
Preventive Measures Quotes

There are 301 quotes

"So, my mission is not to fix broken adults. It's to build stronger children."
"It is therefore urgent that we take effective measures that address all of these variables in order to alleviate the humanitarian situation and prevent the recurrence of these adverse circumstances."
"Wearing masks is not instead of social distancing; wearing masks is not instead of hand hygiene. It's part of a comprehensive strategy to break the transmission of this virus."
"We as a society will either pay the price tag now through legislation...or we will pay an immensely higher price tag later."
"It's also important to break the habit of putting your hands to your face."
"The most important thing is, again, if you are sick, stay home, because you don't want to be going onto a bus or a subway with a cough and potentially infecting other people."
"The steps that we're taking, the only reason that we're taking them is because we believe that this is a step that will go towards ensuring that this virus does not spread as widely as it could do."
"If you learn from them, you can use it to stop it from happening again and again."
"Elevated insulin levels correlate with developing cancer. They strongly correlate with developing memory loss, dementia, Parkinson's and Alzheimer's, none of which you want."
"Every one of us has a role to play to protect the most vulnerable among us and to save lives by putting the guidelines into practice."
"We're in a very different place now, we have the tools - vaccines, boosters, masks, tests, pills - to save lives and keep businesses and schools open."
"Prevention is the action or steps we follow that can prohibit avoidable injuries and unnecessary delays."
"People who wear sunscreen daily after four and a half years have 23 percent less photoaging and cumulative sun damage in their skin compared to people who just wear sunscreen willy-nilly here and there."
"When it comes to crisis PR, basically having a strong brand is the best insurance policy."
"This is our best and only great public health tool. You're gonna see it most dramatically."
"Keep it up because this is going to get us out of it. This is our best and only great public health tool."
"Protect your eyes, it appears that glasses act as a barrier from coughs or sneezes."
"Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds especially after going to the bathroom before eating and after blowing your nose coughing or sneezing."
"The guidance will be around how to keep workplaces safe, how to keep schools safe, how to keep the home safe."
"Masks and handwashing and being polite... is that simple."
"The almost universal wearing of masks is probably hands down."
"We can prevent these actions from happening and not have to be here after the fact."
"We changed reality. The differential, the variance is what we did. It's the lockdown, it's wearing masks, it's all of that. We've reduced the rate, we so-called flatten the curve."
"Please keep your children safe, teach them a secret code or a password, the buddy system works, don't let them go into public restrooms or facilities you know by themselves today there's more fuel than ever for these guys."
"We still have a voluntary contact tracing system in place. To date, we've had no outbreaks linked to the facility."
"Poor cardio-metabolic health is the real issue we should be addressing."
"Science says wear a mask, governance says let's enforce that."
"Did you see the video where they teach children how not to take candy from strangers? That's traumatizing, but unlike the scary mask one, there's a lesson involved."
"The mask that we recommend is more to prevent you from infecting somebody else than it is to help you to get protected from someone else."
"It's not just somebody I disagree with, it's existential threat."
"Mask up, get tested if you've been around someone who's positive, stay home."
"It's still vital that we remember to wash our hands."
"If we had started these practices sooner, could these models be different?"
"The dominating drive of this was to make sure that this is done in the safest way possible."
"Practice social distancing; avoid large crowds to prevent the spread of illness."
"If you want to avoid early death... at some point something's going to give."
"This is like deciding you know what this forest might burn so let's cut a third of it this is crazy."
"The purpose of this face covering is to be another objective mitigation strategy to protect someone from spreading the virus from themselves to someone else."
"The answer in RTS is always to fix the problem so that it never even happens in the first place."
"As sad as it is and as discussing as these people are it is important that we know about these people so we know a little bit more about how they combat them and how to stop it before it gets too far."
"The reality is if every American had access to say five tests at home we really wouldn't be having this conversation."
"As always we at medcram believe in the Swiss cheese approach."
"I believe we as a diving community have a responsibility to prevent this from happening to another family."
"How do we avoid bugs like this happening all the time? The simplest way is if everyone every single human being has backups of their world."
"We want to ensure the safety and must safeguard against any further transmission of this virus."
