
Life Struggles Quotes

There are 169 quotes

"Approximately how long did Sofia have to fight? All my life."
"We're all really just struggling against a harsh and often painful world, but one that also has beauty and meaning."
"Change is scary, that's why most people never change."
"God bless all the people that make it out of that place in life because, I guarantee you, they have the same empathy that I have for others in that position."
"Life is climbing down into a pit and grabbing happiness and success from the mud and holding on to it with your teeth."
"Companionship, love, and the human struggle against mortality continue to resonate."
"Platinum end makes a thorough case that persevering and clinging to life against the odds is the only way that any of us ever find happiness."
"This life is but temporary your problem will not last whatever this loss or the debt that you are in will never last forever the issue that you have will not last forever it will come to pass and it will come to an end by the will of love."
"There's so much [stuff] we all go through and none of us ever talk about it."
"Grasping for hope amidst a life they knew would be hard, short, and painful."
"In the battlefield of life, true strength lies in the bonds we forge."
"Success is sweeter and sweeter if long delayed and gotten through many struggles and defeats."
"We're humans, we're imperfect, but together we work through the struggles of life."
"All we ask for in life is a fighting chance."
"All they had was their lives and their freedom."
"Life for me ain't been no Crystal stare. You never take a single day for granted. Live every day with a grateful heart."
"Life can be hard, unpredictable, and sometimes just downright cruel in this mess of a world we call home."
"You're not supposed to be fighting bills all the time. You're not supposed to be fighting depression." - Bill Winston
"Dredges of society, the drug addicts, the alcoholics, the prostitutes, the people who had turned to the worst things in life and now pretty much tend to have a life because of the addictions and the cycles they've gotten themselves trapped in."
"This is the truth this is the bare motherfucking truth everybody's got problems."
"My entire life has been defined by the struggle against something."
"You're not David, all right? Your trouble in life is not Goliath."
"Until we recognize the magnitude of the challenges that we are up against in life, it's really hard to tackle them at the magnitude that they need to be tackled."
"He painted such an amazing picture of the struggle and the strain."
"Life is hard, and today has been the worst day ever."
"Being a good person can be hard. Life always throws hard [ __ ] your way."
"I just want y'all to understand that we all go through things, life is heavy, we all go through pain and hurt and mistakes and failures."
"Life is difficult and messy, but through the struggle comes beautiful, powerful things."
"Kubrick uses the heightened reality of cinema to illustrate the difficulty of life itself."
"She is both charismatic and relatable, with aspirational charm and down-to-earth struggles."
"Sometimes life is just crap, and that's okay too."
"To go on living is to not give in to your own weakness."
"Life has been particularly shitty lately, just give me a fair shot."
"Finding happiness at the end and maybe fighting for what's important to you."
"It meant the world to me. I struggled so much in my early 20s to find where I belong."
"Life ain't always pretty but sometimes you just gotta find a way to make a way."
"I believe in God, you don't know what a person going through in their life."
"Life is messy, and that's another thing, like I really, really struggle taking my own advice sometimes."
"It's like you can't quite ever escape it. It's always there, you think you overcome it and then here it comes again."
"Sometimes I just want to go, you know what, I'm [__] done struggling, I just want to go live."
"I've been able to transform my life. So, this is to all of you out there that are struggling with anything that you might have done in your life."
"No matter what the hustle, someone's still gonna be on your ass."
"Everybody got their own demons, everybody fighting their own war."
"You ever felt nearly swamped in your life? Like I'm still showing up but barely."
"Everyone's having a hard time and it's okay."
"The struggle is guaranteed, so you might as well do what you love."
"I wanted to feel I could make a mark on the world and not just be struggling to stay afloat."
"Just know we going through this thing called life together, man. No matter the circumstances, nothing, you know what I'm saying? Win this thing called life together, and you can get through it."
"There will be a time where there are more good days than bad days, even though sometimes it doesn't feel like it."
"Real is divine and human. Real is wrestling, real is ups and downs and forwards and backs and trying to make sense of things."
"There is strength to be found in struggle and there's wisdom in the wreckage."
"Yeah, static man ain't make it out the hospital dog. That [__] sometimes they could go in and make it out, you know what I'm saying?"
"It's a struggle but it's like a beautiful thing."
"Life is not easy. Without suffering, we would not understand the true meaning of joy."
"We had to fight to get a meal, wrongfully accused."
"My life is great. I understand that. I'm so happy that the 30 years of hard work and just hanging in there it's kind of feel like things are happening but other shit's happening that I'm taking personally and it hurts me."
"Understand that base level of life [ __ ] blows and so if you can walk out at the end of the day with a good group of people you could say you love yourself, you're winning."
"We're all just out here struggling and trying to find our way, and that's okay."
"The limp of this life is worth the joy that comes hereafter."
"Every single person in some way or another is going to suffer in their lives, and it's not just about fixing it, it's about the compassion to let the energies roll in the way that they need to."
"The fight revolves around the concept of time."
"The way Fern's character illustrated her struggle and the reality that many retired individuals are experiencing losses, health, finances, death, etc., very real and touching."
"Life is full of ups and downs you guys are the thing that keeps me going with that fire inside of me and you keep it burning."
"Life is hard and full of pain and but thank you for spending this time with me."
"The most high said nothing is wasted. Let me repeat that for the people in the back. The most high said nothing is wasted. Not them tough times you've been through, that's not wasted. All them nights you shed them tears, that's not wasted, man."
"You never know what people are going through in life, it's cool to be kind."
"Crazy how life works, you got a knot in your chest, imagine how a knife hurts."
"Times are gonna get rough, but I'm here to remind you that Jesus is alive and conquered, and then you have eternal life."
