
Virtue Signaling Quotes

There are 62 quotes

"The problem with that virtue... is that you can start to use your hypothetical care for the poor and oppressed as a marker for your superior social status."
"The assumption of good faith is dead. What matters is not goodness but the appearance of goodness. We are no longer human beings; we are now angels jostling to out-angel one another. God help us, it is obscene."
"It is unconsciousness disguised as consciousness; it is virtue signaling disguised as concern for others; it is immorality disguised as morality."
"This interview is just like a big virtue signal to me."
"Virtue signaling is not an argument. Neither side has a monopoly on virtue and morality."
"You don't have to make these giant virtue signaling posts about how you'll miss everyone."
"These people hate their lives... it's just virtue signaling."
"Engaging in activism and expressing values is not inherently bad... that's not the point of virtue signaling as a pejorative."
"Virtue signaling may be good for election time money raising but it is very not good for solving problems."
"Forcing leftists to confront the inconsistencies between reality and their virtue signaling is nearly impossible."
"Everything is a virtue signal because they don't have god, they don't have religion, they don't have faith, so they need some other religious substitute."
"If progressives don't want to date a conservative and vice versa that's perfectly fine everyone has deal breakers but as a political protest this form of virtue signaling is counterproductive in the long run."
"They're trying to make these characters a lot more virtuous than they actually are."
"Don't virtue signal me and in the same line or sentence tell me that you care about me or that you're a huge fan."
"Politicians can feel like good and virtuous people by giving a second chance to felons."
"Ignorance has become a virtue in this country."
"We need to start always looking out the window and thinking about people out in the real world rather than virtue signaling to each other."
"The people who live in these cities who march around and just don't care at all, they're virtue signaling every day."
"Virtue signaling is often done in a very meaningless way."
"Not to virtue signal... because it's the truth."
"Victim signaling is often really virtue signaling."
"Virtue signaling is universal; we all do it."
"All of your previous virtue signaling counts for nothing. You can never be forgiven."
"Even a flag literally saying that you're a good person."
"If they’re loudly telling you how virtuous they are, take a look around… and see if you can spot where they’ve buried the vice."
"Most of the virtue signaling we see is just laziness. People want to be good but don't want to do good work."
"The time is over where you can just virtue signal and not participate."
"This was pure virtue signaling and this is exactly what the House of Representatives should do."
"Dark personalities are more likely to signal a virtue signal because research suggests a link between dark triad traits and virtue signaling."
"A lot of people just do shit nowadays to try to look like a good person."
"The problem with corporate America getting in on the act is they have no incentives to actually solve the underlying problem they have every incentive to signal their virtue along the way."
"Virtue signaling stops when the price comes home."
"I do think there's a kind of social media exacerbates and amplifies The Virtue signaling Behavior..."
"Instead of being The Girl Who Cried Integrity, I don't like this, I don't like this, like, these are the woke [ __ ] virtue signalers. We're like, sit down Becca, just sit down, that we just can't stand anymore."
"'My critique is that virtue signaling is a very limited tool. It encourages bipartisanship so the harder one side virtue signals in favor of something, the harder the other side will virtue signal against it.'"
"'All this makes me wonder with all the criticism around virtue signaling and no one claims it as their own thing that they love doing why does so many people still do it?'"
"It's fundamentally unhealthy spiritually to have a diet of anger and pride and virtue signaling, looking down on other people."
"...all the corporations are very woke and they're just so terrified of social media, so terrified of normal media and being canceled, but they have to just do this constant virtue signal to sort of progressive politics."
"A life lesson for all of us: if people are out there saying how virtuous and empathetic and giving and just you know you're doing things for the benevolent good those people are usually the opposite."
"You could put this at an award ceremony and everyone could stand up and clap at just how virtuous we have made the world."
"Saying the right things and virtue signaling is not a replacement for good policy and measures that actually help the people."
"If something can be 'woke' and good, then being 'woke' wouldn't necessarily matter."
"...virtue signaling is literally making yourself feel not guilty of something that you do yourself."
"Disney like can I just say I Disney has done it to themselves. They are the ones who try and point out and single these people out to get, draw attention to them, and then virtue signal."
"People always want virtue signaling without the virtue."
"It's a religion. What you do to show you're a good person is to show that you're not a racist. That's the goodest thing that you can show yourself to be."
"It's not really equality, it's not really anything, it's just this, this virtual sign, this virtue signaling stuff that just makes no real actual sense."
"The only reason they're attacking you is to simp. They're attacking you to show their virtue signal to women they're not attracted to."
"In the meantime, we're going to have to know the difference between virtue and virtue signaling. Amen."
"Virtue signaling is a natural part of The Human Experience."
"the level of hypocrisy and virtue signaling here was off the charts."
"So when I see people casting aspersions on the new school game and hearkening back to the bygone era, in a lot of ways, I see a form of virtue signaling."
"I think it might be about saving face and looking good. That's like literally what virtue signaling is."
"People that virtue signal aren't good people; that's why we have to virtue signal."