
Life's Unpredictability Quotes

There are 126 quotes

"Every dog has their day. You're up today, and you can be down tomorrow."
"Allowing the universe to rearrange things...if we try to then control it...it's like sometimes we don't know what's best for us."
"I am human, just like you are, and shit happens."
"The potential is put in us... how boring would life be if it was so predictably perfect?"
"Never say never, you never know. Life is full of surprises."
"A tiny variable... can have a huge impact on the course of one's life."
"Every image of what it's like is foolish... this world was a surprise so why shouldn't the next world be a surprise."
"Surrender to the divine, there will be things that happen outside of your control."
"There's no logic to what's happening here but in spite of that it is in fact happening here so we live with that we deal with that we don't question it and that's just how our life is."
"It's amazing how quickly things can turn for your favor or against."
"At the end of the day, we don't know how long we can hold on to the good times before the next storm comes. Life is full of storms."
"The most likely outcome is the most ironic outcome."
"And that is also simultaneously an acknowledgment of a truth that we don't face which is we don't know what's going to happen today and we could die."
"Some things are outside your realm of control."
"This didn't have to happen at all but it did."
"Everything Frank had dreamed of was about to come true, but just as quickly as he would achieve his dreams, they would also come to an abrupt end."
"Life's a fragile thing. Here one minute you're chewing on a burger, the next minute you're dead meat."
"It's amazing how fate can work in mysterious ways."
"Life finds a way, and if you are trying to order the universe to be perfect and pure and clean, yeah, life finding a way will be quite annoying."
"You wake up, you don't think that's going to be your last day or that's going to be the way that you go out because of some misunderstanding about a fender bender."
"You know, life is never 100% and we never thought we'd be going to something like this."
"Life is really short. You never know what's going to happen, or what can happen."
"I can't imagine what life is like try imagine a brand new color try and imagine if the Sun stopped working one day we may put them in the good times when we use now known as our second home"
"Life can take unpredictable and bewildering turns."
"Sht's gonna go down. There's gonna be bad sht that's gonna happen, there's gonna be good sh*t that's gonna happen too."
"Life is fickle. One minute we're celebrating, the next minute we're mourning."
"Life's balance: win the lottery, get food poisoning."
"Life is never going to turn out the way you want all the time, and you gotta be able to push through."
"Life is infinitely stranger than anything which the mind of man could invent."
"The beauty of living on our planet is that no matter who you are or where you live, the chance for something unexpected to happen is inevitable. That's life."
"Sometimes you eat the bar and sometimes the bar will eat you."
"You don't take anything for granted and you have to put your faith into something because you don't know from one day to the next what life's gonna deal you."
"Every day there's one insane thing after another."
"Oh well, that's how the cookie crumbles sometimes."
"Keep in mind there is no such thing as coincidence."
"Once in a lifetime opportunity potentially once in a century development"
"Even when you're doing everything right, sometimes it's unavoidable and trouble will just find you."
"Life often surprises us and can take us on a totally unexpected path."
"With every high there's a low, isn't that well ups and downs every day you never know what's around the corner."
"The universe always delivers, it's not in our timeline, it's not always how we expect it or when we need it but the universe always delivers."
"Hope that you are doing well my friend in the great play through of our human life sometimes we will get endings to different scenarios and situations that we won't be happy with but that is okay."
"A great man once said, 'sometimes you can be bitten by a dog even when you're riding a camel.'"
"Life is funny that way you know what I'm saying life is really funny that way to where I feel like it's never too late for anything really and things can always be turned around you know what I'm saying."
"It's weird, spooky, strange, ironic and tragic."
"Sometimes, that's just how the cookie crumbles."
"It's funny how things go from being like a problem, 'can't get enough,' and then I'd make way too many seeds and then suddenly it's everywhere."
"Nothing is inevitable. Nobody is immune to anything. It could be one in a million but it can happen."
"We live to fight another day, friends, so you never know what's gonna happen to you."
"Everything that's going on is a sort of jazz."
"Nobody knows what the future has in store, and that's what's exciting."
"You've learned that you just have to see where the wind blows you because it might be very exciting."
"But there have been occasions when this has happened."
"All she wants is to live a long life, but it turns out to be a short one."
"This is [__] wild, isn't it, life? How you just can't take anything for granted."
