
Stupidity Quotes

There are 166 quotes

"I have never in my entire life experienced the level of concentrated stupidity that I experienced in the story that I'm about to tell you."
"You can be stupid in three different ways: Your model of the world is wrong, your objective is not aligned with what you actually want to achieve, or you're unable to figure out a course of action to optimize your objective given your model."
"Sometimes there is a thin line between bravery and stupidity, and I don't know where you land."
"The Darwin Awards are given out to people who do really stupid things and remove themselves from the gene pool."
"Never attribute to malevolence that which you can attribute to human stupidity."
"Don't argue with stupid people; they'll bring you down to their level and beat you to death with stupidity."
"Intelligent people oftentimes have a very low level of patience for stupidity."
"I don't think that makes you stupid. If it does, I think stupidity is a good quality."
"Ignorance can be educated, crazy can be medicated, but there's just no cure for stupid."
"Stupidity knows no creed. It goes with any group."
"Time to wake up...seriously...you can't fix stupid."
"You can't fix stupid...that's why it's time for us to align with like-minded people."
"I'm so glad your stupidity surpassed my every expectation."
"That is a stupid asinine idea that is dehumanizing that is absolutely stupid."
"But the truth is, they can be just as stupid as the rest of us. In fact, they can be way more stupid."
"Some things are politically incorrect because they're true and some things are just [__] stupid."
"You should object at the earliest possible point because if you object to radical stupidity when it first emerges, you kind of make people aware of the fact that what they're doing is radically stupid."
"Just because something's stupid doesn't mean it's not awesome."
"The definition of stupidity is when somebody can hand you the facts and you still choose to believe what it is you want to believe."
"But what I want to highlight is its sheer stupidity."
"I mean, he is astoundingly stupid, unimaginably stupid."
"But at the end of the day, we will fight the stupidity every way we can."
"I think that stupid is expanding and I think that the capacity for stupid is increasing."
"You can't fix stupidness but you can vote it out."
"We are facing a dangerous level of stupid in this country."
"Do not let no one bring you down to their level of stupidity."
"Sadly though, no amount of gold can fix stupid."
"This whole ordeal is just stupidity, bad decisions, half-assed efforts."
"Sometimes people are stupid. I'm so stupid. And when they use that superpower, they get banned. There is no consequence."
"I realized it was stupid that I shouldn't hate somebody just because of the color of their skin."
"The line between stupidity and genius is as thin as paper."
"Some of these dudes are just morons, just stupid as a soggy Cheeto, dumb as a broken Oreo."
"If you ever feel stupid, remember this guy opened a kunai throwing booth"
"Common sense hardly ever wins against stupidity."
"If you put all your money in you lost all your money, congratulations you win stupid of the year."
"'Your mother is so stupid that she goes to Barney's rooftop Deck restaurant for lunch and orders a niçois salad and calls it a Nik salad.'"
"But even worse than the unimpressive challenges, there are some 24-hour challenges that are just so stupid."
"He knew he was stupid, and you know, some people don't know that."
"...if I see more like this, I'm gonna call it out because this is absolute stupidity."
"Wow, what an idiot. It's not like he accidentally dropped them in the outlet; he literally decided to put them in the outlet."
"'It's the level of stupidity that we hardly ever see on the internet.'"
"Life is hard, but when you're stupid, it's a lot harder."
"Life is harder when you're stupid, and that's a fact."
"Stupidity is doing the same thing over and over and waiting for a different outcome."
"I think anyone that can't for them themselves decipher the absolute stupidity of that statement uh should wallow in their self misery."
"Attribute nothing to malice that you cannot attribute to stupidity."
"God has placed obvious limitations on our intelligence but none whatsoever on our stupidity."
"They're stupid, Aaron, now look at this."
"That's what they are, okay? So stupid."
"What do you do now? Yeah, for real. I can imagine that. What do we do now? What an idiot."
"That's the hardest burn you have ever heard, it's a stupid burn you didn't burn me."
"Stupid yes, but that's the rules."
"That is so stupid. That is so stupid!"
"It's a fine line between stupid and clever."
"How can a man be so stupid as to choose to go to hell when God has made all the provisions to keep them from it?"
"This is definitely up there, the most stupidest stuff we've done."
"Stupidity is more so the problem these days than ignorance."
"He's so stupid. Just remember, just write it down Wolverine it's not hard, it's called a notebook."
"Stupidity has a habit of getting its way."
"I know it looks stupid, the only thing I got is that he went before me."
"If you don't like being corrected, if you hate being corrected, you are stupid."
"Wow, that is stupid. That is covero concussion, one punch."
"That's the nuanced category that encompasses about 70 percent of stupid."
"For $30 million, you gotta do it right. What a dumbass. If you're going to commit a crime, don't be stupid."
"You know, if you ever feel bad about doing something a stupid way in your day-to-day life, you're like man I did that unofficially, at least you weren't dumb enough to stand in a field."
"This is genuinely one of the stupidest things I've read in a very long time."
"I'm never surprised at just how stupid people can be."
"Life's too short for this level of stupidity."
"...a gross ignorance and willful stupidity is more prevalent than any of us would like to believe."
"Obviously, artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity."
"Well, I guess that's what stupidity and a heavy right foot will get you."
"That was the stupidest thing she'd ever done."
"When you're dead, you don't know you're dead. All of the pain is felt by others. The same thing happens when you're stupid."
"I cannot fix stupidity, okay? Stupidity is rampant right now, it's been engineered by social media."
"She needs a healthy dose of respect injected straight into that brain of hers to help correct the stupidity of her existence."
"That's not so much memory that's just stupidity."
"Ignorance crosses over into stupidity when you say things that you're knowingly ignorant on and you have such a lousy and aggressive opinions about such things despite you admittedly not knowing."
