"While there is no such thing as a perfect system, and Norway is no exception, there are ones that are clearly better than others."
"All these problems can be traced to the dynamics of one social system: capitalism."
"I just look at it more like, it's a system that's messed up."
"They've kinda created a whole system to support that kind of love in action."
"All in all they are pretty balanced with each other order is really for a science game freedom for culture and autocracy for domination"
"We live in a system of the guy with the biggest stick wins."
"Those systems don't matter if the men or women don't respect the institutions."
"When I talk about the Matrix I'm talking about the systems which have been created by society which are deliberately designed to enslave."
"People would love to spend as long as they possibly can receiving a pension, but somewhere in the economic system someone has to provide the resources to make that possible."
"You can try collectivism, you can go on and try your communism, socialism, have your little enclaves, have your little communes, give it a go, have an experiment with that and just try it out and see if it works."
"I've been very privileged. I've been the beneficiary of a system that valued people who look like me."
"Our current 'justice' systems keep the powerful unaccountable and the powerless perpetually punished."
"We needed a system that would support all ranges of tribes and bloodlines."
"Society does look out for its individual members."
"Monarchy is an anti-eugenic system."
"The power of disruption, the power of thinking outside the box, the power of renegotiating social systems and relationships is one of that."
"If we're going to be in a system that serves everybody, it's the only way that we get the policies that we deserve."
"The X-Men's journey from cancelled sea listers to one of the bestselling American comic book series of the 20th century was due in part to stories about identity, exclusion, and social material systems that limit or define our experiences."
"Why would we not encourage ourselves to build a system that allows people to do that here?"
"These systems are not designed for people, they're designed for capital."
"...a new social system to manage this different landscape."
"All the attempts in history of creating an absolute balanced world where everybody has exactly what everybody else has, it never worked."
"People could pursue pleasure in other ways but they pursue it in the ways that are permitted and encouraged by the system."
"The system which harms men has and will always be patriarchy."
"We need to study social-ecological systems together, it's absolutely essential."
"I think we can come to a better understanding of our social and economic systems."
"...it's not one or the other... it's self-determinism thing like being able to survive outside of a system."
"All of us are in an interpersonal system and interpersonal circle."
"I look at Scandinavia and I say, 'Oh, they've got things going there; their system works pretty well.'"
"Are you part of the system of violence and degradation or are you part of the system of nonviolence and regeneration?"
"I do believe in higher taxes for us, taking a percentage of our wealth and putting it into systems that can distribute it to people."
"Taking a cognitive approach to social systems is the first key idea of your paper."
"Ultimately what we're talking about is a system and a pattern and a standard where we permit significantly greater levels of political power to some individuals or institutions through non-meritous means."
"Construct the sort of system that you would like to live in not knowing who you're going to be in that system."
"The sophistication of intelligence that you need in order to have culture and religion and these very complex social systems."
"Imagine trying to make sense of our own social system if everybody was just an anonymous silhouette."
"Baboons have some of the most complex social systems out of any mammal living out in the wild."