
Philosophical Concepts Quotes

There are 86 quotes

"Understanding Aristotelian mean means the balance."
"Erase the dark, and there would be no concept of light; erasing evil itself gets rid of good itself."
"Humanity is still making its way out of Plato's cave."
"You need to destroy in order to create sometimes."
"Geometry was important...a link between the Earth and the sky. So there's that consistency."
"Without question here and now you have volition and volition is a fancy word that basically means you get to choose."
"The past, present, and future maybe are all equally real."
"I believe that to the degree that we are who we should be, we're incarnations of logos."
"The concept of the afterlife really functions as a substitute for wisdom."
"There's a world within a world in there, a cosmos within a cosmos, a garden within a garden."
"Negative exists as a necessary counterpoint to positive."
"Strength needs weakness the same way that light needs darkness to define it."
"It's almost like a Yuga cycle where instead of a linear point of time, it's a cycle that we keep repeating."
"Positive and negative combined with a neutralizing force become a law."
"Beauty is a real metaphysical category that's immutable."
"Clarity: emptiness is form, form is emptiness."
"Evil is an inevitable reality, a corollary of good."
"That's the beginning of an ethic and you say well human beings that ethic emerged at the biological level and then human beings watched it develop and told stories about it."
"Hope and despair, the children of desire, the ultimate motivation to achieve, or destroy."
"Choice is for you mortals. We eternals have duty coded in our every molecule."
"Belief just means that you accept a proposition. Knowledge philosophically is defined as justified true belief."
"When you can warp reality itself, it lets you change the rules of the game."
"Sora is intrinsically good. New forms of medieval obscurantism are imaginary."
"We all have a basic understanding of words like joy, karma, love, humanity, but if we dig further into their meaning, they can teach us a lot about ourselves and our world."
"You can't have dark and evil without light and good, so maybe."
"Perfect beings with infinite intelligence...and now they have free will."
"We use these two symbols to illustrate the law of opposites."
"The whole notion of a lost civilization goes back at least to Plato."
"The end is the beginning, therefore creating a perfect strange loop."
"The true self cares about nothing and wants nothing."
"Beauty or justice or love or indeed properly speaking even truth itself — these are incomprehensible."
"The union of opposites can be joined together, all things can be conjoined."
"Being in the Matrix means immortality in a way."
"The relation of yin and yang create a certain type."
"They don't have to look alike, and this is just again the balance of yin and yang."
"Existential risk isn't anywhere near the worst thing that we could have. There's something called s risk as well above and beyond x risk."
"Infinite time and infinite space — that to me is the 'ultimate.'"
"The Wheel of Time turns and ages come and pass, but what does that really mean?"
"Time travel and the blurred lines between past, present, and future."
"There are objective standards of health, of sanity, of beauty, of truth, of morality."
"Maybe what we call Destiny is really just the Free Will of our higher selves."
"Elephant as a symbol of wisdom and compassion."
"Consciousness is the self, it is existence itself, it is knowledge itself, it is happiness itself."
"Judith Butler's concept of performativity is itself a graft and a graph that originates in Continental philosophy."
"The pursuit of life, liberty, and happiness."
"Chaos alone is bad, and so is Order, but both combined create something greater and unique."
"Autonomy is the capacity or right of self-determination, foundational to our rights as individuals and our moral considerations."
"For Batai, the Death Drive takes the form of just that Nostalgia from the continuity of pure pre-human existence mediated by tools in the subject object distinction but also a thirst for annihilation itself."
"The idea is reality, the shadow it casts is our physical realm."
"Plato's philosophy: a rational force that permeates the entire universe."
"Everything in the universe is geometric whether it's people trees cats planets solar systems stars you name it."
"Demarcation of qualia as fundamental as the fundamental attribute of consciousness. This is an advance in philosophy."
"Syncretism is basically the language of the universe."
"Homosexuality is a tikkun, poverty is a tikkun, good things also can be a tikkun because you experience them as hardship."
"That's a magic narrative... and they're talking about the dialectic of enlightenment alchemy."
"Continuity of Consciousness theory: believable and human."
"Abstract objects like numbers and moral values exist."
"Artists have been trying to pursue certain like a definition of beauty, by creating Michelangelo's DAV they're trying to tap into Eternal truths that do already exist."
"That's the beauty of the red pill thing... once the process starts, it's like Neo in the Matrix."
"Plato's revelation: the true Earth looks like a dodecahedron."
"So, not only could there be infinite versions of the Earth and our Solar System… But many billions of versions of you."
"Freedom is the power or the right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint."
"Existence and consciousness are one and the same."
"At the heart of chaos is the seed of renewal."
"Emptiness is equal to fullness, emptiness is connected with the potential."
"Two things are true, two things can be true at the same time."
"Freedom and justice are dialectical concepts... the more freedom, the less justice."
"Positive: It means that thing in the past did not happen but it was possible."
"The philosophical notions and questions raised by the idea of how fictional characters may have a reality unto themselves."
"The conceptual unity that sensible manifolds exhibit is nothing other than the essence of the object thereby constituted."
"Kindness, connection, humanity, wisdom, stillness, honesty, duality."
"Finally, we get to the beginning and the end."
"When an unstoppable force meets an immovable object."
"It is impossible to conceive of anything without a cause."
"Language and consciousness seem to be emergent. Society, money, and politics seem to be emergent."
"He's the one who unites the logos, the ethos, and the pathos."
"Eternity, happiness, self, illusion, happiness, reflection, death, clarity."
"You can subtract agency, you can subtract self-location in a temporal frame of reference."
"They embody the whole idea of death and mortal decay."
"What Frege's new logic opened was a whole set of concepts by means of which to think more clearly about the logical relations between concepts."
"The scope of our interests is simply broadened to such an extent that we become inclined to concepts that rise to the sphere of the arc angelo."
"There's no univocal predication of good."
"It does seem to me like less problematic to suppose that, like with Aristotle, time just doesn't have a beginning to it; it's eternal in both the past and the future."