
Narrative Consistency Quotes

There are 60 quotes

"Serialized stories that rely on powerups for threat scaling frequently make less and less sense in hindsight, as the same character struggling against Baby's First Villain Of The Week apparently had enough hidden true potential to singlehandedly fight and kill god four seasons later."
"Ultimately, plot holes are flaws. You may not notice them or care about them, but that doesn't mean that they don't exist or that they don't matter."
"Permanence in fiction is so important. If a character dies in a story, they need to be dead."
"You've broken your character and story logic."
"That's how you catch people, it's when you start comparing statements and narratives and they don't match up when they should."
"You need to establish a consistent set of rules for your worlds and characters without consistency, your story lacks the necessary tension that's created from the weaknesses of your characters."
"But the theory just doesn't hold up when you actually examine the lore of the series."
"Kevin Feige was like go crazy... for 10 years this dude's been telling a long story in the Marvel Universe man."
"Having her still be alive canonically in such a satisfying way doesn't feel like a cop-out."
"Reveling in the fact that it's a video game and no one really cares about consistency as long as they get to do something cool is the whole point."
"Story progression in Far Cry 6 offers a more consistent narrative experience without tedious requirements."
"You have to trust in what these characters are and what the lore is."
"The writers decided early on that Kim and Ron's relationship was there to stay."
"But every transition from A to B has to be believable and make sense according to the film's own rules."
"She did the one thing that made no sense either in the moment or for her character."
"True / Canon endings only otherwise you just have a bunch of optional bad endings."
"The consequences for Jon will not be avoided at the last second, which seems to be a very George thing to do."
"Vivi rejoining the crew at this point sounds the most likely and it makes the most sense, like let's just go with it and all long-term fans of One Piece, we know Vivi, we love Vivi so let's just have more Vivi, there you go."
"Endings are hard to do... Squid Game stays on the rails until the very end."
"You know what the best part is? It canonically works."
"It's not hard to surprise people with storytelling, but it still has to make sense."
"Loki being the person at the end of all this really does fall in line with the ideal of his glorious purpose."
"It's a series that consistently does not care for continuity."
"It was a consistent story, and man, those action sequences were terrific."
"Narrative and thematic consistency that is unparalleled in most other media."
"This felt like a character telling a story from their past that completely makes sense."
"This sort of gameplay alludes to a ludo narrative consistency as the storyline goes on to mirror the gameplay."
"Visually, tonally, narratively, this chapter has its own identity quite separate from the rest of the game, and yet it still feels connected to the central saga of Jin's life."
"Red Dead Revolver: A game which very much does not know what tone it really wants to have."
"Not only is the belief that the ending was retconned entirely incorrect, but the ending we got was the only logical conclusion the story could have had."
"There's always a man, there's always a city, there's always a scientist, there's always a girl."
"Every time you tell us some version of what happened, it gets closer to the truth."
"It's nice to see that even with these Mandalorian asides, the show hasn't forgotten its main focus."
"From a storyline perspective they do make sense and they do play along with the storylines however nothing you see in this show has any bearing on what happens in the drawers and smackdowns after this."
"Does the story of Smash follow the story of Smash, or does it do its own separate thing completely different to the games?"
"It just all felt like it was all the same Amber narrative that they're all just trying to keep the story straight."
"Show us that, don't write two people that hate each other and act like it's all good."
"Nothing that happens in Star Wars now because of Rogue One makes sense if you don't believe in that central theme of hope."
"The writing is so good for these characters that even if I don't guess what they're gonna do, everything they do feels right."
"AEW is still good, but where's the long-term storytelling? Everything seemed important with repercussions, now it feels slapdash."
"Maybe Ash never ages because being a 10-year-old and traveling around the world with his best friends is the happiest Ash could ever be."
"It's genuinely well put together, maintaining continuity and plot lines over entire seasons."
"Players can also feel safe investing time into the story because they know it won't suddenly become narratively or mechanically irrelevant."
"A character making mistakes is not bad writing; it comes down to if an action contradicts their character without reason or meaningful gain."
"Attack on Titan started with Eren, and it's also going to end via Eren."
"Samy's winning I need Sammy to win now because that's the entire story you've just sold me on everything."
"The ENDING WAS IN KEEPING WITH WHAT WE WERE TRYING TO DO throughout. Things change and things are sad and exciting at the same time."
"I didn't foresee them doing 'great power comes great responsibility' like that... that was amazing as always."
"Maybe just relax. The narrative doesn't need to change every single day."
"The Winter Soldier did what comics always say but never stick to."
"Continuity is fantastic to keep TV shows are usually pretty good at it for the most part and it gives you a sense of you can rely on the fact that the people who are making it care about everything they've said and done before."
"It goes along with the narrative perfectly, you might be wondering how did the Leonards live at God Valley if they lived on the red line."
"Self-education as soon as possible. Everything that I've learned how to do, I taught myself."
"The story stays the same, no matter the genre."
"I like this movie too. What does take me kind of out of it more so is the movie feels very well grounded in its universe up until the Doomsday fight, and then I just... I get a little pulled out."
"Keep talking about my squad, our personal ages, the way we play. He stay injured. We're past our time in the league, etc. Keep the same narrative energy when it begins. That's all I ask. #ThankYou."
"Making an 11 minute long song this consistent and engaging while sticking to a specific story with a deep message behind it isn't easy."
"It's all cause and effect, it's all set up, payoff, and it's consistent."