
Transactions Quotes

There are 461 quotes

"Every relationship has transactions, but that does not mean every relationship is transactional."
"If you have some important financial transactions to do, they go well."
"Cryptocurrencies, account balances, and transactions exist on a blockchain or similar technological foundation."
"You must first make sure you are sending the same type of currency to a wallet address, or public key, that supports that particular cryptocurrency."
"Cash App is the simplest way to send or receive money, especially when your friends owe you or when you owe them."
"Finance is completely reliant on ledgers. It's completely reliant on moving property rights around multiple parties."
"The internet came and unified all of those. 'The Internet of Money' creates a single network which can do a micro-transaction to a giga-transaction."
"80% of all dollar transactions are digital anyway, so we're already using digital dollars."
"From its 2016 launch to October 2020, UPI facilitated nearly 30 billion transactions."
"Bitcoin is this giant spreadsheet that keeps track of absolutely every single transaction."
"Fair exchange is essential for meaningful transactions."
"So many more people are using dogecoin for transactions. You can buy things with it, you can sell things and get dogecoin in exchange for that."
"Transactions solve that problem by doing the equivalent of saying while David's like counter is in the process of being updated, keep Carter at bay, ideally briefly, and then let his data go through too."
"Cash is very fungible, if I give you 100 and you give me back 250s were square."
"It would be a ten dollar deposit once in your life it's no impact on any person because it's a ten dollar deposit and you get it back right."
"At least with the FTC doing this, we know as business people, as deal makers or facilitators, that it's a very wary time for getting any kind of transaction done."
"We've bought into the idea that scalable transactions should be possible."
"I think two consenting adults should be able to exchange money and do what the [ __ ] they want."
"The trade in software vulnerabilities is actually a pretty murky marketplace with many of the transactions happening underground."
"We have moved from transacting in gold to pieces of paper that were transferable to gold to just regular pieces of paper and now today most of our transactions happen with digits on a computer screen."
"Anytime you see money change hands whether it's in the form of inflation whether it's in the form of a recession whether it's in the form of estate planning it changes the way that the economy will move."
"I like the noises coming out of Manchester United and from Ricceramano as far as that deal was concerned."
"Life is short and it's tough. Do the best you can. So I would say, even though it's uncomfortable, embrace the transactional element of it because it is there."
"It may be actually that you get some kind of special favor from a friend or an ally to purchase that thing that you need or to sell that thing that you must sell."
"I think Vulcan Forge with not only their gaming DEX similar to GameSwap, they're going to be able to transact in-game assets on Vulcan Forge."
"You buy the rift and you still have to play the game. It's not gambling."
"The money that was given, we paid 20,000 Canadian dollars for everything."
"The easiest way to buy and sell digital currency."
"I am absolutely being honest with you, then. I don't need a payment plan, I will pay in full if that's the way everybody is treated."
"Clearly you did receive this money to do X and there's no evidence that you did that so we're gonna give Alice her refund."
"Bitcoin is suitable for kind of larger purchases where you want final settlement."
"If people have something to offer and people are willing to pay for it then there's just it's a beautiful transaction where everybody's whole and pure."
"Gingerbread chests and billion-gem trades—never a dull moment!"
"Money is a form of communication. It's explaining to someone, 'Hello, I would like that. I have something that I value equally to what you have.'"
"40 million XRP transactions, ramping up worldwide." - Brad Kinds
"Projects like yo... claim they can handle millions of transactions per second with zero transaction fees."
"Even though it was created as a silly joke, Dogecoin is better suited for transactions."
"It was the first time in my life I got to experience transacting a cryptocurrency without incurring any fees... both sending and receiving it within a matter of one to two seconds."
"Honesty is the best policy, especially with a receipt coming."
"Take payment in any way, shape, or form, Doug, but don't shy away from taking a credit card even if it costs you two or three percent."
"Toys in the game or something. I don't play the game, don't know the game. But anyway, this includes making transactions cheaper, faster, and relieving network congestion."
"I wouldn't expect anything for free unless it's explicitly said."
"Wealth is built on a series of transactions, not one."
"You're essentially getting that 10 and uh return on investment with every transaction."
"I paid for a thing, I expect to get the thing."
"Hedera surpasses 12 billion transactions on mainnet, leading in Enterprise transactions."
