
Project Success Quotes

There are 297 quotes

"Teaming up with Eric was a lot of fun, and the entire team that built that jeep did an amazing job."
"So to the team that worked on this, honestly major props to you guys, I am so impressed."
"FTL was a hobby project that took off a lot more than we ever expected."
"If a Lemons Journey is at all successful, this is going to be amazing."
"This project has done a remarkable job of preventing huge swathes of Flash game history from being destroyed."
"We've done some unbelievable work, and when somebody uses the word successful, it really has been successful."
"The project is still running today and it has become one of the most talked about features of my backyard."
"Using leisure time well is important for physical and emotional health, engaging in both physical and intellectual activities."
"Thank you guys so much for supporting this project, you guys really, really, really shaped the trajectory of this project."
"For Marvel, it proved to be another successful project for the X-Men."
"You want to have a successful release, and that's going to look good on you."
"The better it scores, the more likely that that project is to do well."
"Keeping the team motivated at all times can yield tremendous results from any project."
"I think it's very exciting. You have to give them credit for what they did do."
"Honestly surprised it even came out as good as it did."
"This is actually going like really, really, really well. I'm going to be real."
"Taking accountability for myself in my relationships... it's my responsibility to open my mouth and use my words."
"It was the icing on the cake, you know, the cherry on top of this just this project that everybody tried so hard for."
"I have this idea that if you manage to collaborate with people who are just as passionate as you, you're going to create something amazing."
"Over the years, just the actual success of a project doesn't really correlate necessarily with your feeling about the experience."
"The teamwork on this project was incredible."
"You have absolutely solidified and perfected on this project."
"This could be brilliant this could be really good."
"That project... it was way better than it had any right to be."
"None of this would have been possible without my team."
"Your investment in this project is having a tremendous impact."
"The most important part of the process most writers bypass too quickly, which is selecting the idea and understanding what makes a viable idea. That is so important to the eventual success of any project."
"It felt amazing to finally have it moving under its own steam."
"The problem of the modern economy is a failure of a knowledge of history."
"Any project is much more likely successful if someone's passionate about it."
"We needed both kinds of wins for us to fully believe in the project."
"I'm just blown away that we were able to do this on such a low budget."
"This will be initiated and implemented successfully."
"Let's congratulate the scientists and engineers behind this project."
"It's incredible how well things are going so far."
"A major major thank you to our Starbase team."
"I was really proud of the team. That was something that we were able to accomplish."
"At the end of the day, there's got to be passion between both the creators and on behalf of the fans to make something successful."
"There's so much work gone into this and I'm really, really, it makes you proud to be British."
"Big thanks to my friends for making this possible."
"This was an astounding effort involving thousands of incredibly talented individuals."
"Dropping a tool in space is not something any of us have to worry about on a daily basis, but having the right tool for the job and knowing how to use it can make or break a project."
"Yes, I think the project would have been a lot more likely to succeed if they had chosen the 45 to reproduce."
"70% attrition is it any wonder that this game was not successful?"
"The agile manifesto suggests that it's the team you work with and the way you work together that determines success."
"Thank you guys for just making this channel thing and making this project possible. If I didn't have subscribers and a YouTube channel, this... this is when I've been able to be done. So thank you guys for everything."
"I really wanted to find a co-founder to work on this project because I felt like it would just increase the chances of success."
"Who doesn't want something like this to succeed?"
"I love it when a plan comes together... you guys have really knocked it out of the park."
"It's really unpredictable what project is going to blast off the most."
"When you put a filmmaker behind a project with a property he's passionate about, he will turn out something good. And boy did he. The DCEU be struggling sometimes with their standalone movies, but I thought they knocked this one out of the park."
"I am absolutely in love, my vision came together perfectly and this is hands down my favorite makeover yet."
"The best projects back the best people because those people will always end up with the best projects."
"Huge Badgers is gonna be a runaway success, I can feel it."
"Shout out to Russ and everybody. Great project. Russ is the man."
"Mom, come on, we killed it. This is gonna be so good!"
"I better make sure to make it my job so that this comes out great."
"We've done a really good job so far, very very happy."
"The event horizon project shows the power of collaboration."
"You'll breathe new life into her, and hopefully this time, you'll get it right."
"Explainable AI is critical to working together. Teams that do not communicate yield worse results."
"Our crew really was remarkable, the bigger family that made the whole thing work."
"Truly incredible every artist, every writer, every participant involved."
"As long as you have good projects with good people, they will make money."
