
Force Quotes

There are 1210 quotes

"The dark side of the force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural."
"The greater the desire, the greater the force set into motion."
"The most powerful force on earth is the power of vision."
"The only force that we see in revelation is the place of right worship."
"The concept of Islam spread by the sword or any type of force is impossible, because Islam requires sincerity."
"All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force; we must assume behind this force is the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind."
"Just when you think you understand the force, you find out how little you actually know." - Ahsoka
"The net force of an object is equal to the mass times the acceleration."
"The guard are known as the hammer of the Emperor for their blunt force. The marines are the scalpel of the Emperor."
"Nothing in evolutionary biology suggests that a value attaches to the use of reason as opposed to the use of force."
"Can you master the awesome power of the Force?"
"Better than training the force is more than experience or speed, it gives."
"We're launching the largest military force in galactic history against the Reapers."
"Violent men take the Kingdom of God by force."
"Yes, feel love for your father, your mother, for me, and know that they are part of the Force. If you were to lose them, that's something that my father never understood."
"Politics always involves a little bit of brute force, but there are times when it's much more rational and civilized than others. And we're in one of the others right now."
"Force is sometimes necessary for a solution, but it's not the only way."
"Feeling full but having to force yourself to eat is like the worst."
"Political power grows at the barrel of a gun."
"The only language understood by killers like this is the language of force."
"Troops in DC: one of the most staggering displays of force on American soil."
"The force of attraction is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them."
"Nobody's as good at destroying the Sith as the Sith, and the Force will be with you always."
"Be wary, I sense a disturbance in the Force."
"The greatest force for destruction that the world had ever seen."
"Love is literally the strongest, most important force in this universe."
"He does bring balance to the force by drop kicking the Emperor down that shaft."
"In predictability is a force of nature and the force will be with you always."
"People being compelled one way or the other by force is the issue we're dealing with here."
"The force is eternal, it cannot be ended, it cannot be stopped, not so long as life exists."
"The Emperor was not a nice guy, he might have like the best intentions but he normally has like the best intentions by force kind of way."
"The greatest force is when the wire is perpendicular with the magnetic field lines."
"I want world peace, even if I have to get it by force."
"The time for strategy is over, now we try brute force."
"Life and death are both connected through the force."
"Zonama Sakat: a sentient force-wielding planet."
"Don't force nothing at all, you can't force nothing, can't, it's going to have you [ __ ] up if you keep forcing, you just got sometimes you got to let [ __ ] go, yeah, you know what I'm saying."
"Stalin wanted God off to strike with overwhelming force against the Germans."
"For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction, so when you're applying force onto the object to change its direction the object is also applying force onto your hand."
"Using force is a very dangerous instrument... often produces consequences other than those we expected or intended."
"Their war is the collision between an Unstoppable force and an immovable object."
"To use the force as one truly connected to it. Not one seeking power, or lusting after anything other than one’s truest connection to what binds the galaxy and everything and everyone together."
"Kenobi's complete trust in the Living Force enabled him to achieve feats typically beyond those of his skill level."
"It's platforming that makes you feel like you have the force."
"The force is strong in those that believe in it."
"Time is the mightiest force in the world, or even in the universe."
"What matters is what they do and that you control by force."
"Fire is the element of power, consisting of overpowering force tempered by the unflinching will to accomplish tasks and desires."
"I'm going to hit it so hard that it falls off."
"The FBI was not acting with compassion, not acting with foresight, they were acting with excessive force"
"There isn't some greater cause you're fighting for and this is what happens, and you're having to unite these people together by brute force."
"Combat emphasizes nuance instead of brute force."
"Government only speaks one language and it's the language of force and violence and guns."
"Then he breaks free showing us what the force is truly capable of."
"Powerful forces are here to force you to make adjustments and change. All you have to do is allow it."
"Water, a terrifying force filling all available space with its soulless blue mass."
"Purple... indicating one's balance in the force, a harmony between light and dark."
"Forcing things... it always leads to an ugly outcome."
"The force needed to move any vehicle is proportional to the weight of the vehicle."
"The economy of force was in the tank destroyer's favor; it worked just as it was designed to."
"Rick Grimes became this unstoppable force of nature out of a necessity to protect his son."
"To forcibly take the ring from someone is not merely a physical act but also a deeply moral violation."
"Force is not power, that is corruption."
"Wind is one of the biggest forces that act on a building."
"You are among the most powerful forces within the universe."
"The principle of energetic force; the impulse and capacity to assert, to act and move energetically and forcefully, to have an impact."
"You got seconds to get 300 foot away; you do feel it, literally an earthquake when it lands."
"He's like the wind, right? He's like a force of nature."
"Love has always been a strong force."
"It was a weapon that required skill and training, and was greatly enhanced when used in conjunction with the Force."
