
Exchange Quotes

There are 1013 quotes

"If it promotes cooperation, then it's a medium of exchange that helps us play socially sustainable games."
"I am the headmistress of Galpenny Academy of Arcane Arts, and you lovely four are the first foreign exchange students we've ever had."
"Maybe you'll learn something along the way, or maybe you'll teach me something."
"The vast majority of economic activity happening in America is beautiful; it's voluntary exchange of both parties benefiting."
"We have to have a dialogue with the universe; we have to have a dialogue with people in our lives; we have to have a dialogue, and there's both giving and receiving."
"When you find a kindred spirit, it's really about honoring their humanity in ways that allows the DNA of the exchange to the conversation to live in a part of you."
"The things that we exchange in community are often much more powerful."
"How about I tell you my secret when you tell me yours?"
"The idea of an exchange is not a government takeover; it is how the market works."
"You got something I want and I got something you want. Nothing's free."
"Finding men to take care of you is easy, but do you provide the feminine experience in exchange?"
"The vast majority of people are really open to ideas and exchanging ideas."
"Money is a side effect of an energy exchange."
"Do in-person or online language exchanges, learn by talking with somebody."
"Food is not only nourishment but it's an energy exchange."
"Pancake Swap is the number five biggest exchange in the world at the moment."
"Uni Swap is the number 10 biggest exchange in the world at the moment."
"Mina Protocol is now live on the world's largest exchange, Binance."
"Crypto: a digital currency designed to work as a medium of exchange through a computer network that is not reliant on any central authority."
"Make your focus on providing value, on creating something that you can exchange for their value."
"It's not going to keep you from being able to exchange."
"Some days I'd be willing to trade my man for a really good one."
"Exchanging gifts, yeah beautiful, there's going to be an exchange of some kind of communication back and forth."
"Thank you for your generous energy exchanges."
"Poor people maintain an informal trade network."
"UniSwap is a decentralized cryptocurrency exchange or a DEX."
"Binance is the world's biggest crypto exchange by a country mile."
"Equivalent exchange is our last time on Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood."
"I am often exchanged, bartered, and sold, but never controlled."
"Astrologers are constantly trading techniques from each other and sending them back and forth from language to language and culture to culture over time."
"Money is only a word meaning the article used as the basis for exchanging all other articles."
"We can all learn important things from one another."
"The art of conversation talk, listen, discuss, share."
"Differences in food production, distribution, and consumption generated opportunities for exchange and interaction that bound them together in mutual benefit."
"It's better for both of us if we're able to exchange our opinions because I have the opportunity to learn from you, and you have the opportunity to learn from me."
"This is how it should be, this type of exchange, this type of interplay."
"We both come away with a bit of understanding of each other."
"If you're going to do this back and forth several times, then at one point it becomes sustained."
"I couldn't have asked for a better host family."
"Money is just a tool... it's just a way so that you can barter with somebody without having to have two different things like a carpet for food. You can just use money as an intermediary."
"I appreciate any time, energy, and support that you're able to exchange with me."
"Money is the kind of... it's a one-way relationship because it's one about me taking it and not giving anything back."
"I thought I was gonna have to pay for the repair, but they just exchanged it for me without even anything."
"These have been my opinions, and now I'd like to hear yours."
"Interacting with people, man, and feeding off of energy to each other and exchanging energy and ideas."
"Money is simply trust between people, that's money."
"For me, tokenization is the process by which you actually transform value, money, and real assets, where you and I can exchange value without a bank account no matter where you sit in the world."
"Let's have a robust discussion because that's more fruitful."
"I gave him wisdom, and he gave me courage."
"We won't even say Zach, we'll send you a new hat, send us an address."
"As a result of the conquest of much of Asia by the Mongols, a kind of peace and stability was established that allowed for the greatest flow of ideas, people, traders, technologies between East and West that had ever been known."
"I taught him Donna Lee, he taught me The Sultans of Swing."
