
Apprenticeship Quotes

There are 188 quotes

"The goal of your apprenticeship is to literally transform yourself."
"Here's my two cents on this, I think kids should go work for people for free, and keep it humble, for the first three years."
"Clock Striker has Engineers, top tier Engineers are clocksmiths, and a Clock Striker is an assistant cast here, aspiring to be a clock Smith."
"I never went to school for exorcism, I learned by apprenticing with other exorcists."
"I felt like I got welcomed in from the storm of life to come in and fro - I really look at Riot as my last apprenticeship."
"The eight of Pentacles is a great card, it also is an encouragement for apprenticeship, learning, and knowledge expansion."
"Get your kids working early... let them take some time off or be a part-time student while trying an apprenticeship."
"Mastering skills, the energy of apprenticeship."
"Stay committed to the task at hand, apprenticeships will test your bravery."
"You know, he's noticing things, you know, and that's what's really important when you get the apprentice to start noticing things like that."
"He then bowed to Lionel and begged him to teach him his magic."
"At the right age of 12, Willard left home, traveling and studying under prestigious candy makers and chocolatiers."
"Different jobs require different paths. Explore vocational training or apprenticeship programs."
"Among the apprentices, Michelangelo was an immediate standout."
"It's not every day that you hear a 75 year old tell you that you're giving good advice, so I will take that to heart."
"Every Great Master of any craft went through an apprenticeship phase lasting about 5 to 10 years."
"You are now Din Grogu Mandalorian Apprentice."
"Getting an apprenticeship seemed like the only way to go."
"I recommend an apprenticeship, there's a lot of things I've learned both personally and tattoo wise that I am going to carry forward with me for a very long time."
"The best way to be successful is through an apprenticeship."
"Do you think apprentices should be paid for the work that they're doing? Do you think apprentices should pay to learn? What do you think?"
"I'm so very excited to see that all the apprentices that sent in tattoos this week chose designs that were perfect examples of what apprentices should be working on."
"Maul could feel a great Darkness deep inside of Anakin and if extracted he could make an excellent apprentice."
"...Sadow took on a Sith apprentice that still had emotional attachments that he let live and put this rookie in charge of an entire Sith fleet."
"If you are an apprentice, whether you're an apprentice of Jesus or an apprentice of a mechanic or an electrician or an artist or a business person, you are learning from a master how to do what the master does."
"Ford offers Dipper the chance to become his apprentice."
"You have to learn if you were going to be a brain surgeon or a concert pianist, you would know that you have a certain apprenticeship ahead of you."
"Registered apprenticeship programs are the gold standard. They provide earn-while-you-learn opportunities and wage progression for workers."
"For every $1 an employer invests in a registered apprenticeship program, they get a $144 return. Unfortunately, in the territories, only those with more than 100 apprenticeships are eligible for federally funded support."
"If I was to speak to a female apprentice or jockey that wants to get going I would just say make sure you're enjoying it for a start because otherwise it's not a good job at all."
"The best businesses, the best careers are the apprenticeship careers."
"The best way of becoming a shipwright was to be born into a family of shipwrights."
"The seventh Elder had not accepted anyone into her apprenticeship for decades, not even the most persistent and talented students, so now no one could understand the reason for her current search."
"There are always two, no more, no less: a master and an apprentice."
"Kanan even starts to train Ezra as an apprentice."
"All these agreements would not have come about had it not been for the life skills that I'd learnt talking to adults and customers during my apprenticeship."
"Having a good apprentice is amazing."
"If you're not happy where you are now in your apprenticeship because of the way you're being treated, what you're doing, you're not getting the education you need, then quit."
"You can go to an apprenticeship program, put four years in, come out with a trade with no college debt."
"Having mentors and having apprentices to take them out and show them is like super important to their success."
"Watching and observing, kind of an apprentice if you will, is still the best way to learn."
"Any master who instructs more than one apprentice in the ways of the dark side, is a fool."
"There will be a job here for a long time for anyone who is willing to take an apprenticeship."
"...once Bane implemented the grand plan, he took on his apprentice Darth Zannah, training her in the dark side and passing on his Sith knowledge."
"This is absolutely magic, if you've got any apprentices or anything like that working for you."
"I used to do this kind of thing when I was doing my apprenticeship at Turnstone guitars."
"This next tip is a bit of a sticky one. If you are an apprentice or if you're not in a position to get one, but honestly, get an apprentice."
"The 5-year-old shaman is connected to the dentist, she's the healer's apprentice."
"Find a place that you would love to apprentice at."
"For me, I think apprenticeship is the secret. I have a team of over 300 staff and not all of them are graduates. In fact, some of the best advantages who are not graduates."
"There's no school debt when you become an electrician. It cost me about $4,500 to $5,000 for the full apprenticeship."
