
Free Quotes

There are 475 quotes

"Grace is always without exception free. You can't buy it, you can't earn it, you can't pay for it."
"Nature is synthesizing vitamin c out of air and water...they make all these nutrients for you for free."
"VS Code is free, so we don't need to buy anything; we just need to download it and install it."
"The gospel is free. The Lord has freely given to me, and I'm freely giving to you."
"Alright, what do you want? Vanilla, chocolate or a swirl? Free ice cream, you guys want some ice cream it's totally free, chocolate we'll take a chocolate."
"We don't even have to pay for this, it's all inclusive."
"Kindness goes such a long way and it is for free. So be kind today and be kind to those around you and to yourself. Be kind to yourself today."
"Join us playing War Thunder, it’s free after all!"
"Free immersive experience in the Mexico Pavilion for Coco fans."
"I'm gonna sign up for the Best Western Rewards program. It's really awesome because you get points and the points never expire and it's free!"
"Who doesn't love free? So let's talk the best free games on the Quest 2."
"And there you have it, that is how to get the Lifeguard truck for absolutely free!"
"Free, that's my favorite four-letter word." - Rhett
"Yo, lychee trigger-finger for free, no problem."
"For the price of free, I recommend anyone to come try this out."
"If you want something to be for free, you have to pay the price in some sort of way."
"What's up everyone, welcome to my free Google Ads course."
"It's like they have a free app, and they're not even telling anyone. It's literally free."
"If getting your learning started is half the battle, what if you could do that for free?"
"This Grand museum with one of the greatest collections in the world is essentially free as long as you're a New Yorker."
"It's a really fun, easy, free planter idea."
"You can come in here and watch free content."
"We have so many free resources on this channel."
"This is free content that is ad-supported. You don't have to pay for this."
"If you're doing this for a hobby and you want to use free stuff, you can use Photop.com."
"They are free to use software, they're super easy to use."
"The best part is completely open source and free."
"Inkscape is a fantastic program and it is free."
"These are all just from today under the free plan."
"Hit that subscribe button, it's completely free and you can always change your mind later."
"It's completely free to build the bot."
"Canva offers a great variety of tools and it's free to use as well."
"So make sure to watch till the very end, but at this point I'm just using the free Canva because this is what the majority of people will use and need."
"There are so many different free images that you don't really need to have pro unless you need all those different functionalities, but let's find something that is pro."
"It's about quality not quantity. Oh yeah, the vending machine gave me an extra bag of chips. The best things in life are free, bro."
"I'm truly a firm believer that there's a lot of free things that you can do that are still fun."
"Totally could have to be paid for because it's worth it but it's free."
"...a breathtaking sight and best of all absolutely free to enjoy."
"It's free stuff on top of a free game."
"It's free of charge, there's another fun, you just get to try it out at the dealership."
"It's free, baby, ain't no money involved. You just hit that sub button and boom."
"You can utilize these resources for free."
"Every aspect of this project is free. Isn't that nice? There's no subscriptions of any kind to do what we're about to do here. It's pretty mind-blowing actually."
"Literally free money handed to you."
"I'm really asking you a bit of a push, bit of a nudge, please subscribe. It's literally free, it's free, free, free for you."
"Anything that's free, you're the product."
"That's a pretty good deal, don't you think? Especially for free."
"Most of the attractions I've stated in this video are FREE!"
"I'll actually hook you guys up with a more detailed course, show you guys everything step by step 100% for free, no upsells, no coaching."
"...completely free for you to use you don't have to pay a single penny..."
"You'll have to create an account, but it's free."
"If you make something amazing and you make it free, that can be really, really good for you in the short and long term."
"It was totally free and totally worth it."
"There's nothing better than the word free."
"It's completely free to do this. You do not need the pro Canva Pro account to do the digital planner."
"Fusion 360 would be free to use for hobbyists."
"Let's see if we got something good for free."
"You are able to use many of the features for free so go check it out, let me know what you think in the comments, drop your favorite feature in the comments."
"It's completely free for personal use, so anyone can download it and just use it for free with unlimited storage."
"Something as simple as subscribing to YouTube is free, is enough."
"I strongly, strongly recommend it. 100% free."
"Being impulsive and being free aren't the same things because if you're impulsive you're just the slave of your impulses."
"This course is entirely free, and you can earn the certificate of completion by passing all course modules and passing all the quizzes."
