
Online Courses Quotes

There are 109 quotes

"If you're selling success overnight in a $2,000 course, I've been ranting about what a scam this is for a long time."
"I'd advise people to steer well clear of anyone selling an online course on how to become rich, anyone pitching stocks, cryptocurrencies, or passive income."
"Join Skillshare and improve your creative skills and your business and career skills today."
"This video is brought to you by The Great Courses Plus, where you can get unlimited access to over 10,000 different video lectures."
"One of the immediate best things that I always mention: there are no ads in any of the classes."
"Love it. Karthik says, 'Your content is more worth than any other paid courses out there.' Really appreciate that."
"I have actually generated over $6 million in revenue in course sales over the last couple of years since I started my online course business."
"Online courses provide an incredible opportunity for anyone to share knowledge and earn money."
"If you're looking for a comprehensive, easy to follow, well-organized, and practical course that takes you from Zero to Hero, this is the right React course for you."
"I've Never Actually Shown anyone this before but i do have Kind of In the works a Ninja millionaire course where we're gonna teach you guys Exactly How to actually make a Course."
"I know for a 100% fact That This specific Course is going to make millionaires i i know it for a fact i'm a Hundred Percent Confident in It."
"Thank you again for everyone who's taken my course, I know it's going to change a lot of lives."
"Now officially, this site is ready to take money for our courses."
"Thank you guys so much for watching and I hope you learned lots from this free course."
"Read the instructions in the course to find details about content and certification."
"Do not worry, you are literally getting access to all of our courses."
"I kind of said in the tin red-flags video which was like look there's a sliding scale of of terrible right generally I don't think you should be buying courses people on the internet but that's my personal opinion okay."
"Once you upload your course to those marketplaces all the marketing is done for you."
"You can learn how to edit videos, how to shoot your video and how to script your videos on Skillshare among a plethora of other interesting topics."
"These courses aren't scams but 99% of the time they're just shallow cash grabs."
"I made a paid step-by-step training program that will teach you how you can start from scratch with zero subs and zero views and build your own YouTube business like me."
"Making money blogging is about using a lot of these separate ideas we’ve talked about in the video, putting affiliates and courses together to sell through the blog."
"A class that I have in particular enjoyed is YouTube Success: Script, Shoot & Edit with MKBHD by Marques Brownle which has helped me to maintain quality in my work, think of fresh ideas, stay motivated."
"If you're lacking knowledge or maybe your instructor has forgotten to cover something, then this course has it covered."
"Energize your English learning - get my courses at effortlessenglishclub.com!" - AJ Hogue
"Join my Happy Endings course to learn how to crush it on dating apps and find true love."
"Skillshare offers more than 20,000 curated courses all with no ads and all for less than the price of a book on the subject."
"It's literally the most valuable FB course on the market."
"You want to make sure that your course topic is doing... that for your potential student. They need to know that a transformation will happen, a problem will be solved, a future will be brighter because of the course that you're you have to offer."
"We're gonna be releasing the brand new Shopify dropshipping free nine-hour course."
"You can make hundreds of dollars or thousands of dollars depending on what you do off of just one course sale for one student."
"You will never lose access to the course content."
"If you're starting a business, the last thing you want is some other entity dictating how you can sell your courses."
"We help over 40,000 entrepreneurs and businesses create and sell their own online courses."
"It is a complete course extremely comprehensive you can learn more by going to tatianna james comm slash ASM bonuses."
"If you guys join overnight just make sure that you go through the first two sections of the course and you will get access to our private learn plan profit discord group."
"What this course has done has opened me up to 130 people that have signed up for my email list that would have never known I existed before."
"Do you need an email list? Nope. Do you need a college degree? Nope."
"Encourage people to just take an online course, understand more, get your hands dirty."
"Their courses are taught by really highly skilled professional artists. These people are vetted they are good at what they do they are considered Masters experts in their field."
"I'm gonna leave it in the course well like 22 videos in now we're getting the swing of things."
"Online courses on the other hand are a way to earn semi-passive income."
"Online courses are actually one of the most powerful ways to learn new skills in my experience, and some courses really take a lot of money to produce truly knowledgeable people."
"YouTube is definitely a huge opportunity right now for sure but it can be super scary and overwhelming which is why we built the course in the way we did."
"The benefit of a digital product and a course is that you make it once and it lives forever."
"Brilliant.org offers thousands of courses on things like chemistry and physics."
"We always knew that we wanted to create online video courses teaching other people how to make videos and start a YouTube channel."
