
Biblical Study Quotes

There are 192 quotes

"A mystery in the Scripture is something that was concealed in the Old Testament that is revealed in the New Testament."
"By studying the Bible yourself, you'll gain a deeper appreciation for the power of storytelling, symbolism, and metaphor."
"It's the only book of the Bible that has a blessing on those who read, hear, and keep the words of the book."
"Before we start anything in God's Word, we invite Him, the Lord Himself, to open our eyes."
"Renewing our mind in the Word is the only source of this true knowledge."
"If you want to hear God speak, read your Bible. If you want to hear God speak audibly, read your Bible out loud." - John Piper
"This takes me back to my element of just getting into the Word of God, teaching it, looking at some practical application. This is going to be an awesome time."
"Thank you for not just giving us the scriptures but giving us the breadcrumbs that lead us to the scriptures."
"There's treasure in there, and they don't even know it. It is our responsibility to open up the book and let them see the treasure that has been made available to them."
"Names alone can be significant in finding types of Christ in the Old Testament."
"The making and use of religious icons and statues is biblical. Know your bible."
"I'm just trying to be honest with what I see in scripture... one of these years I would love to do a deep dive on the topic of the Rapture..."
"The aim of reading the Bible supernaturally is to glorify God in the day of visitation."
"I've got the words of God written down in this book that will bring faith and life and healing and blessing into my life if I'll just spend time in the Word of God."
"The Reformation birthed a flourishing of biblical engagement and theological discussion."
"Revelation is the only book in the Bible where God actually makes a promise that if you study this book you'll actually be blessed by him for doing it."
"Study the Word of God to maintain an intimate relationship with Him."
"The more we study the more we pray and the more we look to the word of God for answers the more dots connect."
"Revelation is the only book of the Bible that promises a blessing for those who read it."
"Personal Bible study equips us to discern Truth for ourselves, ensuring that we develop a solid foundation rooted in God's word."
"Our only safety is in staying in God's Word."
"Immersing ourselves in the Bible provides the spiritual nourishment we need, shaping our thoughts, actions, and attitudes."
"Memorizing Scriptures will strengthen your prayers."
"The biggest problem with Bible study is not the failure to understand a passage, but failure to apply the words of God which we do understand."
"Acts the book of Acts is really good it's and and it also um Ephesians it reminds you of the authority that you have through Christ Jesus."
"That's the beauty of studying the Bible, it's a multi-leveled book."
"By understanding this and one of the real solutions for us is the psalm 119 has 8 passages where the word meditate is used we meditate on the Word of God."
"The Bible cannot contradict itself, so if there's a contradiction, it has to be with that individual's interpretation."
"Jesus is displayed in us when we do the work of going into scripture and getting to know him so that then we can stand before God's people and let them see Jesus."
"Never neglect the historical parts of God's Word, for they are food for the children of God."
"This text is a bottomless well of biblical truth and reality."
"Most Christians only read the back of their Bibles and never read what's in the middle."
"Accessing wisdom and revelation involves spending time in God's Word and prayer."
"This is the hour that God wants you to pick up your word, pick up the Bible, get on your knees and say, 'Father, what do you want me to do?'"
"Start with theology and then use typology to help see that theology throughout the scripture."
"You do not have to know Hebrew and Greek to examine the Hebrew and Greek of the original texts."
"The more you study this book, the less fear you'll have."
"Knowing God's word is the first step of knowing His voice."
"He's changing a whole ideology by stating that."
"More than ever now is the time to really pick up your bible and like learn to read it, learn to spend time with it, learn to dive into the truth and understand how the bible is put together."
"Be sure to join us next week, we're going to talk about Deuteronomy in the later writings."
"Let's become informed and pursue the God of the Bible."
"Reading the Bible isn't just about reading words on a page, it's also encountering the word in the word of God."
"Once you realize... biblical contradictions exist at all..."
"I hope you're falling in love with God's Word and starting to understand things about the word that you never understood before."
"The Bible is one unified book... divided into two large sections: the Old Testament and the New Testament."
"May your study of the King James Bible be a transformative experience leading to a closer relationship with God."
"So unless you see, let's work with what the Bible says is that true. Do you believe the Word of God? You believe is the final authority and you believe is a more sure word of prophecy so let's examine the Word of God."
"Steep yourself in the epistles as Paul and the other writers of the New Testament write to the local churches. Be encouraged, be nourished, and be satisfied in that."
"So, I preached yesterday on the section that we've been studying."
"We're going to look at the scripture and we're going to go off of the scripture and we're going to go from there."
"Studying revelation with the right perspective is one of the most practical, relevant and exciting things you can do as a believer in Christ."
"Read the scriptures based on understanding who the scriptures were written by and written about."
"Immersing ourselves in God's word provides spiritual nourishment, shaping our thoughts, actions, and attitudes."
"Follow me in the Bible, you will understand it better than you ever did."
"I do hope that if there's one thing people take from today's discussion, that they'll read a little bit of Matthew and a little of Mark and the Epistle of John."