"The law of attraction is this force, it's like gravity... it's always working whether you want it to or not."
"Keep yourself mindful of the future, the living force, young padawan."
"She is such a dynamic presence and force of will that not only does it feel natural, it shows just how she could have commanded those genres for years to come."
"According to physics, if there is work that has been done, then there must be a force in place that is able to do that work."
"...we are an unbreakable force..."
"The universe is not neutral, that there is a force of love in the world."
"I am Obi-Wan Kenobi and I am all the Jedi."
"You feel a centrifugal force pulling you down towards the floor, and that feels like gravity."
"The whole idea behind the force was that it is in everything and everyone."
"When a police tactical team goes in, it's supposed to be a display of overwhelming force against a dangerous threat."
"The amount of cross-bridges you have, the more effectively you can pull the actin closer to each other, the faster the contraction, the more forceful the contraction is going to be."
"...as a huge powerful beam just obliterated everything that was in its path, leaving a massive hole in the wall..."
"The car creates so much load through the tire it can be a huge amount of force going for the steering wheel."
"The emotion of sex is an irresistible force against which there can be no such opposition as an immovable body."
"Retaining your consciousness after death was only available to the light side of the Force."
"Love is the greatest force that we have."
"The force itself wanted to purge the galaxy of the Death Star, it was the embodiment of everything that's wrong with the dark side."
"There is a profound strength in understanding the difference between effort and force."
"Change either happens by choice or by force."
"The Sith have an all-encompassing relationship with the Force."
"The situation makes them grow a lot, forces them to grow a lot."
"If Ahsoka manages to train so being run properly on how to tap into the force and get into rhythm with her blade she might become one of the most interesting and unorthodox Duelists we've seen in Star Wars."
"Luke predicts that by the time her training is complete Kira will go down in history as one of the strongest force users who's ever lived."
"That's her motivation she wants to learn how to use the force so that she can ensure that no other child will have to experience the same kind of pain and loneliness that she felt growing up as an orphan."
"Whenever you're with somebody and y'all ain't jelling, you gotta force it. It's not it."
"With great force powers comes great responsibility."
"Force endure was a force power used by several Jedi to endure physical pain, masters of the ability could resist otherwise brutal injuries."
"Force cloak was a rare ability involved in the manipulation of light and sound waves to render a practitioner virtually invisible to the naked eye."
"Mace Windu's force abilities were phenomenal, not far below Yoda's in the grand scheme."
"Broly launches toward Vegeta, just the power of him launching towards Vegeta creates a massive shock wave sending everyone flying back."
"The efficacy of force, a lesson he had never forgotten."
"An entire army with a Maia in charge of it just to bring down one guy."
"Mace Windu and others have utilized that super conductive loop by siphoning the Force."
"But as he drew closer he heard a voice of Obi-Wan Kenobi, telling him to rely on the Force and trust his feelings."
"I like the idea that the Jedi monopolized the force, but anybody can do it if given the training. It's not a legacy. You can do it if you put your mind to it."
"Force breaks more than it creates. Be gentle as you move ahead and trust that all will be revealed in due time."
"It looked like a freight train just running through the Palmettos."
"That's a force that any of us can harness."
"The gravitational force... the tendency for things to accelerate in this picture here."
"It was forced, it was beaten into people."
"Simple kindness to oneself and all that lives is the most transformational force of all."
"Most agree that there is some Force at work that wants to drive people out of the ocean."
"You could say the force has awoken."
"Sometimes brute force is needed to fit everything into place."
"The basic idea is this: contact with the force is enough to drive you insane."
"Bottle charges forward, unstoppable like a freight train."
"Worry not my young apprentice, the force will guide you."
"A solid slap, I was gonna say it has to be a solid one."
"Compassion is the force behind paying the debt of love."
"The force is one of the main components to identifying what makes the Star Wars film so special and unique."
"You know, like, there's a little bit of that like, we've been introduced into this this force that is just kind of incomprehensible to like a regular human being, you know?"
"The heavier something is, the more force is acting on it from gravity, which means the harder it is to slow down when it's falling."
"Now, how do we make it even better? What if we add in an extra force and we could squish the water down to go out faster?"
"It really was some WWE me a blind man in the force."
"The forces with me, I'm one with the force."
"Gravity reached from the earth to the moon. The same force that drew an apple drew the moon."
"He explains that no matter what kind of Sword you use, slamming it with a lot of force can make it shatter."
"May the force be with you, Anakin."
"The Jedi took over, the light side of the Force would reign supreme over the Galaxy, keeping the people safe."
"I feel like a force as well, like we're very, we're very tribal, fam, by nature, blood."
"By explaining midi-chlorians and the wills, Lucas isn't explaining away anything mystical or spiritual about the force. He's illustrating how it affects the Galaxy on a macro scale and on a micro scale."
