
Audience Perception Quotes

There are 157 quotes

"When the audience scores and the critic scores are so drastically different, that's when there might be a possible indication that critics are being influenced."
"The very existence of the fallen hero forces the audience to question that paradigm."
"Once you make a show, it's not your show anymore. It becomes whatever the audience perceives it to be."
"If you're not having fun when you're creating content, that's the other thing that the audience picks up on so fast."
"Unfortunately, today's many special effects movies rely on constructing the impossible reality via computers instead of psychological trickery, leading to a lack of audience buying into the stunts."
"Trying to appear as relatable to your low to middle class audience while at the same time flexing your high class lifestyle is never going to feel authentic to anyone but kids."
"Critics and audiences tend to judge a female character more harshly for those same flaws that in a male character are dubbed humanizing or relatable."
"Performances, though they are performances, shouldn't feel like a performance."
"Emotions rule the day, and I think this is obvious to most people who watch this."
"I'm flattered that these commenters are clearly so impressed with my content that they're forced to conclude I have Supernatural Powers."
"The audience does not put a premium on how long it took you to do it."
"That is the spot that needs to look the most normal to the audience."
"Adam Wingard made zero decisions based on how he thought American audiences would perceive them and made every decision based on the movie he wanted to make."
"You know the fans can tell when you're really into it and that I think is a huge part in what makes you a successful porn star."
"I rather die with that fucking wine than to show the audience that we're willing to bend."
"The overall end result of a film... determine[s] the level of scrutiny moviegoers give that film." - Senor Ashish
"A lot of people seem to dislike this channel simply because it lacks quality and lacks research."
"The nuance and brilliance of the scene are immeasurable, particularly in how it shifts the audience's perception of Vic's actions over the course of the series."
"People can no longer understand the difference between sympathizing with and understanding someone and condoning or supporting their behavior."
"The capacity to fool the audience is essential."
"So which tells me what that implies to me at least is that it has ended and they don't want it to, or it's on the verge of ending and they refuse to let this end."
"Make people judge your content on the quality of it and not your subscriber count."
"You can get weird, and people are forgiving."
"Our audience doesn't see imperfections... They see what you're doing and they're like, 'This is awesome.'"
"You're kind of telling the audience that there is."
"Audiences will accept some pretty wild things as familiar and comfortable if the POV characters are familiar and comfortable with them."
"There are many ways you can destroy your reputation, and calling your audience stupid is definitely one of them."
"You're trying to convince a bunch of [] in your audience that don't get [] that you're literally not a simp..."
"What people end up liking from you the most is not necessarily a manifestation of what you hold in highest regard as a technical high-achieving artist."
"Marvel treats its audience like smart people, not dum-dums."
"We have no desire to go any further. I think that we're about as far as you can go before you begin getting categorized differently."
"Dramatic irony is created when an audience knows more about the events of the story than the characters."
"I do think it's funny. A lot of stuff I do is not for you."
"It's not an endorsement of his actions. If you see it that way, then it probably says more about you than it does about the actual film."
"Free speech begins to shed its value if audiences lose their grip on what is true and what is false."
"Dave had a moment where it became clear to him that his white audience wasn't getting the joke."
"Critics sometimes assume that if you aren't feeding your audience some kind of simple coherent, easy to digest line you're doing them some kind of a disservice. It's just not true. People, the one thing people are not is dumb."
"...X Factor's success relied so heavily on audience being gullible..."
"The audience now doesn't care about the comedian's intent, they only care about how they [ __ ] feel about the joke."
"When people say that we're real, funny, and relatable. All the stuff you want to hear in normal life."
"What's fun for you and what's fun for you and your friends isn't necessarily always going to be cool for the wider audience or the general public, especially not as time goes on and people's ideals of what's funny and what's not drastically shift."
"You just try to tell the story, and not think about it in terms of what people are going to want to see."
"If people are like, 'Oh, you guys suck now,' it's like, what about, like, the hundreds of thousands of people who don't have a Twitter account, who just watch and enjoy us every day? Because those exist, right?"
"Audiences have become incredibly adept at smelling a dud a mile away."
"There's a need for people who are honest. The audience can tell if you're trying to tell the truth."
"It is better for writers to have too high an opinion of your audience than too low an opinion of them."
"The worst that can come from having too low an opinion is that your audience feels insulted and patronized and offended."
"I think what people realize was it was an affectionate look at David Brent by the end. Uncle Tony, I think they realized that well, actually, we're all a bit like that. That is all of us. We all do that."
"Armor doesn't have to be perfect to be non-distracting to the vast majority of your audience."
"Hopefully, the audience still sees that it harks back to the original material."