"Salana is so fast that it actually generates 1 million transactions per second."
"Transactions and transaction fees in the last 24 hours: Bitcoin - $15 billion, Ethereum - $5.5 billion, Cardano - $5.3 billion. But here's the big thing, the fees: $43 million for Ethereum, but only $75,000 for Cardano."
"Voluntaryism means every transaction between humans should be voluntary."
"There is no freedom without the ability to transact."
"You don't go to the bread store and then give them your money."
"Hedera surpasses the top 10 cryptocurrencies in transactions per day, showing remarkable growth."
"Cash is the only thing that talks these days. No checks or credit are accepted anywhere."
"Ethereum transactions, the total amount of transactions on the Ethereum blockchain, is in the trillions annually."
"Now that you know how to create invoices in QuickBooks, let's go ahead and move over to the next video and talk about how do you actually handle payments when customers pay those invoices."
"Cloud Spanner is designed to support transactions, strong consistency, and synchronous replication."
"Germany has a pretty big cash culture and there might be quite a few occasions where you won’t be able to pay electronically."
"This means that the system can operate and transfer funds from one account to the other without any central authority."
"Discount is an item that would be a negative, so it will subtract from the total of the invoice."
"The mempool is where all the transactions are lining up, waiting for their chance to enter the blockchain."
"No way that this person that is always doing cash deposits and immediately doing a wire transfer afterwards to Wayfair sending them thousands of dollars in two months was buying furniture."
"The lightning network is really unlocking more transactions that can happen in Bitcoin."
"Without the freedom to transact, there is no freedom."
"Commercial transactions are defined as the exchange of consideration. There was an exchange of consideration here. You gave money, you got the feeling of goodwill. You paid for that feeling."
"Buying used cars and selling used cars is really difficult."
"That's the first time I've never went to an airport to meet someone to sell a card."
"There's still a large number of transactions in the resale Market day in and day out."
"We've 5x the number of transactions on Bas basically overnight."
"At the end of the day, if the fixed supply of 21 million holds, there's going to be so many people demanding Bitcoin and demanding Bitcoin transactions."
"Locks are rare in these kinds of situations, but they are frequently used when you need to do multiple transactions on a bus."
"These aren't mere transactions but an arms race, world powers and their proliferation of nuclear weapons."
"So first, let's get into categorizing the client's transactions."
"So we get at least as many as optimistic Roll-Ups give you. But in addition to that, for some transaction types, it will be comparable to optimistic Roll-Ups just because it's an individual transaction."
"I'm afraid your 600 wouldn't buy this today."
"How do you actually cash out to our bank account? Great question!"
"These transactions are called commitment transactions."
"Money is being transmitted from Emma to Fabian simply by continuously updating these commitment transactions."
"Bitcoin does the same thing. It’s just that every tick is one block."
"We designed it to try and be as robust and censorship resistant as possible... if you're making a transaction that you are concerned about in an adversarial environment... you're strictly better off if you donated via lightning there than if you donated via on-chain."
"You do need to have a real bank account with some transactions."
"Price isn't real until there's a buyer and the transaction is complete."
"We need a single set of global standards that everyone uses to transact with each other across chains."
"Every person, every relationship, every conversation, every scroll is a payment."
"...when you pay bills, you honor that exchange."
"Once we invented and then deployed the telegraph... we completely decoupled the speed between transactions and settlements."
"Once it went digital, paper money still had value but it was no longer the only way to buy that dog shampoo or air fryer."
"The Boatyard guys were super nice here. They were friendly, even when they're about to take a whole lot of money from you."
"Buyers and sellers that's a big deal, they're changing you know their life so it is it's a lot of fun, even if it's not on the front page of The Wall Street Journal."
"I got the pyRO store and the blood store I'm not giving"
"Over the course of the trip I was able to take four total trades."
"I could send you a million SATs if I wanted to and it's just like boom, it just arrived."
"Bitcoin: a solution for business-to-business payments."
"you do 750 cash 750 cash I'll do that 750 cash you got it last minute deal for the M gold star for 750 pretty good deal you got it man thank you y"
"The buyers have slowed up, they're not willing to spend the money that the sellers are asking."
"Cosmos DB executes many billions of transactions every single day."
"Huge sums of money change hands every day."
"How much for each card? It's 350 or 350?"
