
Exaggeration Quotes

There are 3860 quotes

"It's like giving the Hulk muscle milk, why would you do that?"
"Chuck Norris once threw a grenade and killed 50 people. Then it exploded and killed five more."
"If you don't lie down and close your eyes for at least a few hours a night, your brain literally explodes and then you die."
"Here's a cup of coffee. That'll be $395,000."
"When you put your foot in there, that's right, put your shoe inside your mouth or it could bite you on the forehead and probably inject you with venom that'll kill you."
"If you live in the northern hemisphere and have stepped outside as of late, you've probably realized that it's colder than the farthest reaches of space. That's because it's winter."
"Every stereotype is true to some extent, but when you exaggerate these stereotypes to the point where it's their entire personality and name, they are reduced to only that stereotype."
"Some people say it's normal marriage stuff, some people say she's scared you're going to chop her up and bury her in the backyard. No way that's real. That's straight-up bullshit."
"You're so greasy, you make McDonald's fries look dry."
"You have no idea the physical toll that three vasectomies have on a person."
"If you fart louder than two jet engines, I suggest getting a second opinion."
"The Cold War narrative...much of it was simply untrue, much of the rest was greatly exaggerated."
"It's a circus, it's not a clown, it's the entire circus."
"It actually has nine thousand and one uses, so yes, it is over 9000."
"Could basically lead to the apocalypse. I mean, it's not an exaggeration."
"That's the most Hollywood thing I've ever heard in my life."
"We exaggerate the truth with fake stories that often come true because reality is catching up to satire."
"It's a 500 million table. I lied, we're coming up on close to a billion dollars at this table today."
"We're like Godzilla. Oh my goodness, we're huge!"
"Oh boy, guys. Orange is super scary because he has really sharp teeth."
"The rumors of my death were greatly exaggerated."
"When everything sounds like a catastrophe, nothing is a catastrophe."
"Theories abound, but many reports about what happens in the Bermuda Triangle are seriously exaggerated."
"Hyperbole is an exaggeration that people are supposed to recognize. When you use hyperbole, you're saying something that's technically not true but you assume that everybody's a good enough reader that they know what you mean."
"Hyperbole or exaggeration in this case is very clear. You shouldn't have to explain something that is ordinary conversation."
"The amount of Halloween that's going to be going on in our house, it'll be illegal."
"The whole point to exaggeration of the figure is to convey energy."
"It's firing hypersonic bananas at everything. Oh my God, that's amazing."
"Giant killer snakes, sharks, and spiders... I never knew the original Resident Evil was set here in Australia."
"The great Eagle, pretty much just a bird, if we're honest, although about 300 times the size of a regular Eagle."
"Sly Marbo threw a grenade and killed five orcs... and then it exploded."
"That card's [__] crazy, it's nuts, it's nutty."
"Do you want him to go to child jail too like what?"
"No woke M virus on this plane, my ass is like, I don't care what I'm doing, I'm punching the windows until my knuckles are bloody to climb out."
"Aliens, yeah aliens, this is basically the craziest thing that this movie can choose to do at this point."
"You can't give Donald Trump an inch because if you give them an inch, they take your throat off."
"She's hunting snails, oh hunting that sounds incredibly badass."
"Fart a couple of times to dab a few extra beans whoops or murder these innocent animals who never did a single thing wrong to you."
"Five minutes is insane actually. Oh this is actually insane."
"It's so crazy that this is the polar game... Wall Street is certainly got over its skis."
"Can't lie, a pretty large stretch between getting disowned and getting forced to stay at home."
"Colonel Sanders summons the energy of 1,000 chickens!"
"Mutations are drummed up to such a degree that it's like Tim said, they're not letting a good crisis go to waste."
"This might be the biggest Yeet Flex of all time."
"The set pieces in this game make movie Spider-Man look like a massive [__]."
"Imagine if there was just like a bunch of foxies all over guys, yeah I know foxy, we gotta make them super thick."
"You must have a very active imagination to keep that train of thought on the rails because to everyone else it's spun out of control, derailed, and went over a cliff in a fireball killing hundreds."