"This is an awesome project with so much going for them. I think this can definitely blow up."
"Heavenly Father please guide JJ Abrams and our friends there to complete these reshoots and that no one is going to have a problem and that the movie will arrive on time amen."
"The true winners will be the projects that are both popular and insanely functional."
"To spend five years working on something and finally see it succeed."
"It's one of those projects you're literally happier for everybody else than yourself."
"Honestly, I'm super proud of how it's turned out, especially that top shelf right there."
"Metaverse projects that don't think about interoperability now as they're building are the ones that are not going to succeed."
"That's a nice feature to have and that's something that a lot of Pi projects will fail with."
"It's the time when you just need to understand that your creative project will be very successful indeed."
"Everything's going to turn out great. Projects will be stunningly successful, and exciting new career opportunities are possible."
"This is turning out absolutely much better than I thought it could do."
"And it's only being possible because you support us along the way."
"Understanding which metrics and which projects are most exciting to the community is the way to build repeatable success."
"That's what you get when you get guys who can execute an idea perfectly."
"This project turned out really cool in a bunch of different ways."
"This is the best thing we've ever done and we've done some Cool Spring stuff."
"It's often the training data and iterating on it and labeling and managing it that actually gives you success or failure."
"We could not be doing this... without the members."
"More often than not, it's the execution that counts more than the concept."
"Michael has consistently managed to pick the right people to contribute to his project."
"This my friends was such a wonderful project."
"His dedication to making sure the fans are happy with the project literally saved the Sonic movie."
"The project turned out to be highly effective, and sailors greatly appreciated it from the very start."
"This thing that we've made has already exceeded my wildest expectations for it."
"I love how this came together, it was given life by the community."
"The first two we did were awesome I think this one is I think this one is like the cherry on top."
"I actually want it to succeed just because of what the consequences will be if it does."
"Build it well and you'll dominate. Build it badly and, well, you won't."
"Only ambition too... I was extremely happy with it."
"I gotta give a big shout out to our engineering team for making this happen."
"Thank you to everybody that's given me some support to make this possible."
"It turned out better than I wanted it to, it still works."
"I'm really proud of the work that we did on the van."
"Good news, we've got the RX contract. Thanks for all your hard work on this."
"The community is everything if there is no community it doesn't matter how quality the product is it doesn't matter how good the tech is and what problem they're striving to solve if the community is not there the project will not grow."
"Turned out absolutely amazing, everything works and functions properly."
"Thanks again, and I hope this is a big hit with everybody."
"When you let that person with the talent and the vision for projects like this go, you end up with something amazing."
"It turned out freaking amazing if you ask me."
"This whole project hinges on getting the audience to sympathize."
"I'm quite pleased with how this project turned out."
"Project Red Flea would seem to be a complete success."
"When you have the right investors matched with the right project, magic happens."
"Dreamwork makes the teamwork, teamwork makes the dream work."
"We believe that this level of constant communication within our community is key to ensure success in building a bigger and better jungle for every ape."
"Thank you so much for all the love on the project, the videos of this project have been doing super well."
"They'd proven themselves. They'd proven the Silent Hill brand."
"Resources are vital for the success of your mission."
"If we can pull it off, it will be incredible, truly special."
"Real power of any project is communities. When you have a big Community it is real power for any project."
"It's gonna be successful, guys, it's just obvious."
"The first thing we did and the most successful thing we did... snow speeder battle." - Successes and influences
"Proud of the very small team that put together something... that was pretty cool." - Pride in accomplishment
"I feel really proud of the Lego design team for what they've accomplished here."
"Big thank you to the crew, they've done an absolutely unbelievable job."
"All of the sections turned out great, but then you put it all together like this and it's just amazing."
"Unless you build a community, it's not going to work."
"It moved well for four hours, man. So that just tells me that he really did have a vision ahead of time."
"It's been absolutely fantastic! Look what we've got!"
"Picking the right project made a huge difference and working hard enough was good enough."
"If we don't get it in three years, it's a fail."
"Turned out so amazing despite the hardships."
"I'm beyond stoked with how that turned out right there."
"It's a goddamn miracle when you think about it, and a glowing endorsement of some of the talent working in the video game industry."
"You're only as good as your last movie, your last book, your last video game."
"Some of the reasons that it's going to be great have very little to do with me."
"People are coming out for this one and saying, 'That's incredible what we've been able to do.'"
"The rhythm that we've got into and that regularity and the just the kind of tight-knit nature of the team and the relations between everybody and the process, everything like, has meant we've managed to deliver on all of our plans."
