
Moral Relativism Quotes

There are 71 quotes

"The reality is we're all going to die. The reality is that morality is relative."
"The man who says it is morally acceptable to rape little children is just as mistaken as the man who says 2 + 2 = 5."
"Values are not universal and if you understand that, and if you are able to point out that moral relativism does not work, that there isn't a universal good, then nothing else can possibly stand."
"There are no moral relativists. There are people who profess it, but it doesn't exist in ordinary life."
"Remind them that the only sin is making someone upset, anyone, and they would accept the enemy."
"There is nothing in the world and in the universe that is purely evil or purely good."
"Evil is evil. Lesser, greater, middling, makes no difference. The degree is arbitrary, the definitions blurred. If I’m to choose between one evil and another, I’d rather not choose at all." - Geralt of Rivia
"Just because they're what they did was worse than you, doesn't excuse your behavior."
"No matter how evil you are, it doesn't matter what you do in life."
"Nothing is good or bad simply for existing. What actually matters is the choices that come with it."
"There's no such thing as bad guys, or good guys. We're all just guys who do good stuff sometimes, and bad stuff sometimes. And all we can do is try to do less bad stuff and more good stuff."
"Everyone is right and wrong simultaneously in equal measure."
"The moral compass is shifting constantly for them, adopting what they see is the lesser of two evils."
"We can't go around making moral judgments because if we tell perverts that they can't twerk for toddlers at the public library why then they might tell us we can't go to church on Sunday."
"Nothing is completely good or completely bad." - "Context matters."
"Moral and ethical values are like Good and Evil; what is moral in one society often is immoral in another."
"There isn't one right, there's not a right or wrong answer."
"Gotta play devil's advocate here killing them might not be just it sort of depends on whether you think you would be any different from them."
"Opposition to moral relativism seems to me to take only one form whether it's being attacked from the left or from the right and it's the weakest argument I've ever heard."
"Nothing is good or bad except our will make it so."
"I don't think anything is wrong, as long as you understand why you chose it."
"There is no good and evil, there is only power, and those too weak to seek it."
"We must understand... absent a transcendent moral order, your perspective of what is right is wrong becomes a mere opinion."
"There's not necessarily good or bad; it's more about what is aligned with you."
"Words like right or wrong don't have an objective universal meaning... they describe how an action aligns with the goal or desired outcomes."
"Morality is subjective. A particular action or choice is moral or right when it somehow promotes happiness, well-being, or health or it somehow minimizes unnecessary harm or suffering or it does both."
"Society where most of the members agree that rape is a good idea might be great for potential rapists maybe maybe not it's definitely bad for the rape victims."
"There's no good or evil, just choices and their consequences."
"Morality is relative, culturally conditioned, something that evolves and changes."
"No inherent moral or ethical laws exist nor are there any absolute guiding principles for human society."
"Everything is indeed permitted if God does not exist."
"It's tolerance for evil like, 'Hey, this sin is okay, this and okay. Do Your Own Thing, everybody, it's okay.' We've gone to that, that's calling evil good now."
"There is no right or wrong no good or bad there is no judgment."
"You can justify anything if you do it poetically enough."
"Nothing is fundamentally good or fundamentally bad; it can be used in either good ways or bad ways."
"Just because they think they're right aren't right necessarily just because society says they're right doesn't mean that that's right."
"There's no thing that's good or bad, it depends on the context."
"Tolerance toward that which is radically evil now appears as good because it serves the cohesion of the whole on the road to affluence or more affluence."
"Morality is not absolute, even if you somehow believe that biblical morality is actually good."
"There's no good and evil, there's only views and those too weak to seek them."
"There is no morality there is no binary there is no truth there's simply power."
"I don't think everything done by anyone has ever 100% right."
"Everything that is wrong is considered right and everything that is right is considered wrong."
"Evil is only a label we place on those who threaten us."
"The idea that there's no good or bad, there's just the interpretation that we have on things."
"Morality is always going to exist on a sliding spectrum."
"The greater good is only really as dangerous as the thing you are attempting to justify with it."
"The morality of a dead man is irrelevant in the face of the victor because history is written by the victor."
"If morality is subjective, then it's justifiable."
"Nothing is inherently good or bad. The only thing that makes it good or bad is how you choose to feel about it."
"People are closely good, yeah, it's definitely situational."
"I don't think there are any right or wrong rules."
"The majority of people who say they are Christians don't believe in moral truth."
"Different cultures differ in their moral beliefs."
"...nothing's good or bad, right or wrong, better or worse."
"If a moral relativist can arrive at the same conclusions as anybody else but use a different train of thought, then why is that such a bad thing?"
"There isn't any absolute scale for courage or kindness or goodness."
"There is no such thing as evil. There is no such thing as good, only personal preferences."
"For it is according to Nature, and nothing is evil which is according to Nature."
"Moral values are right and wrong depending on how they affect the well-being of people."
"There is no right or wrong, there isn't."
"Right and wrong is just a personal opinion if there is no God."
"In the absolute sense, nothing is good in itself but is always good or bad according to the use to which it is put."
"Conduct is relative, the cannibal in his society is just as moral as the churchgoer in yours."
"The rightness of a particular moral value is not dependent on the relative perception of the individual."
"There are no absolutes, no extremes, no principles."
"There are no absolutes; turn to some different people, remember that whatever they think is right, is right, even if it isn't."
"There's no good and bad in this house, and there's no right and wrong, there is only honest and dishonest."
"Moral values are relative to the culture, the situation, or the sort of moral inheritance that we have."