
Crime Statistics Quotes

There are 151 quotes

"Absolutely, yeah. I mean, if anything, if you look at crime statistics in places where the Mexican population is heaviest, these people are actually dramatically underrepresented in crime."
"Most women who are raped, it's done by people they already know."
"You see the FBI reports that violent crime in America is at a 50-year low."
"Undocumented migrants actually are responsible for less crime per capita than natural-born US citizens are."
"Fear tends to be driven not by statistics on crime but by vivid, imaginable events. As the media become more effective at reporting them, our sense of danger increases, even if the likelihood of any of us becoming a victim of crime can decrease."
"People who are legal gun owners statistically commit less crime."
"Blockchain is open source and transparent... the actual statistic on criminal behavior with Bitcoin is estimated by authorities to be less than 1% of all financial crime."
"Nationwide we had a 30% year-over-year increase in the homicide rate. This is the largest increase in American history."
"It's not as low as I wanted to be, it's not as low as you wanted to be... but if you look at the numbers, crime rates are down."
"California's economy is grown 7.8% under my Administration, crime is down 13% - how come the In-N-Out Burger left Oakland?"
"Juvenile crime rates dropped between 1994 and 2000."
"How come that only six percent of black males represent nearly 50% of all violent crimes in America?"
"Females were more than six times as likely as males to be the victims of sexual assaults known to law enforcement agencies."
"Police militarization does not lead to a decrease in crimes committed or officer injuries."
"The growth of prisons produced a 35% increase."
"Chicago has had 2278 homicides and over 9 000 people shot."
"Immigration is a good thing. Immigrants are less likely to commit crime, more likely to start small businesses, help us economically."
"America has 5% of the world's population but 67 percent of the world's serial killers."
"Undocumented immigrants are one of the least crime-committing populations."
"I think most police chiefs will tell you that in their city, a manageable group is responsible for a disproportionate number of the shootings."
"In the US, a violent crime is committed... by the time you started this video."
"Mayor Lori Lightfoot boasting of decline in crime in her city while the murder rate is up 30 this year."
"When you see 40-something percent of the black on black crime happening I don't want to talk about that real quick to crime is proximity white on white crime exists we just don't have a turn for it."
"The US is in the top three countries for destinations for sale child sex trafficking victims. It's a 150 billion dollar a year industry and there are millions tens of millions of children who are currently trapped in sex slavery."
"The declines in murders and shootings last year appeared to be in line with similar drops in other U.S cities... amid the worst of the pandemic."
"UP has lowest crime data in the last seven years."
"ETS are the new minority with a ridiculously low crime rate of zero per 100 000 it's not racist to point this out." - Chris Ted Tucker
"For very privileged people, the loss of that privilege even a minor one can feel like oppression."
"Violent crime is actually down this year in Chicago."
"There's no uglier truth in our community than what you talked about. The black homicide victimization rate is seven times higher than that of whites."
"Race stats on crime don't pass the sniff test. Oppressed groups commit homicides, but oppressors commit suicide."
"ICE officers arrested over 127,000 criminal aliens, including those charged or convicted of 48,000 assaults and 12,600 homicides."
"Since Lori Lightfoot's term began, Chicago has suffered 2,278 homicides and over 9,000 people shot."
"The majority of homicides involve victims who know their killers."
"We talk all day about being the minority but we make up the majority of the most heinous acts of our society."
"I knew the F-250 was on the highest list of vehicles that someone wants to steal... it's one of the top most stolen vehicles in America."
"If you take out murders in the US related to gangs and drugs, there would be a significant change in the murder rate."
"Murders in the US Are Very Concentrated, and They Are Becoming Even More So."
"You never really see men being killed by women as much as you see women being killed by men."
"Places with more guns statistically have less crime."
"Crime rates have fallen at a historic rate nationwide."
"The murder rate fell in half, the violent crimes rate dropped by 42%."
"Their total crime rate is 49% lower than the national average."
"Their violent crime rate is 45% below the national average."
"Their total crime rate is about 48% lower than the national average."
"Their total crime rate is 56% lower than national average and violent crime rate is 54% lower."
"Just enjoy it and let's ignore the haters talking about VAR."
"Bogus crime stats are used to justify the Perpetual targeting of black people."
"Every 14 seconds there's a new victim of identity theft."
"Women are at least five times more likely to be trafficked."
"Zero crime rate in the previous year, since zero crime, zero crime, zero crime. Wow, very peaceful district of KPK."
"Iceland has one of the lowest crime rates in the entire world."
"The impact of gun laws on crime rates is not straightforward."
"It can't be if there are states with the most lax gun laws in the country which are safer than states that have the most strict gun laws in the country."
"More guns, less crime." - Economist John Lott
"The rise and fall of Sparta played an important role in the future of Western civilization."
"Many more people are killed with bare hands than are killed with rifles."
"Chicago saw an increase in shootings of over 52 percent in 2020."
"There are a quarter million unsolved murders now in this country."
"Last year in Chicago was the worst year ever for murders and gunfire. Shootings here were up by 50 percent."