"The art of dialogue seems to be gone in most movies that are supposed to be good, and end up sucking. Audiences are pretty smart, and at some point, they stop buying this pretentious nonsense."
"It's funny because I literally thought this was gonna be like a joke and uh it went so far and it's funny it's kind of like you do things for content and people take it so serious and it's not that serious it's just like whoa."
"What we do is a performance to a certain extent."
"I don't really care if a YouTuber is relatable or not as long as they have entertaining content."
"You telling the audience that you have a pizza job is you asking the audience to expect less from you."
"Hopefully it didn't come across like biased hating."
"Assassin's Creed had become popcorn fun at best, a guilty pleasure at worst."
"This is a different side of Jackie Chan that American audiences have seen."
"If you genuinely don't feel like you've lied, gaslit, and manipulated your audience, that's perfectly fine."
"If I end up calling this video 'Washing Your Hands in Diamonds,' people will know that I totally sold out."
"Your audience isn't really going to judge you for the things that you think they're gonna judge you for... most people enjoy it, so let us see it."
"So yeah do seriously consider Pokemon if you're answering this question guys you might disregard it because it's a bit too kitty or whatever but that's exactly what makes it good."
"She killed a verse like she's rapping people that asked me is he singing or rapping is like not she she bore no that's he for a rap she said."
"The hard way is gonna look better, you know. The audience can tell when you're cheating and then they'll feel cheated themselves."
"He's damaged but he doesn't need to have it tattooed on his forehead for the audience to understand that."
"I think part of the reason audiences now can be put off by the Oscar bait release slots is because it's kind of telling you it's going to be a great film, Oscar-worthy even before you even see it, and people don't like being told what to do."
"I think if I think too much personally about what other people are going to think about something that I make, I think you can accidentally... I think the worst thing that can happen is you make something that you don't love that other people like."
"The YouTube audience is surprisingly kind of smart."
"The distinct lack of quality is masked quite convincingly by an audience of adults who seem to be so desperately trying to prove they're having a great time."
"How many of you saw the presentation from Sony and actually thought it was good or like me, did you think it was amateuristic and just cringy?"
"I know it's not that deep and right now, so I think a lot of people that just want to have fun watching my content might look at me analyzing something like that and get angry."
"Magic on movie sets to make audiences believe what is seen on screen is actually real."
"A couple other things that were wrong with the pad, like, well, not necessarily wrong, but you know, a lot of the ladies feel like it shouldn't just be a one movie thing."
"Charlize Theron's son was concerned audiences wouldn't know she's not actually a monkey."
"When you treat your audience like poets and geniuses, they all become poets and geniuses."
"Every shot of Howard's eyes, we're so trained to look for them dilating."
"It shows that, I think when you spend effort into doing something and when you truly believe in the art that you create, I think people can sense it."
"He insisted that audiences are smarter than Studios give them credit for and if they're respected and treated intelligently they'll appreciate something not being spelled out for them way more than an easy answer."
"By considering all these types of little details, you're basically taking away reasons for your audience to think that this is a trick."
"People won't care if the movie's good and the actor's charming."
"Audiences know if a character deserves redemption; we could just feel it."
"Star Wars is a fairy tale that's the context that you can literally do anything and if I believe it while I'm doing it the audience tends to believe it too."
"Just like Oppenheimer didn't know about the surveillance yet, the audience too doesn't notice the lamp change, indicating we're seeing the movie from Oppenheimer's perspective."
"In my view, this change contributed to making Feyd's victory appear more deserved to the audience, and in the following moments, it highlighted the conflict between the Baron and Feyd in a different manner than seen in the book."
"People really love this show... I've heard that several times."
"These days visual effects and Graphics tend to find their way into just about every edit we touch and half the time the audience doesn't even realize it."
"Rey's character doesn't ring true, and on some level, the audience feels that."
"When people put certain actors in certain projects it just elevates and it makes it, it says to the audience okay this is what the film is and this is what the film isn't as well."
"It's kind of the thing where when you're doing stand-up, if the audience senses that you think that the joke that you made was in poor taste, they're looking for your weakness now."
"She will always be Rory, but to the audience, she stopped being Rory after she kissed Jess while still being with Dean."
"I admire people trying to do different types of things even though that's not what people want to see."
"The brilliance of the movie is that like basically no one was in on the joke other than the people who made it and the black audiences who loved it."
"I've done videos that were definitely not as fun, and you can fake it all you want, but the audience knows."
"Gotta say, people have written in saying Evil Twin hasn't been so evil lately."
"Unfortunately sometimes your instincts don't have anything to do with what the majority of your audience thinks."
"Have you ever been so confident in someone's rise through the ranks of YouTube you thought, you know what, I think this person's like the perfect mixture of everything that YouTube wants?"
