
Gaming Performance Quotes

There are 729 quotes

"It's insanely good, the angles, the speed, the force."
"So, how good was Zygarde actually? Well, its debut generation wasn't a bad one as it found itself dominating UU."
"NVIDIA DLSS has now been fully integrated into the game too."
"For performance, we don't have to worry about the highest graphics quality."
"Shanghai played better around his Echo and his Echo Ultimates than New York was able to do."
"It's basically flawless. It's really stable 60 frames per second."
"It's a recurring theme. It just does not shift from 60 frames per second on PlayStation 5. It's just flawless."
"At some stage as well, you stop looking at the average FPS, and you want to look at just the 0.1 percent lows because that's what really matters when you're gaming."
"Cyberpunk 2077 hits over 150 FPS at 1440p using high-quality settings on an RTX 4090 without any upscaling tech used."
"The key thing here is that dropping from ultra to high sees a 47% increase in performance, which really for most gamers is going to be the sweet spot."
"While the 9600 K was doing better in some games, the 3600 did better in others, and I don't think the performance difference really justifies spending more money on the 9600 K, even before factoring in the additional cooling."
"DLSS going from 61 FPS in Watchdogs Legion to 77 FPS with no noticeable downgrade to the visuals is a big deal."
"You can see this is running at full speed looking at some really great GameCube and Wii performance on the Odin."
"Once you get into him, there's so much damage and also there's so much regeneration potential to just keep on going and going and going."
"There's pretty much nowhere either form of Landorus won't excel."
"Looks like the 2060 is definitely going to be able to play the game."
"Lower latency for smoother gaming and editing."
"Unfortunately, he didn't clear it the way that I thought he was going to, kind of gave it right to the opponents."
"Plus 20% ads time, movement speed, sprint to fire ads movement speed, bullet penetration, let's get it."
"The game runs really well and it has a heap of graphical and gameplay options allowing you to tweak your experience."
"Alan Saint-Maximin... very much a metaplayer."
"The Ryzen 5 2400G offers similar gaming experience to Pentium G4560 + GT 1030 combo, but vastly superior productivity performance for just $20 more."
"Flag on HG: proving Flygon's worth one gym at a time."
"Every orc that falls, they are dying and the FPS is going up. Good job everybody."
"Speedrunning combines puzzle solving, technique analysis, and perfect execution to make a work of performance art."
"Wow what a phenomenal beautiful attack from klaus."
"From my experience in scrims last year, Inspired was the best jungler in scrims, 100% no doubt about it."
"Enjoying it at the higher frame rate... it's worth it."
"60fps does not look weird in a video game nor does it change the aesthetic of the video game."
"Pretty much locked 60 fps, better than most PCs."
"Ridge Racer 7: 1080p 60 at launch, we certainly thought."
"So I'd say in the case of AC, the 4090 is enough to take full advantage of any of these headsets that we see here."
"Wow was that a clutch... well played by Sneaky in the mid lane."
"Mr. Beast was just playing completely perfectly."
"The series S comes the closest to getting a fully locked 60fps in its frame rate mode."
"Khan was playing flawlessly... it took a mountain of men to bring him down."
"Nico posting 36 kills and one of the most beautiful sequences we've seen all tournament."
"If you're having any framerate issues in DotA, it's very important that your frames stay high."
"It feels amazing to use and with upgrades it lasts longer than it honestly needs to because you will have wiped out these crowds of enemies before it's even done."
"Oh, the shepherd's staff takes down the goat and he takes simple out of the round to give it to G2, unbelievable to find all three. How fast is this guy?"
"Every character is good enough to get rank one and good enough to see the top level play and reach top eight in a tournament."
"I just want every game to run like Doom Eternal."
"I'm running the game on the maximum settings and on my computer it seems to be performing exceptionally well."
"This PC is the same price as a PlayStation 5 and competes or in some cases even wins in just about every game we tested including some Sony first-party titles."
"Everything that had drawn us in about the original games was operating at full capacity here."
"That's looking real smooth actually oh this is running at 1080 and we're on high that's looking real fine I suppose it's playable."
"If you want higher frame rates, if you want the higher frame rate gaming of Intel, this is an option if you're okay to pay a bit more."
"The 13900k is bad but if you want the absolute best out of the box gaming performance then I guess this is it."
"Persephone in the right hands is S+ despite win rate."
"It runs beautifully on ps4 Pro... I never had a single issue."
"At the end of the day, if you do well in an encounter or poorly, you should feel like that's because of the, you know, you played well or you played poorly."
