
Antibodies Quotes

There are 138 quotes

"Your immune system knows how to fight any infection and to make antibodies that allow you immunity."
"A person who gets infected... develops antibodies would have their immune system ramped up."
"More good news: as well as generating antibodies, it also generates memory T cells."
"Why aren't they testing for antibodies? Like, I mean, the majority of the population should already have immunity now, whether through taking the shots or through having it and recovering."
"These low antibodies in recovered patients, that's a huge red flag for herd immunity hopes."
"Passive immunity is where you're given the antibodies ready made. It's a well-known principle in immunity."
"We know that this Pfizer BioNTech is working, it is generating these antibodies."
"What happens if you give someone the shot that already has antibodies?"
"Thyroid stimulating hormone antibodies stimulate the TSH receptor, causing hyperthyroidism."
"She wasn't the only one carrying antibodies. Besides, she had made up her mind."
"Monoclonal antibodies offer promising therapeutics."
"I just want to be clear... we've successfully created high affinity neutralizing antibodies against kovat 19."
"The broad spectrum of immune response includes memory B cells, memory T cells, and various types of antibodies."
"What this enabled us to do was to actually study the impact of higher levels of antibodies in the plasma." — Alex Azar
"These antibodies make viruses clump together and then they're ingested."
"An antibody against an antibody, which is weird, that's the definition of disease."
"It's empowering to the patient because that means the antibodies are something you can watch."
"If antibodies can block this interaction, then, of course, the virus never gets in, it gets cleared, and you have immunity."
"You can see Adagio-20 is the only antibody that's maintaining very high potency across all of the variants of concern to date."
"Already have all these antibodies within us...inconceivable...reframed a clearer picture."
"Monoclonal antibodies are proteins... complementary and shaped to a particular antigen."
"...the fact that we have the ability to use antibodies to enhance the color."
"Anti-venom is basically a venom symbian with antibodies... he can cure anyone of anything."
"If you ever have antibodies towards yourself, so the auto antibodies, that's the definition of an autoimmune issue."
"Until there's more cause and effect relationships, I'm taking Auto antibodies with a grain of salt."
"The immune system destroys pathogens using antibodies."
"Primarily we were making IgM antibodies... and then afterwards when we were exposed to the antigen a second time, we primarily produced IgG antibodies."
"Active immunity is the one that we actually have to produce antibodies against."
"Active is the one that we actually have to produce antibodies against... naturally acquired is being infected with a pathogen."
"There is two different forms of this antibody, the monomer and the pentamer."
"You should go by your symptoms so, in addition to my antibodies being 43 which is not normal but is low for hashimoto's and me not taking medication, also all my symptoms are fine."
"Most lab tests don't differentiate between protective antibodies and damaging antibodies."
"Getting rid of the antibodies is how you say goodbye to Hashimoto's. If you don't have the Hashimoto's antibodies, you don't have the Hashimoto's."
"Antibodies play a crucial role in interfering with the binding of the virus to cells, particularly targeting the receptor binding domain (RBD) of the spike protein."
"We've learned that there are at least four different classes of antibodies based on their mechanisms of action."
"Antibody cloning revealed potent antibodies in individuals with diverse responses, indicating shared solutions to the virus."
"First of all, I've had it so I have twice right I've had the antibodies"
"The fact that you can literally heal your baby with your breast milk and pass on things like antibodies and all these crazy things."
"Antibodies attack or attach to the o antigen of the actual lipopolysaccharides."
"That's one of the reasons why it's hard to neutralize this virus with antibodies, because the way the antibody is neutralized is to cross-link the glycoproteins, and if they're so far apart, that's difficult."
"Antibodies are grown that selectively bind to specific tumor genes."
"IgA is the second most abundant antibody, present in blood and all mucosal linings, acting as a mucosal defense mechanism."
"Allah is giving these elements antibodies so listen you're not in control."
"Monoclonal antibodies are one of the important treatments for lymphoma."
"This is a good question okay, we can also make monoclonal antibodies."
"Antibodies attach to invading pathogens marking them for destruction."
"Antibodies' main reason for binding to antigens is to help destroy them."
"Every institution that we might want to look up to as role models is already infected with the disease. It looks like we're gonna have to be the antibodies."
"You're giving [Rhogam] an antibody against the antibodies that she's forming against her fetal cells."
"Antibodies can coat the microbe and enhance phagocytosis, marking that pathogen for destruction."
"Antibodies bind to toxins, preventing them from binding to their target sites, neutralizing the pathogen."
"Antibodies activate complement proteins, leading to inflammation and cell lysis, fighting off foreign invaders."
"Passive immunity involves transferring antibodies, providing rapid but short-term effects."
"It's estimated that each human produces antibodies with ten trillion different specificities."
"Immunoglobulin is referred to as Ig and these are large glycoprotein molecules that serve as antigen receptors of B-cells."
"The first part of this you've probably heard of. The first component is antibodies."
"...monoclonal antibodies that people rarely make... would induce a broadly reacting neutralizing response."
"What goes on at that point and beyond eventually leads to the production of antibodies and cytotoxic T lymphocytes."
"Antibodies not only neutralize viruses but also interfere with different aspects of infection."
"Antibodies are vital for protection against viral diseases, preventing illness and reducing infection."
