
Checks And Balances Quotes

There are 139 quotes

"The framers of the Constitution would never have allowed an out-of-control president without a check or balance."
"I believe in the checks and balances of American government."
"The smarter the people you have, the more qualified the people you have, the stronger checks and balances you need."
"This whole system of three branches of government and checks and balances exists for a purpose. These branches aren't supposed to be working together; they are supposed to be butting heads."
"The Constitution was designed to put limits and checks on all forms of government power."
"The Supreme Court checks the other branches of government through the power of judicial review."
"We have a system of checks and balances... held the line against Donald Trump's attacks on American democracy."
"Checks and balances prevent the decay into Anarchy." - Alexander Hamilton
"I think lawsuits are a form of checks and balances that are important in this country."
"They all act in unison, at the very least can we all acknowledge that there's a different dynamic of checks and balances when there's at least one lone conservative voice?"
"Separation of powers involves how they each limit or influence the other branches."
"We cannot permit him or anybody in the administration to dictate the manner in which we function... We will make sure that no president becomes a monarch."
"Gridlock was part of the system; it was designed for gridlock."
"States rights were a crucial component of the checks and balances of power."
"A dictatorship can never be a good solution. No matter how good the intention, how thoroughly prepared, there will be an absence of a check and balance."
"What we are watching here is the proper exercise of those checks and balances."
"If you take away the checks and balances by saying that one branch doesn't have to respect the other branch, then we won't have checks and balances anymore."
"Otherwise, the president would just have his own police force, right?"
"The threat to our democracy is a serious one. If they control all three branches of federal government, there wouldn't be meaningful checks and balances."
"We can't have a country that has no checks and balances."
"Term limits is a check on arrogance, incumbency, and power."
"There have to be some limitations to this sort of power."
"In framing a government which is to be administered by men over men, the great difficulty lies in this: you must first enable the government to control the governed and the next place oblige it to control itself."
"That's how you have discourse, not by having the FBI and the DOJ do your dirty work under the cover of darkness and under no oversight whatsoever from the checks and balances that have been put into our government to oversee these organizations."
"We have agencies that are unelected that have no checks and balances in place."
"I think it's pretty obvious to most people that a president cannot have absolute immunity and can do anything they want."
"If the country is going mad, if the rulers are running mad, it is always there for the Judiciary to Checkmate them."
"The executive branch here and the judicial branch really encroached on the legislative branch and if we see a pattern like that in a number of other states which I think we do... I think the Supreme Court wouldn't take kindly to that."
"The presidency is actually the weakest of the branches because he can be overridden by Congress."
"Friends and power must have checks and balances."
"That's why we need a system of checks and balances."
"Government abuses of power do not solely rest with the executive branch."
"We are an independent body and it is our duty to be a check on that branch and I’m not going to give that up."
"Political gridlock is a good thing... We wanted this to be power contradicting power." - Cut 117
"We need a free press to scrutinize, we need elections, we need the checks and balances."
"The best way to prevent abuse of power is to reduce power with checks and balances."
"There needs to be some checks and balances in there."
"Thank goodness for the co-equal branches of them absolutely."
"Any kind of power in the hands of authorities will be abused if there aren't checks and balances."
"You have to protect the institutions of government so that powers aren't centralized, so you don't get to a dictatorship."
"This is a proposal that gets rid of the normal checks and balances... legislators we all know have their own self-interest."
"What differentiates a Bill of Rights that means something from one that doesn't is a mechanism by which you can separate out power, allow power to check power, and thus protect the people."
"Decentralization: Not one person in charge of anything, so it's everybody keeps everybody else in check."
"There is a separation of powers and Congress should have oversight ability over the executive branch... what Trump is doing is trying to stop that."
"The founders wanted a system with checks and balances."
"The separation of powers acts as a check on tyranny and the concentration of power."
"The system worked, the checks and balance worked."
"Judicial engagement seen as necessary to counter factional influence."