"Think of all the gaming disasters that might have been avoided with a few more play-testers in the room…"
"Our diet, our foods, and how we think about them are missing tools in the toolbox of healthcare."
"Regarding these changes that resemble diabetes or obesity, you can fend these off with having more muscle mass."
"We must address every potentially important pathway to slow the spread."
"Continue the social distancing continue to wear masks if you got in publics you know a coffin on other people are breathing on other people."
"Staying at home, practicing vigorous hygiene, and maintaining social distance is the most effective weapon in this war."
"HealWell's focus on AI and data science for preventative healthcare is a game changer."
"It looked like the same black car that I noticed going up and down my road over the last few days."
"Standard surgical masks cannot protect you from the virus, but they can help prevent you from spreading it if you're infected."
"Again, it's that simple folks wear masks prevent the spread of this bring the numbers back down and let's not give government more of an excuse to intervene in our lives."
"Why should Americans care about the Solomon Islands?"
"Masks are a fantastic thing to add to your tool set."
"If you follow the advice, you are saving somebody's life. It's as simple and as stark as that."
"What I want to know is where David Dobrik went so wrong, what this phenomena looks like, and how this could be controlled to stop more people getting hurt by those with an inflated sense of self."
"That's a fear that's worth holding on to because it'll keep you from not implementing a stop loss when you should always have one."
"If a Grizzly develops a taste for garbage, gets accustomed to being near people, and then teaches those bad habits to their cubs, it can prove fatal." - Narrator
"Social distancing and making sure you wash your hands before you touch your face, bottom line."
"The social distancing, you know, the hand-washing, and all that, that's really important."
"Maintain social distancing and hand hygiene, crucial for everyone's safety."
"The most important thing that we can do is to self quarantine."
"Do not touch your t-zone... the eyes, the nose and the oral mucosa."
"Wash your hands for at least 30 seconds, wear a mask in public, do your research, get the vaccine."
"Preventative care goes a long way towards reducing overall healthcare costs."
"Without aggressive additional measures, more people will get sick, more people will die, and our economy will suffer longer."
"Strength matters... 70% reduction in incidents and mortality from dementia."
"There's preventative measures that we can take to safeguard ourselves."
"Background checks, 'cause you know what, you just might want to know before somebody [has a gun]."
"We need to take out some time to make sure that this way of thinking does not enter our society."
"Widespread mask-wearing dramatically reduces case counts, it's our second most powerful tool after vaccination."
"Hopefully, by analyzing the series of events, we can learn how to recognize what patterns lead to war in order to avoid them in the future."
"This cause more than anything else will buy time, time to prevent the worst-case scenario, time to save lives."
"Combining background checks and red flag legislation immediately handles two of the most vulnerable populations."
"By wearing a mask from now until April, we'd save more than 50,000 lives."
"People need to wear masks and practice social distancing to protect themselves and others from COVID-19."
"Containment is critical: Direct contact, droplets, and aerosols."
"Always clean surfaces to prevent spreading bacteria, safety first!"
"We're not defenseless against this virus, we actually have very powerful weapons." - Dr. Redfield
"Social distancing, face coverage, and hand-washing really does work." - Dr. Redfield
"We should pay people to stay out of jail because we spend so much when they're in jail."
"Even before they may even lose weight or see any huge results, they'll notice their blood pressure drops because their insulin drops."
"Very important... to make sure that you get rid of all the extra standoffs so you don't damage your board."
"There's never been a school shooting in a school that allows teachers to carry."
"Staying indoors and reading right now actually might save your life."
"Decontaminate all surfaces you got to get used to that."
"Something has to be done about that legally because if not this could happen every time"
"The best thing that we can do to support our health care workers."
"The world may need to resort to lockdowns again, this time to tackle a climate emergency."
"If something like this ever happens to you, make sure to check your laws."
"However, if you do want to take preventive measures and making sure that they don't get any pests in the future, you know, spray them with a natural insecticide at least once a month."
"Be very careful who you open your doors to... Always take extra precaution."
"Be aware these things are going to happen and war game in advance what your response is going to be."
