
Historical Artifact Quotes

There are 230 quotes

"King Tutankhamun's dagger...this blade contained materials from a meteorite, an extraordinary artifact considering the period in which King Tut lived."
"The Ark of the Covenant, a sacred relic mentioned in the Hebrew Bible, has captivated the imagination of people for millennia."
"By far the best though I think is the barbican's key."
"This is the tale of a weapon that was stuck inside of a mysterious box, this is the tale of a weapon so strong it’s still being used today, and finally, this is the tale of a weapon with a history as rich and mysterious as it is sad and tragic."
"For nearly 600 years, the Voynich manuscript has lain undeciphered."
"This is quite a piece... the patina on the gun of the soldier is indicative of 17th century Romania."
"Rosetta Stone: The decree that was inscribed on the stone is pretty significant."
"All that's going to be left of the Titanic probably are the ship's frame still sticking up like ribs of a great dead whale out of the sea floor."
"The iron pillar of Delhi is in fact some 1600 years old, which is much older than anyone would expect for a metal column."
"So this artifact is much more than a simple vase."
"Hong Kong 97 is still remembered today as a bizarre and creepy artifact from a bygone era of gaming."
"One of the most remarkable has a cover embossed with a face, which many interpret to be a bearded young man with a crown of thorns, making it possibly the first portrait ever of Jesus Christ." - Katrina Jordan
"Archaeologist Wilhelm Koenig unearthed a clay jar with a copper cylinder encasing an iron rod, resembling a battery."
"The Nampa figurine...remains an intriguing Enigma in archaeological circles."
"The anti-kythera mechanism: a testament to the advanced technology of ancient civilizations."
"The Codex Gigas is one of the world's most mysterious books."
"They also found a pewter button about this big around."
"The Voynich manuscript: a puzzling book from the 15th century filled with mysterious pictures and text written in an unknown language."
"How many Jews can claim that it was the Shroud of Turin that brought them back to their faith in God?"
"Situated just off Norman's Cay, a small island off the coast of the Bahamas, lies a corroded Curtis C-46 Commando."
"An ancient Roman arm guard has been reconstructed like a jigsaw puzzle from over 100 fragments."
"The most important relic that it contains is the Cedarium of Oviedo."
"Many people believe that the Ark may have been destroyed or lost, but I'm here to tell you that in fact the Ark still exists, even until today, and is not far from here."
"They think they may have acquired the Holy Grail, which is the holy fucking Grail guys."
"This picture of Christ, which was discovered hidden in an outhouse, looks remarkably like the Turin Shroud, doesn't it?"
"The Woman of Lem became known as the Goddess of Death after those who owned the statue either died or experienced unimaginable suffering almost immediately after acquiring it."
"The colossal jaguar sculpture currently sitting at the National Museum of Anthropology in Mexico City was once used as a vessel for hearts that were torn straight out of the chest of sacrificial victims." - Unknown
"The Emerald Tablet is believed to be the main inspiration for Western alchemy."
"This mask likely dates back to the end of the fourth century BC," said archaeologist Khan Iren, conveying the remarkable nature of the discovery.
"Is it us or do the eyes of this incredible ancient Dacian helmet appear to stare back at you when you look into them?"
"This rare inscription bears the name Jerubaal in alphabetic script, and it dates to around 1100 BCE."
"Tutankhamun's tomb contained over 5,000 priceless artifacts, including the pharaoh's gilded mask, making him arguably the most famous pharaoh in history."
"The life-sized statues known as the terracotta army are said to have been constructed to guard Emperor Qin Shi Huang in the afterlife."
"The discovery of a mutilated masterpiece was almost overlooked due to its state of disrepair."
"It's so well carved and intricately detailed that archaeologists initially thought it wasn't a real skull."
"The Prince Albert brooch holds a special place in the Royal Family's heirlooms."
"This unassuming piece of pottery, this tiny cup, turns out to be the key to the whole dig."
"The USS Constitution, it's over 200 years old and it's still afloat. You can go and see it, it has a fully manned crew of like 60 officers, and you know that they're on active duty. It's a ship in the U.S. Navy."
"It's shocking to learn that the intricate design... dates back 2,500 years to the 5th century BC."
"The Ark of the Covenant is a gold-covered wooden chest described in biblical accounts."
"The hanging pillar of Lepachke is clearly an incredible work of ancient engineering, one that remains largely unexplained."
"Crystal skulls have captured the fascination of people around the world due to their mysterious appearance and the legends associated with them."
"The Rohon's Codex, which was first discovered in a Hungarian library in 1838, is among the most well-known unsolved writing systems in the World."