"Congratulations on finishing your salon apprenticeship, you did great."
"It's really because of experiencing firsthand what an incredible opportunity going through the apprenticeship program with IBEW Local 48 was that I created this Channel and ultimately want to spread more awareness about the trade and about the IBEW."
"You've heard the term apprenticeship, that's essentially what it is, training under an AMP to learn how to do your job."
"If I was as talented as you, I wouldn't have wasted 80 years becoming an apprentice."
"Revan is a special case, nothing about his apprenticeship was normal."
"Ahsoka fights them and we see Anakin's Apprentice has learned well."
"It's about working with and mentorship and apprenticeship are things that are really sophisticated things that we should worship."
"Apprenticeship to Jesus has long been likened to a kind of spiritual journey."
"Passive spirituality is the aspects of our apprenticeship to Jesus where it feels like God is doing something in us with or without our cooperation."
"Looking back and reflecting on my electrician apprenticeship, I'm not afraid to admit that I've made plenty of mistakes."
"The reality is that even after you complete your electrician apprenticeship, you are still going to make the occasional mistake, but the important thing is that you own up to them when you make them and ultimately that you can learn from them."
"We are the largest provider of apprenticeships in the UK."
"One of those changes was I hired a helper for the shop through the youth apprenticeship program and he's doing very well."
"You should respect the environment you're entering, spend some time paying your dues while making a name for yourself, and focus on honing your craft."
"I'll be honored to take you as my apprentice, so don't worry, please don't be shy, it's all fine."
"He had the longest apprenticeship to be Monarch ever."
"If I can do this, I can get onto an apprenticeship scheme, if I can just get one grade that's somewhat good, it'll impress people and show them that I've got discipline, I've got work, I think I've got some level intelligence."
"Our linemen go through a 56-month training program."
"If you're thinking of a first career, I genuinely think you should start looking into these apprenticeships."
"What's really great and what's taken off now is the opportunity to go into an apprenticeship in law."
"Stradivari had learned his craft from Nicolo Amati and built his career on an inheritance of 100 years of Cremonese violin making."
"Obedience is a trade to which a man must be apprenticed until he has learned it."
"The 10 lucky apprentices have made it and earned the right to become a Stobart trucker."
"A portfolio is the proof that you need to show the interview committee that you are absolutely the best applicant for the apprenticeship."
"I still can't believe you're letting me stay here as your pupil."
"I've worked pubs and clubs for years, and that's where I've served my apprenticeship."
"Apprentices have to start somewhere."
"I was very fortunate that one of the very first things I did with New York City Ballet as an apprentice was Juliet at 17."
"One of the most underappreciated and not discussed avenues of learning is apprenticeship."
"I was his little apprentice, following him around learning how to make things."
"Have you come to be my apprentice?"
"We're committed to bringing new people into the building trades."
"They used to start their apprenticeships at the age of 11."
"I started, believe it or not, as an apprentice, I did my time as a cabinet maker."
"Anakin's Apprentice has learned well."
"This one I'm going to talk about the tools that you should have day one as an electrical apprentice."
"I hope we're past the days of treating our apprentices like crap and I hope we're headed more in a direction of instruction, mentoring, and leadership."
"You want to make sure that you convey that you're serious about the apprenticeship and you're serious about getting into the union and being a hard worker."
"I enjoy the apprenticeship, I think the shop room time and working on the floor was definitely worth it."
"The apprenticeship is something that's going to be like an investment."
"Apprenticeship matters, it matters a great deal, and it's how this information and how these styles are transmitted."
"Apprenticeship is about people, it's not about one party or the other party, it's really being how can we have solutions for our businesses."
"I did learn from a group of inkers from Wildstorm, you know, I was fortunate enough to learn from people who learn from a studio. I think that makes the best inkers."
"It's not just learning from the master; it's becoming an apprentice and striving to be like the master."
"The best way to learn anything is through apprenticeship."
"I worked for the Santa Fe Railroad as an apprentice engineer. I ran engines all over LA."
"Apprenticing there made me truly open my eyes as to how sheltered I really had been in my upbringing."
"Anticipating need is something that makes a really, really good apprentice."
"I'm super excited to get into that stuff and it's going to be an exciting four years of the apprenticeship."
"I got a really good apprenticeship."
"Learn the secrets of the field you have chosen, submit to a rigorous apprenticeship, absorb the hidden knowledge possessed by those with years of experience."
"I've been sharpening, researching, and even being trained under the master sharpener for 12 years."
"I was essentially her Apprentice, Druids Steward the Wild and attempt to maintain the balance of nature."
"This is handmade, apprenticeship type work that gets handed down generation to generation."
"An apprenticeship is an incredibly powerful form of intergenerational exchange."
"You're educated and you know systems, but you still need guidance from a master plumber."