"They don't appreciate any of the messages that came through any of the stories, any of the characters, all they see is you want Matrix, we give you more Matrix. Why are you not happy with Matrix?"
"You can think what you wish, the viewers will think what they wish."
"I'll be goddamned if I ever give a first thought let alone a second thought to what any knowt all nerds in the audience think."
"I'm gonna leave it up, you know? Because maybe 1% of his audience doesn't like it and they're like, 'You know, this actually is true. I like this Dark Viper guy. He's got a good point.'"
"I think if people can just see it up on the screen and feel like at its heart it feels like the books in that intangible way then we will have done our job."
"I know that our viewership has fallen, but I'm like, what a freaking jerk."
"If they crown her, it's almost going to be seen as a default win by the fans because of how badly the show bungled the other narratives of the three contestants still at play here."
"He became the top guy in the audience's mind."
"It's not the show's job to tell us who we should and shouldn't like... it's their job to make as best of characters as possible."
"The easier a song is to remember, the more likely it is to be termed as catchy by the audience."
"so my response to that is well if 95 of people are listening to it this way in the theater then the music should come up globally three decibels then you'll get the emotion back."
"Every moment, every corny joke, every badly staged action scene shows that the filmmakers think you're an easily entertained idiot."
"If nobody knew that was bad, why is it a spot in wrestling? That's true. That's a good point."
"All that matters is what the audience sees inside the four edges of the frame."
"I've seen the comments, 'Oh, the new setup, it doesn't look like an old authentic thing.'"
"There's a big question in filmmaking of what the audience is going to accept, you know, leaning more toward realism or more toward the interpretation of it."
"I would argue so... audiences know. They will never be tricked. Are you doing it for them or doing it for yourself?"
"90% of the way that people feel about a movie is decided in the last 10 minutes of the film."
"That's when it's done well is when as an audience you don't notice it."
"It's funny about that there was a laugh track from the beginning because the networks all think that the audience at home won't know it's funny unless they hear people laughing right this is great respect for the America but we have real people."
"Audiences will always be able to sniff out bull crap."
"It's actually pretty cool to see what the audience perceives as 'difficult' or 'impressive' or just enjoyable to watch."
"The hero of the film offers an icon, a symbol, a narrative, a character, and the audiences decide that this is what we were looking for."
"It's not about teaching moves... it's the psychology of it's the way you think about wrestling and the way you think about performing for people without letting them know that you're performing."
"If you are a black artist with a sizable white audience, your product to that audience becomes blackness."
"I realized I was an unconventional baby face... the audience had been preconditioned to think that I thrived on pain, maybe even liked the pain."
"We could project that image... but that doesn't make sense for you guys, right? It's cool to see, but it's not realistic."
"A character is defined by and the audience learns about a character through their actions."
"I recorded a very popular video with this simpler microphone and nobody noticed or cared."
"Nobody cares how perfect you are if you're selling a character and people are buying it."
"I think if you try and dilute or try and second-guess what an international audience will like, you dilute what the thing is that makes people laugh."
"It's weird how the audience, if you don't do the thing they expect you to do... they trust you to be creative but only within a certain box."
"Always be sensitive to what they're hearing and not just what you're saying."
"Sometimes the stuff that we like as magicians is not always the best stuff for audiences."
"Light directs attention, light reveals form and shape, and light helps the audience understand the emotional content of the scene."
"The audience would not tell the difference between them when hearing these reeds."
"Viewers are smart, they can fill in a lot of the blanks, you don't have to tell."
"We designed them to be very different and they actually adapted and took on these different personalities among our audience."
"The perception for us watching this show has been great the last few months."
"They like the reality. They can smell the reality and they like it."
"Good music's made how it's made. People don't see the equipment you use, they hear the sounds that you make."
"Let me ask you and Penny about that scene because the moment we see the two of you together and we see the moment where you hug, the audience instantly knows there's a long and close relationship with it."
"It's symbolic, it's symbolism, right? That cinematic language, those are the layers that for the audience, it plants the seed of doubt in the audience's mind."
"We as audiences love to categorize people as heroes and villains, and we like clear labels."
"Remember to the audience, the box isn't the trick; the impressive thing is that the card is the signed card."
"The audience knows when you're being lazy whether you think it or not, they know."
"The audience knows when you're lying and they know when you're not."
"She is still a human being regardless of the fact that she trolls her audience."
"The audience watched the boy very carefully all the time and came to the conclusion that he was not lying."
"He considers it a failure if people watch his movies and don't know they're supposed to be funny."
"Audiences are much more sophisticated than we give them credit for."
"Musicians will notice if you miss a note, but non-musicians will notice if you miss a beat."