"Incidents involving Police use of force are not new, each case raises questions about potential preventative measures and deescalation tactics."
"Dagobah was far from a simple swampland... it served as one of the purest planets within the fabric of the Force."
"When you 'F' in such a manner, you're clubbing and stepping, the force that you can generate is far more increased. You can put people to sleep."
"It was believed that upon donning the mask, any non-force sensitive would immediately be granted the powers of the force itself."
"The force is what gives a Jedi his path."
"Dathomir itself practically gave birth to an entirely new religion within the Force itself."
"Once your intelligence is against you, there is no force on the planet or anywhere which can save you."
"Luke is absolutely one of the most powerful force users for sure."
"The doctrine of repelling force with force crystallizes and forms in full by 1530 or 1531."
"Marvel is a force to be reckoned with."
"An object in motion will continue in motion unless acted upon by an outside force."
"Use the force. Can you hear it? Listen. Close your eyes."
"A tremor in the Force. The last time I felt it was in the presence of my old master."
"They are a powerful force that should be respected."
"It felt like a giant slugging the ship in the stomach, boosting it upward with each rocket blast."
"Rey, the force will be with you, always."
"Imagine being lifted off the ground and then slammed to the ground with this tremendous force."
"The most dominant Force you've ever seen in our lifetime."
"Force has come to England, and the basis of this force is to underlie everything that subsequently happens."
"There's definitely some force to it."
"Wookies trust their instincts and understanding of the force rather than use machines to travel around and help them survive."
"The Force had called him to be with his old Padawan."
"The storm had struck with incredible ferocity."
"The force is literally the writers."
"Using Force to quell descent doesn't address the root causes of why people turn to crime in the first place."
"I also think if Anakin hadn't used the force, if they weren't stuck together on this mission to hide away from assassins, I don't think they would have gotten together."
"Thunderbolt is too great to ignore and is a force to be reckoned with."
"Tapping into the force and falling into its rhythm is something that anyone can do, not just the Jedi and Sith."
"Falling into the rhythm of the force seems like something that even a non-force sensitive can do."
"'A Grey Jedi is a Force wielder who studies and utilizes both the light and the dark side of the Force.'"
"The Mortis gods are more powerful in the force than any Jedi had ever seen before."
"The cosmic force from my understanding is far more than just a wellspring of the living Force, it's almost this Consciousness which defies definition in some ways."
"Perhaps this is what is keeping Sidious from entering this realm. He's just not worthy, he's not using the Force correctly."
"Will is the motive electric force of the universe, the only Force there is."
"The Force resides in all living things, even you."
"The real issue here however the 800 gram spring penetrated the helmet visor and struck him just above his left eye with so much force he was not unconscious instantly."
"Anytime you press down on an object, you increase the normal force."
"His ally is the force. And where you should not. For my ally is the force and the powerful Ally it is."
"Static friction matches the applied force until you exceed its maximum value."
"John Wick just leaves graveyards behind him."
"Moral force is the greatest power. Let the seeker for true prosperity discover this force, let him foster and develop it in his mind and deeds."
"The idea is well we're still applying the same Force it's going to move more quickly but it's going to be less fatiguing because it's lighter weight."
"Just enough that it drags the paint off there."
"Black holes, one of the biggest driving forces in the cosmos... it sucks everything around it in with a force that nothing can escape."
"Maximize the effectiveness of your force by integrating it."
"Azor High wants to force his way into the weirwood net."
"Chaos, even at low TV, are absolutely... an absolute force to be reckoned with."
"Faith is the force that has God's backing."
"Pressure is hard at work all around us-- an invisible force that makes things move faster, change consistency, or raise and lower temperature."
"When an irresistible force meets removable objects, something is going to give, but nothing is given yet."
"There is a creative force in this universe working to pull down the gigantic mountings of evil."
"Pulleys are a great way to change the direction of force."
"May the force be with you, of course."
"Gravity overwhelms all other forces."
"The hero hit the bully with such force that he, unable to maintain his balance, fell to the floor."
"The force is with us Master Sidious."
"I think love is the ultimate force."
"The most powerful force on Earth is the will of man."
"Leia's hold was not merely physical. She closed her eyes, focused all of her life force, and squeezed the breath from the horrid creature."
"Unconditional love is the greatest force in the universe."
"Anakin Skywalker was the one who could truly manipulate the force because he was a creation of the force."
"Anakin's Mastery of the force gave him an advantage."
"I think there's something here, I think there's some Force to these considerations."
"There's a singular Force that's operating all of reality."
"The force within him is stronger than any known Jedi."
"The tenth brother was once a Jedi master named crossette dibs although completely blind he was regarded by Mace Windu as being exceptionally powerful in the force and mindfully insightful."
"The creature retaliated, this time using hard Brute Force."
"His mere presence poisons the force for light side users."
"The lock appears to have been broken by blunt force."