"The 2080 Ti's 4k gaming performance really is unbelievably awesome."
"The performance is actually pretty good I was actually surprised to find that the stock Dreamcast experience was better than it was on the 503 and 353p when I did my testing."
"The previous FPS Boost title was a system-level tweak in the firmware, it's like okay, I'm going to be running Watch Dogs 2, I'm going to DirectX at the system level, and this game will run at 60 frames per second."
"We just made fish and chips baby bro, that is what I'm expecting to see out of a speedrun boss fight right there."
"Our damage, man, one Magic Mushroom or Cricket's Head away from greatness."
"The real story is how the [ __ ] can the Nintendo switch run this thing this is a beautiful looking game it's draw distances are some of the farthest you will see in any open world game you will play in an instant."
"It's definitely safe to say gaming setups do make you better in Fortnite."
"We got to the end of Act 2 Sky Sanctuary with 118 rings, that really doesn't seem so bad, right?"
"The game excels at high frame rate and it feels so much better to play."
"I feel like I'm not playing a tight game right now."
"The Xbox version is most certainly the winner as far as performance and playability goes."
"Enable vertical sync... it will eliminate stuttering and screen tearing, making your game feel smoother."
"The consistency between runs was usually much better at 240hz and the most predictable improvements were actually found in the more casual players who didn't have as much game sense and muscle memory to rely on."
"Wow, what a performance from the Optic Gaming squad."
"A lot of these games have felt unforced, it's mistakes more than teams outplaying."
"Everyone wants to know whether Zen3 will beat Intel for single-threaded workloads and gaming, these benchmarks seem to suggest that."
"You want to max your DPS, you're going to do the most optimal meta [ __ ] possible, or do you want to have [ __ ] fun?"
"Even when it's overclocked to 4 gigahertz, the Ryzen chip just isn't going to give you 104 frames per second in most games."
"This Halo 2 run is beautiful and monopoly is killing it."
"I was able to run cyber Punk at 4K absolute Max settings rate tracing overdrive mode enabled and I was getting at least 100 FPS all the time, that is absurd."
"Top-notch performance, powerful gaming laptop."
"If you're thinking about DDR5, please be informed about what that means and what differences that's going to make to you and your frame rates."
"Despite the game only recently going into Early Access, I didn't personally experience any massive bugs, performance issues, or crashes."
"Let it be known that this has happened multiple times unlike world record pace is in the sky attack critical here yeah it has to be sky attack turn one it has to crit it it has a chin."
"The game performs flawlessly in the 30 fps highest quality mode and generally great in the 60 fps mode with very minor flaws that definitely do not detract at all from the cinematic or gameplay experience that this game offers."
"You gotta recognize it for what it is, a full fat computer in a super thin portable form factor."
"Turning all the stats to the high position just by simply selecting hide... and as you can see we're now achieving 810 to 790 frames per second."
"The high frame rate mode is really the performance mode but unlocked to 120 FPS."
"Selecting 'hide' and turning off all the stats resulted in roughly double the FPS we started off with."
"A 560 over a 550... more than 50% faster. It really is a dramatic step up if you want to play games."
"Higher fps really does give you an advantage in Valorant as it lets you see opponents sooner and track their movements better in real time."
"I feel like everything was executed so goddamn well it's it's impressive that this game even works like it's beautiful."
"You could out DPS a Paladin in full Naxxramas gear with just a warrior in his first week of Molten Core."
"Once again, the damage output is just so high."
"Sony's focused on how can we get the best looking best performing games."
"Can we pause for a moment and appreciate the magic that is uncapped FPS can we appreciate that for a minute a hundred and forty-five frames per second."
"That was so fun, I was surprised at how good the Skull Servants were."
"Norman's health is pretty decent just because he got really good rolls and his constitution's good. Oh, I'm going for a no-hit run."
"Titanfall 2 at 120 frames per second has to be experienced because it is one of the best shooter campaigns ever made."
"DLSS basically makes this game playable at 4K."
"The I5 13600k and KF deliver amazing gaming performance on par with the best gaming CPU in 2022."
"I watched mahar's video and he really kind of destroyed the performance on a highend PC I kind of waiting for them to optimize it a bit but I may I may grab it check it out and then return it if I'm not getting a good experience with it."
"I got you a PC well below your budget that will run all of those games that you're looking for at much higher settings to absolutely destroy that 1050 Ti."
"It's a reason why a lot of players aren't ranking up and even the most mechanically skilled players aren't getting kills."