"I'll trade you laughter for love, that's what it is, some sadness and for whatever it's worth."
"I'll trade you laughter for love, what can you lose?"
"I'll trade you sunlight for gold, one shines as bright as the other."
"Prosperity is founded upon a law of mutual exchange."
"Female Adélie penguins will have sex with unattached males in exchange for a pebble."
"A community is built on the exchange of ideas. Experience and shared emotions create a bond."
"It is a transaction. It is almost like a magical ritual in that there is an exchange of one thing for the other."
"I'm paying you with love here. I'll go exchange this Turtle for some food maybe."
"Earn a mom buck which you can then trade in for one real dollar."
"You're holding on to one Pentacle, you're giving out for something."
"It's just a common meeting point that we can all kind of meet at and exchange some messages."
"He just paid like that. It's just like, I will pay you money to give to, so you do what I want you to. It's just like so straightforward."
"Saki handed over the elixir to them."
"What would you give me? Respect. Respect."
"...people just deciding on their own rationally making their own decisions to trade to truck barter exchange with other people, you know that's what made America great."
"It's the best of both worlds: selling and buying at the same time."
"So if we have five shoes that we're trading for, they finally get three or four of them, then I have to give all three or four of those away."
"If your exchange has withdrawal fees when you go to remove Bitcoin from it, you are doing it wrong."
"Suddenly, a gleyhawk arrives and sits on Les's hand, who reveals that they use them to exchange letters."
"If you don't enjoy this exchange about ice cream between Eddie and Venom, just turn back now."
"Everybody wants something for what they give out. This is true."
"You look like a smart boy. How would you like a joke? Yes, ma'am, please just don't [__] spear me through the heart. It's like Maleficent times three and a half. Wow."
"I honestly think that you all give me more ideas than I give you."
"We're just exchanging one kind of guilt for another."
"People want to have a conversation. Some conversations are not easy, but it's necessary and it's so important that we stop being so judgy. Why can't we just have a conversation? We can agree to disagree, but it's most important to have an exchange."
"He must already know if he wants something from a demon, he must give something in return."
"If a human happens to acquire a death note, its corresponding shinigami becomes their invisible companion. One of the perks a shinigami might offer to their new human is the shinigami eyes."
"If the world truly operates based on the principles of Equivalent Exchange, then we soldiers have plenty to give back."
"A man approached him and exchanged his beloved watch for an apple which shoe immediately accepted"
"Truth holds no bias, opinions, or judgments. It simply determines what the most valuable thing to you is and takes it in exchange for trying to pull off human transmutation."
"This one's yours. I traded you a high five."
"...I nodded and told him the price before he pulled out a five-dollar bill and went to hand it to me, making sure our hands touched."
"We have so much to teach you and so much to learn from you."
"This may be one of those early exchanges that you talked about getting a little feisty here."
"I can't believe I said this but I did actually say this: 'Don't worry, I'll take your house in part exchange.'"
"Audible members can easily exchange any title they don't love at any time."
"Radio Shack is the base token, like the US dollar, the central exchange in the descent."
"The Han were one of the most prosperous dynasties and shared ideas with the West through the Silk Road."
"Barter and trade. I love to be able to offer somebody something in trade for their services."
"Giving and receiving in equal measure."
"Captain Marvel who gives it to Spider-Man or vice versa oh yeah she's like give it to me"
"We are not robots commanded to fulfill a commission. We are people in a relational journey and it requires exchange, it requires dialogue."
"Representing our values of free and open discourse, rigorous debate, and the exchange of ideas."
"A deal's a deal. Thank you. No, it's for you. What? Yeah, I want you to have it."
"A deal is a deal. No, it's for you. Yeah, I want you to have it. That's very thoughtful."
"Give me your sin, I give you my holiness, give me your death, I give you my life."
"It's a throwing it to and fro, so there's a kind of influence from the African-American side into Irish music and from Irish music into African-American music."