"Waiting in line for a shuttle is not the same thing as being crushed against a barricade and trampled to death, it's not the same thing."
"You're gonna be Virgin Mary, be pregnant. You're not going to have a baby, deliver the baby!"
"When a civilized country like the United Kingdom arrests and charges a private citizen for praying in her mind in a public space, you know the world is truly coming to an end."
"Trixie Mattel reached parenting level one... seven kids later."
"Flanderization involves taking a character’s minor traits and emphasizing them to the point of outlandishness."
"I just love this state of social media that we're in where it's like everything that's exaggerated or hyperbolic in any way to make your life seem better than it is, it's all been done."
"Doubling her stated body count might be wise."
"If that was actually a person, he'd weigh a million tons. I mean, it's got this weight."
"Saying my trip to the end was successful would be the understatement of the century."
"Tales of your victory grow taller with every battle."
"One of the greatest trade deals in the history of deals."
"One hour of 'Surgeon Simulator 2' is equivalent to one year of human medical school."
"Every time we win a case on one of these solid legal arguments, the left is going to go out there and say they just want to kill bunnies."
"Not a single thing on planet earth beats bread and butter. Oh yeah, no, not medicine, not sunshine."
"Bread and butter is a gift straight from the gods. No, from God's ass. Oh, but no, that's a good thing."
"I filled up that Target with so many holes you couldn't recognize anything on it."
"What a terribly sad story, did you forget the ears too?"
"If right now you are thinking my goodness the Dom I can't do that the llama king will not allow it the llama king sees all King cannot be opposed the llama king deserve fear not it would still be a huge help to me..."
"Technically, he can’t be awake before anybody because he never really sleeps to begin with."
"Appreciated almost fell out of my chair reaching for that."
"It's like when you ask a guy his range of like how many girls he's hooked up with, he's like, 'Over five, under three hundred.'"
"This new character is like a god. It's ridiculous."
"This is absurdly large, there's no slightly larger about this." - Mei
"You honestly would have thought that she was an RAF soldier for about 15 years. You would have thought that Queen Elizabeth was at the finishing line ready with a crown to coronate her."
"Was Elizabeth Bathory misunderstood and has her story been over-exaggerated?"
"No, Donald Trump did not just start World War 3."
"The scandal honestly left my titties shaken not stirred."
"I swear to god it was the longest week of my life."
"Thousands of people started to lay claim to the fact that they were on that balcony."
"He knows how to tell a story... and maybe the heart of the story is true but he knows how to add the Flash and the flare."
"It's the most knuckle-busted, gut-wrenching, brain-scrambling, butt-bruising, lip-splitting brawl of all time."
"You want to talk about that weapon at all that we're seeing there? The BFG 10,000. Yes, because, you know, 9,000 wasn't enough."
"Michael's not going to come around and hold you upside down by our ankles and shake out the tip money."
"It's just so much cereal in one bite or whatever that was."
"My three-year-old could drive a freight train through it."
"They don't start eating your ankle... I don't think that happens."
"I really do unprecedented, it's more just like the taking two bites at a time without chewing in between."
"The world's not going to be done in a decade no AOC this is not our world war two and no nobody believes you when you backtrack by saying it was a joke."
"Remember that time your mom caused our school to shut down because she went on this psychopathic rampage in her car?"
"So, in this way it's a hyperbole, which is a great way of saying an exaggeration."
"This brand obviously goes into 'Selling My First Born.'"
"Big Dave is a God now, my goodness look at this man."
"Doom requires two chairs to hold his magnificence."
"If that is not the definition of the strongest, if that is not overpowered, if that is not broken as heck, I don't know what is."
"The more you feed it, the fatter it gets. Alright, and then you can't get it to come back down to Earth."
"He knocked out a horse with his right hand. He did it when he's three years old. Yeah, makes it even... guys actually are so excited about being a VJ."
"Nowhere does the peach naturally occurring peach smell smell that strongly."
"There are 11 books, because if you say more than 11 as a hyperbole people are all like actually brookie it's 11."
"So your body count is 12. no no that's so low cow that is so unrealistic and okay that's mine look."