"Statistically, you are way more likely to be the reason that person was last seen alive."
"Crime has gone way down. At least, the crime of smoking recreational marijuana."
"We have recorded two crimes in this entire century."
"The death penalty doesn't deter crime. Statistics show that."
"The crime rate in Courtland is 49% higher than the national average."
"Each year under the Biden Harris Administration we see violent crime rates Nationwide have gone down."
"You want me to focus on white supremacy when we know that 95% of black Americans that are killed are killed by other black people um 95 so my chances I should be more afraid sitting next to a black man all right."
"In each state, the curve of violent crime and the use of leaded gasoline followed each other almost perfectly."
"When it comes to human trafficking, the numbers are outrageously swayed."
"Human trafficking is now at the highest level in the world."
"This is the reason why we have more gun crime than any other developed country it's because we have more gangs to people than any other developed country in the world and it's not even close."
"The number of serial killers has plunged by 85% in three decades, but why is that?"
"A vehicle break-in occurs every 36 seconds in America."
"This kind of attack on vulnerable people is still a really awful problem... Crimes against people with disabilities have risen by 300 percent in the UK since 2011."
"Undocumented immigrants are responsible for significantly less crimes per capita than natural-born U.S citizens."
"Violent crime increased 8% in the two years before my election. Murders were up by more than 20 percent."
"Black women are more likely to be victims of homicide than women of any other race in the US, and women involved in sex work or illegal drug use are even more likely to fall victim to violent crime."
"So far this year shooting incidents are down 16% and murder has dropped 18.8%."
"Big cities are more dangerous now than they've been since crime had fallen by half since the 1990s."
"Their total crime rate is 31 percent lower than the national average."
"The Liberals have rolled out three gun bans in three years while gang-related homicide has shot up 92 percent basically doubled along with a 32 percent rise in violent crime all since the Liberals took office."
"Women almost never kill a stranger. In 99.99% of the time, the woman has a relationship with the victim."
"Violent crimes are lower in areas where there's a lot of safe and responsible firearms owners."
"Their crime rate is 39 lower than the national average."
"The crime rate here is 66 percent lower than the national average."
"Do you really believe that? Yes, it is an assertion that is fully supported by the evidence Kyle, do I need to show you more charts that compare crime rates in the United States to our European counterparts?"
"It's an empirical fact that they commit less crimes and that young men commit more crimes."
"Most murders are committed by people who know their victims."
"New York: 76 days last year without a single murder reported."
"We talked about how shootings were up 100, so a decline after a doubling of 15 is nowhere near a return to normal."
"Most married homicide victims killed by their husbands."
"Less than three percent of the population of America is responsible for over 50 percent of the homicides."
"The FBI's Uniform Crime Report shows that the number of homicides in the United States last year in which a knife or cutting tool was used to kill was twice as high as the number of cases in which a rifle was used."
"Statistically, it's only a small portion of the population that commits crime, usually less than 10% of the country's overall population."
"This city is coming out of pre-pandemic crime numbers, but what level of crime is acceptable? Certainly not acceptable to the police officers or to the community members affected by violent crime."
"Nearly half of all murders in the United States go unsolved. It's essentially a coin flip, just to put it into perspective for you."
"Despite all the scary shit we just went over today, the rate of sexual assault has actually fallen 63% since 1993. Let's hope that trend continues."
"We increased the Kansas City Police Department budget by 24%, and in that same period of time, the violent crime rate increased 47%."
"You're twice as likely to be a victim of identity theft than you are of a violent crime."
"Canada does take the clear win when it comes to the crime index however ranking as the 56th safest country in the world. The UK sits in a very poor 74th."
"The murders went down from 2,245 in his first year to 1,946 his last year."
"I hear stats like that and I think of cases like the highway of tears and Robert Pickton's victims."
"The longest New York City has gone without a murder is ten days."
"On average, there's a new victim every 14 seconds."
"Shootings and murders are down in our state by 15%."
"Violent crime in the U.S. has fallen over 50 percent since 1994."
"The official stats tell us that crime fell by a further nine percent last year, down to its lowest level since the survey began back in 1981."
"The statistics of crime by ethnicity showed that the Japanese had the best record of all."
"We tend to see crime drop off at 25."
"According to police data, there's been no surge of violence and crime since April 2022."
"Crime is down substantially, and that's not being represented in the coverage of crime nationally."
"Immigrants commit crime at a 63% less rate than people who live here do."
"Bank robberies have a high arrest rate, with 59% of bank robberies being solved."
"The discrepancy between official statistics and self-report studies makes it hard to draw definitive conclusions on ethnicity and crime."
"Statistically, the victim of a crime is more likely to suffer at the hands of somebody they're acquainted with or know in some capacity."
"We did not have one homicide for a full calendar year; that had not happened for 67 years."
"Overall crime is down year-over-year in Philadelphia, Chicago, Denver, New York, and Los Angeles."
"Did you know that over the last two years there's been a 17% increase in the number of burglaries in this area?"
"Drawing on police data found that shoplifting reports were 16% higher in the first half of 2023 compared with 2019."