
Satellite Quotes

There are 108 quotes

"Phobos, the innermost and larger of the two natural satellites of Mars, meaning 'fear' in Ancient Greek, is irregularly shaped with a mean radius of seven miles and is seven times larger than the outer moon, Deimos."
"So the mission name for this, this is TurkSat 5A, a telecommunications satellite."
"This is the first satellite that has been fully designed and manufactured in by the Spanish industry... Seosat Ingenio is also the 10th satellite that Arianespace has launched for Spain, but it is the first for Earth observation."
"The Starlink satellites are also equipped with an autonomous collision avoidance system."
"We want to have a satellite that could provide services that were robust, reliable, good performance, fast performance."
"Tomorrow they will launch 10 more Starlink satellites on a ride-along program with another mission."
"Gs can only create force where there is mass, and it turns out the satellite industry has been finding ways to reduce mass for decades."
"It operates just like a mobile phone tower does on the ground but from space."
"Satellites have fundamentally changed warfare."
"The current Starlink constellation relies on ground stations."
"GPS is actually only the USA's system. There are other systems and they're collectively known as GNSS - Global Navigation Satellite Systems."
"It's a super party here on the satellite of love."
"The 67i is going to be the most accurate because it can connect to more satellite constellation options."
"Satellite and cellular becoming more and more entwined as complementary technologies."
"The first application would be for satellite orbital change and positioning and collision avoidance and stuff like that."
"Downloading and organizing satellite data."
"A single satellite can provide broadband to a huge area, and that means one tiny dot up in space will replace the need to string thousands and thousands of miles of fiber optic cables to all those remote locations."
"The Moon is the fifth largest satellite in the solar system."
"The decision to go into making a communication satellite... came about from the desire about our company to diversify."
"Landsat 8 is the latest iteration of Landsat... there are already plans for Landsat 9 and Landsat 10."
"Currently, there are other sources besides NASA and ESA for satellite data."
"The knowledge of data and knowledge of tools is required to work with satellite data."
"I got a look at the satellite that attacked us while I was out there. Apparently it was designed to shoot down spy satellites and got its programming fouled up when it came across our HQ."
"CDAS is intuitive to use and it does not take very long to learn and since CD supports such a wide variety of satellite sensors including international sensors your time investment in learning it is time well spent."
"The cable and satellite industry is phasing out. It is losing steam."
"...it's used in the enhanced thermatic mapper they use on satellites."
"You can do very powerful Satellite Systems today that um in pretty small form factors."
"Russia has its Glonass constellation, China has its own Baidu system, and Europe is building the Galileo Network."
"There's parts of the American forest that are too thick for aerial and satellite penetration."
"Multi-resolution images are now possible, even within one satellite."
"Keep looking up, and now it's like keep looking up and look at all the satellites. That's all it is."
"Satellite position is critical for position determination."
"Each satellite has been given unique ID so that the receiver can identify different satellites."
"Getting to sit down at this table for $80 when you buy into a satellite, not bad!"
"We're off and Away with starlink 657 carrying yet another batch of starlink satellites into lower orbit."
"Multiple constellations including Galileo."
"We have a very brief window of observations for this observational era where we can use high precision satellite observations to do things like you know brevimetry to actually weigh from space the amount of ice over Greenland or Antarctica."
"But of course, those repeats were just regarding terrestrial television. Believe it or not, satellite television would welcome Doctor Who with open arms."
"The only way to make that satellite actually go into the sun is if it has a constant thrust, a constant acceleration that is slowing it down."
"You've got direct line into satellite imagery."
"This is SpaceX's massive constellation of low Earth orbit satellites that blanket the Earth."
"The Black Knight satellite conspiracy theory began in the 1950s when newspapers reported that a strange object had been detected in orbit around Earth."
"Ganymede is the largest satellite in our solar system."
"It's like having your own satellite receiver; just point the antenna up into the sky, press the right buttons, and it tells you exactly where on the earth you are."
"Japan's first geostationary satellite, making them the third country to put a satellite into geostationary orbit after the USA and the Soviet Union."
"At any point on the surface of the earth, at any instant of time, a user will receive signals from at least four satellites."
"This will be the 31st dedicated mission launching SpaceX's upgraded Starlink V2 mini satellites."
"We named our first satellite Alouette, which made us the third country in the world in space."
