
Incomprehensibility Quotes

There are 190 quotes

"His love for you is higher and wider and deeper than you can wrap your mind around."
"As far as Aquinas was convinced, God is incomprehensible. Well, for everyone other than God."
"There are some things humans are not meant to witness. Things our mind cannot fathom, that defy all reason."
"Thy greatness is beyond the reach of mind and speech."
"Magic has and likely will never be truly fully understood."
"It's beyond your imagination. Death, that's inconceivable. Can't even explain it to no one."
"The peace of God surpasses all understanding."
"It is impossible for any of us to comprehend... the love that a parent has for his or her child." - Justice Francis
"We cannot comprehend the height or depth or width or breadth of the love of Christ for us."
"He is a completely honest to whatever he is but totally inscrutable... that's not me insulting him... the man is a genius."
"Aguada the ACMA comentary loss under a massacre on Andreas idea as a bill gate culturally so many top witnesses I know Salma tactical few."
"This case is just impossible for me to wrap my head around."
"Every fifth verse or so of the Quran is completely incomprehensible."
"Magic was beyond human reason, a mental surgery exploring reality."
"It's all part of something we can't wrap our heads around, and it exists in spite of how we feel about it."
"God is not something that we can imagine, he's beyond our beauty and our understanding."
"Imagine this was your loved one, imagine that this was someone that you so deeply loved and cared about and then imagine that they die and there's quite literally nothing that explains it."
"When it comes to power, mother nature holds an extraordinary amount far more than us humans can even comprehend."
"The grace and the mercy of God are beyond our comprehension."
"And yet the strange, unusual and mysterious world of the supernatural defies understanding."
"Only this war is the final one, the last and irreversibly significant. It is clear that we do not yet understand it. What is happening is beyond the comprehension of even those involved in it."
"Even God can't grasp itself, it's a mystery unto itself."
"He is eternal since he exists eternally. He is ineffable since no one was able to comprehend him to speak about him."
"To the human mind, the wisdom of God doesn't make any sense at all."
"Dio's power isn't just terrifying and godlike because it's powerful, but because it's incomprehensible."
"The world is incomprehensible; we won't ever understand it. We won't ever unravel its secrets."
"Oh, the depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are his judgments and how inscrutable his ways!" - Romans 11:33-36
"It's unimaginable how far away it is."
"God's greatness is so far beyond anything we can comprehend."
"Her power is so insurmountable that we can't even comprehend what she is."
"Magic is precisely that which is incomprehensible, that cannot be understood by the rational mind or understood at all."
"How great is God beyond our understanding, the number of his years past finding out."
"God's voice thunders in marvelous ways; he does great things beyond our understanding."
"My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are my ways your ways."
"You'll never understand the amount of His love."
"It's always bigger, always better than our finite Minds can comprehend."
"But God is so much more than what our earthly minds can even comprehend."
"The size and age of the cosmos are beyond ordinary human understanding."
"My thoughts are not your thoughts and my ways are not your ways."
"Even though our human minds and hearts can't fathom the immensity of God's love for us, it doesn't mean it's not true."
"This is beyond human understanding."
"Absolutely baffling, it's just nothing, you just can't imagine what it's like, it's unbearable."
"The universe as a whole it really does make no sense but that's because we're looking at it as a perspective of a human."
"If God is incomprehensible then that must mean He’s utterly unknowable."
"Allah Works in ways we don't understand"
"It becomes so unbelievably incomprehensible that it just doesn't make sense to me."
"The peace of God surpasses all comprehension."
"The records that they broke and the stats that they have are truly not comprehensible."
"But yeah the feelings we can't even comprehend how sick that feels you know."
"Tragedy is just too strong, too powerful for the mind to fathom."
"God is bigger than our understanding."
"To experience Lovecraftian Cosmic horror is to prostrate yourself in complete subjection before the mass of that which is unknowable or incomprehensible. It's the fear of what the Mind cannot comprehend."
"Omnipaths are inscrutably alien entities and impossible for Mortal kind to relate to."
"There are numbers out there that are even larger so large in fact that it's impossible to write them down."
"This power gives off is incomprehensible."
"Have you ever had a dream that you um, you had, you you would you could you do you would you want you you could do so came to do you so much you could do anything."
"God is Big we cannot begin to understand how big God is I mean it base it to me my impression was it took the whole thighs of the Moon just to Shield me from his glory wow wow."
"God is so good that we can't even wrap our hearts and minds around it. It's so... He's so big and loves us so much."
"You have no idea of what a deep profound vast incomprehensible sacrifice really looks like until you look at what Christ did."
"Love is a mystery, unconditional love which can't be comprehended."
"...God is transcendent he is above and beyond human comprehension and he is outside the universe and he is exalted in power."
"The fact is you can't measure a billion."
"our brains can't even fully comprehend just how huge the universe is."
"When something just pops out of existence and you can't predict it, then you know that there's something you just can't understand."
"The universe contains an incomprehensible amount of objects."
"The fear of the unknowable and incomprehensible is endless and ever-reaching, and when untethered from the limitations of one man's own fears, has the potential to develop into so much more."
"A terrifying encounter with an entity beyond comprehension."
"There's a God in heaven that loves you with the love you cannot comprehend."
"Some things about God are incomprehensible."
"His love for you is high, higher and wider and deeper than you can wrap your mind around."
"...the works of God are past finding out."
"Remember, even if the countless Buddhas in 10 directions as numerous as the sands of the Ganges tried with all their power and all their Buddha wisdom to calculate or comprehend the merit of one person's Zen, they could not even get close."
"the chaos that unfolded was beyond comprehension"
"There is something going on that is not able to be understood by our minds."
"Human minds cannot comprehend God in its totality."