"Primate was consistently capable of elevating any team's offenses."
"I have to say that Apple Silicon, the M1 chip, is the best thing that has happened to the Mac in terms of gaming."
"Consider GPU overclocking for increased performance."
"Set resolution to native or highest available, cap FPS if needed."
"Turn off vsync, motion blur, set GPU options for low latency."
"Apply recommended DLSS settings for NVIDIA RTX GPUs."
"Optimizing your system, tweaking settings, ensuring the best FPS possible."
"Reduce input latency, fix FPS stutter, dial in competitive graphics settings."
"It seemed amazing we had super high hopes about this composition...didn't end up being as efficient as some other ones."
"I think I know why it's a little icy. I put it all on ultra, that's why."
"Spectacular from Caps. He finds so many members, a triple kill for him coming up absolutely clutch for the team."
"Fnatic could surprise Elements... Fnatic are gonna have very high expectations for the rest of their games because this is phenomenal coordination."
"It blows my mind how many characters you can have on screen, fighting, at once."
"The 6700 XT against the 3060, I have to give the win to the 6700 XT in gaming performance."
"The RTX 6800 non-xt is offering 16 gigabytes of vram so you will never realistically run out of vram."
"Kerbal Space Program one with mods looks better, runs better, and has more features right now."
"This is just an amazing experience guys, very smooth."
"Mewtwo has a lot of good stuff, very fast, very scary."
"Honestly, that's in part due to the fact that we're using the newer RDNA2 architecture."
"There are some great performance wins with optimized settings in this game."
"Forza Horizon 4... manages to look great but also play at very high frame rates."
"Cyberpunk 2077 on PlayStation 4 ran like a disaster ice skating uphill."
"Cloud9 wins the round, it's because of great openers." - Seizing opportunities can lead to unexpected victories.
"Then what we're going to be doing is actually enabling a secret sort of gaming mode but inside of Windows to ensure that our game applications are getting a higher priority over normal applications."
"Can it run Crysis? Well yes, actually, and quite well."
"When you're making that big of a leap in damage per second, like we're talking a hundred or something, when you get some noticeable jumps, it's time to let the old gear go."
"Ray tracing in this game is a strong visual upgrade on the regular rasterization settings."
"The $500 build easily was able to handle 1080 gaming at medium to high settings as well as high frame rate gameplay."
"He's actually playing really well for how [ __ ] focused behind he got this game."
"The Neon Ninja... the fastest farmer in the entire game."
"He's hitting historic highs in damage and laning prowess."
"So here we're looking at an extremely demanding game."
"And even on the 6800, check it out, you're getting a very high refresh rate experience here."
"Using the standard quality preset, the average framerate is similar but Intel has a notable advantage for the frame time results."
"The real takeaway here is that Cyberpunk on next-gen can work."
"The extra memory bandwidth will provide some nice gains in the more CPU-limited modern games."
"With an eGPU attached, the MacBook Air's gaming and video editing performance improves significantly."
"View Distance changes how far this threshold is, and the lower view distance the less intensive it is on your computer since the game doesn’t need to keep checking what all the other players around you are actually doing."
"Even the stock memory Legion 5 is beating the other 3060 laptops."
"It's always been good but it seems like the fine-tuning AMD's done over the past few months has come together to make it that much better for gaming."
"This character's phenomenal, he's the best on eco rounds he's just I mean, I don't know what more to say about chamber in his current state."
"The AMAX just hits so hard... It's hard to beat."
"Do I have to go with the 3200 megahertz RAM kit or can I go with like a slower RAM kit? Yes you can, I just like the higher megahertz because they'll get you more frames per second."
"The slower you go, the less DPS you are going to do."
"At 144Hz, you'll probably want to use the speed mode but for most variable refresh rate gaming or playing at lower refreshes, then the balance mode is ideal."
"Some games look like absolute doo-doo on this PC."
"GG's! Me and guard did a pretty good job minus the annoying hacking with the doors."
"We should be talking about frame times...the struggle never ends."
"Shadow priests and both hunter specs should perform incredibly well."
"Affliction warlock and destro warlock both of these specs are going to do incredibly well."
"Arcane mage, elemental shaman, and balance druid they should do pretty well for the most part."
"This run is fantastic, outstanding, lucky, and Death Chamber to save a lot of time."
"A triple kill! You can't take this guy down right now." - Admiring an unstoppable player's performance.
"Runs well, plays well, controls well - has pretty much everything that you would expect from a really good PC version."