"We killed Superman! Hell, we murdered the whole Justice League in self-defense."
"Everything he says is over the top, ridiculous. It's lies. He's a preposterous liar. He's a ridiculous liar."
"Anyone who tells you that theatrical animation is trash is clearly a drama queen."
"The influence of the country's innovations around this time can hardly be exaggerated."
"He literally transforms the whole thing, and it's Ennis nuts."
"I just don't understand... the government is literally the Donald Trump of administration of Israel times 10 in terms of how bad they are."
"This game has 1.6 million people playing right now, bro. That's nearly a quarter of the world's population."
"In terms of mainstream Hollywood movies based on true events, it's always fascinating to see what the filmmakers decide to retain and what they exaggerate for dramatic purposes."
"I genuinely just don't know. Okay, one cake done. I need three cakes. It's a good job babies don't eat cake otherwise I would need to cook four cakes today. How ridiculous is that?"
"Don't be disappointed if you don't see results right away... it might take some time but don't worry because it will happen for you."
"Absolutely no bank vault, mansion, or hacienda would in any way, shape, or form be safe from these dudes. It's just hilarious."
"Tony Robbins...the man...the myth...the six foot seven giant...turn the ego slider up to over 9000 and you've got Tony Robbins."
"If your strength coach or your diet coach takes the egg yolk out and puts some peanut butter in, punch him in the face."
"Oh, I just blacked out the whole planet, did I blow up the power grid again?"
"Reports of the death of democracy in the United States are grossly, grossly exaggerated." - Boris Johnson
"Welcome to the show. It's a great show, a terrific show, a tremendous show, frankly the best. You can ask anyone about that."
"Taking finals is worse than getting a deep tissue massage from a boa constrictor."
"Beards aren't cheap. They don't just grow on trees, you know?"
"I would not feed that dog for seven hours, believe me."
"It's like eating a lot of fights, yeah, pretty much."
"Joshua defeated 31 Nephilim Kings... the greatest battle ever fought in supposed millennia."
"Our country will be a ninth world country, not a third world country, a ninth world country."
"I didn't actually pee myself that was a joke I didn't actually pee myself I didn't actually a little bit I did actually peed myself a little bit just a little bit."
"It's just pure 100% egotistical Cell chewing the scenery action."
"The ocean is the scariest thing on Earth. I don't care what anybody says, the ocean is [__] like if you jump in the ocean, you're probably, I mean you're gone."
"I'm God." - "First impression of watching the trailer."
"We should be thankful that the idiocracy part of it has far exceeded their ability to implement their fascism."
"A billion dollars bro, stupid. That's insane."
"I'm making so much money! I got 7 trillion in like five seconds!"
"You're about to see something that's so skillful you're going to [__] your pants and we'll have to call your mum to bring over a fresh pair of chinos."
"Why does it always have to be a shark? That's how you know this [ __ ] is serious."
"Seriously, look at those feet for a moment. Yikes, Freddy Krueger would be jealous of those birds and their claws!"
"Imagine there is a 20-foot tall giant with a big shirt that says fair use incarnate, that's what it is."
"That was a crazy one. If you saw that in a movie or a video game today you'd say no way, no way that is far too far-fetched."
"I can out light sleep any of you I sleep like a baby I wake up every 20 minutes and cry."
"If you're putting ketchup on a steak you should be shot."
"Nearly one in five said he went so far that he threatened American democracy. Oh, calm down, it was bad, it was bad."
"It's laughable that you would describe Davos as protecting liberal democracy... It's equally laughable to use the word dictatorship at Davos."
"Give them an inch and they'll take a kilometer."
"There's a lot of times where I play up my rage for just the sake of content because it's funny."
"We're walking on water, you know. We are Jesus."
"When I combine my four melon seeds into one Mega melon seed it becomes so powerful."
"Promises made, promises kept. We've kept more promises than we've even made."
"This game may as well be a rubber room because even the padding has padding."
"I'm the greatest president in the history of America."
"Literally, you can go to your kitchen, jump in a pool, go to your living room, jump in another pool."
"He's like the god of going and getting [ __ ] for me."