"Transactions are about to get a hell of a lot cheaper."
"Okay, well, you guys are all going to be paying me today for all your mini things."
"Step twelve: The waiver of conditions, when buyers waive all conditions, the deal can go firm."
"Blockchain will do for trusted transactions what the internet did for information."
"Keep everything separate from the money transaction between the shipper, the broker, and the carrier."
"Layer one I don't even need to ask permission to send you money if I know your address I can send you you know a billion dollars right now and you're going to receive it winning or not you know that that is the brilliancy of the layer one."
"You can go on there and look at some of the recently closed transactions, get a pretty good idea of where things shake out."
"...the stories of people having their lives changed through these simple transactions are what keep us very driven for the future."
"No one wants to have every transaction you ever made exposed"
"Everyone sells themselves to someone else."
"If I want to sell you a car in bitcoin, no one can stop me."
"When you can do it all in Bitcoin."
"The majority of people are private sellers and buyers, so private people such as myself can list my own item on that platform for someone to buy."
"Wealth is built over a series of transactions, not one transaction."
"I use the company MasterCard, I pay for that hooker. Um, when in 1999 or for that matter ever do prostitutes take credit cards?"
"The economy is an emergent thing of all of us as individuals doing whatever we want to do freely transacting with whoever we want to."
"Excuse me sir, can I rent one of these?"
"You're not allowed to record their events when they're making transactions through there."
"All Bitcoin transactions are cryptographically verified by thousands of computers on the Bitcoin network."
"... the utility of stable coins is apparent today to anybody that's had to send a bank wire internationally or anything like that ..."
"Events enable you to implement transactions that span services in a loosely coupled way."
"What about when you already have funds in your Bitcoin wallet and you want to open channels? Well, that is what you would be looking at next after depositing Bitcoin into your lightning node."
"We paid him and I had the guy take away the stuff at the end of the day so we gave him some money as well. So, we netted out 730 but then of course we also have gas so but anyway 730 we walked away in cash. Not bad. I like that. I'll do that every week if we could."
"The transaction is between two parties, not us."
"This is the barn, you guys, this is the barn. We're gonna be selling stuff."
"Use email as the connection tool, but get on the phone and face to face for real transactions."
"Until you've done 10 transactions, you don't even deserve to wear the name 'LO' on your name badge. Exactly. Until you do 50, you won't really know what you're doing."
"Alice needs to wait a hundred blocks."
"Transactions are as cheap and fast as sending an email, but it's still backed by the security of bitcoin."
"What actually goes inside of a block are transactions."
"Smart contracts give us n number of advantages, the primary advantages are listed here, and these are the advantages which enforce us to move towards an economy and to a system where we start using smart contracts for our transactions."
"Smart contracts eliminate the need of an intermediary, replacing a direct seller and allowing you to make a purchase without a middleman."
"Using ethereum based smart contracts, you can create your own digital tokens for performing transactions, design, and issue your own digital currency."
"Bitcoin allows fast and quick peer-to-peer transactions."
"It's impossible to counterfeit or hack transactions on the Bitcoin network."
"Transactions are secure as they are cryptographically signed."
"The Solana network can process more than 50,000 transactions in one second."
"This has potential to be huge in changing the way that both transactions are done."
"I've already sold some of the items."
"Discovery of interest is the most important discovery in the history of finance because it allows for intertemporal transactions, for transactions across time."
"Life can be a series of transactions or you can build relationships."
"The norm of a business transaction in Islam is a cash transaction."
"...add it all up and minus the commission, there's a total of 112 pounds."
"Under the cash basis of accounting, transactions are recorded when money changes hands."
"Every financial transaction involves a flow of economic benefit from a source to a destination."
"Bitcoin operates across borders seamlessly."
"Money is a lubricant, something you use to facilitate transactions in the real economy."
"The deal cycles now are so much shorter again. Executives, CEOs are very willing to transact over a couple of Zoom conversations, straight to the point, no time wasted."
"The more difficult it is for you to go through with a transaction, the more likely it is that you won't make unnecessary purchases."
"Holy bejesus, five of those guys paid me 125 dollars!"
"The spot market is becoming less important in commodity transactions."
"...you've got less xrp in circulation you've got less xrp to do an increasing amount of transactions meaning the price goes up."