"The scope and scale of the universe is beyond our comprehension."
"The world is unintelligible to our common sense, but that's just the way it is."
"This is joy beyond joy, beyond comprehension of joy."
"God's grace is so awesome, what Jesus did for us is beyond our comprehension."
"No one will ever understand how much they are loved by God."
"If you could explain God, He would suddenly be explainable, He would be small, He wouldn't be vast, He wouldn't be supreme."
"God thundereth marvellously with his voice; great things doeth he, which we cannot comprehend."
"Because God is immense, his love is an incomprehensible vast, bottomless, boundless sureness."
"I think that when we do look at God, it will be amazing and it will be like nothing we can understand."
"But the thunder of His power who can understand?"
"This is absolutely beyond comprehension; this is the word."
"He is not bound by your thinking; science can't explain Him, geologists can't touch Him, scientists can't even understand Him."
"God's power is so infinite and so vast and so great that it cannot be comprehended by man."
"Quantum mechanics is so unbelievable when you try to describe them to people, people's brains can't even wrap around it."
"The ocean and its vast emptiness echoes things that are difficult for the human mind to comprehend."
"What she does is absolutely astonishing, I can't wrap my head around it."
"God is not like any object the human mind can conceive."
"Your lord is beyond your comprehension but at the same time, he's not beyond you in terms of he's close to you with your Dua."
"No human mind can encompass the totality and the mystery of God."
"I can't even comprehend what I've seen."
"The soul cannot understand the value of the graces bestowed by God upon it, nor the love which draws Him ever closer to it."
"You are the joy I'll never comprehend."
"Secret underground grotto, levels of extra that I can't comprehend."
"This is unfathomable, this is inconceivable, this is unquantifiable."
"The finite mind of men cannot comprehend the surpassingly infinite mind of God."
"Pure chaotic borderline incomprehensible beauty."
"There is no true beginning to the Hellraiser story, as the realm of hell and the dark God Leviathan have an unfathomably primeval existence beyond our comprehension of time."
"It provides flexibility on a level that is almost incomprehensible."
"Our brains can't comprehend these concepts; the universe is too big."
"I had witnessed something beyond comprehension, something that shattered the boundaries of reality as I knew it."
"How great is His mercy, beyond understanding."
"If God were small enough for me to figure out, He wouldn't be big enough for me to worship."
"The God of heaven loves you with a love that you can't understand."
"He thunders marvelously with His voice; great things does He, which we cannot comprehend."
"The starting point of the Zohar is that God is beyond everything you can understand."
"A God that I can totally wrap my mind around and understand is not a god worthy of my worship."
"When we talk about Allah, when we talk about God, He is beyond our comprehension, our understanding, and our ability to even think that big."
"Whose throne is inestimable; whose glory may not be comprehended; before whom the hosts of angels stand with trembling."
"We serve a God who is a mystery, who you'll never fully understand."
"The world we live in is kind of feels incomprehensible to a lot of people because it's so complex."
"It needs to have a level of power we cannot even comprehend."
"Trying to describe heaven to mankind is like trying to describe the internet to an ant."
"There are things at play here that mere mortals cannot understand."
"It was about eight or nine feet tall, a shadowy figure that defied comprehension."
"The world is such that we can't even fathom the love of the mother for her child."
"It cannot be experienced, it cannot be conceived, you see, or understood through thought."
"God thunders with His voice wondrously, doing great things which we cannot comprehend."
"God's power cannot be comprehended by limited minds of what God has created."
"The sun reaches a scorching 27 million degrees Fahrenheit, a temperature that will continue to be incomprehensible to the human mind."
"The mystery of Salvation is beyond human understanding."
"He is so high that He is infinitely above any need of us; above our reach, that we cannot be profitable to Him; and above our conceptions, that we cannot comprehend Him."
"God must be more love than we can even fathom."
"It's hard even fathom, unfathomable."
"It's just never-ending, the ocean is vast and you just can't comprehend it."
"Even the greatest minds in the world cannot comprehend what's happening there."
"I cannot be certain I saw anything with my eyes, but I can say with absolute conviction that some dormant region of my primitive brain perceived images and sensations beyond comprehension."
"The greatness of God is beyond any understanding we have."
"The true idea of man, as the reflection of the invisible God, is as incomprehensible to the limited senses as is man's infinite Principle."
"When God has a blessing on your life, not even you can make sense of it."
"There are billions of planets in the universe, so many your brain cannot comprehend it."
"It's something I can't even really comprehend."
"God cannot be understood, He can only be revealed."
"His ways are higher than our ways, and His thoughts are beyond our ability to comprehend in the finite."
"Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, too great for me to understand."
"They are unthinkable above us in the matter of intelligence."
"God in himself is more than we can express, more than we can capture, more than we can imagine or dream of."
"God is infinite; it's uncompressible."
"The divine depths of the prophetic and Christian mysteries, because it is divine, it is therefore impenetrable to human understanding."
"The universe is far beyond what we can comprehend."
"The whole cannot be grasped in thought, there's some sense of the whole which cannot be put in words."
"Your thoughts—how rare, how beautiful! God, I'll never comprehend them."
"The peace that the Lord Jesus gives us the world can't understand."
"We can't fully comprehend the majesty of God."
"No one can comprehend my glory, whoever he is, whatever his method of inquiry, however long his attempt."
"Mass atrocities in the 20th century... something that's so horrible beyond comprehension."
"We Muslims or religious people believe that God's laws we cannot comprehend all of them."
"God is a mystery, God is bigger than our understanding."
"No one can comprehend what goes on under the sun. Despite all their efforts to search it out, no one can discover its meaning."
"There are things beyond our mind, there are things that we cannot understand."
"The Most High thundereth marvellously with his voice; great things doeth he, which we cannot comprehend."