
College Quotes

There are 693 quotes

"I got accepted into college, apparently. Who's paying for all of this?"
"Most of the education that you receive during college is going to happen outside the classroom."
"You're going to look back and realize these days on campus, they were the last days you were truly free."
"Go to school and go to college; both are very important, depending on what you want to do."
"College is not being an adult. We're all giant children, and once you realize that, it makes everything way easier."
"You can become whoever you want to be. When you go to college, you can change the things you don't like about who you were in high school."
"We can go to college together. It's gonna be fine, we're Max and Chloe, remember, we're always together."
"Whether you went to school on campus, off-campus, or if you didn't even go to college, it doesn't matter. But I think we can all understand and agree that as a college student, if you are going to school on campus, you should feel safe on campus."
"College was not the best four years of my life. Anyone who says life just gets worse after graduation is a big fat liar."
"College costs you on average about forty thousand dollars in debt and takes four years of your life."
"College is a scam. I feel so bad for these kids."
"It was also just honestly the best four years of my life."
"So no matter where you go to college if you go at all I would say that my biggest piece of advice if you care is to put yourself out there and make those genuine connections."
"Back in college, I was never the greatest study ER."
"College is like this last Bastion of area where you can have like really aggressive conversations."
"Back in 2011, Colby is fresh off a dominant stay at Oregon State University."
"Engineering is the only major worth going to college for."
"The 'College Wage Premium' vastly undersells the value of their degree."
"One of the best investments you can make for University."
"College provides an invaluable social experience where for the first time in your life you're on your own so you learn how to fend for yourself you learn how to interact with roommates strangers so you get social skills."
"I graduate college in 19 days but who's counting?"
"It was a very drunken night in our student bar."
"Finding your group is the key to surviving college."
"There's nothing like it. It's as close to a college atmosphere as you're gonna find."
"College does not equal success. If you know that college isn't something for you, that's fine. There's nothing wrong with not going to college."
"You don't have to go to college. Proof right there, ladies and gentlemen, you don't have to go to god."
"It was a feeling of, 'Where did my four years of my life go?'"
"Time management in college is a lot more like planning your summer breaks."
"No, I wouldn't even quit college for 500,000. Enough to be financially stable, I guess."
"If you're wanting a career, the college degree isn't going to do that for you."
"I saved so much money. I cannot tell you between that and being an in-state student if you want to go to college I highly highly recommend it."
"I don't have a single regret to not leaving, solely off the fact that I had so much fun in college those last two years."
"College is not about learning the what, it's about the how."
"Nerds, friendships, and memories: Good times at university."
"I just really love the classes that I'm in in college."
"College is effectively the plug, networking and wealth is the outlet."
"I moved on, went to college, and made a life for myself."
"You don't have to go to college. You can self-study."
"Do what is right for you overall because this is the first decision in college that's purely selfish."
"I thought about the time I would have to devote to college. I began to see it as an obstruction."
"Boston College: Where Education and Community Unite."
"College graduates will see a dramatic decline in their standard of living."
"Please go to college please we're begging you."
"I'm so excited for today's video; it is my first official video in my college series."
"I thought it'd be fun to take you guys along with me on the prep for college."
"All of my classes will be officially online the first semester."
"Making this college board on Pinterest was so helpful because it immediately helped narrow down the vibe of the room."
"The best revenge is 4 years of good parking."
"I always celebrate kids going to college."
"I graduated college with all A's."
"I'm moving into college in about two weeks, and it's about time to get going."
"At the end of the day, football is king, queen, the governing body, and the law in college sports."
"College is happening, it's feeling real, and I can't believe it."
"You could be a Georgia Bulldog, you could come to school in Athens, you could play for a 95,000. Win back-to-back national championships."
"I wouldn't change anything about my time in college. I'm glad it happened."
"My health obsession came about when I went to college."
"I don't promote dropping out of college, but listen, we're doing alright."
"I love kimchi but I will say that it's an acquired taste and I learned to love it back in college."
"I would rather them do whatever they want than go to college."
"We're talking about the best backcourt in college basketball potentially next year."