"You do me great honor, Your Majesty, but my wish is to continue training as an apprentice," Will replied.
"Youth unemployment in the local area is down, unemployment overall is down, apprenticeships are up, business question is our jobs are up, which clearly shows our long-term economic plan."
"I'm going to keep the content coming that helps apprentices get back into college and hopefully catch up with their training and their knowledge."
"She's as spicy as Fireberry and despite thinking of herself as a delicate flower she's the best out of all the current apprentices at fighting."
"As soon as a boy was old enough, he would begin learning his father's trade."
"The idea being that the Sith would grow stronger with each successive apprentice."
"At the tender age of only 12, he served as an apprentice pirate for Goldy Roger, the King of the Pirates himself."
"This is one of the shelters that is available for apprentices to stay in."
"Apprenticeship is an idea we need to embrace a little bit more."
"You are fulfilling your destiny, Anakin. Become my apprentice, learn to use the dark side of the force."
"It must be the fifth rank or even the sixth rank formation everyone is going to become an apprentice."
"If you can just get into an apprenticeship, you're golden."
"If you were an apprentice for a company for a year, the things that you would learn would be far more than sitting in a classroom."
"You have to get the technique down first, that's what an apprenticeship is."
"A good apprentice is constantly anticipating the guys around him and trying to figure out what they need next."
"Your job is to anticipate needs, so you're gonna climb above the other apprentices, the other helpers, if you're the guy that all the other journeymen want to have with them."
"That's what makes a good apprentice, and those kind of guys tend to get more attention from all of the other journeymen and the masters because they're the ones that they want to have around."
"That's pretty much it, that's what it's like being an apprentice, you're a helper, you're bottom rung guy, so climb that ladder."
"I went to London and learned my business as an apprentice to two top British tailoring establishments."
"The ending of apprenticeship... made that the freed people had control over their social movement for the very first time."
"I've been working at a funeral home for about a year as an assistant and will be starting up my apprenticeship next month."
"I'm going to be the best apprentice ever."
"The goal of an apprenticeship is not money, a good position, a title, or a diploma, but rather the transformation of your mind and character."
"It will advise you how to exploit to the fullest your apprenticeship."
"We set out trying to disrupt a unique supply chain capability and ended up revolutionising a whole new apprentice around produce supply chain."
"You should be constantly an apprentice, constantly finding new things to learn and do."
"I'm learning in the best one-day apprenticeship in the history of mankind."
"As an apprentice, you're going to be taking a lot of notes; you're going to get a lot of orders from your journeyman or from your foreman project manager, whoever it may be."
"It's been really good having an apprentice, it's a little bit more pressure because you've got to spend a bit of time teaching someone, but it's a nice experience."
"I've been looking for a real apprentice, somebody who really is willing to come in here with a little bit of potential, a little bit of energy."
"Kings and queens and their children, princes and princesses, who are like young royal apprentices."
"It's an apprenticeship system. Young people come in who will tolerate very small salaries in order to be around things that they love."
"I'm into my 37th year professionally. I started or left school and became an apprentice at 16."
"The apprenticeship is really good, so you start off and you do your first six to eight months making your own tools, doing your own toolkit."
"To be successful as a trainer, you almost need to look at that first year as an apprenticeship."
"I am trying to get an apprenticeship in digital marketing, that's something I really want to get into."
"I took the full plunge and quit my day job and went straight into an apprenticeship."
"Cinderpaw is officially listed as a medicine cat apprentice. Yay!"
"Anakin was supposedly the key to all this, that he'd been groomed to become the next apprentice of Sidious."
"I would like to be your apprentice."
"I would rather have an apprentice know nothing than an apprentice think that they know everything."
"I hope someone can take me in as an apprentice if I show I will do anything it takes."
"The apprenticeship scheme will help you earn while you learn."
"I just assume that people became expert tradesmen, craftsmen by learning, and the knowledge was passed down by generations through the apprenticeship program."
"You were the best apprentice ever."
"Apprenticeship training transforms unskilled workers into skilled crafts persons."
"You will become the apprentice of Palpatine, the apprentice of Darth Sidious, and from him, you will learn the ways of the dark side of the force."
"Jacob was working and learning the family business."
"Learning a trade in an apprenticeship is still a major part of the German work system."
"Jena is an apprentice of the famous Ketsui, he was a very ancient monk who was never defeated either by humans or the famous kwara."
"We are all still apprentices, we are all still students of life."
"The 8 of Pentacles is a card that symbolizes the card of The Apprentice."
"The card of the apprentice... someone who's putting in the work."
"You get to learn and this job is such an apprenticeship-based program."
"This apprenticeship is going to be very significant and it's also going to be life-changing."
"She ends up going to Scotland for this sword making apprenticeship."