"A gilded brooch from around 600 AD: a glimpse into the past."
"Engagement ring used to belong to Princess Diana."
"Oh my goodness I own the Declaration of Independence."
"That's beautiful, one of the last Roman bronze coins in Britain."
"It's the oldest map of the stars in the world!"
"Its most pristine copy was preserved like a mummy in a dark and humid cabin..."
"Some random stone in her garden is actually an artifact dated to the 2nd century A.D. and is valued at somewhere around twenty thousand dollars."
"The London Hammer is a classic example of a seemingly out-of-place artifact discovered in London, Texas, USA, in 1936."
"This is the oldest Quran that has now been found."
"This early representation of a possible female deity looks like it is carved on the rock."
"The Rosetta Stone: A bridge connecting ancient and modern understanding."
"This new Quran that has been found in the birmingham library called the birmingham folios."
"The device was not a clock but more like a calculator that could show the position of the heavens past, present, and future."
"Fisherman discovers Message in a Bottle. Imagine fishing in the Tranquil Waters of Maryland Solomon's islands and stumbling upon a piece of History floating in the water."
"The Dashka Stone: A 120 million-year-old manufactured map."
"It's the biggest ever metal detecting find. As in, there's never been a chariot ever discovered by a metal detectorist."
"The Voynich manuscript, which gets its name from the Polish book dealer who purchased it in 1912..."
"The carving predates other similar artifacts in the region by at least 8,500 years."
"These containers contain the timber from the only surviving wooden roof... remnants of those bright colors still exist."
"The Rosetta Stone: a relic that bridged the gap between ancient and modern understanding."
"The ax was the sole artifact found buried with the remains of the man, suggesting that this person identified himself as a warrior above anything else."
"I believe the Shroud is authentic... they should also consider the Shroud as being authentic."
"Ancient Egyptians manufactured stone vases for over five thousand years."
"This represents the love between Carr and Merit, and in this tiny little object, in some ways, it's perhaps the most important thing from the entire tomb."
"It actually sums up car in a single item, the tools of his trade embellished."
"The enigmatic, also known as the Petrol Docs, is still in the public arena, a device that has the undeniable aspect of an electrical component embedded into solid granite stone."
"This means the Big Shigir Idol is definitely the world's oldest wooden sculpture to date."
"World's oldest message in a bottle: 'What an incredible piece of history.'"
"It's basically a time capsule from 15,000 years ago."
"World's oldest message in a bottle: an exciting piece of human history."
"Here it is, a huge section of the Royal flagship still under the mud."
"The Statue of Liberty... a gift from the French in 1886."
"A leather shoe was recently found in a German bog that's not the most interesting headline but it gets better when you learned that the shoe was lost in that bog for 2 000 years."
"The map of the stars has been located, a big deal, the oldest known map, a remarkable breakthrough."
"Venus figurines were manufactured over a vast period of time from around forty thousand years ago and up to around 13,000 years ago."
"Was the Kensington runestone carved by Scandinavian explorers nearly 700 years ago?"
"The statue of Zeus at Olympia was the physical representation of their God on Earth."
"This drone made a chilling Discovery after spotting this on the side of a mountain... some sort of rock art, a carving of someone or maybe a god."
"After heavy rainfall, archaeologists discover an over 2,000-year-old statue of a bronze bull peeking out of the earth."
"NASA's twin Voyager spacecraft have evolved into time capsules of their age."
"But the exact purpose of the masks is a mystery they may have had a ritualistic use possibly for funerals or worshipping ancestors."
"More than 3,500 years old, and only just large enough to fit in the palm of your hand."
"The final mention of the ark is not as destruction or theft."
"After an unexploded World War II bomb was discovered, many streets in London's downtown Soho quarter were evacuated."
"The linen paper measured 15.5 by nineteen point seven five inches and was found to be an original copy of the 1776 declaration."
"The first known globe is said to have been created in about 150 BCE."
"How about an ancient computer that was lost in the ocean by some even smarter than smart ancient Greeks?"
"If you were asked where you would most likely find a secret stash of Egyptian Rock carvings, you'd probably say in North Africa, right?"
"The occupant of our main burial was wrapped in furs and surrounded by leather and wooden objects."
"The Iron Pillar of Delhi: Not rusted since its creation in 300 A.D. And nobody seems to know why."
"This discovery is considered one of the rarest archaeological discoveries. It is the first-ever cost statute made of granite to be discovered."
"A 7,000-year-old artifact tells us about the actual development of the inhabitants."
"The Ark of the Covenant is a real thing beyond any shadow of a doubt." - Researchers from Tel Aviv University
"The Voynich Manuscript is one of the most mysterious written pages ever found in the world."
