
Emotional Satisfaction Quotes

There are 96 quotes

"Developing new career resources and opportunities that are more emotionally satisfying is crucial."
"Of all the Disney Plus shows to date, Moon Knight probably has the most emotionally satisfying story and conclusion."
"We're resisting it and we're actually finding joy in that process."
"Once that happens, there is satisfaction, there is happiness."
"They were in love... it was everything he wanted."
"It absolutely has poetic justice. You know, this concept of sticking it to the man, it feels good."
"I found the conclusion to be very emotionally satisfying."
"I feel like things will improve in this ten of cups."
"Finally, something came full circle and felt right, and it really does, it just feels right, like, I feel like true love."
"The sense of satisfaction that they provide is unlike anything else."
"The emotional payoff of everything is so good."
"There's big moments of satisfaction all throughout the season, setting up these big emotional payoff moments."
"Alfred's leaving and he won't come back, okay? Like, that's... He's leaving forever. Exempt Alfred from this Batman universe."
"Do you want the hope of any relationship? You already won."
"Hell yeah, it feels good to take care of your mother."
"Nothing like the satisfaction being able to tear apart something you hate."
"Men find close male friendships more emotionally satisfying than relationships with women" - Damned if you do, damned if you don't.
"Scoring in the last minute is more satisfying than winning 2-1 from the first two minutes."
"It always feels good to end the tournament with a victory. Either you get a better place or not, but just some positive note."
"Helping others find self-love is the best feeling in the world."
"When I hung Makarov by his [__] neck, I was so satisfied because I got to avenge soap, roach, Delta Force, Yuri, and everyone else who got killed by his acts of terror."
"Ten of cups is fulfillment, the ultimate fulfillment by the way, the maximum cup in the deck is ten. Ten out of ten ultimate fulfillment."
"Enjoying emotional satisfaction, love flourishing."
"All you want is the feeling, the happiness, the commitment, the joy, all the things like that glow that you have. That's the treasure for them."
"Some of you are gonna meet new love and it's just going to feel so good for you, so emotionally satisfying."
"You're going to feel so great with what they're going to tell you, and you're going to realize what was really missing in your life as well."
"I like that feeling. If I can achieve that and actually walk away and feel like I left it all in the ring, to me that'll be my success."
"Your wishes are coming true in love, divinely guided and emotionally satisfying."
"Experiencing victories like this is the sweetest feeling."
"It felt very much like the happy ending that they deserved after everything that they went through in the series."
"Sometimes you want to leave the scene feeling good that you had something that was really special."
"I hope it makes sense. Some of you guys may be starting new jobs that bring you a lot more emotional fulfillment than just financial fulfillment."
"I loved seeing friendships that can be just as fulfilling as romantic relationships."
"You are their wish fulfillment, the nine of cups here is you, you know, wishes come and true card."
"There's such a beauty in ending in a root chord with a bright major chord in there. Like, it's such a satisfying ending to such a troubled and unpredictable ride."
"The court will grant you what it is that you want, nine of cups represents fulfillment and satisfaction."
"The next 30 days seem full of receiving justice, being happy and satisfied with that justice."
"Let go of the pressure to surprise and delight someone by fulfilling their needs with the perfect gift."
"The only reason you want that fancy house or fancy car is because how you imagine you're going to feel when you have that thing." - Dr. Laura Berman
"The wish is fulfilled, emotional contentment, fulfillment."
"This is a true love. You're right in doing that. This is a very satisfying and emotionally fulfilling connection."
"It feels really good to connect with other people who appreciate the same stuff you do."
"Major emotional fulfillment in whatever you do."
"You're walking away from the unknown and you're walking towards the ten of cups, like your ultimate emotional happiness and satisfaction here."
"The energy of the nine of cups is wish fulfillment but more than that, it's self-fulfillment."
"It's kind of satisfactory to feel like yeah this person was actually in love with you."
"It's so much better to be the dumper than a dump it feels satisfying because now you're not wondering what if I screwed it up."
"These are the things in life that really fill you up."
"This is about you feeling on top of the world, feeling satisfied, feeling like there is some full of completion just really really good."
"What makes me happy is being able to take care of them."
"Wow, we're helping all the animals, I feel really good."
"You're golden, Sagittarius. Positive news, wish fulfillment, emotional satisfaction."
"You're going to be sitting on this Throne feeling very, very good emotionally satisfied and fulfilled in your life."
"You're gonna go off into what makes you happy, into your wish fulfillment, into what emotionally nourishes you."
"This person feels like they're a winner when they got you, or when they've sort of told you how they feel, and that I feel like you are reciprocating."
"Emotional fulfillment both within family and relationships, things coming in divine timing."
"Even when you're saying goodbye. It's very satisfying."
"This is the final fond wish that comes true when you really feel like your hopes had been dashed for a long time and for some of you it will involve love for others of you it will just involve you know something else that you feel like."
"Those words were everything Rio wanted to hear."
"Don't fear what must be let go of right now because that's temporary. You're gonna have all ten of your cups filled along this journey."
"Everyone sees how hard you've been working on whatever you've been working on, it feels really good."
"You're going to get your ten of cups with someone."
"They're still reminded of why you walked away, they're still reminded of the fact that they weren't able to emotionally satisfy you or meet you halfway in the past."
"This person feels happy and fulfilled by this connection, making them feel complete and satisfied."
"Terrific emotionally satisfying, narratively pleasing conclusion to a trilogy."
"They felt a lot of emotional satisfaction with you guys."
"Seeing them happy is just the best."
"...it's worth the investment. This is both intellectually and emotionally satisfying. Would recommend."
"You are ready to receive emotional satisfaction, emotional self-esteem, emotional wellness."
"I loved those vows. I loved Garnet being reunited."
"That's hard, but it feels good when you tell people important to you."
"...every emotional beat here just satisfies you in the exact way it should."
"If this is a sappy ending, I don't give a damn, this is good."
"Making someone happy just cheers you up."
"I felt emotionally satisfied by the end of the story."
"He's going to want to please you, he's going to make you feel good, and Scorpio is going to love that."
"What a beautiful way to wrap that up."
"This is one of the most emotionally satisfying scenes in all of Game of Thrones."
"Ultimate emotional fulfillment, ultimate wish fulfillment."
"We finally got closure on all sides."
"Ten of cups is more so about that true ultimate fulfillment, where you're emotionally satisfied, that unconditional love that money can't buy."
"It's going to feel like a wish fulfillment, it's going to feel like complete emotional fulfillment, complete happiness."
"Wish fulfillment; this is emotional fulfillment on an emotional level."
"You're fulfilling your own wishes, finding a sense of emotional satisfaction within yourself."
"Every desire is going to be fulfilled; you are about to be emotionally fulfilled."
"You have really exciting things to look forward to, there's wish fulfillment coming your way, there's emotional satisfaction coming your way."
"Things will come together, manifesting emotional satisfaction, joy, happiness."