"Maybe he goes to college again for another thing and he meets a Booster Gold there who's a time traveler from the future."
"I'm so tired of kids thinking their parents must pay for their college news flash college is not a right it's a choice"
"Meritt College was a hotbed of activism."
"If I didn't meet the love of my life in college, then I would never find him."
"I couldn’t resist. Smashing the guitar of someone singing a cloying love song was on my Quintessential College Experiences list."
"Future perfect tense: By this time next year, I will have graduated from college."
"College really flies by. I do not know where the semester went. Where this year went, it's just crazy."
"I want to learn more self-defense just because I'm going to college."
"College is a good thing. It's a good experience to have. You learn more critical thinking skills, you learn a lot in college even if you're not paying that much attention."
"Life hacks for college that no one ever tells you part six: You schedule a class, look up the professor on ratemyprofessor.com."
"It's enough to not keep my bank account on the negative is college worth it I think college is worth it."
"So far, it's only been like one day of college. I've made a ton of awesome friends who really like me for who I am, and I think it's going to be the best year of my life."
"Your college experience is not just going to be defined by the classes you take and the things you learn but also by the people that you meet and the circumstances that you meet them in."
"The college essay is ultimately a story where you are the main character."
"Instead of just saying that you love computer science, you want to tell an evocative and immersive story that engages the admissions officer."
"The point of the college essay is to convey your character, worldview, and values to the admissions officer."
"Best of luck getting through the college application season, and just know that I'm here rooting for you."
"He was widely popular and had no problem getting into his first choice college."
"I learned more from YouTube than I did in college, honestly."
"If you want to win a Player of the Year War if you want to average 25 points a game this is not the school for you."
"Recently, my daughter got accepted to Spelman. Really? Yeah, she's going. She's leaving us in August to go. She's a senior."
"Here at Mount Berry, Georgia, the sons and daughters of the south's impoverished farmers and mountaineers are given the opportunity to earn for themselves a college education."
"My last year of college was by far the craziest, hardest, but best year of my life. I lost my mom, found my father, fell in love, graduated, and found myself."
"Congratulations! So you kicked ass on the college entrance test. Hi Scott, leave me alone."
"I'm gonna encourage her to go to college and not just for the education but for the life experiences that she can gain from it."
"College: you apply to five colleges hoping to get accepted into one, then you get accepted you get to find out how much it costs to attend then if you can go you really only have 10 major choices out of hundreds that actually leads to a good life."
"He supported me through college and continues to do everything in his power to make me smile."
"And Ole Miss will play for the title against Oklahoma."
"If you figure out how to get your life together in your first semester of college, you are way ahead of the game."
"Don't feel pressured to go to college if you really don't think you're mature enough or ready for it."
"Y'all see a wet floor sign anywhere? Guess we're going to college, baby. Don't be a scam artist."
"And in a way, it was. Because I think I started to understand how writing was made. And I think that's what I really learned in college."
"Basically, I just didn't want to go through the application process. I'm really cheap so I always said I wouldn't apply for college, I would go to Community College because I could go for two years for really cheap and then get into a state school."
"The king of life doesn't need college."
"Even while in college I can still relate to some of the characters."
"In college, you go through so many different changes, you're away from your family, you're learning who you are as an adult, and you make mistakes."
"Don't overthink college choice. It's not terribly impactful on your academic outcomes."
"We're going to get you into college and we're going to get you through college."
"We're also going to get you into college and we're going to get you through college."
"Some other good side hustles once you're in college is also just to like sell some types of goods or services to college kids because they do tend to be quite lazy."
"You know, I wonder how many late-round guys with potential are going to stay in college because they're going to make more money. That's what I wonder."
"By far the best way to go about doing your college research is to talk to students who are at the particular school you're interested in."
"...I caught a little injury, ankle injury, and then I got nicked and I got one tag. Okay, so going into college, I was on tag."
"Because of FNT, I get to talk about nerd stuff the same way back in college, roasting each other."
"Three quarters of all college-bound students get admitted to their first choice."
"This scene is one of the greatest in all of college football."
"College is not as scary as you guys might think it is. I was so scared believe me but I got through it I survived and I actually really liked my freshman year of college."