"You don't have to go and pay for somewhere, it's free."
"A great feature within this tool is that it allows you to upscale your videos to 4K resolution for free."
"The Lincoln Park Zoo is one of the last remaining free zoos in the world."
"I like free shipping because, I mean, it's free, right?"
"Free entertainment is often the best. Watch a parade, go on a picnic, have friends over for a board game."
"...starting your own pirate ship account is completely free there's never any hidden charges or fees."
"...the value you're getting out of this is pretty high despite the fact that you're doing it for free."
"You're basically getting a box for free"
"It takes 2 minutes and we would love for you to try it on. It's free, I promise you."
"It's completely free and it helps the channel grow, and it's much appreciated."
"You can actually do it all online in your PJs on your couch and best of all it is totally free."
"You don't have to pay for it. You can use it for 100% free and it's very well researched."
"Stuff like this is being given away completely free, no strings attached, over on my Whatnot."
"And it's free, so why would you not?"
"We've never charged anybody a penny for all of these tours that we've done."
"This is all for free at the moment."
"If you want free goldfish, let me know."
"All treatments free at the salon."
"Camel Kafka Connectors are 100% open-source and free to use."
"You don't have to pay for any of this. There's tons of free resources out there."
"I'm a big believer in free education and free learning."
"Everything's going to still be free. You're not going to be missing anything."
"How much does this cost us? Free. It's free. Absolutely free. There is no expense whatsoever."
"Remember, it don't cost a lot, it's even better when it's free."
"Subscribe. Click a button, it's free."
"Education here is not just accessible, it's entirely free."
"In the free labor market everybody benefits."
"Get your furnace free including professional installation."
"Easel allowed me to get going in a hurry because of its simplicity. It's super beginner-friendly and free."
"Radio's the last time you could like just turn something on for free and listen."
"Most everything we've mentioned here is free as far as your amenities."
"It really is incredibly easy to use, it is totally free."
"It's free for you, it takes two seconds, it helps the channel grow."
"You get free videos and essays from the minimalist."
"It's for free. Free. Yeah, I know. Check your pulse. Free. Cool. Now, tell a friend, okay? It's free, so tell a friend."
"Most of the content here is 100 free."
"There is fun in the game, they like what the game is doing, they like that it's free now."
"It's free money, and what's not to like about getting free cash?"
"My situation has been so great that not only have I been able to fly for free essentially and own an airplane for free..."
"The good news is everything in this video is free..."
"There are numerous free software, there's one called OBS studio which is an open source and free."
"Common sense is free. You don't need to pay for it, you can't donate."
"We don't earn our blessings. The lunch is free."
"It's free folks, and it will save you a ton of time."
"The only way to enter this giveaway is for free."
"This entertainment is coming to you guys for free."
"I've compiled a list of what I consider to be the 10 best project management apps that you can use without paying anything."
"You don't even need to [ __ ] pay a subscription, uh, everything is free. Not only is the content free, but the IP in and of itself is free as well if you want to use it, if you want to [ __ ] watch it."
"It might be free for us, but it is uh, it's priceless."
"Our main product is free, unbelievable. I wish airplane tickets were free, and I wish groceries were free, but in our business, all of a sudden our main product is free."
"Remember that kindness is free. Give it away."
"Luxembourg became the first country in the world to make all public transport free to use for everyone."
"All the assets I use in this video are completely free, so you can follow along with me."
"It's free, it's fun, it's fabulous."
"I want to give you guys some epic free content, free entertainment."
"There's no charge for awesomeness."
"Free is honestly about the best kind of deal you can get."
"If you really want to learn how to edit and you want to learn how to color grade and work with audio and maybe do some visual effects and you want to do that all for free, I don't think there's a better place to start than Davinci Resolve."
"The best thing about it: totally free."
"Fable is completely free. We love that."
"It's absolutely free to access these resources."
"YouTube is free, girl. Like honestly, just follow people you love."
"Complimentary means free. It's used when you get something extra without having to pay for it, like a free gift or service."
"...and I do have some free trainings in the links in my descriptions below."
"And the best part is it is completely 100% free."
"It's amazing that it's so accessible and free to use."
"The support we offer to individuals is 100% free."
"Best of all, it's absolutely free."
"You get all those minor updates for free."
"I'm really excited, 'cause we didn't have to pay anything to come in here and play games, which you know we love."
"What's better than free? Nothing."