"Give what you want to receive. There's no free lunch in the universe. Everything requires some sort of exchange."
"Energy is not created or destroyed it's just passed an exchange and transferred so whatever you put out does come back."
"Consent makes it a little bit sweeter, it's a much nicer exchange."
"Give me your cell number. I'll call you."
"...all I can operate on is my... what is, I need people, this is the trick about money, people think... people think you need money, but that money that you got came from people."
"What if God said, what would a man give in exchange for his soul?"
"I haven't seen a trade this unbalanced since I swapped my shiny charizard for a packet of jelly beans."
"If he not gonna do nothing for me, trade services. That's what's called."
"Encourage balance by encouraging people to trade with each other in all areas of life. Give as much as you can, but also be willing to receive. This creates an ongoing trade where good luck comes to you and through you."
"do we truly understand what we're surrendering in exchange for the illusion of safety"
"Dialogue is conversation with a purpose."
"If they said, 'I would like a two and a four and uh some young player or whatever,' I'd be like, 'How about two twos and a third pal?'"
"Traded one of our family members."
"Astrology is always a learning experience and always a first house and seventh house exchange between the two parties."
"I'll give you fifty dollars how about today and I'll give you a new bicycle as well."
"...you could have a back and forth conversation here."
We have exchanged the Creator's truth for our own "truths."
"There's a give and take in the training room. The give and take is this, tell me you know, you've had this experience."
"We're riffing you and I have talked about this a little bit"
"There may not be a fair exchange, and we want to make sure that both sides are getting what they deserve."
"I remember I shook Spike's hand I felt like I wanted to give him something back for what they had given me."
"The exchange that happens includes all of these life experiences that we bring to the table."
"Two bucks for two bucks, you can't complain."
"A promise can be converted into an offer if something is requested in exchange."
"The truth is that real relationships are a series of exchanges."
"You should get something in return for that money, throw something right back at you."
"What God has said he will give you, your capacity of Faith determines if you get it. That's the means of Exchange."
"Can we exchange numbers? I want to take you out."
"The show is about the fact that every time you give magic you have to give an equivalent exchange."
"We were backing up. So we did the right exchange."
"The secret...is that when you put something in, you need to take something out."
"The biggest problem of our society now is individuals who are highly opinionated and will not exchange open-mindedly the different opinions about things."
"'I'll teach you to be me, you teach me to be you.'"
"It's a feeling of we can trust each other and therefore we can exchange."
"Well, I certainly had an opportunity to expose my views to you which I gather you would not otherwise have heard of, which may not redeem it."
"I'll give you a free show, you'll give me free Lasik surgery, right?"
"They did a better one-two exchange than I've seen in the middle of the ring in quite a while boom boom boom boom with body language and staggering."
"They need something that I have and they have something that I need."
"We are no thieves, it wasn't stealing. I took one of his but I left him one of ours."
"We live in a market capitalist society, where we buy and sell every day."
"I knew the guy that took it. He wrote it to my house and exchanged it for like four grams of weed and I kept it that night."
"It was so much fun switching lives with you for a day."
"The law of contract thus, particularly in this protection of voluntary exchange, is that it allows you to explain the universe of mutual gains by harmonizing promises that are performed in sequence rather than simultaneously."
"When your likeness and your brand becomes the thing that you do, it's an even exchange, man."
"Our babysitter watches our kids for two nights and in exchange she gets to go to one Red Sox game."
"If you touch it, then you walk up, just come back with something."
"friendship has even gotten better with the exchanges oh yeah"
"Money constantly moves from one hand to another. A person does his job at work and in exchange, he gets money for it."
"Don't hoard and stagnate, welcome mutual exchanges, share what you've been blessed with."
"So, park exchangers are kind of like the backbone of the business sometimes."
