
Psychological Needs Quotes

There are 56 quotes

"We have a basic psychological need to correct mistakes, and it's so difficult to fight this urge."
"I think this is a part that's the only part that I think is missing from Maslow's hierarchy of needs is identity, personal identity."
"The need to find a friend, no matter who they are, is clearly a very strong instinct."
"Humans have many needs, including the mental and emotional not just the physiological, and we often use Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs as our benchmark."
"Parasocial relationships, at its crux, is about fulfilling our need and typical parasocial relationships aren't harmful."
"People are constantly seeking to be affirmed, acknowledged, you know because they're they're empty inside."
"When your inner child wants love, your teenage self wants revenge, and your current self only wants peace."
"Maslow's hierarchy of needs: 'the largest portion on the bottom is the most important.'"
"He wanted alone time to play out his fantasy."
"The crucial element in borderline and codependency is the need to be needed."
"Women have an innate need for magical thinking."
"Prioritization choice is meaningful because it satisfies autonomy needs."
"He's too smart for his own good, I think. I don't think he needs therapy, he needs therapy."
"They need to feel safe. They need to know that they're loved."
"The human desire for validation... imperative to psychological and physical survival."
"They will they want to the psyche always wants to be heard if you just give her a little bit of breathing room she'll talk to you."
"Approval, control, and security: three core desires all humans are always looking to check off."
"Attachment requires consistency, responsiveness, attention, validation, encouragement, and support."
"Too little validation creates a strong need for external validation in adulthood."
"People need to feel rooted, they want to belong."
"It's not where you are on the Maslow's hierarchy of needs that determines your happiness."
"I think that actually creates a kind of hunger for more connection."
"But it all comes from this needing to figure out how to meet your needs."
"Sex empowers men; it's not just a biological need, but a psychological one."
"Certainly, if you don't cater to the other psychological things first, like having some sort of community around you, no matter what you do, you're going to be miserable."
"The only reason why you are going to partake in any activity that your personality deems as bad is when it's filling a need."
"To be free of time is to be free of the psychological need of past for your identity and future for your fulfillment."
"We have these psychological needs for belonging and connection."
"The number one need of a man is honor and respect."
"The number one need a woman has is security."
"Humans are made to hang with humans."
"Sex and love are fundamentally Maslow's hierarchy of needs."
"When people are seeking happiness or well-being, they're looking for three primary things: autonomy, competence, and relatedness."
"We have a deep need to bond with a primary attachment figure."
"Our culture is getting less and less good at meeting some of those basic psychological needs for enormous numbers of people."
"Everyone needs a base level of certainty to even function."
"We have a need for certainty but we simultaneously have a need for uncertainty."
"Thoughtful takes us all the way back to Maslow's hierarchy."
"This culture we've built is good at many things, but we've been getting less and less good at meeting these underlying psychological needs."
"As our basic needs get met, we move up Maslow's hierarchy of needs."
"The biggest drive for us... is because we need to be needed."
"We need to belong; we have psychological needs."
"Maslow's hierarchy of needs suggests we strive for self-actualization, fulfilling our unique potential."
"Validation itself is a natural, normal human need."
"Maslow's hierarchy of needs is very easy to understand."
"A high five is something deeper than praise. It fulfills your most fundamental needs as a human being."
"With that foundation of a sense of safety, you can start moving up Maslow's hierarchy of needs."