
Spelling Quotes

There are 159 quotes

"You didn't spell any of this right." "Yeah, I did. I spelled the 3,000 right."
"Dyslexia is a really hard word to spell, don't you think that's kind of [__] up?"
"Ooh spellcheck is making everyone worse at spelling."
"Even in the way words are spelled, there's a miracle."
"Welcome back! Good day. We have explored trust and understanding, and now it is time for respect. R-E-S-P-C-T, that is how you spell respect."
"Love is spelled risk, so love isn't about love it's about r-i-s-k."
"I suck at spelling... Please don't comment because I'll be sad."
"Your words are like spells, they are spelling what you say out in the universe."
"All right, how do you spell capybara? C-a-p-y-b-a-r-a."
"It's amazing how people just don't know how to spell common names."
"How do you spell Schuylkill? S-C-H-U-Y-L-K-I-L-L. Did I get it? Thank goodness."
"I wish I knew how to spell business like that."
"D-I-A-M-O-N-D, what does that spell? Diamond!"
"You can spell 'queue' Q-U-E-U-E, and you can also remove four letters and it will still say 'Q'."
"Give me any word, I can spell it."
"It's funny, it's spelled just like the word 'Escape'."
"English spelling can cause confusion, as the rules are complex with many exceptions."
"Many folks insist they remember it being spelled with an 'e'."
"Just remember, you know this stuff okay? And it'll get you started out on the right foot. It's 'V-A-N'."
"If you spell something wrong, it's all good. Embrace the spelling problems."
"It's time for the fourth kinda sorta annual Burbank invitational spelling bee."
"Welcome here eliminated, and then spelling, yeah."
"This is the hardest lesson and may be called the key of orthography."
"I'm really excited for Karina's name to be up here so all the people who spell Karina's name wrong in the comments will know they'll finally know how to spell it."
"My daughter's name is Artam. We like Autumn, but we wanted it to be easier for her to spell when she learns to write her name. What? Oram? Yeah, Oram."
"The worst part was the whole time there was a W-H-I, so it sort of had your initial, you had the last three letters of your last name, and then you, the initial, like of your first name, and then the city you were going to."
"Separate is the most misspelled word in the English language."
"The answer is love. But most people misspell it, they spell it lUV instead of l o v e."
"Wednesday is a good day for a wedding. Ty always remembered how to spell it."
"I'm adamant that I will be able to spell adamant in the future. I can see myself doing it correctly."
"We're gonna see who's the smartest, we're gonna see who's the bee's knees of the spelling."
"That's racist spelled with two z's."
"And there was a time in my life when I could reliably spell the word 'paleontologist' and not my last name."
"I always preferred the English spelling of diarrhea which is diarrhoea because it really looks like you've lost control of your vowels."
"Name another song where they spell something."
"There's no 'I' in happiness. There is this. You freaking spell it right, idiot."
"Isn't the problem that we're spelling his name wrong? Or we can't work out which way to spell it?"
"I've never been able to understand the fuss people make about spelling. I don't see why you shouldn't spell one way just as well as another."
"I knew this because I didn't know how to spell the damn word, and I had to use a dictionary."
"I could barely even spell. Clearly, I was on a TV show where I misspelled."
"Judgment, j-u-d-g-m-e-n-t, is the correct spelling of this word in the American English language."
"Will you spell my name with me? Ready? B-L-I-P-P-I. Blippi, good job."
"It's likely the funniest mess up I've ever seen in the spelling competition."
"There's nothing intrinsically wrong with spelling 'language' like this, but you might be communicating something different than what you intend to by spelling it this way."
"Please spell weird, meaning peculiar."
"...more and more mindfulness and everybody's doing it and pretty soon nobody even knows how to spell it."
"My name is Sherry Holes, it's s-h-e-r-r-i-e last of Holes, h-o-l-e-s."
"English spelling is hard but it's also fascinating and tells a story."
"The vast majority are spelling differences that have no influence on meaning."
"Let's start with an A, but uh I got one that's uh in the bees."
"Summer Rain 15 that's s-u-m-m-e-r-r a-y-n-e 1 5."
"Absolutely, I think it's just how they tried to spell Chapman wrong."
"I think that these spellings represent the northern front vowel we've been looking for."
"That's spelled G-E-O-L-O-G-I-E dot com."
"This one is misspelled. Incorrect: 'apparantly.' The correct spelling has an 'e,' so 'apparently.'"
"If someone came out right now and said, 'Spell orangutan,' you're not gonna know how to spell that [__]."
"Later, Haders. That's spelled H-A-D-E-R-S."
"You know it. Now you spell it for us."
"Wait, I have an idea. Why don't we spell my name together? Will you spell my name with me?"
"I might have been spelling it wrong."
"Will you spell my name with me? Okay, M-E-E-K-A-H, M-A. We'll see you next time!"
"I broke up with a girl because she spelled a word so incorrectly that I couldn't look at her the same any longer."
"Incorrectly is spelled correctly in every single dictionary."
"I refuse to wear the one-word spelled correctly."
"...they've actually made a spelling mistake error there which is not a problem..."