"Follow the Lord, don't be worried, he's got everything under control, study the book, become students of the word of God, and trust the God of the Bible."
"If you read the scriptures, you will do very well. You start by reading in your own scriptures in the Tanakh, read Isaiah 52:13 through Isaiah chapter 53. Just read that and say, 'Lord, speak to me. Speak to me through this book.'"
"You've got to come to the Bible with an attitude that God has spoken in a way that he wants us to understand."
"All of a sudden, all these things from my 47 years of studying the word of God, the things that troubled me or seemed contradictory, just started falling into place."
"If you thought the Old Testament was incredible, then buckle up and prepare yourself for the study of a lifetime because Old Testament was preparation and New Testament will be fulfillment."
"Understanding Romans 8 can truly transform our understanding of life in the spirit."
"I've been teaching Revelation for almost thirty years...I found something that is really interesting and it's something that I think we all need to know."
"Throw away every single book in the Bible and only have one to take with you, that would be the book of John."
"You can't even study the Bible and come to the conclusion that those who talk about things like atonement or messianic prophecies or expectations or the meaning of Passover... you can't act like we're just making this stuff up."
"If you really want to know what God's love looks like, read the Bible."
"The Word of God is always full of revelation and it never gets old, it's always an opportunity to learn something new."
"Revelation is a book to read, it is in the Bible, therefore it is obviously for our edification."
"In the Bible, our study deals with the subject of bowing to the beast, springing from Daniel chapter 3."
"Rightly dividing the word of Truth isn't just rightly dividing the different time periods and dispensations, it's rightly dividing words."
"Such are the things that are before us in the text at the end of chapter 22."
"How is God wanting to speak to me through this reading now... having these different lenses, these different ways to approach reading these books of the prophets is a really helpful, fascinating exercise."
"...if every American would read this book of Romans once a week for six months you'd see things happen in America that's how much I can put on this book of Romans."
"...if you're new to the ministry we start in the bible, we stay in the bible, and we finish in the bible."
"It's chapter, verse, and read. I pray God you got a good clear understanding of the word of God."
"To be a worker approved by God, we must rightly divide the word of truth."
"The number one reason to study prophecy is this: it's in the Bible."
"The only way you're going to be able to hear the voice of God is when you're in the Word of God."
"Ambrose had recommended him to read the Bible in the light of Paul's statement."
"The only way for me to know that God is speaking to me through his word was to be in his word."
"Store up the Word of God in your own heart."
"When I am in God's Word, there's nothing I'm afraid of."
"That I might behold wondrous things out of your word."
"Read the Bible more than you read books about the Bible."
"...the holy spirit will help them by Illuminating the passages of the Bible that they need to read."
"The most important thing you will ever do for spiritual growth is to get into the Word of God."
"There's a lot in First Peter, and I can't wait to get into it and rightly divide and study it verse by verse."
"The more you learn about the Bible, the easier it is to learn about the Bible."
"The Bereans... received the word with all eagerness, examining the Scriptures daily to see if these things were so."
"Let's be people that count it a great privilege to gather and to get into the word of God."
"Isaiah consists of 66 books, written by one guy, evidencing clearly a singular architecture, a singular design."
"Everyone was free to study the Bible him or herself and be able to find freedom and truth in the Word of God."
"Whenever you study the word of God, since it's a living word, you can always get new water from the same well."
"We're seeking to understand God's word by taking this 52-week long journey."
"One of the ways that we can all line up that is so simple: get into the Word of God and find out what does God say."
"Look it up in the Bible and then apply the three rules for sound biblical exegesis: context, context, and context."
"Dive deep into God's Word and grow closer to Jesus."
"You must meditate on the word of God every day and night."
"The word of God is deliberately made in that way where you're supposed to study, where you're supposed to compare scripture with scripture, look at the context to understand."
"It's wonderful to study God's word and to see that people are interested in what the Bible says."
"We find ourselves, as we study the Bible, increasingly longing for where this story is headed."
"And to get the accurate knowledge of God, we need an accurate Bible."
"It's not enough to simply read the Bible; you need to meditate on what you're reading."
"They will go deep in God, they will live in a spirit of revelation, they will devour the word hours at a time."
"It's exciting once again every time we have the opportunity to spend a little bit of time together, especially in studying the word of God."
"Let's be biblical students; let's use terms that can be defended biblically and not just rely upon what someone wrote in a book many years ago."
"ReDiscover God's word verse by verse, chapter by chapter."
"The book of Daniel is almost like the foundational book to understand correctly the symbols in the book of Revelation."
"We preserve the text in its context and we let the word of God speak for itself and speak to our hearts and challenge us and change us."
"They also created this app called Filament which allows you to go deeper as you study and it's filled with lots of different resources that make studying the Bible kind of come to life a little bit more and go to a deeper place."
"The Bible has amazing depth... there are different levels to the word of God that you just get into deeper as you grow."
"It was their duty to hold fast the truths already gained and to continue the same course of biblical research."
