
Results-oriented Quotes

There are 229 quotes

"You literally think a piece of paper matters more than fucking results."
"Always focus on results because banking and the world of finance are results-oriented."
"Leadership is all about delivering results on a consistent basis with your team because by their definition, you cannot do it alone, do it the right way."
"Understanding what results-oriented thinking is, is not only important in this game but also in life."
"You're only going to see proper results with reducing your dehydration by being consistent with your skincare routine."
"Be a cool guy, do what you want to do, and do [stuff] that gives you results."
"Leadership is not about entertainment, it's about results."
"You're [ __ ] in life if you're not a results maker."
"When people live at cause, what do I mean by that? Well, you know someone is living at cause in their life when they have, and this is the word you want to write down, the results that they want."
"We're all about getting results. It's not about making another Udemy course, it's about results."
"If it is working for you and you're getting the results you want, you do you."
"When I'm strict with my food preparation, that's when I get the best results."
"Deliver results; leaders focus on key inputs for their business and deliver them with the right quality and in a timely fashion."
"Stop making excuses. The only alternative is results."
"What works, works and what doesn't, doesn't."
"It's all about the race results, man. Not so much who has the fastest lap."
"Help people get the damn result first and they will follow you."
"Equal opportunity isn't enough. We need equal results."
"Nobody cares about what you plan on doing. The world is result-oriented. It only cares about what gets done."
"Start with your why because reasons reap results."
"That sort of thought process... that's what's going to get you some serious freaking results."
"Don't tell us what you're going to do, show us what you've done."
"Once you start seeing results is when you'll decide to stick with it."
"If we want results, this is the way to do it."
"My favorite quote that I ever heard was, 'I actually have it on that board right there: Don't tell people your plans, show them your results.'"
"The sooner you put the seed in the ground, the sooner you harvest."
"It's time to stop making excuses and actually start generating results."
"It's not about liking people, it's about results."
"Use what you do best to do what you love to produce results that matter."
"I really think that you may want to, those of you who really want to do what's best for the community in terms of creating solid structured leadership that can actually get things done, you may want to just look at results."
"Embrace the process, focus on the results, lean on the past."
"You can talk the good game, you can talk shit, you can say, I'm tough. Results, that's it."
"How do I get results... how do I operate in the supernatural?"
"If something works, I have learned to be curious about why it works but be concerned mostly with that it works."
"If you challenge their power you can get results if you don't you're not going to get results."
"Whatever works for you to get the result in the end."
"Do the least restrictive program you can do that gives you the results you want."
"Without that progress, there's no growth; without the growth, there's no results."
"Republicans are laser-focused on delivering results."
"You are selling the fact that you have the business that achieves the result of that work."
"It doesn't matter if it's a white cat or a black cat as long as it catches mice."
"Know exactly what to focus on in order to improve and see the biggest results."
"Go do shit... that's how you get the results."
"I've got a long history of not just talking about what I'm going to do but delivering results."
"This club is about winning. This competition is about winning. We're in a semifinal second leg. Forget the first result."
"Free from distractions, free from foolishness, you're going to see your best results because you're choosing to stay focused."
"I know if they get results, how I felt afterwards, how I looked afterwards. So that, I want to share with you, my honest opinion."
"The result matters, not the time spent achieving it," Annie encouraged.
"It's all about the amount of determination and the input you put into it is what you're gonna get back from it."
"Nothing more, all we're concerned with is your results."
"We decided as a company that we're going to stop all ventures that aren't producing results and focus on what's doing really well."
"I campaigned on delivering results for the American people. This is not about settling scores."
"There's no right or wrong way, there's just the way that gets the result you like."
"You've got to know these things so that you actually get the results."
"If it works well, who cares how they get there?"
"You win or you lose. If the results aren't there, [__] you."
"When you're getting results like that it's super easy to stick to just about the most spartan of programs"
"The goal of this channel is to help people actually get results."
"You are not selling the thing, you're selling the results."
"It's all about common sense and getting feedback on the results of what you're doing."
"Focus on results, focus on getting things finished done and getting them to completion because that takes a lot of [__] work."
"I didn't bring you excuses I brought you answers."
"Are you a person who demands answers or are you a person who accepts excuses? Are you a person who demands results or are you a person that accepts excuses?"
"Let your success speak for itself. Let the results show."
