
Democrats Quotes

There are 67 quotes

"Democrats are doing great across America in elections, in leadership, in delivering results for the people."
"This is a country that is in pain right now and if democrats... do not respond now, yes, I believe two years from now, the republicans will say, 'Hey, you elected these guys, they did nothing, vote for us,' and they will win."
"Democrats cannot afford to undershoot this one; they cannot afford to go small."
"Good luck to the Dems, not that they would ever do anything with all the power that they have."
"The time to fight against corporate Dems is all the time when you can, and not when you can't."
"Make every election a referendum on Democrats. That's how you win elections."
"No matter what you hear, history and a simple Google search shows us that Democrats are better at the economy than Republicans."
"Only 45 percent or so of Democrats are excited to get out and vote."
"Democrats are going to have to own AOC... you broke it, you bought it."
"The modern Democrats have essentially given up and given in for power."
"The Democrats are stopping it, but I don't think they're, you know, flexible."
"The corporate Democrats in the mainstream media suck at this, they absolutely positively suck."
"Democrats are trying to drag their agenda across the finish line while also staring down the looming midterm elections."
"Trump can't come to Kenosha because that would be embarrassing for Democrats."
"The real key change here is that the Democrats have taken over the Senate and they now have the House, the Senate, and the presidency."
"Ultimately, the Democrats are going to pass this next stimulus package with the reconciliation process."
"Democrats are going to have to figure out how to do better with rural voters."
"I am so proud of you. You made mommy very happy."
"Over time Democrats tack more and more right-wing politics onto their agenda."
"The majority of these crimes are happening in Democrat controlled areas that have been Democrat controlled for generations for decades."
"What this really mostly looks like is Democrats trying to cover for the fact that they got nothing here."
"But is that the Democrats' strongest line of appeal?"
"Talking about health care won the Democrats victories in 2018."
"This is the Democrats tearing each other apart."
"The parties are now in the process of resorting around this sort of political and cultural divide. Historically, the Democrats were the party of the working class. They are now much more the party of the professional class."
"Democrats are talking about jobs, reducing prescription drug prices, protecting veterans, and seniors."
"Democrats should be like a big dumb wall against fascism."
"Democrats were able to come into a political space and do something that was effective."
"Just what is it that the Democrats are so worried about?"
"Democrats celebrating their surprise Senate victory, as the win in Nevada gives them a thin majority."
"We're not going to want to do it, what can the Democrats do now to prevent what they don't want to happen from happening?"
"What these Democrats have done to ruin lives is so sad."
"Democrats are looking ahead to the 2024 election they actually have a in an incredibly smart strategy that they're trying to roll out."
"Democrats have some real accomplishments that they can now show for and talk about."
"Overall, Democrats cannot continue to promise a bunch of things that they have no intention on ever delivering."
"Joe Biden and the Democrats are not going to stop a war."
"Blaming progressives weak Democrats search scapegoats shows your cowardice."
"Maybe it's something happens where a city gets big, the Democrats are able to win all the elections."
"The Democrats are just as bad as the Republicans. That's it. They... make us nuts, whatever, but they are not as bad."
"Democrats need to do some soul searching and start adopting progressive policies if they want to stay relevant."
"It's like this is the Democrats, 'Oh, but you know white people want to leave. We're gonna get rid of a road.'"
"The Democrats have managed to hold on to their majority in the House of Representatives."
"The point is, the Democrats are actually very effective fighters when they're focused."
"Democrats have been trained to expect very little and to get even less."
"A critical night for Democrats staring down the possibility of losing control."
"Ultimately, the Democrats do have the upper hand."
"Democrats are committed to working on this and we're going to continue working."
"Democrats need to keep the senate seat in Arizona."
"We can see by who the Democrats invited to appear as Witnesses at this morning's hearing that they will once again try to blame the guns instead of the people who use them to commit the crime."
"He's out of step with most Americans in exactly the way that Democrats want to remind people that Republicans are way out of step with most Americans."
"The idea that there's a whole bunch of Mormons who believe that Democrats are the enemy and they're all communists and socialists is rooted right there in Mormonism."
"Democrats need to pass laws to make the elections less transparent, go back to ward healers, go back to the rough cooping, so that the elections then conform to the level of suspiciousness that everybody has in their heads."
"...it reveals the whole game... it is designed to delegitimize the court... but the Democrats on this committee are mad at the Supreme Court because it's issued decisions faithful to the Constitution that are inconvenient for the political agenda of Democrats."
"Democrats have put forth proposals that will actually help fix our broken immigration system and secure our borders in a safe and humane way."
"Democrats have become a pretty organized party."
"There are many Democrats especially younger ones like Richie Torres who are very very Pro crypto and they are actually trying to bring through sensible legislation bipartisan legislation with a lot of Rs and D's coming together and saying you."
"Democrats are banking on the idea that they overplay their hand."
"If defining the 2024 campaign is about 'crazy,' Democrats will win."
"What are the two major political parties in the United States? Democrats and Republicans."
"The ground game traditionally has been strong for the Democrats."