
Career Passion Quotes

There are 178 quotes

"If you have a job, you watch the clock all day long. But if you have a career, then you know where your talents are, and you love what you do so much, you'd be willing to do it for free."
"Steve Jobs...said, 'Don't settle for anything less than work that you love.'"
"I feel like my passion in life was being a PICU nurse."
"I think you're gonna find a career path that you're very passionate about."
"The biggest question in life is 'Who am I?' and 'What gets me so excited that I jump out of bed every day and I can't wait to go to work?'"
"I mean, that's what I do every day because I'm passionate about what I do."
"You gotta make sure you love what you do because people can smell when you don't."
"I still feel the same excitement knowing that we're going to perform... next week, as I do when I get a job now."
"But when I got to my surgery rotation it just became an undeniable truth that this was the one I loved the most."
"If you have something that you're deeply passionate about and you become an expert at it... you can make a living at it."
"The number one question I get asked by people who just have general questions is, 'Do you like your job?' Dude, I fucking love my job."
"I want to be a software engineer simply because it is a role that I am extremely passionate about and also one I get immense job satisfaction from."
"But yeah, if they're super like into video editing, like that's their like passion right now, yeah, um, I don't think they should like give it up, but you know, just in case like you said."
"It's not something that's just a career, it's something that is in your soul."
"My whole goal was to build off of knowledge and value."
"It's irrelevant. I love what I do, I love the passion that it brings out of me."
"Water energy is really about spirituality, helping others, service - it's that sense of passion and intuition when it comes to career."
"If this is your passion, if this is what you love to do, and one day this can be your full-time gig, I mean how awesome is that?"
"There's easier ways to make money, right? But if you're a graphic design artist, you want to make sure you enjoy this before you invest."
"Do what you love every day and you will never work a day in your life."
"It's not going to feel like the work that you've known. It will feel so easy you're almost not going to want to ever even ask for money for it."
"Figure out what you love to do then figure out how to get paid to do it, and that's the secret to life."
"Follow your passion first, and when you feel that way, you feel like you have never worked a day in your life."
"Being a physician is the best and most brilliant job in the world."
"I started to realize I still have the passion... I want to do better."
"Passion doesn't go away just because you get paid handsomely."
"Love what you do and you'd be damn good at what you do."
"Game preservation was my first career passion, so I'm ecstatic that I get to go back to those roots."
"When you love what you're doing, you have one of those days, you can still push through because you actually enjoy what you do."
"YouTube is my job and I would say it's equivalent to a full-time job I spend a lot of my time and energy in my videos and I've been a lot of love into it because I genuinely enjoy doing this this is the best job I've ever had."
"We're doing it because this is what we love to do."
"It's so great to wake up every day and do what you love for a living."
"I genuinely love it. I'm sure for some of you that were probably so happy that this was an industry, 'cause you grew up drawing, or creating, or whatever like, 'Oh, wait, that's a job?' That's how business is for me."
"You actually do have to love it just to keep doing it."
"I feel like I was made to do this. I've been in this game my whole life."
"I'm a grifter? Dude, I love this work, this is a passion of mine."
"I started tattooing when I was 14 years old, and then I just knew it in my heart. I'm like, this is what I want to do."
"If you could turn it into a career I think everyone could add five days you know to their week if they can love what they do and also do what they love."
"My future is YouTube...I love what I do still...there's stressful days and times but overall I love my job."
"When you can make your job your passion, it's the most exciting way to have a career."
"If you could do anything else, go and do it, but if this is all you can live and breathe then okay."
"I've always been obsessed with comedy...that's all I wanted to do."
"Concentrate on desire and being passionate about the role."
"All we care about: do you have passion for the technology, do you have passion for the mission?"
"I would have worked for free just for the exposure and just for people to see what I've been doing for years."
"Make sure that this is a field that you're going to be passionate about because it's going to be one of those fields that you have to constantly keep studying and keep up to date."
"You know what, my [__] hit me, they need anything, I'm there. Shout out to Mark Burnbaum and Eugene Rimcat, that's a fact."
"I'm hype, I don't care if it's firefighting, I'm hype."
"You don't need to live with everyone around you. Everyone has their own life and deals with their own stuff, and that's how I go about it as well. I just focus on my job and I love racing and I love winning."