"Anyone can sell an online course. You don't have to be a master. Just teach a transformation."
"Online courses programs or memberships are one of my all-time favorite business models."
"It is not too late for you to create an online course and turn it into a success."
"Now you can continue your garden learning online in courses from me, Joe Lampl, and my online gardening academy."
"I'm still constantly amazed by the popularity of these courses. The three previous courses have now been viewed over a hundred and fifty thousand times! Clutters love it."
"Online courses are fabulous because you have the most flexibility in terms of class time; you can literally take your classes whenever, even *wherever* you want, as long as you have your little pocket-size teacher :)"
"So, if you're learning something today and you enjoy this style of video-based education, you might enjoy my online master classes."
"This is literally the best way to sell online courses and make millions of dollars in passive income even if you don't have any followers. Let me explain."
"This is a mini course which is based out of a full-fledged moroi course that we have on udemy which is about 13 hours long which includes 10 sections and about 84 lectures."
"Teachable is one of the best course creation platforms out there."
"My online course earnings since 2017? Over five million dollars."
"I've got my Bato bundle on sale 99 bucks all four of my courses my Bat book interactive video course they're all video courses really my uh B ear training that's a video course with a program that goes along with it that uh has hundreds of modules to train your ear."
"This might actually give Wheeze courses a run for their money."
"Online courses are amazing. People are looking for your information right now."
"So what types of people could benefit from starting an online course honestly there's so much opportunity I feel like anyone can teach a course in any industry it this is a limitless field."
"All successful online courses help students solve a valuable problem and offer them a transformation."
"Make sure you subscribe to Whittenwire before you go so you don't miss any of our upcoming online course strategies or online business tips."
"Finding community is very important. You can find that online as well. There are plenty of courses online you can join to find community too."
"I'm not going to make you invest into some type of $997 course to be able to learn all of this material."
"Let me show you exactly how to take the course that we just created and upload this to Udemy."
"...get two months of Skillshare premium for free so that you can try it out, learn all the things."
"I have more than 4 000 students who have taken my various design and online marketing courses."
"The true way is to follow along, watch the videos, try to practice the things I do in the course, try to modify the code and make it yours, and that's really how you are going to get the most out of the course here."
"Skillshare would be the perfect place to learn video production."
"This course step by step walks you through how to take your passion, your skills, the things you're already developing, you're already good at, you're already enjoying, and turning them into a reliable income stream."
"I want to say thank you to everybody that did this last brains course."
"Anybody who has signed up for courses previously, including now, automatically will get the updated version of the courses when they come out."
"These courses are perfect for beginners who need a solid foundation or if you have some experience already and you're looking to advance your skills."
"Skillshare is for lifelong learners who want to get lost in creativity."
"I was really nervous about doing a Skillshare class because it's kind of like longer format, more in-depth."
"She's making courses and making six figures a month off this thing."
"I signed up for Skillshare, I took a bunch of classes on how to edit video, how to shoot video."
"Teachable is hands down the easiest way to upload and host a course online."
"Just a quick reminder, if you like this course and would like to access the source code and more, you can access this course on Udemy."
"You can integrate your website with the e-commerce functionalities to sell paid courses."
"If you have any type of knowledge, even just one percent more knowledge than anybody on a particular subject, I highly recommend selling an online course."
"Creating a course... has brought me from making around six figures per year to making well over seven figures per year."
"I've got a lot of videos here on YouTube, or even better, I've got the courses on my website; those go into a ton of detail."
"I've been a paying member of Skillshare for over a year now... and I have taken so many classes in photography and fine art and drawing."
"As an online course creator, there is so much opportunity for growth and you can make an enormous amount of money."
"Our online courses are available to beginner and more advanced levels."
"You now have an awesome looking, functioning Canvas course. It's ready to go."
"Creating online courses is insanely profitable if you do it the correct way."
"It's our learning portal where you will find all our courses."
"With online courses, you can create an evergreen course that sells on autopilot, allowing you to make significant passive income."
"You can watch over 23,000 online courses on this platform."
"If you're serious about learning Revit, you can find all of my Revit courses."
"You can make so much passive income because once you've created the course, the money keeps rolling in."
"I absolutely love Skillshare; I have used them for so many years."
"Creating online courses is a craft, and to do them well, it takes time and a lot of effort."
"The beauty of online courses is that after that, you can start thinking about what everybody loves which is passive income."
"Man has Skillshare proved me wrong on that one."