"Early intervention prevention makes a profound difference."
"Follow the instructions from the CDC and our government and actually do our part."
"They find at-risk youth who might end up in a gang and for them, it's like $300 to get them into a positive cycle as opposed to a negative cycle."
"Regardless of what else might be true about this paper, we have been advocating for mask wearing and hygiene and social distancing and all of these things."
"All of the approaches that can be taken to stop social transmission should be the first order."
"I don't think we're all going to be infected. Many Americans are, but there's a lot we can do to protect ourselves."
"We want to keep those numbers a lot lower than they were and we will do that."
"The main reason to wear masks is to protect others."
"Cycling can contribute to preventing a second wave of the coronavirus pandemic."
"Everyone should be wearing a mask when they go to a supermarket."
"Wearing a mask can reduce the severity of your infection."
"Your safety is our top priority, so we are taking immediate measures."
"You can protect potential victims while still warning the community about someone who's out there."
"If this ever happens again, people will not be so hesitant to let others know about a potential danger."
"Most injuries occur because of technique errors and the way we load the body."
"All of these premature deaths could be avoided if the average global temperature could be reduced by just 1.5 degrees."
"The whole point of COVID was we were told that all of our efforts are supposed to be there to prevent the hospitals being swamped."
"The most important thing to do is wash your hands."
"We could save over 115,000 lives if we just take simple steps, chief among them wearing a mask..."
"We've got to identify and help those people well before they cross that criminal threshold."
"Prevention is better than cure yeah, better is then like actually 20 cents a week on tumeric then at $20,000 hospital bed."
"Prevent online harassment... they're going to try to stop it before it happens."
"Proper sun protection is about covering up, seeking shade, and sunscreen, in that order."
"What should Canada's Drag Race do moving forward to prevent situations like this from occurring in the future?"
"If nothing's done, children are going to lose years of their lives to something that could have been avoided with very basic adult guidance and support."
"People would wear sunscreen more if it was given for free."
"The buddy system has been proven to work. Run with a friend or in well-lit, populated areas."
"Change your life and prevent the damage before it happens."
"Make sure you wear a mask when you're out in public."
"Keeping everybody cool... trying to dissuade them from going outside and into the direct sun."
"Everyone should wear a mask. That would go a really long way towards defeating this thing."
"Washing your hands, surfaces, and cooking tools is crucial."
"Drink responsibly and you'll feel your best tomorrow, this stuff works."
"We need to invest in prevention rather than investing in the aftermath."
"We gotta be aware cognizant of that and do as many things as we can to help it be as safe as possible for doing a dangerous thing."
"Safety is paramount; little mistakes can have major consequences."
"Ventilate, ventilate, ventilate. It's a major factor."
"Identifying super spreaders is crucial to reducing the spread of infectious diseases."
"The real way that we prevent this from happening again is to create an environment where no single person has that power."
"Protecting your skin from the sun can actually help protect you from future flares of acne."
"Wash your hands, don't touch your face, stay at home if you're not well."
"Learning to maintain a lifestyle where you don't have to worry about being overweight."
"This could be and how bad it potentially could be if we don’t take dramatic steps right now."
"Cincinnati police advised motorists to keep their windows closed for the time being."
"Prevention is key, so keep what you have. Treatments can take four to six months to see results, so act right away."
"The drilled hole provides a nice smooth radius and hopefully prevent that."
"Do your research, talk to your medical professionals, get the vaccine, wear the mask."
"It is really important for people to look for these warning signs."
"The best way to prevent anything is by giving your orchids attention."
"Pausing and not doing anything really, really, really it will save you so much heartache."
"I did get sim swapped... but they didn't get anything because I had already de-linked my phone number."
"What we need to do is be doing the same type of vigilance on our cybersecurity that we are asking companies to do."
"Masks and social distancing for the period of time that we're concerned about spread will help open businesses open schools use the precautions I mentioned."
"Is Lori on any kind of suicide watch tonight?"
"Why does nobody ever talk about how basic security plans for schools could prevent 99% of school shootings?"
"If everybody wore a high-quality mask you would see reduction in spread of viruses."
