
Emotional Liberation Quotes

There are 67 quotes

"Confronting fears and memories from early childhood can lead to healing and emotional liberation."
"I feel like there's been some weight lifted off of my heart."
"Love is a wonderful thing, this feeling of freedom where you no longer care about anything."
"The path that you are meant to go down is to be happy and to leave all this heaviness behind."
"Um, it's a good feeling. It's quite liberating."
"You're not letting the past hold you back any longer."
"Forgiveness, compassion, these are not weaknesses but tools of our liberation."
"If you can get past the fear of being misunderstood... the freedom you would feel is huge."
"You deserve to be free of the cruelty of the past, it's your birthright to not have to carry this around."
"I'll never forget the Liberation that I felt. Oh my God, I'll never forget. I was like high for like two months. It felt like because I experienced so low that like when I felt normal or above holy [ __ ] like it was just like freedom, freedom."
"Setting yourself free, gaining clarity in the situation."
"Illusions coming into the light, darkness coming to light, despair coming to relief, freedom, liberation."
"Dance because it will shift you into a beautiful state. Fear lives in the head, but dancing is the gateway to freedom."
"Weight of Truth. Be honest with yourself. Be honest with this person. As heavy as the truth may be, it can also set you free."
"Somebody's freeing themselves from this person."
"Letting go is probably the most liberating experience you can have."
"You're gonna be free, you're gonna feel like a whole new you, you're gonna be so light you can come up for air again."
"I am free. I can still hear the dragon flapping. I'm free. This is true freedom."
"But just realizing how stuck I felt back then to now where I just feel so free."
"Self-love for me has been letting go of all of that booyah absolutely yeah that's it that's what self-love is stopping it I accept all of myself now warts and all."
"Forgiveness is truly freeing yourself from the shackle of that lower vibrational energy."
"You do not have to dislike anybody. It's just not required. You can just break free."
"You may be celebrating by the end of this transit, freeing yourself from a situation that has chained you to the past."
"Break free of anything that doesn't serve you. It's okay to move on."
"There's always a reason, even when you can't understand it. It's time, set us free."
"Believers are free of grief and despair, free of the spirit of fear and set free by knowledge of the truth."
"There's a different sense of freedom that I have now that I didn't have before."
"Breaking free just feels like freedom to them."
"Give yourself the gift of being feeling free from something that drags you down."
"Liberation from toxic energy, a comic karmic vibe."
"Setting yourself free, that is what is beautiful right there."
"I feel so freeing, I'm just like, actually, fuck you, goodbye!"
"The past is just a story that if you can just accept that your past loses all power over you."
"You're setting yourself free and you're going for this person who's much better."
"Because of what's coming in the truth is coming to light you finally being freed of guilt or confusion or why why why and just seeing it for all the truth of what it is and it's so freeing to you."
"Clean up time, something that was attaching you to someone from the past has been removed."
"I've never appreciated my freedom more... I felt so free."
"Anything that doesn't feel good or makes you feel crappy is actually the window for you to finally break away from it."
"I released everyone in my family who had hurt me and neglected me, and I forgave them, and such freedom came from that that I don't hold anything against them."
"Forgive people not for them, but for you. It's not a cliche, it's so that you can rise."
"You almost begin immediately to start to feel light radical exempt radical acceptance is a hell of a thing honey."
"I am the door your ex-husband is not your dad who wasn't there is not your own opinion of yourself is not."
"For the first time in a long time, I finally feel free to be myself."
"Freedom, vulnerability, and the shadows are disappearing."
"She seemed like she was finally free. Like 17-year-old Samantha Heller had finally broken away from her abuser."
"He wanted to show what it means to make peace with your past and to cease it from weighing down on your current self."
"I wasn't scared of anything anymore. I was completely uninhibited."
"To offer your forgiveness to another liberates your own heart from pain."
"A victory over this, liberation, willpower, determination to move forward."
"Endings bring new beginnings, growth, change, liberation from the fears, the codependency."
"Life's too short to live in a cage worrying about living by someone else's standards, by the shame that they essentially projected on you. Just let it go."
"Every time that you go through something like that, and you make that choice to forgive and love, it sets you free."
"Unforgiveness keeps you anchored to rejection, it ties you to rejection."
"I literally felt Freedom like I literally just felt everything just release off of me."
"I felt a kind of liberation in myself, a kind of coming home and a kind of being free that I had never known before."
"Love is free in himself and never will be bound; for where he is bound, he looseth himself," replied the King.
"The universe is trying to liberate you from the idea that you should live life as an emotionless zombie."
"The pain body may seem to you like a dangerous monster that you cannot bear to look at, but it is an insubstantial phantom that cannot prevail against the power of your presence."
"I felt a freedom that was unbelievable."
"His joy streamed from him, and Clarissa finally let go of the happiness and hope she'd been clenching with such a tight fist."
"I felt like I spread my wings; I feel free."
"I experienced freedom, I felt like the weight of the world was lifted off my shoulders."
"She's feeling more and more free."
"When you fall in love with someone, that is the most freeing feeling."