"Sometimes it rains in life, you know? Sometimes the internet speed's 25, that's how it goes sometimes."
"His story serves as a poignant illustration of the fragile nature of human relationships and the unpredictable turns that life can take."
"In life if you read the contract before you were reborn it says that many of these things can happen."
"Every single day, you could wake up, try something and win the world, or wake up, try something and fail."
"I would love to say that all of those had satisfying answers they just don't if anything it's a lesson for life that life isn't always satisfying I guess yeah sometimes life just explodes like a toilet that's it that's it yeah that's your big new story of the day."
"You're never far from being homeless. You might think you're doing well, but it doesn't take much to change the world."
"Narcissism presents a distinct response to the profound uncertainties of life."
"You never know what life's gonna throw at you."
"That's the way this cookie crumbles."
"Life is crazy that way where you know you never know what taking a chance or walking in some direction might lead you."
"That's about the way the cookie crumbles."
"You just never know who you'll meet in life."
"I don't know if I'm going to walk home this afternoon and get hit by a bus... we should deal with what's in front of us rather than what might be."
"Life always has better plans than I come up with."
"It's crazy where you want things to not last that long, it'll last long, but then like things where you wanted to last, it just... Life's not fair, yeah, Murphy's law."
"What would have happened if she had not lost that necklace? Who knows how strange and changeful is life, how small a thing is needed to make or ruin us?"
"If one of the few guarantees in life is that you will be surprised, then what are you going to do with the surprises?"
"That's just how the cookies crumble."
"The heart loves who the heart loves, and that's life."
"We never know when we'll see someone for the last time."
"Life is more like a game of football than a novel or a play."
"Well, what a difference a day makes."
"We dodge these bullets all the time, you know, we just get lucky."
"Life can sometimes be a folly, but hey, you know, keep rolling with it, got to roll with the punches."
"That's how the crooked cookie crumbles."
"It's the way the delicious cookie crumbles."
"Accidents and unexplainable things happen all the time."
"Destiny is a funny thing, isn't it?"
"Lost the game, the game of chances. What are the chances?"
"Yes, sometimes we do right and bad things happen to us; that's just part of life."
"It's the way the cookie crumbles, isn't it?"
"You don't have to make up stories when the real life is crazy enough."
"Life is full of surprises; I am the surprise of my life."
"Life doesn't care what day it is."
"Sometimes things happen backwards, and that's okay."
"Life is not Burger King, and none of us are going to have it our way."
"Well, that's how it goes sometimes, folks."
"Life is crazy, man. You can do anything you want, you're willing to put in the work."
"Sometimes you're right, sometimes you're not."
"Life is fickle, and you do have some agency over it, so might as well go do the stuff that you want to do."
"Sometimes you don't put a foot wrong and you just never get a chance."
"We're all a few mistakes away from being homeless."
"Tomorrow's not promised, get it up today."
"I don't think anything really backfires. I think that life just is what it is, and what happens happens."
"Please cherish the moment you have with your family because you never know when's the last time you're going to see them."
"You win some, you lose some, and some are rained out, but this is a different game."
"It's crazy to think about, y'all, it really is, 'cause this was not on my bingo card for life."
"Sometimes in life, you can't control things, even though you really want to, and you stress out over it."
"Sometimes you just don't know and that's okay."
"Life shuts down opportunities to meet new people all the time, so you got to seize every one when it happens."
"Bad things happen to good people, and good things even happen to bad people."
"Life is about the amazement of the theories of what you think may happen and what should happen."
"When we surrender our need to control and understand every twist and turn of life, we make room for God's sovereignty."
"Life always seems to be filled with surprises."
"They did everything they were supposed to do, and life didn't turn out the way it was supposed to."
"For the strange effects and extraordinary combinations we must go to life itself, which is always far more daring than any effort of the imagination."
"Life is crazy but I'm just going with the flow at this point."
"Life as normal, but that's not how the story goes."
"Crazy how things just play out the way that they do, don't they?"
"If you can find your peace in not knowing and your peace with all the unruliness, then it doesn't matter."
"It's an interesting world when I think about things that I have done, how so much of it hinged on one minor decision or one random thing that was totally out of my control."
"That's just the way that the cookie crumbles."
"Life isn't always about routine, you know, sometimes you just have to kind of go with the flow."
"It's the way it works in life sometimes."
"Anything can happen, and you must always be prepared for anything."