"So it's 'C' as in cat. [chuckling] Okay let's begin round number 11."
"Perforation, P-E-R-F-O-R-A-T-I-O-N."
"I came, I spelled, I regret nothing."
"To be able to be prophet in these times and spell it correctly and not PR Oh fi t."
"Which word in the dictionary is spelled incorrectly? Incorrectly, okay?"
"Every speller is a champion, but who will take home the trophy?"
"Anonymous is one of those words I just can never spell."
"I lost the spelling bee on the word cemetery because I spelled it wrong, so I will never misspell that word ever again."
"English spelling is notoriously bad."
"The word is drum, and Papa Rug, you spelled it correctly."
"Show some love to Papa Rug, this is the greatest speller in spelling bee history."
"Spell it with me, w-i-n-n-e-r, the Texan winning big at the spelling bee."
"Spell 'supercalifragilisticexpialidocious'."
"S-U-C-C-E-S-S, that is how you spell success."
"Spell the word parachute. P-A-R-A-C-H-U-T-E, yeah, correct."
"This competition of conjugation and conjuration pits one to five players against one another in a battle for spells and spelling."
"This is going to be good spelling practice and it's going to be good reading practice as well."
"I'm a horrible speller, I'm very bad when it comes to directions, but I got tenacity for days."
"Phonetically, the word phonetically should be spelled phonetically."
"I loved a good spelling bee. That was like part of it."
"Spelling to communicate helps make a connection between intent and action."
"The most misspelled word in the United States was 'quarantine'."
"I don't know how to spell phenomenal, but I know how it feels."
"How you spell dedication? What you know about determination?"
"I wonder if people had a problem spelling Alabama."
"The Baronstain Bears falls victim to the Mandela effect because despite what many remember, the name Baronstain is spelled with an 'a' like stain."
"I'm grown AF. One thing that I'm never gonna do is see that I have misspelled a word and just be like, 'It's okay, y'all know that I can really spell.'"
"To my favorite person, both spelled with an O and an OU for the countries that spell it that way as well."
"Thrilled with two e's instead of an i, that's how you spell that when you're this happy."
"My biggest thrill to date was my trip to Washington D.C. last year when I won the National Spelling Championship."
"You're learning to spell in context which I really appreciate."
"The English language is a mess; its spelling is largely unpredictable."
"Spell the word 'accommodate' correctly: A double C, O, M, O, D, A, T, E."
"Make sure you spell this correctly."
"Phonology, although important for all aspects of literacy learning, is even more critical in learning to spell than learning to read."
"Mastering the phonograms is really key to being able to spell."
"If we teach kids how to spell or encode words during our reading lessons, we get a better result than if we just have them try to recognize words visually."
"Awareness of the internal structure of words translated into significantly greater sophistication in spelling."
"Orthography is a fancy word that just refers to the letters that make up words or how the words are spelled."
"Congratulations, you can spell that word better than 99% of physicians in medicine."
"It's puzzling to parents how come you're so smart yet you can't spell, and it's certainly puzzling to teachers."
"Why be normal, dude? I love their use of spelling."
"I won the spelling bee in fifth grade spelling that same word."
"The inability to spell will kill me one day."
"How many 'S's are in the word Mississippi?"
"Accurate use of spelling, punctuation, and grammar is very, very important."
"All About Spelling program... it's very hands-on, very interactive."
"My son in particular who was struggling with spelling has been doing phenomenal."
"Those are our top picks for spelling, the ones that we have had the most success with and that we have used ourselves."
"Displaying Model Behavior with the proper U."
"Good job, Miss Ar, you have won this year's spelling bee."
"Make sure you're careful of your spelling and make sure you copy the words accurately."
"Accurate spelling is essential in medical terminology."
"That is so cool, and I didn't misspell it this time."
"There are so many spelling rules that make sense when you're learning them with all about spelling."
"There's so much value in the all about spelling program."
"She got every single one of her spellings right."
"I've been an Atheist for 40 years and I still haven't figured out how to spell it."
"Your kids don't even realize they're doing a spelling program."
"My kids literally cheer when I say 'Spelling You See'."
"Pay attention to spelling, especially with sentence completion."
"There are lots of people who can't spell but can do other things amazingly well."
"P is for pterodactyl, and T is for tsunami."
"If you misspell the first letter, it doesn't matter what you do for the rest of the word, it's going to be wrong."
"Justice for spaghetti with no 'h', justice."
"This is too violent for you? Well, listen, spelling is a violent sport."
"Trust me, that was the hardest one for Colin to spell."
"Our secret spelling word is Pokémon. P-O-K-E-M-O-N spells Pokémon."
"You've seriously got to learn how to spell 'rogue'."
"Will you spell my name with me? M E E K A H, Ma!"
"I'm a good speller. I could spell Abacus without even knowing what it is."
"To gain full marks for AO4, you should achieve consistent accuracy in spelling and punctuation."
"I love Scrabble, I love to spell, I love a spelling word game."
"Let's treat to yourself because around here we know how to spell."
"Words matter, okay, but spelling of words matter more."