"They went primal on me, Jeff. They went deep."
"Welcome to overpoweredness. I don't know if that's a word, but Fellaini deserves my number one choice."
"That's like N9 or 10 Honeys, that's a lot of Honeys."
"Every image is just so wonderfully exaggerated."
"Telescoped out to three times the original width."
"The sensation of lurching stomach and teetering on the edge lasts a whole lot longer as well."
"Cranking up every trait to a thousand percent, that's how you get 80 years out of a character like this."
"When you hear people worry that we're headed to a point where we're normalizing pedophilia okay you should know that that's crazy talk."
"All their bios say loyal AWS seven times, six times, seven in a row is insane."
"The first one being cartooning, a simplified and easy art form which gives an exaggerated sense of weight."
"I've killed a few three-year-olds... sometimes you gotta stop 'em early."
"Everything is outsized big. I mean, I've seen, yeah, there's some serious giganticism going on."
"Elon has a sense of humor about this whole thing... 'not easy coming up with a good cover story for an underground volcano lair.'"
"Absolutely true because most things are worse than Watergate. I would say almost almost everything is is worse than Watergate."
"This makes Jim Crow look like Jim Eagle. I mean, this is gigantic what they're trying to do."
"Anything is racist, bro. Anything is racist."
"But I would smoke that button. But for real, I would smoke that button."
"They put out mailers saying I hate puppies... it's like a walking joke."
"That was probably the biggest Karen story I've ever had."
"It's not like they have real Nazis to fight, they invent Nazis."
"Nothing suspicious here, you're just walking across my lawn and suddenly you end up in prison."
"My ego is the largest thing planets orbit around."
"Once someone says the sky is falling, people get on board with it."
"People are extremely quick to overreact and draw extremely insane narratives on the simplest things."
"That was it, Cipher PK! Still you're still in here still kick in because we just made super villains."
"This is beyond, over the top, extravagant, fabulous."
"People who watch the news and [ __ ] but lunatics who actually get on and become guests and [ __ ] like that."
"With great balls, there must come great responsibility."
"It's all black. It's like how much more black who this be and the answer is none none more black."
"Sonic's speed is immeasurable and deadliest, my god!"
"So fast, he could run around the earth seven and a half times in one second."
"They grab a human element and they magnify it and exaggerate it until it becomes absurd."
"This was not a small story. It was Archduke Ferdinand in Sarajevo stuff."
"Sometimes people make too much out of nothing."
"Gamers in just four words: committing war crimes daily."
"That cake went after me and me only, I'm calling it, I kicked racist, I said it."
"this is totally 100 legit and a 100 in a 100 percent sarcastic way"
"It's when people start talking about this alarmism, this Al Gore and you know, five years we're gonna be underwater, that's where you lose me."
"Everybody's acting like this is the plague of the century."
"We all exaggerate, and in particular, if you think that you're going to tell a story that might alienate you from other people, you tend to give extra details."
"Midas touch was a beautiful item that has never done anything wrong."
"Most myths are rooted in truth but they are presented as myths because myths become larger than life."
"I think I can speak for everyone the entire planet when I say yes."
"It's a black comedy... outrageous, goofy, and over-the-top."
"No human in the world I think is clicking 12.8 seconds with just one finger if you are you got a lucky lady in your life."
"Oh, you need a place to stay? Bet, locked up like Rapunzel up in the [__] tower."
"The reason for that is that it is really, really, really big." [Music]
"If there's a lot of washing up to do, you'll need 6,000 meters."
"The traffic is real. If you think you've experienced traffic before, no, you haven't."
"Absolutely ridiculous, absolutely fantastic, absolutely fantastic!"
"You're the beautiful thing about this game is basically everyone's childhood on crack."
"This won't be easy to get hold of, but if it means a chance to get some inside information on Liyue Harbor's development plan for next year, then it's the deal of a lifetime."
"I'll get you a boulder the size of a mountain."
"Elon Musk already solved world hunger last year."
"The term best in the world is thrown around almost religiously in any type of promotion."
"Goalkeepers get away with murder bro you know what I mean."