"Somebody somewhere needs to buy a lot of something and move money quietly to someone else, and they're doing it with bitcoin."
"The Lakers made big trades at the deadline."
"So, actually last week, someone traded a one of one Jordan superfactor Auto from the Gaudi set, PSA 10. That was a $90,000 trade in exchange for a lot. It was a big trade-down. So, we see a lot of huge trade-downs on our platform."
"Once this throws an exception, any kind of change to the database will be rolled back."
"Spring state machine is useful, particularly in these long-lived distributed transactions or distributed worker scenarios."
"Bitcoin is still faster than any bank transfer on the planet."
"Fiat money is just a number that allows you to transact, but more importantly, it allows you to transact without any middleman."
"If you make a lot of transactions throughout the year, you're probably better off paying that little bit of extra money to be able to save the time that it would take you to do it with Free Tax USA."
"You should never be asking a question about what should happen in a transaction without first going to look at what the contract has to say about that specific thing."
"If you weren't selling them then why are there buyers who need their money refunded? Kind of sounds like you were selling them."
"I placed an order on JMA shop for just about 300 bucks."
"Paystack alone processed a hundred million dollars last month."
"In God we trust, everyone else pay cash."
"When there's an Ethereum trade, when there's a transaction Ethereum, there's a fee, right? That's cool. Visa, MasterCard, everybody has a fee when you do a transaction."
"Connect everything that way you can get paid right there by your customer."
"Hadir completed more transactions in the last quarter than Bitcoin has done in its 15-year existence."
"If you operate yourself without money at The Ether distribution."
"You do not need a lightning node to do lightning transactions."
"Moving money in is easy, moving money out is difficult."
"Didn't have to pay a cent, didn't have to enter any credit card information, didn't have to do anything."
"Transparency in transactions prevents exploitation and allows for more productive interactions."
"Two ways to manage inter-service transactions are API composition and command query responsibility segregation."
"Everything is done via Lightning because you're not sitting around waiting for confirmations."
"I really like that everything is done via Lightning because you're not sitting around waiting for confirmations."
"It was meant to be $27 and I got $2.70 off, so in total including tax it was $25.88."
"The real estate transaction is governed by three agreements: between the seller and the listing agent, between the buyer and the buyer agent, and the purchase agreement governed by title, escrow, or an attorney."
"Serializability is achieved by executing transactions in serial order, one after another."
"Transactions allow you to collapse a whole range of different failure classes down into just one thing that you have to handle."
"You're just a couple transactions away from financial peace. Do it."
"Might consider putting the legend up for sale."
"Just bought this beautiful bag off my boy, Alice. Adult Friend Finder him is uh, taking us through some of his personal collection."
"...you are not buying and selling contracts for compensation the fact that it's the same day or next day is irrelevant you bought a property and then you sold the property."
"We started to see an increase in transactions, confidence is definitely returning, and as a result, prices are starting to strengthen."
"So, every green now gets a red, every red gets a white when you go to pay the odds."
"Blockchain ensures the correctness of transactions with Byzantine fault tolerance."
"ICP has nearly instant transactions that are almost free having fees of less than 1 cent and instantly settling."
"How do you ensure transactions actually succeed in the face of inevitable failure at scale?"
"You can cash out your money or pay friends through Chime, even if they're not members. All fee free."
"So that's essentially what a transaction is. It's a unit of work, but it consists of multiple queries."
"...if I write and committed a transaction it better stay there when it's when when I lost power."
"Every transaction is paid for at least three times: first with money, second with time, third with reputation."
"SaveChanges() starts a transaction, does whatever SQL is necessary to issue that to the database and then commits the transaction."
"The trail of transaction is so clear that you don't need centralized third parties to validate."
"A deed is a one-shot deal. It transfers ownership one time and then it is a useless piece of paper."
"Money is anything that is generally accepted in payment for goods and services."
"Cryptocurrencies allow you to do transactions without anybody taking a cut."
"We just hit 50 billion transactions on the main net. History in the making, guys. History continues to be made by Hadera and also builders on Hadera with Sasha swap."
"Money is like a middleman, someone who brings buyers and sellers together."
"Our dataset contains transactions made by credit cards in September 2013 by European cardholders."
"Selling isn't about right and wrong; each transaction is unique."
"Make sure that you're being respectful in your transactions."