"College is college, have fun but also be safe."
"I'd never heard of Sarah Lawrence before, but they sent me a brochure... and I was like, 'Yes.'"
"Getting a scholarship and getting accepted by the college are two separate things."
"Every day is a party at Florida State, even if you don't go to the clubs."
"This was my first week of college classes, which is crazy, and it honestly, I don't think it could have been better."
"I remember getting into a situation in college where I ended up getting rushed."
"Document your rush experience. Please document it. It's so, so nice to look back on because I promise you, you are going to change so much in college."
"College depression rates have doubled in the last ten years."
"The way dorms work... I found my roommate by joining the Berkeley Class of 2023 page."
"If fewer people go to college, shouldn't the value of a college degree go up?"
"Going off to college is going to change things, and you're going to see how many awesome people are out there."
"A brain like Ford's caught the attention of prestigious colleges."
"After carefully considering its fascinating history, long list of associated fables and legends, and range of purported paranormal activity, we felt the most intelligent choice was Wells College as our pick for the most haunted college in the United States."
"Life changing for me. I was in college and I saw that pass to my boy shy, I was like nah this is different."
"Just like me, you're probably destined to overpack for college."
"Berry College Mount Berry Georgia one of the most sophisticated and beautiful campuses in the United States"
"You hear these horror stories all the time but mainly more high-profile colleges like like ASU and UFA their college Pro their softball programs are always very very wrong."
"March Madness magic as the Ramblers from Loyola Chicago"
"plans for the future I actually got this question a lot After High school-wise definitely want to go to college tough college is UCLA"
"...I remember I when I was in um well here's two quick ones once I was on a uh cruise and that's all that's a red flag that's a red flag but I was a I was in college so it was our Spring break cruise..."
"When I go to college I'll be gay and proud."
"The messages were so strong about going to college that sometimes you just wanted to say all right I get it I get it I'm going to college."
"I start my second semester of college in 2 days. Am I nervous? Yeah, but I'm also really excited."
"The great thing about college is the opportunity to make friendships that last a lifetime."
"Being in college your schedule is not like a block schedule the way that high school was at least for me so every day looks a little different."
"College is a fresh start. This is your chance to figure out who you are. And I don't mean Invincible, I mean Mark Grayson, my only son, my baby."
"Just have so much fun like have so much fun because this is like the last point in our lives like I feel like after college is when like things actually start getting serious"
"Living in the dorms is basically a rite of passage, especially in the US. It is a huge part of the quintessential college experience."
"...60% of students drop out of college because of mental health problems and 50% of that 60 did not have access to Mental Health resources."
"These are perfect for note-taking, especially in college because you take a lot of notes!"
"Two useful things I learned at college: Whatever you say is true if you say it authoritatively enough and don't worry if you haven't read the books everyone's talking about because they haven't read them either."
"I only wanted to come to New York. I wanted to leave Philadelphia and I rushed college."
"By the time these guys get into college, they're on their own. They can order this stuff up, and the majority of them are dropping in their early 20s."
"Realizing that maybe all relationships in your early 20s like aren't really it you know I mean I think college relationships um sometimes have an expiration date."
"It was all a blur. It was in the 90s, uh, I remember setting foot on the campus of Arizona State in the 90s."
"If you could play at any college level bro you are 1% of the world."
"Would you guys ever try and make like a flavored vodka in college?"
"We used to gamble on Risk and drink brandy in college."
"Matt's uh, what a tour wife. Like, I just want him to do the music, and then I, like, I minor in college, I was hoping to do that too."
"I had a Pepsi machine at college that ate people's change returns. I figured out how to get it unstuck and usually ended up with a soda and $4 every time I went to it."
"A major part of being an American college student now is that you are anxious and depressed."
"I think those times were really special. Yeah, and then if I could go back and change something I think I'd take more time in college."
"Work ethic is the most important thing in any field. Just because they're great in college doesn't mean that they have a great work ethic."
"College time allows you to develop critical skills that you learn only through being in a college setting."
"There's no such thing as drinking too early at COC K."
"You like to do at college? Freaking elite."