"This thing was an awesome project to make and we get a ton of use out of it."
"Good presentation is an essential part of any project or brand."
"It is now impossible for this to fail, brilliant."
"The teamwork aspect of this has been so good."
"The number one thing you need is faith from the community."
"I'm glad that we had so much fun doing it and the end product ended up being just as amazing."
"It's just a finished piece of work that all comes together so well in the end."
"I'm really happy of how this turned out I think the coat is fantastic I love how it fits I love how much fun it is to wear."
"These projects I believe are going to do really, really well."
"I feel like this is the best thing we've ever assembled."
"Things are working really well, I'm so pleased."
"I think this thing turned out gorgeous, one of our best projects to date."
"I just want to say that I appreciate everybody's support in advance because that is the reason why we can do everything that we're doing here."
"We're extremely proud of how this project turned out."
"Building the right thing, building the thing right, and running it right all work together to ensure that the team delivers value to users."
"Close collaboration with customers is likely to bring more success to projects."
"The collaborative effort between the individuals can really take the project to the next level."
"Successful projects have a number of common themes and trends. They have very strong organizational change management, in fact, they tend to over-invest in organizational change management."
"I am very, very happy how this project turned out and it's made a huge difference to the space."
"Risk analysis plays an extremely important role in the success of the overall project."
"The more successful the project, the more money they can make."
"Project success like the spokes on a bicycle wheel and they all have to be perfectly tuned."
"Your team's reflection of the theme is crucial to a successful radiant week project."
"It's exciting when we see these projects actually working on the farm that really gets us fired up."
"It's awesome seeing this project finally doing the stuff we built it to do."
"Thank you all for being the parts that made this installment so incredible."
"Thanks to everyone who helped, family, friends, etc., because without them, the project wouldn't have been possible."
"I think it will work really well."
"I need you three to stay here, Christian and patients are coming. We're gonna knock this project out of the park."
"I'm going to call this a successful project, at least initially."
"You cannot work without involving the local communities in what you do."
"Great [__] job, everybody involved with this [__], music has been great, cinematography has been great, acting has been great, storyline has been great."
"There are definitely some challenges with this build, but the end result is absolutely amazing and I can guarantee you that it is definitely worth the ride."
"Successful project development requires that you engage with your stakeholders and decision makers early in your process."
"I'm very impressed with Ted Benson's projects."
"There's something really satisfying about getting a blessing from your tuner that your project car is running really well."
"That three-month project folded on in the most fabulous, amazing way."
"The design plays a much more central role in the success of a project than any feature could."
"Software design is essential for the success of a project."
"Hope you're doing well, and good luck with your project."
"Planning plays an important role in the success of a project."
"Risk management is about minimizing the threats, maximizing the opportunities, improving the ability of the project to succeed."
"As an IT project manager, you'll be the captain of the ship, steering the project to success."
"Thanks a lot to Paul, who did such an awesome job at getting everything working together."
"Honestly, this has exceeded every expectation I have ever had for this project."
"It's a testament to the innovation of the duo that they managed to pull off a project that stands far above the rest in terms of quality."
"Effective communication is an important part of any project and it is especially critical in the banking industry where decisions can have significant financial and regulatory implications."
"I'm really happy about how successful it turned out."
"I absolutely love how this project turned out and I really hope you guys like it too."
"I absolutely love how this project turned out; it is so pretty."
"If my whiskey project comes out amazing, maybe I'll actually start my own business."
"Google Books probably will continue to expand, it's been a very good project for Google."
"If the project goes swimmingly and according to plan, maybe I'll make some more."
"Yes, can you believe we're done with this project? We're shipping out, man. It's awesome, this is a good one."
"I pray that your projects go well and they're problem-free."
"I'm just so happy with the way they turned out."
"Thanks to my amazing team for working like crazy to make this happen."
"I consider this whole concept a huge success."
"I'm just really happy because it actually worked, it's actually good."
"Everything's looking good, guys. This should be good."
"It is insane to even think they pulled this off."
"Most importantly, the customers really liked the end result."
"Everything is looking really well."
"The trick to success is to do this in a way that doesn't mean lots more work."
"I absolutely love how this entire project turned out; this stone is absolutely beautiful, it's unique, it's rustic, it really works within the space."
"We've done a lot of amazing things here."
"If everyone sees it as their job that the whole project is a success, the project will be a success."
"It is fabulous, I cannot say that enough."