"If the ward's signal had been heeded, the lives of 2000 American servicemen might have been saved."
"Remember, if a stranger offers to buy you a toy or a treat, you have to say no and walk away."
"Best defense, probably even better than a vaccine."
"A pack of masks sent to every citizen in Britain, and then maybe when we go through this whole rigmarole of putting that mask on before we go to the tube, do that."
"If we didn't close our border early, very early, long before the kind of dates you're talking about, we would have had thousands and probably hundreds of thousands more deaths."
"If we didn't close our border early, we would have had thousands and probably hundreds of thousands more deaths."
"Did you guys see these bossing the anti-sex beds that they tried to make yeah yeah yeah did you see the video so there's this video of like uh three of the national team like athletes from the anti-sex bed should have just had aim in there."
"What's gonna happen to our mental health and what can we do."
"I would rather be safe than sorry. I want people to be alert, on guard, and proactive as opposed to being reactive five years later."
"Protect yourself from UV rays by avoiding exposure to harmful rays of sunlight."
"If we want to rewind a little bit and say what could we have done better... maybe end him before he ended the young kids in that school."
"The point still stands that war needs to be done to help prevent this from happening again."
"The inspection is money well spent every time."
"The man's a pedophile... it's a legitimate vulnerability... what can be done to stop it."
"I would advise my friend to please don't do anything stupid right now that's going to make you intoxicated or lack of sleep."
"The smartest thing the state could have done is just not charge any of the cops."
"Mitigating risk is arguably one of the most important things a PM can do."
"...our best-case scenario is to take a little bit of medicine today so that we live longer in the future."
"The world is starting to realize that they got to come up with a way to prevent Armageddon from happening."
"You never know when somebody's gonna collapse...everybody and their mother should be trained in basic life support."
"The three biggest risk factors to decrease a person's risk for heart disease it's high blood pressure high cholesterol smoking get those under control you will decrease your risk of of getting heart disease heart attack and maybe even the Congress."
"Maintaining healthy body weight is number one as far as prevention of type 2 diabetes."
"If you had less than four percent omega-3 in your cell membranes... that would lead to a 42% risk reduction in having a heart attack."
"There should be a huge hyper awareness of that stuff taking place."
"Until you stop the mental health problem you're not going to stop people from getting killed."
"The best way for Miscavige to make sure Shelley Miscavige does not escape from Scientology is to make sure she has no reason to want to."
"Half-protected sex, get test results. Be careful with that."
"This is a good reminder to not leave things in your car that a thief might find attractive."
"If we didn't do what we did at the time, we could have lost more than 2 million people."
"The best intervention is prevention; we have to stop the problems from taking place."
"Having a burglar alarm, having an alert device inside the safe, that is our goal."
"Do you believe that wearing masks in public is saving lives from a deadly pandemic?"
"This prevents things from going off the rails the way they did in the 70s."
"Prevention is much better than rehabilitation because by the time they get to the rehabilitating state they're already psychologically damaged."
"You want to reduce mass shootings? Put armed men with guns in all these gun-free zones and then see what happens."
"New Jersey could have probably prevented any significant damage."
"We have got to do everything that we possibly can to combat gun violence in America."
"Prevention is key, you want to start as soon as possible."
"Wearing masks could really be what makes the difference between a resurgence or keeping the virus at bay."
"By now we've learned a lot of things about pandemics and we already know that the later the measures are put in place, the harder it is to slow the progress of an epidemic."
"We wear a mask for everyone else to stop me infecting you."
"Stay healthy along the way, arm yourself with credible data."
"If there isn't a clear signal sent that if you do these kinds of things you will get in trouble then they're just we're creating an incentive for you know catastrophe here."
"Remember, if 95% of Americans would wear masks, it would save 66,000 lives between now and the first of April."
"Wear your mask, wear your gloves, wash your hands, do everything you can to help prevent the spread." - Becky
"We believe we're now at a stage where Russia could at any point launch an attack on Ukraine."
"The wisdom is, if we wanna guard our sexual purity, then don't start with something that you know will be a gateway to other things."
"Prevention is key, so ultimately, the faster you act, the more hair you'll save."