"This stuff you can implement today and you can get results from it if you do it correctly."
"You can have excuses or results, you can't have both."
"I know sometimes doing these workouts might just feel like you're moving through the motions, but actually, I've heard from a lot of you, you see results."
"It all comes down to results no matter how well we play."
"People buy based on results, not just because they like you."
"Because I believe in getting results, no matter what!"
"Don't lose hope if you don't like the results."
"I like that kind of outcome-driven approach more."
"You gotta put in the hard work to get the results."
"Life is very simple you can either have results or excuses you cannot have both."
"It's all about the results; your results speak much louder than your resume."
"Your best shot is putting that money towards a business or a career that pays you based off your results not off your time."
"Results are all that matter, I don't care what it looks like, I don't care if it's pretty or if it's ugly, if it works, it works."
"Being a good leader is about productive and positive results."
"What activates spiritual sight is not 'I am seeing so many things,' it's to see with results."
"Focus on results, not activities."
"They want living results, living evidence for their SE and TE to register and work with."
"Results are the only currency we trade in."
"Customers don't care about the brands you use. They care about the results you deliver."
"Being results oriented and waking up are the same thing."
"Church work is pointless unless it produces results; people must be won for Christ."
"...as long as the job gets done that's all that matters really isn't it..."
"We mustn't get obsessed with the media or the form or the software or the tools that do the job. We must get obsessed with the results that we can produce."
"Your goal is the results, not trying to fix someone's mentality that has been ingrained into them. So just give me money, let them pay for it."
"We're in it for results, we're not in it for easy."
"Your job is to create a program that delivers the results as efficiently as possible and focuses on transformation and not just information because nobody has time to consume a bunch of information without actually getting results."
"Share an example of handling ambiguity, emphasizing your problem-solving skills and ability to deliver results."
"The key to selling more services is to focus almost obsessively on the end result and how the client will be better off after than they are right now."
"Give me the results, not the time!"
"I'm about results. I'm going to do the trick that gets the result."
"Results-orientedness is a problem... You just try to perform optimally, and take joy in that."
"Are you someone that does whatever it takes? Are you someone that can get results? Are you someone that's transparent? These are investable qualities."
"I am a driven, forward-thinking, dynamic, and results-oriented sales professional with a track record of success."
"He'll get the job done no matter the cost."
"Completely changed the way that I did coaching and the way that I looked at getting results from my clients. I was dedicated to finding this intersection of the results that you're looking for, a body that you're gonna love, and a lifestyle that you're gonna enjoy."
"Creativity is great, but I really care about the results."
"You just have to work with good people who get you good results."
"You want to get them into results-based thinking."
"You're not selling the thing, you're selling the results of what the thing does."
"Action is what's going to actually get you the result."
"You could have a million reasons in the world and none of them will matter if it doesn't live up to those results."
"You want a pretty website or do you want a website that produces results? Those are two different things."
"When it gets results then it's worth it."
"It's about the outcome, isn't it?"
"A good leader is all about delivering results on a sustainable basis, doing it with the team, and doing it right."
"Results are the only thing that counts."
"If you are practical about your deeds, you're always focusing on the results."
"It's up to us to help shift the conversation and make it more focused on performance, producing results."
"If you're achieving the results that you want, isn't that all that matters?"
"He was a man who cared about results, not applause."
"Smaller companies are more concerned with people who can deliver results."
"Focus on results, not on activities or personalities."
"I'm somebody that believes in results; if I'm not getting results, something's gone wrong here."
"I measure things by results, not by willingness."
"When you get paid for results, you learn a little humility."
"It's not about how much you're working; it's about getting them the result they want."
"Don't be upset by the results you didn't get with the work you didn't do."
"It's got to get the job done and give you the results that you're looking for."
"It's not about income, it's about outcome."
"Efficacy is whether or not you achieve the desired results."
"We need a top general for this job, get me Slash Kurtz, he doesn't do things by the book, but by God, he gets results."
"We focused on milestones, not status, and we focused on results, not process."
"A professional is someone who is responsible for achieving a result rather than performing a task."
"Pragmatism is all about judging the rightness or the wrongness of an action by the results it brings about."
"Method not melodrama is what gets results."
"Talk is cheap, results are what we're interested in."
"All that truly matters is the ultimate result, that is the only basis for evaluation."