"Imagine that the strange vase collecting dust in your closet is actually a priceless ancient Greek amphora."
"An iron hammer was discovered encrusted in rock."
"The Baghdad Battery is still very much ahead of its time."
"The guys intended for the capsule to be uncovered in the year 2000."
"The Rosetta Stone remains a captivating bridge between the past and present."
"The Antikythera mechanism: it was a computer. The device contains 37 gears used to trace the motion of the moon, planets, and stars through the zodiac."
"The tooth measures 11 inches long and weighs 11.2 pounds it's likely more than 20 000 years old."
"I found it at a pawnbroker, among the four-fitted articles, it clearly said Stradivarius on the label."
"The hand is known as the Holy Right and has been a venerated object ever since 1083."
"Empress Josephine's Cameo tiara in 1805, one year after becoming emperor of France Napoleon gifted his beloved wife Josephine a unique Cameo power."
"The Roman dodecahedron is an objective mystery to this day, with speculations ranging from cosmic tools to communication with aliens."
"For something to be 104 years old and to be as in as good a condition as this thing is, is just really, really remarkable."
"This was made somewhere near the end of the Revolutionary War for the U.S Steve in mind."
"It's incredible to have that piece of history. It's 160 years old from an American flag that went through that prison camp that is in the home."
"This mysterious book has been are known as the Voynich manuscript."
"It's believed that the Cannonball was likely left behind by Spanish explorers or early settlers."
"Not only is it the earliest, most elaborate example of bronze and goldwork ever found, but we do not know either the meaning and the function attributed to it."
"The Khufu ship is one of the oldest, largest, and best-preserved vessels from antiquity."
"The stone is a witness, capable of hearing and bearing witness."
"The Voynich Manuscript stands as one of the most perplexing artifacts in the annals of history."
"Babylonian tablet this 3500 year old Babylonian tablet contains one of the earliest and oldest known depictions of a ghost."
"Local archaeologists were unsealing a 400-year-old tomb from the Ming Dynasty when they discovered a small ring-like object on the tomb's floor."
"These Yue swords come out of the ground as sharp as the day that they were made. They are sharper than any modern razor."
"A diagram drawn in the 1480s by one of the greatest creative talents of the Renaissance has gone on to become a world-famous image."
"The Darvini Papyrus is the only papyrus text to survive from ancient Greece itself and it's the oldest manuscript ever found in Europe."
"The burial bed has been resealed in its original marble cladding."
"Scientists have confirmed this bracelet is 40,000 years old, making it the oldest piece of jewelry ever discovered."
"Why does the Vatican own a 4,000-year-old Egyptian obelisk?"
"The Sphinx isn't just a statue, it had its own personal name."
"Two-thousand-year-old Stone receipt imagine going shopping and going all out you'll get a huge haul and when you arrive at the cash register they hand you a chunk of stone for a receipt."
"These cubes have been handed down over time as kind of a communication device with God."
"Found an arrowhead in a dried-up stream."
"The Honjo Masamune is the ultimate samurai sword in Japan, regarded as a National Treasure."
"To hear the music on a Steinway piano identical to what was on the ship would be an audiovisual experience that would be brand new to the world."
"It is neither one of the caliph Uthman's copies... it is dated to the mid 8th Century."
"In November 2020, a 2,000-year-old ring was discovered in the foundations of the Western Wall in Jerusalem."
"The skull of Mary Magdalene in Basilica in France."
"Thomas Jefferson's personal copy of Jay's treaty. Oh, this is super exciting."
"The Rosetta Stone helped solve one of archaeology's greatest mysteries: deciphering hieroglyphs."
"Upon getting the suitcase, they noted that its contents were sealed by a newspaper that dates back to March 25, 1951."
"The colossal bomb was found during construction work in the West End suburb of Frankfurt."
"The statue is of the kind that would have sat on the stern of Dutch vessels of the 17th century, but it's in such good condition that it's hard to believe it could be so old."
"I'm essentially holding a historical artifact in my hands right now."
"The stunning amphora is considered to be a masterpiece and was crafted towards the end of the 4th century."
"The Shroud of Turin is the most unique image that has ever been produced in history."
"My 90-year-old neighbor still has the original copy of this letter she received in 1946 as a child following the end of World War II."
"And what's really cool, they even have a photo of the actual Ingalls family from the 1890s."
"It's amazing to think that this wax seal stamp, which is laying in the mud for well over 150 years, could have been the wax seal stamp that sealed the envelope of that letter from the commodore superintendent to the Admiralty back in 1852."
