
Universe Understanding Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"Gathering data from other planets is a great thing; helps us understand how the universe is made and formed."
"If you really want to understand the universe, think in terms of vibration, energy, and frequency."
"Science is a human activity; it's not the universe, it's how we humans try to understand the universe."
"I really want to make sure that there is a good future for humanity and that we're on a path to understanding the nature of the universe."
"Many of us still want it to also give us a deeper understanding of physics and of the universe."
"Quantum mechanics is a place where we haven't yet figured out what the science is trying to teach us about the real universe."
"Science is a work in progress. As we learn new things about this amazing universe in which we live, we constantly revise our understanding of it."
"Being psychic is not enough... The real power comes in actually understanding the structure of the universe."
"We might not be smart enough to figure out a universe that could be trivial to the brain of a more intelligent species."
"Information might in some sense, according to this argument, be in some sense the very basic layer of our understanding of the universe."
"The universe is fundamentally a system which creeps up on itself and then says boo, and then it laughs at itself for jumping."
"If you want to understand the universe, you have to think in terms of vibration and frequency."
"Studying Supernova is not only about understanding the spectacular events but also about understanding our place in the universe"
"Isn't it a noble and an enlightened way of spending our brief time in the Sun to work at understanding the universe and how we have come to wake up in it?"
"If you wish to understand the universe... think of energy, frequency, and vibration."
"He wanted to know the reason the universe is the way it is."
"Science is the single most consistently reliable method for accurately understanding the universe."
"The promise that we can really understand questions of why the universe is the way it is at the most fundamental level."
"It's not relevant to try and understand how the universe works."
"The JWST just revealed six massive galaxies that scientists thought could not exist, potentially shattering our scientific understanding of the Universe."
"The observable universe is just a small fraction of the entire universe that we can study and comprehend."
"The standard model Lagrangian represents the apex of human knowledge and understanding of how the universe works."
"If this is real and if this happens a lot, this completely changes my view of the universe."
"But the mathematics have yielded intriguing clues to the nature of the fabric of the universe – and that nature is very weird."
"The universe speaks geometry, and if you can harmonize with it, more becomes available."
"Kepler was one of the first to look at the universe and see not chaos, but an ordered system waiting to be understood."
"Whoever does not know self does not know anything, but whoever knows self already has acquired knowledge about the depth of the universe."
"Thanks for joining us this week on our services and live the story behind the universe."
"The universe has no obligation to make sense to us, to any of us. It's under no obligation at all."
"Who, in this room, is sitting here, not doing something that they believe in their heart has the opportunity to make them come alive?"
"It's a mercurial wave to understand this whole universe in your life."
"The Giant Arc challenges astronomers' previous assumptions about the cosmos."
"The most powerful kind of energy outflow in the entire universe."
"Even the discovery of something small would be a huge event. It would change everything that we think and know about our solar system, the universe, and ourselves."
"The universe isn't just random, it's governed by all these mathematical laws and stuff of this cosmic architect."
"It suggests that the values are not due to human error. In another, it's a nightmare because it means that we may have to topple some long-cherished ideas about what exactly this thing we call a universe really is."
"Physics is at fundamentally just understanding how does the universe actually work."
"We live in a magnetoelectric universe, not just an electromagnetic one."
"Hubble's discovery of the stunning size of the universe changes forever our picture of the cosmos."
"The state of the universe does not depend on what you do or don't know about it. The only thing that is profound here is that people think this is profound."
"If you're mentally healthy, you understand the construction of the universe and aren't afraid of problems. Every problem contains its own solution."
"Within decades we must close our eyes again. Isn't it a noble and enlightened way of spending our brief time in the sun, to work at understanding the universe and how we have come to wake up in it?"
"That slammed the door shut on this belief that math can't be used to actually talk about the universe around us."
"The more you understand of the universe, the more you can admire the genius of the God who did it that way."
"Science and spirituality are two attempts at trying to understand the nature, the relationships of the universe. They are not contradictory; they are two different perspectives."
"Science isn't about determining or pronouncing the truth; it's about coming up with probabilistic models that are the best descriptions of the universe."
"I like to know ever more about how the universe works so that I can invoke it in the progress of civilization."
"We want to go from knowing what the universe is doing to knowing why it is doing it."