"College was a fresh start, a place where I could redefine myself and leave behind the baggage of the past."
"My opinion the best shape I've been in since college."
"College is the best time to chant."
"As a college student, I have many things to do throughout the day and my EDC helps me along the way."
"Absolutely, I mean, honestly, I feel like when I was in college, I didn't value relationships because I didn't know what commitment looked like. So for me to be in a relationship and have a title and be with someone else was the fun thing to do."
"An app for college students where people can anonymously share experiences about their college."
"...what happens if you can't take your birds with you to college?"
"Your college really doesn't matter."
"This is exactly like when I was in college and I was the only one who was like in the room who was not drunk, high, or on mushrooms. Like, 'Oh, wow, look, I see my hands! How big is that microphone? Whoa!'"
"College doesn't have to be unfun necessarily so environmental psychology is basically the relationships between people and their everyday social and physical environments."
"When I bought it when I was in college, I wanna say it was, like, 3,500 bucks."
"I dropped out of college, now I'm living in it."
"College is a great time you really learn a lot about yourself."
"College was going to make or break my life if I didn't get into a quote-unquote good college."
"No one cares what anyone else is doing. In high school, everyone's all up in each other's business, but in college, you just don't know anyone and you don't know anyone enough to care."
"Start as early as you can in researching schools and use those school breaks to walk around campuses and feel the vibe and just think about how you'd fit into that community."
"...so when College Scouts sent letters they wanted him to kick he accepted a scholarship to play for the Texas Longhorns great school and happened to be just an hour up the street."
"How do you celebrate when you beat a team like that in college? We're going back to the football house, we're gonna knock down some Teddy Brewskis."
"My time in college was one of the best experiences."
"He was like, 'I was going off to college.' It was like New Year's Eve, it was crazy."
"True definition of a broke college student. I literally could not afford a couch."
"College admissions should be the byproduct of the good quality work and skills that you're building in high school. But by no means does it define who you are. Your character, your talent, all of that is determined by you and only you."
"There is no such thing as a good college. We gotta dial down that pressure around college admissions. Attending a prestigious college doesn't guarantee any ideal future. What guarantees a future is your work and your talent."
"JJ is really excited about it. It's a victory for him to be able to go to college and learn something that he loves."
"So just let me know if you guys want more college admissions, SAT-based videos, or more videos about my life at Princeton."
"College should not be the best four years of your life hopefully hopefully there's a lot of greater times beyond that but it should be a really good and rewarding time and that's gonna be totally based on what you make of it."
"For those of you who choose to go, you're gonna have incredible four years there really just make the most of it."
"College is a scam, Lori Laughlin was a scam... like a Russian nesting doll of scams."
"I am literally so so excited today I have my very last first day of college ever."
"What's it like being a student at the number one college in America? Pretty crazy, honestly."
"Part of enjoying your first few months of college also just comes down to your health."
"If you're in college or high school you've been hacking on projects with friends maybe you've been building things at hackathons."
"If you didn't get into the college of your dreams, it's okay. There's different ways to do it and a lot of them can save a lot of money."
"Moving to college is scary but it is absolutely incredible at the same time."
"The decision to quit college and drive out to Los Angeles to try and be an actor was probably the scariest and most integral decision I ever made."
"That's what people used to say to me in college. They used to be like, 'dude, you're too real.'"
"GV, yeah, Jeebies at Grand Valley State, great football program."
"I dare you to wear this in college, really?"
"This meal right here was my go-to in college, the waffles with the fried egg. Oh my gosh, I would eat this all the time."
"'I had a huge crush on you back in college,' Marinette admitted."
"I'm really nervous for college because I know that I'm like a really messy person."
"After doing this, I feel like I'm actually kind of more ready to take on College because I can actually do so many things by myself now."
"I was so over people telling me what to do and just making other people happy. I was so just trying to make myself happy once I hit college and I was like you know what I'm gonna do me."
"You know I moved out at 19, so yeah, you could find a girl's name in college, that's correct."
"Meeting this woman changed my life in college."
"A lot of kids go to college and don't win the way they did in high school."
"This is the first big ten conference matchup ever of number one versus number two."