"The signals of the first satellite acted as a practical demonstration of the possibilities of the employment of satellite navigation systems."
"Liftoff of the Falcon 9 rocket on the USSF-124 mission, launching satellites to test hypersonic tracking technology."
"Satellites have recorded 14% more green vegetation than 30 years ago."
"He decided to use satellite technology to look down from space."
"The satellite is designed to help with weather forecasting, disaster prevention and mitigation, climate change response, and ecological conservation."
"The satellite will be used for atmospheric, maritime, and space environment monitoring, disaster prevention and mitigation, and scientific experiments."
"With one satellite in low Earth orbit, you cover almost every side of the planet."
"It's amazing for satellite internet, that's absolutely incredible."
"I am a crew commander for satellite-based missile warnings, that is a cool job."
"Starlink is a satellite internet constellation designed and manufactured by SpaceX that can provide high-speed, low-latency internet to people living in remote and rural locations around the globe."
"This launch will send 53 Starlink satellites into low Earth orbit which brings us one step closer to near global coverage of the populated world in 2021."
"At 1% of Earth's mass, it is the largest satellite relative to its planet."
"The network will achieve global internet coverage once all satellites rise to operational altitudes of 550 kilometers."
"Starlink Gen 2 is coming in the future, not as a replacement for the existing satellite but as a complement to enhance the service and capabilities even further."
"Landsat is probably one of the most popular satellites and I'm sure many of you have heard of it before."
"It does not require Wi-Fi or internet connection at all, it is strictly off satellite."
"The satellite position gets known once the signal reaches the receiver."
"Sometimes I can receive a satellite signal, believe it or not, in my basement here."
"The Black Knight satellite remains uncertain, the high-quality images of this strange object continue to intrigue."
"Satellite images have now captured the complex in its full glory."
"The experiment was a resounding success and for the first time a communications link had been established between two distant points on Earth using a man-made satellite."
"The success of our Tyros experiments has graphically demonstrated the great value of using satellites to study the mechanics of weather and improve our forecast."
"Our first objective is to understand why satellite ground tracks look the way they do."
"For a non-rotating Earth, our ground track would look like a perfect sinusoidal."
"Telstar is the sum of many men's efforts over the years."
"I'm the largest satellite in the solar system seen; I orbit Jupiter, my name is Ganymede."
"Time period equals 24 hours, it stays above a fixed point on the equator."
"This was the first known form of satellite navigation."
"A picture tells ten thousand words; a satellite image can tell ten thousand more."
"Satellite operating is extremely accessible to the amateur community."
"Satellite passes are extremely predictable and can be known well in advance."
"Communicating through an orbiting cube that's 600 kilometers above the sky traveling at about 17,000 miles an hour is a bit of a challenge."
"The satellite community is really tight-knit and very open to sharing and training new people."
"Operating in full duplex is the ability to hear yourself on the downlink in real time as you transmit."
"Where you set up in doing a satellite pass is extremely important."
"A clear horizon is the best location."
"Once you can receive satellites effectively, very regularly, then I would recommend you start working on being able to transmit through it."
"There's a very welcoming tight-knit community on Twitter for satellite operators."
"It's a lot of fun to take your gear to different locales and set up shop."
"This is tremendous fun, it is loads of fun, and you can get started for a couple hundred bucks."
"We still have some of the best friends in the world."
"They called it Sputnik, literally translated it means 'satellite' but perhaps more aptly it meant 'companion'."
"History's first satellite, Sputnik, was launched into orbit almost 70 years ago by the USSR."
"A picture tells a thousand words, and a satellite image can tell ten thousand words."
"It was historical because this was the first time they ever had a satellite hookup."
"We've got the brand new all-in-one Starlink... it's worked out really really well."
"The starlink satellite design is pushing the latest technology to its limits."
"I wouldn't mind being a satellite; it's peaceful out here among the distant stars and the soft velvety darkness."
"Data acquisition requires a satellite station which is on the ground on the surface of the Earth, rotating antenna or tracking antenna."
"Each satellite will have its own footprint."
"This is a satellite messenger that sends up a signal to satellites."
"One orbit with a radius of 42,000 kilometers has a period of exactly 24 hours; a body in such an orbit, if its plane coincided with that of the Earth's equator, would revolve with the Earth and would thus be stationary above the same spot on the planet."