"Antibodies are designed to block the virus from infecting cells by binding to the spike protein."
"The idea here is that antibodies can be generated in somebody who's infected that can target the original virus."
"From my perspective on the monoclonal antibodies, you know, I think there's a modest impact."
"The cool thing about these AAV vectors... they persist for years and years, so you'll be continually making antibodies."
"Antibody does not see peptide MHC complexes; it actually sees 3-dimensional shapes, kind of like a lock-and-key system."
"The inactivated vaccine... it's injected in the muscle and gives you antibodies in the blood."
"Taking selenium reduces antibodies, your thyroid antibodies... you will reduce thyroid gland inflammation."
"Antibodies, also known as immunoglobulins, bind to antigens and target them for destruction."
"An antibody is used by the immune system to identify and neutralize foreign objects such as viruses and bacteria."
"B cells mark pathogens for destruction and differentiate into plasma cells that secrete antibodies."
"Antibodies block antigen receptors to keep them from entering cells or they clump antigens together, making phagocytosis easier."
"Passive immunity is when the body gets antibodies from another source, like infants from mothers through breastfeeding."
"An antibody is a protein that we give by vein; it's a smart drug, it only attacks its target."
"Antibodies are produced by plasma cells and are a key part of the specific immune response."
"If the antibody sticks onto a key important protein on the surface of the pathogen, that pathogen won't be able to infect a cell."
"Defense proteins like antibodies recognize foreign invaders such as viruses and bacteria."
"Breast milk contains antibodies, allows bonding with the mother, and is at a suitable temperature."
"Your body produces 10 million different variations of antibodies to try to respond to any infectious disease."
"Just like normal vaccines, RNA vaccines get the body to produce antibodies which can attack potential pathogens, but they do so in a totally different way."
"B cells produce antibodies which can help to target specific antigens within your body."
"Vaccination introduces antigens, prompting your body to create antibodies and fight off these antigens."
"We're only going to know about whether antibodies are helpful in preventing future infections through epidemiologic studies of following people."
"The large majority of people who were sick certainly, and even hopefully a high proportion who had asymptomatic mild illness, do develop neutralizing antibodies and will be protected from reinfection for one to two years."
"B cells can become plasma cells, which are the ones that make the antibodies."
"Animals like you and me, we have an antibody-based immune system."
"That's acquired immunity, when you've developed antibodies to a particular organism."
"I would prefer not to have an infection in the first place, and so that's why I would like to have antibodies."
"If the level of antibodies drop beyond a certain level, you may not prevent infection, but still, severe disease is largely prevented."
"Antibodies with a higher binding affinity typically have a KD of less than 100 nanomolar."
"Every antibody and every situation is different, but the concept I believe is true."
"The name complement comes from the part of the serum or the plasma that complements the function of the antibody."
"Antibodies are glycoprotein molecules that are produced to fight infection."
"It's full of antibodies which are going to go into Amelia's system and essentially give her a future."
"If you have antibodies, it means you're protected; you don't have to worry, and you can go work."
"If you're vaccinated, you're going to make antibodies."
"An antigen is anything that generates an antibody."
"The spleen is the largest lymphoid organ and holds about half of the body's B cells that make antibodies."
"These are systemic antibodies floating throughout the circulation; they will destroy everything."
"Whenever you get sick, your body produces what are called antibodies."
"Once antibody neutralizing antibodies have been produced, they are non-infectious after seven to ten days."
"Antibodies are the antibodies that provide long-term resistance to infections after immunizations."
"Antibodies are designed to fit on that germ's surface structures... like a key fitting into a lock."
"The need for therapeutic antibodies is greater than ever."
"One thing we're really interested in right now is IgA regulation, which is the secreted antibody."
"Antibody works much better in prevention than in therapy."
"The best thing to do: Vaccinate. Antibodies are good."
"Antibodies are proteins made by lymphocyte blood cells."
"Vitamin B5 is important in the production of antibodies."
"In medical terms, antibodies are beneficial for patients."
"The immune system works by protecting against infection is by forming antibodies and sensitized lymphocytes."
"B cells make antibodies, which are amazing biological molecules that can recognize one thing very specifically."
"We can now engineer what are called chimeric antigen receptors that are composed of an antibody that actually will recognize that molecule."
"It sort of became clear to us that antibodies were going to be a key part of how we got through this pandemic."
"Regardless of the level, the overall neutralizing activity in the plasma, each person does appear to have some ability to make very potent neutralizing antibodies."
"Antibodies are proteins that have a specific shape and they bind to the surface of pathogens."
"If you have a group of antibodies that all look the same, they are called monoclonal antibodies."
"These are antibodies which block co-inhibitory molecules around the tumor cells, which block our own immune system from recognizing the tumor and eliminating it."
"Antibodies are fascinating molecules."
"Antibodies are proteins of the immune system that provide protection for us against outside invaders."
"Antibodies are protective proteins found in the blood that is produced in response to foreign substances like bacteria or viruses invading the body."
"Antibodies inactivate foreign agents that your body regards as foreign."
"Humoral refers to immunity in the blood and it's immunity that's in the blood in the form of antibodies."
"We have the ability to make something like ten to the twelfth different antibodies."
"Lymphocyte blood cells release antibodies against anything that is foreign that enters our body."