"I study what does the word say and if then some scriptures will agree with what I want to say and some won't, but I'm going to be honest and say this is what the Bible is saying."
"Every true progress in church history is conditioned by a new and deeper study of the scripture."
"If someone really wants to get to the bottom of understanding the truth about the Bible, the truth about Yahweh, the truth about El, the truth of this religion, they shouldn't start with philosophy."
"Lord, we want to take seriously the exhortation of Paul to Timothy to study in such a way as to live under your approval and to learn to be 'rightly handling the word of truth.'"
"Genesis at the front, revelations in the back, anything else I'm looking up."
"Read the Bible with Christ continually in view."
"It's through the deep study of God's Word that we are like eating fruit in a garden, the garden of God."
"This hunger for the Word of God, this hunger to know more and to grow."
"Studying David is absolutely vital."
"It's the only book of the Bible that has a commitment to give you a special blessing if you read it."
"Reading is really the first true step of studying the Bible."
"Teaching on covenant theology in the church helps people put their Bibles together like nothing else."
"Now is not the time to back off on knowing your Bible. You need to know it now more than ever."
"I started reading the Bible and that's when it all started."
"My real motive isn't to illuminate some new little clever insight... but rather challenge you to be on the alert as you read your scripture."
"The Book of Romans is the most comprehensive statement of the Gospel in the entire Bible."
"Let the Bible interpret the Bible; that's always the best way to study the Bible."
"The Bible cannot contradict itself, so things like word studies are going to help us out a whole lot."
"We didn't go to Greek or Hebrew or scholarship; we simply took the Bible and looked at every time the word is used."
"I love to study the Bible and I love to find new things in the word of God."
"The NET Bible goes the deepest into explaining how the text was translated."
"We just feel that the Lord has led us to an opportunity to open the scriptures and help people to see what they really say."
"Are you eating the word? Are you reading and studying and eating the word of God?"
"The secret of it all is saturating yourself with the word of God and understanding how powerful the word of God is."
"Search the scriptures... they are they that testify of me."
"As you're reading and studying the Bible, you're interacting historically with the earliest leaders in the church."
"The Bible is an intelligent book written to intelligent people."
"The whole point of studying the Bible is to know who God is."
"Everyone who calls himself by the name of Jesus Christ to search the Word of God out and find the patterns."
"Get ready for an exciting journey through the scriptures."
"Let's jump into the word of God to see what it actually says."
"They received the word with all readiness of mind, and they searched the Scriptures daily for themselves to see whether or not those things were so."
"This is really quite a chapter we're going to be dealing with here."
"Study the scriptures that we may learn from them and be prepared to face the challenges of life."
"If you study the Bible in context, you can never come to the place of error."
"There's a difference between reading the Bible and actually studying the Bible."
"Navigate the intricate tapestry of Revelation."
"We have to take the whole counsel of Scripture to find out what God is actually saying."
"We study the Bible to see Jesus, to know God."
"Compare scripture with scripture."
"Once students get used to reading the Bible and making correct observations and accurate applications, it is now time to pay attention to passages that don't make sense initially or are hard to understand."
"When I heard the truth, I was like, wait a minute, show me the Bible."
"The Bereans... searched the Scriptures daily to see if what Paul was saying was true."
"A proper study of the book of Revelation is not an exercise in mysticism or speculation; it's a practice of careful observation of the text combined with a systematic searching of Scripture."
"This study Bible helps readers of all ages understand the language of the Bible and gives advice on how to apply its teachings to the ups and downs of everyday life."
"You can make the Bible say any old thing you want it to say, but if you want to study your Bible responsibly, you study it in context."
"A Hebrew Bible that has a strong concordance in it is a really good place to start."
"The single most important thing you will ever do to grow in your relationship with the Lord is to study the Word."
"Don't worry about the growth above ground; you just put the emphasis on getting rooted in the Word of God."
"You just stick your nose in this book and you study it and it will teach you everything you need."
"We have been moving through the most challenging part of the book of Revelation."
"I hope the Old Testament has been as life-changing for you as it has been for me."
"...what I found was that Christians who differ on other questions of salvation, I think, will largely find agreement with this chapter because it's simply surveying what does the Bible say."
"Textual criticism helps us read our Bible more closely."
"Be prepared for some startling discoveries when you open the Scriptures for yourself."
"We're gonna see Christ from the Old Testament."
"Dispensationalism is not there to scare people; it's simply to show them how to rightly divide God's Word."
"Knowing who these other people are can help give us some depth and additional insights into the biblical text."
"It is always a delight to come together as the body of Christ and dig into the Scriptures."
"I'm gonna apply myself to the study of God's Word and in so doing, I know what the will of God is."
"Everybody that sits under your teaching has their own Bible in front of them."
"The only way you're going to really get it, the only way that you're going to hear from Him, is if you seek Him and His word."
"Rightly divided, the word of Truth is the key to understanding the Bible."
"Right dividing the word of Truth is the key to understanding the Bible."
"We don't want to just hear something about the end times, we want to know what the Bible is saying."