"I'm actually okay with not seeing a massive leap in terms of visuals in favor of these gigantic leaps in terms of performance."
"The 5800X3D pushes the RTX 3090 Ti to 668 FPS on average at 1080p."
"All versions are hitting 60fps during gameplay and it feels great to play."
"Unused system RAM is going to make open-world games like Grand Theft Auto 5 run smoother."
"He's absolutely disgusting in this series so far. I mean, we've had some strange rounds but whether or not the strangest is present in the game, Abbeezie is still just the reaper."
"DLSS is a must with RT, and for this GPU it would mean the lowest DLSS setting for 1080p."
"Let's go dude, I played so bad the first two rounds, at least we clutched up at the end."
"AMD GPUs just absolutely dominate Call of Duty compared to their Nvidia counterparts."
"Apex Legends is not doing as well as it perhaps could have."
"Your DPS is very high, so that should allow you to finish someone before you move on."
"DLSS is an absolute game changer when it comes to giving your GPU enough Headroom."
"Running at a locked 60 frames per second, holy hell."
"The Odyssey G7 delivers elite performance at 240Hz."
"Look at how many numbers, having a really good stat distribution."
"The i5 8400 really proves itself as credible value against other options like the overclockable 8600 K and 8700 K especially when you factor in the difference in the motherboard pricing."
"The i5 8400 does hold its own here against its bigger brothers with an average FPS of 119 point six so about three point five percent within the top score."
"Overall, performance in 30 fps mode on both titles here as shown in the stressful section of Uncharted 4 and even some basic combat and exploration and jeep driving in the Lost Legacy, it doesn't appear to drop or skip a beat."
"DLSS quality at 1440p does seem to get around 60 FPS."
"Upscaling significantly improves performance in this game."
"The 9900K might make sense for someone who wants an extreme high refresh rate gaming system that also does heavy productivity work."
"Even at maximum settings, it's still playable with RTX off."
"A pound of flesh": The court awards it and the law doth give it.
"Oh my god, 12 kills for Peanut in this game so far. Absolutely massive performance."
"And the last game on the list is Prototype 2. In Prototype 2, I set all settings to the maximum, and I used a full HD or 1080p resolution. The frame rate mostly is about 50, but very often will go over sixty."
"Stadia is laggy? No, not at all... there's no latency and like no lag either."
"He's the hardest carry it is possible to have in League of Legends."
"The frame rate is unlocked and it shouldn't be... it's just too unsteady."
"Here on my 4090, I'm able to set everything to Max, I've got crowd density right to Max, I have got DLSS on performance to help smooth out the frame rate..."
"The hierarchy will remain about the same but the FPS will increase if you're willing to drop your settings down to something more reasonable like high."
"It's been a dream, it's been great, and it plays games really well."
"The Core i5 10600 K should offer the same gaming experience or at least a very similar gaming experience at a much cheaper price point."
"83 rating is more than enough to be a good shooter in 2K 23 and it's a great spot in general."
"AMD claims a 13% advantage in Rainbow Six Siege and a huge 52% advantage in 7-Zip file compression."
"If you only care about gaming and what the best performance in terms of R or fps then you're of course better off getting the 9700 K."
"AMD is closing the gap; the 3080 FE OC proved to have worse consistency and 0.1 lows due to errant frame times."
"Quick first step on Hall of Fame literally makes you so fast it's actually ridiculous."
"WB games have historically had a pretty terrible track record on PC."
"The 12100F was capable of driving up to 292 fps on average in F1 2021, with one percent lows above 200 fps."
"60 frames per second is kind of the magic number."
"You want a low input lag, low response rate, and a high refresh rate."
"Holy crap, hitting for a hundred thousand with just a few levels. This thing is going to be epic!"
"You just, you could blow maybe about a year's worth of investigation now if you move too slow."
"This GPU is doing like 60 plus FPS all of the time."
"For gaming, input lag measured 22 milliseconds in game mode on the Sony Z8."
"Zenobia is a beast. Any garrison captain and you're good."
"That was one of the smoothest, the fastest runs I've seen in that chapter, man, it was so, it's so good."
"If you're tired of getting a super thin and light machine that just can't cut it, I mean this thing will play basically every game out there at great frame rates."
"CLM still proving why he's the best Terran in the world."
"Moving on to Halo infinite we see that either CPU is more than capable of powering the RTX 4090 through this title."
"What a recovery in the round so far from Mouses."
"The Pariah is meant to be this quick and it's not going to be patched, it's not going to be left, it is just completely dominant."