"You can actually download a free demo of the first two hours of the game, play it, try it out, see if you like it right now, completely for free on the PlayStation store."
"One great thing about fasting is it's completely free. You do not have to sign up for programs, you do not have to pay for anything."
"It's completely free of charge. We're doing this to support the local farming community."
"The greatest enjoyment of life is what one doesn't have to pay for."
"So, this is another really useful free option."
"Love it, free knuckle boxing, man."
"It's incredible, and it's all for free."
"Word of mouth is some of the most underrated but most profitable in the long run ways of advertising that's completely free."
"Both are free forever for personal use."
"Subscribe, notification bell, completely free. Take advantage of it."
"This method is 100% free, you don't need any prior skills or knowledge."
"And it's time to tell you about War Thunder - why? Because it's free and free is for me."
"Google sheets is free to use, is a spreadsheet program, and lives online."
"If you're interested in that, if not, we'll continue dropping free content right here on YouTube for you."
"Now, we have a range of free and premium options."
"The best part, other than being completely free, is that it's much easier to set up than you might expect."
"How can you go wrong with a free Sim? It's free!"
"And it's always free. No strings attached, no bogus sign-ups, nothing. Just free."
"The craziest part about Unreal is that it is free."
"...and so for this reason, I always prioritize free and open-source software whenever I can and indeed that's what this channel is all about."
"It's a fantastic piece of free and open-source software."
"Game: it's fast, it's fun, and it's free."
"...who doesn't want free 1 million Satoshi Channel being opened to them?"
"It's free, there's over 132,000 members and counting. Enjoy!"
"I'm going to show you proof and the best part about what I'm going to show you is it's completely free."
"Free is good, right? Everybody likes free."
"Sometimes the best things in life are free."
"There's going to be lots of Hyundai Kia content coming up very soon that you won't want to miss out on, and it's completely free."
"It's honestly just super awesome and free."
"We have so much stuff. We have different sections. We got a bunch of Mario-themed stuff, we have electronics, we have shoes, we have candy, we have all kinds of stuff. And the best part is that everything is completely free."
"So, super cool feature, 100% free."
"Consider subscribing because it's free and you can always change your mind later."
"That's the fun thing about libraries having blind dates with books. They're free."
"All this 3D animated text is 100 free you can use it for free."
"Garageband is still completely free on a Mac and delivers a robust and streamlined experience."
"Yeah, he's like [__]. He doesn't need to spray, he'd been Hugh Hefner. His dad could be like an old [__] wooden baseball bat just [__] and take two packs, now just scars on it and [__] blisters was he right now right now."
"Just subscribe. It's free. 100% free. Does not cost you a dime."
"Cozy is a completely free, no catches, no gimmicks, 100% free property management software."
"Ruba will be free, there's no cost to sign up for Ruba."
"It's completely free, and they have the best price for new release hardcover fiction."
"Everything at Cold Case Christianity.com is offered for free and it is printable and savable."
"This is free, it's all free, bro. Free!"
"I am extremely excited to share this completely free Workshop hosted by Yours Truly because we all love free stuff."
"Join our free deep dive Workshop on how to budget an unpredictable income."
"The best thing that lasts for free, that's so true now."
"...all this Midway stuff is technically free, you don't need a ticket to come here."
"It's free all because of people like Minerva Beauty."
"I'm totally subscribing with notifications on, I didn't know that was free to do, isn't that crazy?"
"All of it is what I'm asking, is for free."
"The rangers kind of take care of everything over here. You guys don't need to pay anything to come in here. Everything's free camping."
"Joining my book club will not cost you anything."
"It's completely free, I would definitely recommend using them."
"Free iced water, totally free even in Disney World."
"There's free entertainment at select Disney Resorts."
"Sometimes though, and especially for this one, free is awesome."
"And the fair is free, how about that?"
"I cannot believe how powerful and immense and just overall impressive the software is being provided absolutely free."
"Free coffee sampling - all the words I love to hear."
"The Fisherman's Bastion is an open panorama terrace which you can just walk into and it's free of charge."
"We have a month-by-month program that's free."
"This is a free schedule that you guys can follow."
"Change the channel, change your life; it doesn't cost a thing."
"The content is free, hopefully you enjoy it."
"The biggest thing to know is that it's free."
"Oh, and did I mention that it's free? Yep, it's free. Doesn't cost you a darn thing."
"You can support for absolutely free with a thumbs up."