"Each branch of government has specific ways to keep the other two branches in check."
"Democracy is incredible, but there has to be limited. You cannot buy your way out of things. There has to be somebody doing checks and balances on the corporations."
"The US Supreme Court was designed to be a check against democracy from the very start."
"We are now at the end of the road where ideologically coherent political parties can short-circuit the checks and balances."
"If you have checks and balances, you have to make sure to check and balance. If you're the boss, your name is on the account, no matter what."
"The judiciary serves as an important check on the aggrandizement of power by the political branches."
"The way to stop a tyrant from becoming another king, another dictator, exactly, is the three branches of government."
"we need more checks and balances than ever we we need the Senate to have robust powers like filibusters we need the Electoral College we need something to stop just the Rampage of majority rule because it will lead to the breakup of the Union"
"You've got to set up a system in which power can be made to check power."
"Power can check power and both powers that check each other can remain intact."
"I want to be able to have a place of checks and balances."
"Nothing but a permanent body can check the imprudence of democracy."
"No part of the government has too much power."
"Separation of powers... is the way to prevent tyranny."
"The whole point of the checks and balances system in America is to prevent these issues where one person can have overwhelming power to implement whatever policies they decide."
"It's called the checks and balances, baby."
"For every power there is a check and a balance on that power."
"This Constitution was created with this particular structure to prevent any one branch from becoming tyrannical."
"Checks and balances is simply another way to describe the dispersion of power."
"That would really upend our notion of our checks and our balances."
"Everybody needs to be held in check: cops, lawyers, judges, doctors."
"Our Constitution was set up with checks and balances out of fear of the power of the state."
"...the framers Knew Too Well the dangers of a king who could do no wrong; they therefore devised a system to check abuses of power."
"It gave us the clear disdain for rule of law and for the system of checks and balances, especially that pervaded the Trump administration."
"The whole premise of checks and balances is the different forms of government: the judicial, the executive, and the legislative."
"These checks are not a tool for government to impose its will on the people."
"The framers set up a system not only of separation of powers... but they also very importantly set up a system of checks and balances."
"Democracy is often a system of checks and balances."
"If the Senate serves a purpose at all, it is to act as a check on the extraordinary power of the Prime Minister and his office."
"The American Revolution... led to a form of government that actually did the best job in all of the history of various forms of governments in trying to grant liberty to people and to make a government that had a system of checks and balances."
"The separation of powers is breaking up the powers of the government into three branches."
"If you have one bad ruler, they're only going to affect one of those things, and the other two can be just fine or fix it."
"Our government was established with checks and balances to prevent anyone person from taking over."
"Judicial branch... can overturn executive actions with judicial review."
"Impeachment is a limitation on power."
"Elections... that's one of the best ways that a president's power can be restrained."
"The independence of citizen jurors has always been understood to be an indispensable structural check on executive, legislative, and even judicial power."
"I think that's why we have checks and balances, we have a system that we've created with representation."
"You're the separation of powers that is supposed to block between government overreach and the public."
"Our government of separated powers isn't centralized in one person or one branch of government."
"...the emperor was now the only one left who could keep their powers in check, and if the emperor were to be weak, chaos could easily ensue."
"The voters are the ultimate check on the president's exercise of power."
"You've got to have a leader who somehow rises above the fray, you've got to create systems of constitutional checks and balances on different institutions."
"The system is based on these ideas of checks and balances and the separation of the powers of these three elements of government so power is not concentrated in the hands of one institution or one individual but is spread across the three."
"Good government employs checks and balances."
"The branches of government were set up specifically so that all the different branches could keep each other in check."
"...the definitive statement on how the system of checks and balances works..."
"While the industry waits for legislative clarity from Congress, we should always be able to count on checks and balances."
"Separation of powers is a strength as it stops any one person or branch from dominating."
"Our governmental system is so great because we have a system of checks and balances."
"Our democratic system is constrained within a republican framework that keeps power in check."