"This is the best job in the world, it's also the hardest job."
"The love of what you do has to so far eclipse the BS you will encounter."
"Make my avocation my vocation, where love and need are one, and work is play for mortal stakes."
"Once you find the thing that you'll do for free, then that's the thing that you're gonna end up doing for a lifetime."
"Having programmed for 15 years, I can tell you that feeling pretty much summarizes programming very well: it can become quite addicting to chase, but an addiction in the best way possible."
"That old adage of find something you love, you never work a day in your life is remarkably on point."
"This administration believes that every American should have a chance to earn a great living doing work that they love."
"If you don't love it and you're not truly passionate and you're in it for the wrong reasons and you treat people like [ __ ] most likely you're gonna get pushed out."
"I truly believe if you're passionate about what you do the paycheck will come."
"When you do what you love, the money will follow."
"When you do what you love, the money always follows."
"I just always wanted to be successful and I always live by 'do what you love and the money will come.'"
"If you're that passionate about your job, with time, you will become a very successful person at your job."
"I'm all about turning the passions into a career."
"I love coaching football I love competing um and that doesn't change and it's provided a livelihood for me and my family in an incredible way what a blessing it's been."
"This is what we live for Ariel like this is why we do what we do."
"We want every American to have the chance to earn a great living doing a great job that they love."
"I took pride in being on the court. I'm living a dream and I'm gonna get the most out of it. I'm not taking no breaks..."
"Do what you love and you'll never work a day in your life."
"I need the money, but it's also something where like if I got a billion dollars tomorrow, I'd still stream."
"I know what it's like to follow your passion and it's worth it."
"My job is one of my favorite things I have in my life. I love my job. I don't want to stop my job. I don't want to stop making videos."
"Makeup was my first-ever passion and now it is my job."
"Start with what you want to do, what are your passions? You don't want someone else to say, 'Hey, you can do this,' and then you end up in a job that you hate because you're not passionate about it."
"If it's truly what you like to do, you're going to push past that fear, you're going to push past the insecurity."
"If you do what you love, you will make money. I am a Stern believer in that."
"Nothing is ever going to feel right like this is what I was put on earth to do."
"You can make a career out of the things that you love."
"We help people build wealth through work that they love and create actual amazing relationships."
"It's always cool to hear... I worked really hard, and I'm very passionate about this game."
"Passion is requisite to be successful, but what is passion?"
"I feel like people say that your job and your work is supposed to be something that you absolutely love every single day."
"Find something you love to do and make a living doing it."
"Why do I do what I do? I can't see myself doing anything else. I can't see myself working a nine to five. I have to be constantly on."
"This is my job and my passion. I've been doing gaming full-time for a living for over four years."
"This is what I'm used to, this is it man, I love this stuff."
"There was a reason that I was an actor. I love what I do. And I saw from my peers and my mentors that it was not only an acceptable reason, it was the best reason."
"This king of wands person may be somebody who is married to their work or tied to their work they get up every morning and love what they do."
"I feel like a real calling and purpose to what I do."
"I can't imagine doing anything different than coming here and talking crypto every day."
"There is no excuse to not make a living doing what you love."
"When you focus on becoming great at something you love for a living, your life takes on meaning, purpose, and value."
"I like to fight, but I love this business. Broadcasting is one of the opportunities out there now."
"Love what you do because life is freaking short man."
"If you're passionate about what you do, if you love what you do, that's what Nitro is for, to just follow his heart."
"The passion and ambition is still there and is still intact."
"Where love is, there your career path, where you're doing what you love, it becomes that much easier to take leaps forward, to make gains, to get new opportunities, but also fresh insights that allow you to experience even more success."
"Treat it like a job... You've got the job of your dreams, playing games for a living."
"My mountain, I guess, is my current job. I'm very passionate about what I do these days."
"Following your passion, this person is about to follow their passion."
"Find something you love to do and be great at it because once you do that it's all gravy."
"Love what you do and work hard, really hard. If you do those two simple things, you will make it in this business."
"Find something you love to do and do it for a living. Don't let people tell you you can't do something."
"Everybody wants to wrestle, they're in this business not only for the money but to make a name for themselves and create a legacy."
"Eventually things are gonna open. In three weeks, you gotta get back on stage. It's in your blood."