"We're very results-driven and like to measure everything we do."
"He develops a plan and produces results with what is available at hand."
"We're paying you for results, not for work."
"People don't buy information, they buy results."
"Keeping it simple actually keeps it more focused on the results."
"You're a Maverick, but you get results."
"The proof of the pudding for machine learning is always in the eating."
"We're talking about a wins and losses business. Nobody goes back and looks at the context of these games. It's either you won or you lost."
"I'm very much a result guy - I want results, but I don't think you're gonna get results unless you spend some time really working on consistent fundamentals."
"Getting results is the name of the game."
"It's all about getting results, that's what matters the most in the real world."
"If you're producing results and you are productive and profitable and your people are succeeding, nobody will care if you look tired."
"I'm gonna give you guys my best recommendation based on the information that you guys are providing me, not based on commission or anything but based on actual results."
"It's not what you call it, but what you do about it that counts."
"Over time the more that you want results the more you're going to try to optimize and improve your routine to get them."
"It's all about production; it's all about what have you done for me lately."
"At the end of the day, people look at the success of the results."
"From project with encumbrances to product value streams, from silos and these proxy metrics that lead straight to flow metrics and business results."
"It's what you're producing, it's not what you're saying."
"Have convictions; show up to the recruiter's office with what you want to do, and then just start producing results."
"Football is a results business, it's all about the end product."
"Creating results in the world does not mean being perfect, it means doing just enough of these in alignment at the right level till you start to produce results."
"The only thing that counts are results, and results don't lie."
"I'm a results type of woman; I like results, and if I do something and it doesn't get me the results that I'm after, I stop doing it."
"I'm a results type person. I'm a Solutions type person."
"I think the most important thing for me when looking at equipment reviews and lenses and cameras is actually to see what you can do with them and the results you get."
"At the end of the day, it doesn't matter how you get the job done, as long as the job gets done."
"Results and outcome orientation... do we care about how people do the work or do we care about what results from the work."
"I'm going to do the work and I'm going to let my results speak for themselves."
"It's not about what you want, it's about getting results and getting results is not about what you want, it's about what you need to do to get those results."
"Success is not related to the amount of time that you spend doing something; it's related to the significance of those tasks and the results that are achieved."
"Welcome to the family of result-driven people; we want you here."
"No one cares how hard you work; what matters is the results."
"Our algorithms are really driven by the results; they are not blind."
"True leaders hold themselves accountable for the results."
"The reality is, the world rewards results."
"The public wants to see results, they deserve results, and they demand results."
"I just need results, I don't care about all the excuses."
"To achieve win-win, focus on results, not on the methods, on problems, not people."
"To get different results, you've got to do something different."
"Master the basics and you're gonna get results."
"Your client doesn't necessarily care what platform you use; they're just looking for a result or some sort of end goal or some sort of problem solved."
"The result is all that matters at this point."
"It's super simple really, it's all about results."
"Be doers; doers are the only people who get results."
"Stats are for losers, final scores for winners."
"You should be willing to dip into each category as needed to get the results that you're looking for."
"If you don't actually see results from what you're doing, then clearly you've got to change something up."
"Honestly, for me, I look for results."
"People are not going to pay for the words on the page or how long the guide is or how pretty it's designed; no, people want to exchange their money for a result."
"It's about the result. People pay for the results."
"There's absolutely no right or wrong if you're getting the end result that you want."
"We are only interested in the result."
"You love these people, you love the residents, and they're calling, they want results, they don't want arguments."
"Think about results, not about the steps required to get to those results."
"One of my favorite things about being on a team, being a coach, is it's very result driven."
"Your management style is that of achieving results, being results-oriented, and not being afraid to take up new challenges."
"At the end, it is the final result we should care about."
"I don't care what your opinion is of me. I care what people's opinions are of my results."
"All people care about is the results, and that's what we needed, we needed to win yesterday, and we did."
"You are a results-driven person; you want to be able to show for it."
"The client is just as responsible of getting their own results as you are."
"Nobody cares how many hours you work... what they care about are the results of that project."
"It's not about feeling good, it's about getting results."
"It's gonna be a challenge, but you're here to get challenged, and you're here for results."
"I don't give a damn about your rhetoric; I care about what you do."
"You're not after the to-dos, you're after the result."