
Manageability Quotes

There are 142 quotes

"Depression is manageable. I'm not sure if it's curable."
"If you're going to take a dream and turn it into reality, you're going to have to chunk it into bite-sized pieces—not so small that you're overwhelmed and can't remember it, and not so big that you're overwhelmed."
"Reality is manageable; it's always manageable. It's the fear that, if we let it, will be our demise."
"Proper dependency injection, proper structure, and way more manageable."
"It's just significantly more manageable approach."
"With the support of those who love, anything is manageable."
"Small deficits with an inclusive mindset around food are disproportionately easier."
"Keep it simple, bite only as much as you can chew."
"Socialism is like that... they show us it's feasible, it's manageable and it can generate very good outcomes."
"Break it down into small achievable goals; it's not as daunting as you think."
"Do you see how six pages makes it a whole lot more manageable?"
"Starting a business is actually a step-by-step process, and if you follow those steps, then actually things can become a lot more manageable."
"All you have to do is just focus on what you can handle."
"The individual workouts feel much less overwhelming."
"Your energy is suggesting to me I like it, it's nice, it's manageable, pretty straightforward."
"That's a lot closer and feels a lot more manageable to me now than it has done for a very long time."
"You can have all the talent in the world but if you're not manageable behind the scenes... you're not going to make it."
"Absolutely manageable is the way I would describe all of this first bit of the experience."
"Certainly manageable, nothing like what we had earlier."
"What we're dealing with is manageable, comprehensible, and meaningful. These three elements emerge in deep conversation, giving the experience a sense of coherence."
"If it's mentionable, it's manageable."
"I almost didn't buy this because I heard so many complaints about this piece and there are issues with this figure but they are manageable issues."
"I was shocked at how manageable this thing was and how much less blast I felt."
"This allows you to get it all out of your brain and onto the page and sometimes when you do that you start to find that okay this is more manageable than I thought and I can do this one step at a time."
"The safety profile of imel stat is well characterized and manageable."
"It's not too heavy to be fun, right? It's not too much power to have a good time."
"Cleaning is definitely not a fun task to do but it is more doable when there are no stuff around and there's not too much to do."
"If you are overwhelmed and you have way too many things, I think it can streamline and help you to think through what you need and if you have less it's already easier to do it."
"This kind of sounds like it's a big job but it's really not that bad."
"I feel like Nashville still feels very manageable."
"It'll make you more productive, make your life easier, and above all, less errors, more manageable."
"Breaking it down into bite-sized chunks is essential for progress."
"Don't be put off by the concept of Euclidean distances; they are manageable, believe me."
"It's really, really easy to deal with."
"The awesome splendor of the universe is much easier to deal with if you think of it as a series of small chunks."
"It's just a really easy to handle bike and having like 33 horsepower... it's not a lot, it's a 400 cc single, so don't get this thinking it's gonna win any races."
"Don't boil the ocean, don't get overwhelmed."
"It's manageable, you can recognize it and keep that with you and that's fine, and it's not a detriment to you."
"Fitness and exercise is the easiest and best way to just find some sort of struggle and it's manageable."
"They're fun, they're exciting, don't go into them thinking it's difficult or challenging because in reality, they actually are manageable if we just follow along some processes."
"Don't worry that you haven't got a doctor; it's quite manageable."
"If something is meaningful and you're not doing it, chances are it's too big right now."
"An organized home doesn't mean I'm on call all day to guard the perfect state, but rather it's manageable and has an easy reset."
"Hyperthyroidism is a very manageable and in many cases treatable condition."
"Overall, this boat would come highly recommended for anyone looking to get into a larger boat without trying to get into over their head in size."
"It's very manageable, this garden. It's just awesome."
"This makes the tool much more manageable."
"The first step towards making life more manageable is just getting that help."
"Any class is manageable as long as you manage your time wisely."
"A little snappy but easy to control, the recoil is consistent."
"The bike doesn't have too much power so it's very manageable, very controllable."
"Carpet pythons are great pets, they don't get too big and they are not that difficult to keep."
"Divide your book into parts... as soon as I realized the book was in four parts, it became way more manageable."
"39 ft is just the right size for a couple to be able to manage the boat, manage the maintenance, manage the costs."
"Things may not be perfect, but they are at least manageable."
"There's the minority of people where there can be something really truly terrible that happens, and then there's a majority where things are hard and things are challenging but it's still totally manageable and doable."
"When you break it down into bite-sized pieces, it doesn't seem as scary; it seems very doable."
"It's very easy to manage; it's not difficult at all."
"Do a little bit every day so that it never becomes burdensome."