"We have done it before where a guy said, 'Hey, I'm willing to send you, you know, 50 bullets if you can get that added into the library for me. That'd be great.' We'll do that sort of stuff."
"If we get free food in exchange, anything."
"Difficult can be exchanged for something that changes things."
"Equivalent exchange, like alchemy, the whole human exchange thing is just nonsense."
"I'm celebrating. I have bartered for a Sapporo premium beer."
"The spread of ideas back and forth, Buddhism to the east and the Greek ideas from the west going east, a lot of that occurred in what we call the Silk Road."
"Equivalent exchange." - Sho Tucker
"You can get anything as long as the thing you sacrifice holds enough value," the voice replied.
"I've given them a great number of Thrills and they've been equally returned"
"I can give you a silver branch with golden fruit," the knight proposed to Two Eyes.
"Imagine running to Walmart to buy some food and being like well I don't have any dollars would you take a Peruvian Sol."
"Symbols, ideology, concepts, construction methods, styles, artifacts, materials, resources—all get traded across vast distances."
"Thank you, Mommy, you're welcome."
"That's awesome, I'll get your number in a bit." Misa said with a wink.
"How does it look?" "Not bad at all." "And you?" "Not bad at all."
"He puts one of the pouches filled with money in front of her."
"I taught her to waltz, she taught me how to twerk."
"A person who wants to learn will always want to teach her."
"Relationships are kind of like a bridge that helps bring us to the places where we need to be, an exchange of weaknesses for strengths."
"It's a transaction. It's not like the tooth fairy gives you anything. The tooth fairy gives you money in exchange for teeth."
"My voice? Yes, I would. Give you something wonderful in return. Anything you wished."
"Art is based on the idea that there's an exchange of gifts, not a financial exchange."
"We can easily take this as just an exchange of gifts with God. We give them the work of human hands, they give us spiritual blessings."
"We talked about energy exchanges."
"It's seriously seriously changed the whole spirit of the offertory by effectively changing it to an exchange of gifts between God and man."
"You want this? Of course you do. But if you want it, you gotta do me a favor, a trade."
"I believe that selling is about creating more value and offering more value than I ask in return."
"Money is only a means of exchange. You get money for the problems that you solve for people."
"We're here to teach, he's about to teach me some [ __ ] and I'm definitely about to teach him some [ __ ]."
"You guys get to talk about that. It's very entertaining, very enlightening. You learn a lot from their point of view. They are interested in your point of view. Like, you guys have the world. World is your oyster kind of thing. It's nice. It's very nice."
"It's the difference between a unit of account and something that you actually take in exchange."
"Exchange is central to economics."
"Economics is the study of exchange."
"This person has received money from a man."
"One of the advantages of money is that it doesn't require this double coincidence of wants or mutual coincidence of wants."
"Money is but a measure of the value provided to someone and that person needs to want to accept that value too."
"Colonel, anybody got a cigarette? You know I don't smoke."
"Money is energy, a means of exchange, it has no meaning in itself."
"It is not a life changed but rather a life exchanged."
"It's almost like they're trading sets."
"We need places where there's free exchange and no suppression or censorship."
"It's a very radical take, but in general, consensual exchange is all we need to build a healthy and sustainable civilization."
"The essential thing about the free market is that it is voluntary trade between different people, voluntary exchange."
"Alan Thompson's free-kicks on top Celtic's go left by Larson for something once again facilitate two minutes and a brilliant exchange between Lawson and Sutton."
"Listen, I teach you something, you teach me something."
"Last month I got, I think it was 70k, 17,000 English Pounds, no, US."
"I like the exchange right here just now that pretty nice."
"We all learn from an exchange of ideas."
"You won't give me something that cost me nothing. I'm gonna pay full price for this."
"It's the Great Exchange of the Cross. All of my sins transferred to Christ, all of his righteousness transferred to me. - [Not specified]"
"Even if I'm getting hit, if you watch my content, I'll never put content of just me winning. It's always a fair exchange."