
Intellectual Integrity Quotes

There are 64 quotes

"Notice when you lack intellectual integrity."
"I'm not interested in easy dunks on people. I'm interested instead in getting my words and ideas correct."
"We need to cease to reward people for pretending to know things they do not know."
"I truly am astounded by people who have the intellectual honesty and fortitude to question deeply held beliefs."
"Seek the truth, whether it stands for radicalism or conservatism."
"I just think intellectual honesty is really important and I want to make this about the ideas."
"I love the quotation... 'I respect you as a person too much to respect your ridiculous ideas.'"
"If a set of beliefs is true, it can withstand scrutiny from any and all angles."
"Be careful what you copy. Listen. I want you to listen like God is talking to you."
"If there's no intellectually robust undergirding of who you are, well then you're simply going to be opposed to every change whatsoever."
"Changing your mind over time as a result of learning new things like when the facts change of course your opinion is going to change he's not a mark of being opportunistic or weak-willed it's a mark of having integrity."
"Don't complain, solve it and be intellectually honest."
"We glorify God by using our minds not to believe lies but to believe truths."
"I'm an atheist in part because I took seriously what I thought my obligation was as a Christian which was to have good reasons for my beliefs."
"This is why we want to believe as many true things and as few false things as possible..."
"The truth is what the facts are, and if you don't care what the facts are, then you don't care what the truth is."
"If you have to sacrifice your mind and the respect and authority of Scripture to get closer to God, then you're getting closer to a caricature of God."
"I respect Cardi B for quoting the source and shouting me out."
"There's very little in it that is out of date. It remains almost entirely right as far as it goes."
"He's comfortable going against the grain to find objective truth."
"Quoting Shlomo Ben's book here and only taking one side is a crime and betrays the entire purpose of the book."
"We want to get at the truth whatever the consequences may be."
"Relativism often becomes intellectually lazy or downright disingenuous."
"I don't believe that all ideas have equal merit. If you believe the world is flat, you're simply wrong."
"Thomas Sowell is that rarest of species, an honest intellectual."
"The pressure to vet ideas and jettison dogma is exquisite in science and nonexistent in orthodox religion."
"No one ought to be free from criticism. A sign of irrationality is the refusal to critique falsity when presented, no matter who makes them."
"From other people you gotta have your own opinion you can't just steal."
"We want to know the truth more than aligning with a political party."
"We are dealing with truth, we're dealing with facts."
"No answer is a much more respectable intellectual position than making up a story."
"I don't consciously hold any beliefs I can't rationally defend."
"Why dedicate your life to being an intellectual if you're not interested in the truth?"
"The stakes are high. Anyone against critical thinking cannot be regarded with any credibility at all."
"If you cannot argue your ideological opponents' position, you have no business holding your own."
"We can raise the level of discourse by not having to resort to pejoratives or demeaning someone's intelligence."
"We need intellectual honesty, you know we need to have real debate and discussion where people listen to the reasoning of the other person and they address the reasoning."
"Science isn't claiming to have the truth, it's seeking the truth."
"Science and censorship are, in fact, incompatible."
"Preferring truth to error, preferring accuracy to falsehood, preferring consistency over contradiction, those are all foundational philosophical values."
"Being pro-science means supporting science even if it disagrees with your personal beliefs."
"Politicizing medical discussion is an exercise in intellectual bankruptcy, Tucker."
"Defend freedom we have to defend two and two equals four because if we don't if we let it go then Freedom goes with it and your self-respect goes with it."
"In matters like this, you cannot choose your beliefs, you must be convinced."
"Everybody's entitled to their own opinion, but nobody's entitled to their own fact."
"If you can't know something without using intellectual dishonesty, then it isn't worth knowing."
"I just want people to make good arguments. I don't care to lose. I'm not going to martyr myself for logic and reason."
"The mark of an educated mind is to entertain a thought without accepting it."
"I hate bad arguments. I hate them most when they're coming from people who are defending positions I hold."
"You can't have a good faith argument with people who aren't even willing to deal in facts."
"Mises' importance deserves to be underlined in regard to one additional aspect of his life and career: his intellectual integrity."
"Intellectual honesty is seeing the world as it really is, not the way we'd like it to be."
"Any politician who uses religion and ethnicity as a basis of mobilization is one who is suffering from intellectual bankruptcy and ideological bankruptcy."
"Intellectual cowardice is the worst enemy a writer or journalist has to face."
"I care more about knowing the truth than holding to any of my current positions."
"Intellectual honesty is incredibly rare."
"Anybody who decides to abuse their position as an intellectual to engage in political activism is violating Max Weber's great rule."
"To pretend that you know something that you don't know is intellectual dishonesty."
"The answer is we don't know. To pretend that you know something that you don't know is intellectual dishonesty."
"I operate as a skeptic and not an intellectual fraud who decides first what I want to believe in and then only accepts that which confirms it."