"At a glance, you might think it seems overwhelming, but when you really take a look at it, it's not so bad."
"To lose weight, it has to be simple and manageable."
"It actually wears much smaller and it's a lot more manageable."
"Sometimes just breaking it up into pieces makes it so much more manageable."
"Looking at this pattern as a whole is a little bit overwhelming, but trust me, it's not as hard as you think."
"It's not unmanageable. I think a lot of folks look at a Jeep like this and they're like, 'Oh my gosh,' but when it's built right, you can still daily this."
"People have this misconception of jets that they're an absolute handful; they don't have to be."
"I certainly quite enjoyed that one, I hope going through that lesson you can see that if you break it down into the major building blocks and you stick to the basic structure, just ignore all of the detail at the start, there it is achievable and it's manageable."
"When you start writing it down and having a look, it's actually not so overwhelming."
"It's much more manageable than its competitors."
"It's only about 40 minutes of actual work per day of the program, so it's very very easy to fit in."
"It feels surprisingly manageable when driving; I don't feel like I'm driving a school bus."
"Yes, they are high on energy, but it's very doable as long as you work it in your daily routine."
"When we put worries into words, they can sometimes feel a bit more manageable."
"Rigid body dynamics is quite manageable as long as everything lies in the xy plane."
"It can soften the hair, boost moisture and shine, and also improves the manageability of your hair."
"The initial savings process and figuring out the sort of roadmap to get there actually feels pretty manageable when you break it down into these little steps."
"It's not too big, it's not too small, it's easy to handle, the ride is superb."
"I am so excited, and we like to plan it so it's manageable."
"Small projects... you don't have to be overwhelmed, you just do one cabinet at a time."
"Bigger is better, but manageable is best."
"A little bit complicated yes, but it's not too hard."
"This house is smaller than our last house, but it's easier to keep clean and tidy."
"Finasteride side effects are extremely rare and even if you do get them, they are very manageable."
"It's not because I'm doing this all day every day, it's because I'm doing it in tiny, easy bursts every day or every other day."
"It makes all kinds of things super manageable."
"It's something that's quite manageable, I think, and it can only be good news down the track."
"By using this project structure, you can create any large application, any expandable application which can easily be managed at any level."
"You have to split it up in small pieces that belong together, and then it's actually totally doable."
"It's very manageable to have a family."
"That makes it really manageable to finish reading a book and it gives me like that motivation, you know."
"It's just a reasonably complex application, but not something that's so complicated we can't cover it."
"You can achieve this too; three-step plans are great because they're not too overwhelming."
"Getting a good cut or trim when necessary tends to result in easier manageability and length retention."
"I want you to see the big picture, be able to break that down into steps that are achievable and manageable."
"It's not crazy power that's going to scare you to death, it's very manageable from a power point of view."
"They're also extremely easy to handle because they're not super squirmy."
"We always start with something manageable."
"It’s Topmaniac, and therefore manageable."
"It's a bit more technical than some stuff but it's not that difficult."
"It's really easy to ride, it doesn't feel big, so it's really controllable and manageable."
"So much better. I love this length too, it's perfect, manageable, and realistic."
"It's a very manageable power, very comfortable, easy power to learn on."
"It takes a bit of work, but if you're organized, this is not so bad."
"Something's only unmanageable when you don't know how to manage it."
"Breaking it down makes it a lot more digestible and less overwhelming."
"It's honestly been kind of exciting to have some responsibility that's manageable."
"No matter how big or complicated or scary something is, when we break it down into the smallest parts possible and focus on one part at a time, in reality, each of those parts aren't just not hard, they're downright easy."
"One of the best parts about micro organization is just breaking it up into small enough bites where you're easily able to get it done without feeling overwhelmed."
"What I like about this quilt is, number one, we're raising money for a really positive charity, but number two, we get to sew it all year, so it's not too overwhelming."
"Things look a lot more manageable because we have his motion much more focused and simplified."
"As soon as I started reading forums on OCD, talking to the GP, talking to the therapists, there's so many... it's actually very manageable."
"The Hills card says obstacles to overcome are hills, not mountains."
"It seems to make it soft and more manageable and shiny."
"It's about making it manageable and keeping it fun by not feeling overwhelmed and overloaded."
"They carry just enough to where you can tell this is going to be such a good palette for beginners and for people who can't handle a lot of pigment."
"That seems so much more manageable."
"My hair was a lot more manageable and it doesn't look brittle."
"It makes your hair so much easier to maneuver through and it gives it a shine."
"Managing transforms is a nightmare in vector graphics land, but with Raphael, you're able to basically describe it easily."