"...but that is a silver penny from probably sometime between 1270 and 137..."
"That's awesome. Rat tail spoon from the 1700s."
"It's an amazing snapshot of time."
"This magnificent centerpiece, 51 kilograms of silver, was made by Garrard's the jewelers in 1875."
"The Shroud originated in Jerusalem."
"The sword and the stone of St Galgano currently resides in a Chapel located Southwest of Sienna."
"That's the Rosetta Stone right there. The Rosetta Stone was so, so important. Before this was found, no one could read the ancient Egypt hieroglyphs."
"The record of that campaign is preserved on the so-called Taylor Prism, an artifact acquired in 1830."
"This here is the world's largest sword and stone."
"I got a carriage license, 1897 license for a carriage."
"Mons Meg, maybe the largest gun fired in Britain."
"...long before the Viking era and makes it all the more remarkable that it's still sharp."
"Since then, researchers have built a museum around the remarkably preserved ship, which has proven a boon for archaeologists."
"It is the only fully intact 17th-century warship to have been recovered."
"It was the gap in our collection. We had eight of the nine, and this fabled last Lone Pine VC for years and years, we didn't know where it was."
"I'm holding a Bible that was printed in 1480, 25 years after the invention of the Gutenberg press with the movable-type that revolutionized knowledge in its proliferation as we know it."
"The crown is seen in present day, as a guide tells some students about it."
"This is like a moment that I mean you look at that and you see the paper that we saw with the lists and Elvis's handwriting. That is pretty much the coolest. It's a part of history."
"Each object recounted a tale from a bygone period, demonstrating the skill and craftsmanship of the craftsman who produced it centuries ago."
"His estimate to the age of the Shroud of Turin was between 1300 and 3000 years old."
"I just found what appears to be half of a musket ball. I don't suppose that's any type of fishing weight. You don't see any holes in it, but it's been cut in half. I don't believe that's fired. It's pretty cool."
"The map was etched into the stone with great precision."
"This is actually the bed where George Washington died."
"This set was built in 1952. That makes it, what, 70 something years old?"
"Inside the hall, you'll find a 13th-century round table which has a deep connection with the legend of King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table."
"They're called wax tablets and they're a sort of infinitely reusable ancient notebook."
"It's believed to be one of four used by Donald Campbell in the water speed record in Lake Coniston in 1967."
"These are the only documented long rifles with a connection to Davy Crockett."
"The Lydenburg heads, a series of fascinating artifacts, would go down in history as some of the earliest examples of Iron Age art in the southern hemisphere."
"It is actually a .58 caliber bullet fired over 150 years ago, way before I was born, any of you guys watching were born."
"This sword was pretty well liked in its time."
"This is a Nazi made piece, and it has an aluminum hilt so it was very lightweight."
"That's an incredible piece of World War II history there."
"The Amber Room was sometimes dubbed the eighth wonder of the world."
"Creating this little bible must have been a labor of love for whoever made it."
"The Singapore stone serves as proof of that fact."
"It's absolutely beautiful, the fact that it could be like a Tudor ring, like 400 years old."
"This is a solid shot cannonball from the American Revolution. Isn't that cool? Has a nice mold seam on it, beautiful thing."
"The Tarkhan Dress... is the oldest woven garment in the world."
"The crown is a superb example of late Gothic goldsmithing with just a hint of the Renaissance."
"I have a rocket engine that was used to train the astronauts before they landed on the moon."
"The Vatican Obelisk is thousands of years old and is actually Egyptian."
"A real-life Excalibur has been found in Bosnia, stuck in a rock in the Vrbas River."
"It's a Würzburg piece and it's got the Luftwaffe regiment 5 JG 54."
"It's a beautiful RAD officer, that's a nice piece."
"This zodiac is an outstanding testimony to the astrological knowledge of the ancient Egyptians; it's magnificent."
"The unicorn ring in 2018, a signet ring that once belonged to an English noble, was discovered on a piece of farmland in Buckinghamshire."
"The Amber Room was one of the most important Treasures of Russia prior to World War II."
"The ancient Greek computer, the Antikythera mechanism, has fascinated scientists for decades as the oldest known computer in history."
"An exceptionally rare Roman hairpiece... dating back to some time during the late 3rd or early 4th century."
"The Fiji Mermaid, the greatest taxidermy gaff of all time."
"It's a beautiful SS dagger and given that it's a partial run, even if it didn't have a serial number on it, it's about a five or six thousand dollar dagger in the condition it's in."
"Wallace Hartley's violin did not go down with the Titanic."
"Maybe this thing will last another hundred years."