"That love and passion for the game... is the thread of everything that I've accomplished."
"Just make sure that you're very passionate about it and it'll never feel like work."
"Lauren's love affair with the world of antiques began long before her American Pickers debut."
"I wanted to become an astronaut since I was a little kid... you find part of your life that just makes you feel alive that you're really excited about." - Astronaut
"I really can't see myself doing anything else because I thoroughly thoroughly enjoy it."
"Find a passion that you love; it won't feel like work."
"You're being guided to this new opportunity that speaks to your passion."
"Do what you love and you'll never have to work a day in your life."
"It means I get to do what I love for a living right."
"I will never do a job I don't totally care about at all."
"This is so exciting I can't tell you you know it's really really fun to be able to do these jobs."
"I hope you have the chance to pursue something that you find meaning in, something that you're passionate about like I've been able to do."
"He loves what he does and he has an old saying if you love what you do you never work a day in your life."
"They have no idea the kind of legacy and just empowerment that they've given to just kind of the enthusiast to be able to take something that is a passion and make it into a career."
"I think it's the most interesting job in the world."
"I always want to be doing this job, I absolutely love it. I really do. I never want to dread it and I always want to feel excited by the next thing that I know is coming, and that honestly is the thing that drives me."
"This field is not going to be for you if you're not passionate about it."
"It's been 22 years of um you know turning my passion into a career and I love it every day is a fun day."
"You've got to get to that stage of your life because life is actually it goes so quickly you got one shot at it so you want to be happy in everything that you do and I want my work to excite me as well along the way."
"You clearly have so much passion for this job is Roblox. Your final stop on your journey was definitely my finals but I think there's a lot of time ahead of me here."
"I love being a management consultant, I love building the practice, what it meant, what I was doing, the life I was leading."
"Follow your passion when it comes to your career, be the best at what you do."
"There are people who say you shouldn't turn what you love into your job, but I've been blessed enough not to feel that way."
"I'm enjoying peaceful days, a calm married life, a job that I'm passionate about."
"I got completely hooked and through Instagram found that a bunch of people actually do this not just for fun but also for work."
"If you love what you do, then you'll never work a day in your life."
"Graphic design isn't one of those careers you just fall into. It's not like a backup. It is a thing that you enjoy and that you want to do, so you pursue it."
"I get to play dress-up as a job, but that doesn't change the fact that I'm always looking for more opportunities. I love costumes."
"I fell in love with teaching and decided to pursue that as a career."
"A lot of people fall in love with it and demand to work in it one way or the other, come hell or high water."
"If you want a career in this, you have to be genuinely passionate about it and be unique as well."
"In life, there comes a point in time where passion and pleasure intersect with business and finances."
"If you get lucky, that happens to be both: you have a job that you like, you have the great hours, it all meshes well together, you're getting paid for doing what you love."
"I always had a long-term passion for cybersecurity."
"It's about the passion for the jobs."
"I've always wanted to be a film composer since I was 16 or 17. It was really this passion I had of cinema and music that were merging."
"I'm living my dream job, and I sometimes forget to just stop stressing and trying to have more fun with it."
"I've loved this career since it found me."
"I love my job; it's a passion. I didn't go into it for money."
"The more she worked there, the more she realized that she loved kids and had a passion for it."
"I love what I do for a living, I love my industry."
"People are super passionate about their careers, so it's a really great place to start."
"I fell in love. It was a place that they would pay me to know what was going on in the world."
"I just fell in love with it; it was like, 'Oh my god, that's what I want to do.'"
"I fell in love with it, so after graduating, I started co-hogging full-time, and 35 years later, I still love it."
"I am theater girl through and through, and loving my career change."
"What is the kind of work that you are passionate about? What kind of research do you want to do, and who is doing that kind of research?"
"I have been a game designer for many years."
"Find your passion. Don't think that your life is stuck in one job."
"What keeps me going is just thinking of having this career that I'm going to love for 40 plus years."
"If you're lucky, you're going to find a job that really drives and interests you."
"It's been a wild ride ever since I've been able to change this into my career and I absolutely love it."
"I'm so freaking excited to be working on this."
"I loved being a labor and delivery nurse."
"You are going to be connecting with your vision and your resources, the universe is going to allow you to do what you love for a living."