"When I think of Car Mlo, I think of someone who is very loyal and very, very stupid."
"If you think you will win because you tried hard, you are stupid."
"Some criminals really are that stupid."
"It's not artificial intelligence, it's open stupidity."
"People are very stupid. Violence will not help in this situation."
"I've never been more Blown Away by someone's stupidity in my life."
"...if you're going to commit a crime like this where there will be Witnesses perhaps just I don't know be more average it just yeah seems like a stupid idea."
"Fear and stupidity is no way to go through life."
"The only difference between confidence and stupidity is whether or not you succeed."
"You can't fix stupid, but with God, you can fix anything."
"You got a citation for being too stupid to drive."
"it's just jealous no it's but it's not even jealousy it's just pure stupidity"
"They ought to give doctorates for stupidity. They ought to give doctrines for idiocy. They ought to give doctrines for the most gross ignorance."
"We like to rely on our own stupidity because when we rely upon our own stupidity we feel that we are somebody. We know better, we are important."
"It's just so brutally stupid, isn't it?"
"Don't be intimidated by this stupidity. It is stupidity but it's dangerous stupidity."
"When our confidence is so solidified without the facts, that's stupidity."
"It's no longer faith, it's stupidity."
"Stupidity is not a handicap. Park elsewhere."
"I never attribute to malevolence what I can attribute to stupidity."
"That's the stupidity of that oversimplification of everything."
"They're too stupid to call from the same phone number."
"I like the idea of calling somebody out for doing something stupid in a public place."
"Stupid people create stupid problems."
"...transphobia is and always has been so so stupid."
"Obviously, there's a lot of dumb people, and dumb people are going to do very, very stupid things."
"This is what heaven would look like if God were stupid."
"I told him I didn't want to know what it was gonna happen. It had to look like an accident. I just didn't realize he could be so stupid."
"I think the stupidest conspiracy theory is that the moon landing was faked."
"FBI spokesman Ross Rice told the Chicago Tribune that the agency sees a lot of strange bank robberies but that 'it's fairly unusual that we see something that specifically stupid.'"
"Does it get any more stupid than that? I really don't think so."
"There is stupidity, and then there is a valid opinion, folks."
"Comedy is subjective, stupidity isn't."
"Comedy has been hijacked because stupid people got a microphone."
"He's an official Grade A USDA ground dummy, like, Grade A ground dummy."
"Sometimes courage is knowing there could be trouble in taking the chance anyway, so stupidity"
"What you usually really think is I feel strongly inclined to do this but it's a really stupid idea and that's what you end up doing."
"The answer was, he doesn't, and neither do you. So there you go. No, see, this is the problem with Ethan. I... you can't... He can't be this stupid."
"It's stupid, man. It is, and there are clear reasons why it just gets more stupid the more this happens."
"Politicians should never talk about sports. They always say something stupid."
"Punctuality is a compliment you pay to the intelligent, and the rebuke you administer to the stupid."
"I attribute both of those to stupidity, not to really being sickness."
"Utter stupidity is how I would describe how he got caught."
"Sometimes stupid turns into genius, you know?"
"It's so easy to have success, invent stupidity that has never been said before. Truth is one and errors are millions."
"The world is a morally stupid place."
"It's sad to me but then they kind of deserve it because they keep deliberately doubling down on stupidity."
"Does that mean they are stupid? Yes. Does that mean everybody hates them? No."
"There's a fine line between confidence and stupidity, isn't there?"
"My stupidity makes contestants so happy."
"I feel stupid, I feel like the show I'm doing is [__] and I think that suits being a kid."
"You're allowed to be stupid at 17."
"It's impressively stupid which is a type of impressive."
"Never argue with stupid people because they will suck you down to their level and then beat the [ __ ]."
"If they're stupid enough to charge at a robot that's sat by the pit, that can only drive on one mode."
"Rules are meant to be broken, that's not me. But when there's rules that I'm like, that's... well, this is stupid, I'm not doing it. Then I just don't do it."
"...being stupid as a political act."
"And then they do stupid [__] to prove it's not the case."
"Stupidity and corruption can be defeated even with a simple skill."
"Perfectionism is overrated. It's kind of stupid, really."
"Only the stupidest woman would cheat on a man in her own home with a ring camera on the front door."
"Regard to malice that which can easily be explained by stupidity."
"It's just a stupid clock. Why are you tripping anyway?"
"He's very stupid, dumb boy but so sweet."
"Being sarcastic means that your body's trying to naturally defend against stupidity."
"Violence is always the result of stupidity."
"Stupidity transcends, always true equality."
"There's something terribly funny about stupidity, provided you're not on the receiving end of it."
"Stupidity is an unwitting tendency to self-destruction."
"As much as we don't have time for stupid people, this may actually save a three-year-old's life."
"I'm surrounded by stupid. And stupid is forever. Ignorance can be corrected."
"Stupidity and stupid people are the most dangerous people on the planet."
"It's absolutely stupid to spend your time doing things you don't like."
"Once you start seeing something as stupid, it's very hard to justify doing it over and over again."
"It's always really stupid to think that there's some group of people that are uniquely evil."
"Stupidity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."
"Warning: What you're about to see is really stupid and highly unprofessional."
"The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits."
"The voices of reason never want to silence the voices of stupidity; it's the voices of stupidity that want to silence the voices of reason."
"We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid."
"You have to expose stupidity so people then understand what the real game is."
"War is stupid, people. This is how prosperity happens."
"They are weaponizing stupidity, and people have sunk to such a level that they can't handle satire."
"Comparing people to each other is stupid because everybody's different."
"I shall not let stupidity prosper in my presence."
"Everybody has a different tolerance for stupidity; mine is high."