"Life happens, life's stressful, we're all figuring it out."
"Facing death...struggle for life...to see if I can participate."
"Everything you've ever gone through in life has been a struggle... but you are strong enough to endure the fight."
"Life sucks, it's great but it also really [ __ ] sucks sometimes."
"Life is a conflict. You have to fight your way through it, whether you will it or not."
"I just want to survive, people. I want to survive."
"Life is a sea of confusion, sometimes you drown, sometimes you don't."
"The reality is that poor people are already exhausted just by living."
"Everybody is going through something. People only show you their highlights, they don't show you their low-light."
"A story of struggle, survival, and vengeance."
"You're not alone in this battle called life."
"Everybody's entitled to some rough days, that's how life is."
"Every day ain't sweet, every day it's an uphill battle. You better motherfucker believe it."
"At the end of the day, everybody goes through their trials and tribulations."
"Everyone in this world is going through something, bro, everybody is, and because we're all going through something, that's why we're all interconnected."
"Life is hard and yeah, I agree. I agree."
"Pablo's life was constantly on the verge of death."
"It's a relief to people to hear that life is difficult. Everyone feels that way at some time."
"Jacob's life is a life of struggle and a life of conflict."
"Have you ever been at a point in your life where things just aren't going your way? Well, I feel like that's mine right now."
"Cricket was ruining your life. It all became too much."
"I'm just lost, and you know, but this whole thing, it's something I've been going through most of my life, honestly."
"Whatever you do in life is going to be a struggle, so you need to find a struggle that's right for you."
"...what had taken a toll on him was the hardships and misery of life..."
"Let me tell you about my life. I know life is hard. I know it is difficult. I know it feels like God isn't in it. I know it feels as if he's distant..."
"The real struggle of life is how much can you widen your circle of compassion."
"We go to war, and everywhere I look, man, it's like turmoil, and sickness, and... A family member is diagnosed with cancer, another friend dies of addiction."
"All of these things, they all come under the category of resistance."
"Struggles will change and will be different in terms of they'll be harder and easier but at the end of the day they're gonna have to continue to happen until a person dies."
"Every night you cried everything you endured what's going on in your body what's going on in your marriage what's going on in your house what's going on on your job it ain't nothing but a setup."
"It was a very interesting and real honest look at somebody's life dealing with depression and anxiety."
"Patsy Anne lived on the streets... she found refuge in a fancy hotel."
"Life was hard, but it was very sweet."
"It's nobody's fault, we are all just trying to live on."
"The two become comrades-in-arms who fight against the uncertainty of life."
"We have seen the shame and the loneliness and the failure and the unwanted pregnancies; we have seen dreams shattered and deferred."
"Do you ever feel like life is nothing but one long ongoing battle?"
"The things that are the most meaningful to us in life are the things that we had to struggle through."
"We have to flip it on its head and love the fact that life continues to attack us."
"Be nice to people; we're all going through some. No one's life is perfect, and we're all dealing with stuff."
"Recognizing that to live is to suffer in so many ways and that you don't want to contribute to that suffering."
"Making ends meet until they meet the end."
"It's rare you see a black man in the community for real, for real, going through the grind of life."
"Poverty, hardships, misfortune, difficulties challenge our energy and perseverance but bring the strongest qualities of the soul to life."
"Enjoy the kid stages, that is the years you are enjoying before bills jump you, bro, because this is not a game. I'm out here fighting for my life."
"It's okay to like what you like, it's okay to feel like you're alone, it's okay to struggle with life; tokusatsu will be there."
"Life is hard, I know the challenges."
"I work so hard to make a life here, and I know it's not mine."
"Life's gonna throw you around, it's going to throw you a curveball, it's coming to break you, life's coming."
"I'm going to say a tragedy. I got some love, some hard work, some kind of depression, a bunch of fighting, and a bunch of partying. It looks like just a tragedy."
"His story has helped countless people struggling with addiction and all other sorts of issues through this life."
"It's not impossible, there's some struggles sometimes, but that's just the way anything in life is."
"Life is hard, but friends are so good. I can't do life without friends."
"Don't be hard on yourself; life is hard. We all have good days, we all have bad days."
"It allows us to increase our good luck, to balance out bad luck, to help bring new money into our life when we're struggling."
"Life is very complicated, and you don't win them all, but you keep fighting."
"This is a very wise person who has learned through so much struggle."
"The album tells a story of growing up into adulthood and struggling to figure out how to move forward."
"When you are in trouble, when you're battling depression, when you're battling sickness, when you're battling rebellion in your children, when you're battling financial problems, whatever you're battling, quote the Word of God over your circumstances."
"Man is born unto trouble as the sparks fly upward; not all are called upon to shed blood, but every individual is called upon to shed tears at one time or another."
"We have this increase in inequality that sees people kind of join gangs for status; we have rising drug use because people basically are trying to escape the drudgery of their lives, low pay, long hours, all these sorts of things."
"It's like people sharing any other part of their life, a negative part of their life, if it's to help people."
"Everybody has challenges, everybody has bumps in the road."
"I didn't really want to live anymore, to be honest."
"The game is being played between dark and light, and it always is going to be played."
"As much as we go through on a daily basis in this world just trying to figure out this thing called life, as hard as that is, we're all gonna have our good days and our bad days, but things get better."
"He could feel the pains and trouble she had endured throughout her life being removed from her soul."
"Oh, it's a jungle out there, I tell you."
"If you're doing fine, there's some people and I who have a really tough time getting through this life, so excuse us while we sing to the sky."
"It's messy, it's somber, but it's authentic."
"Everything that he's gone through in life, the sacrifice his family has made."
"Tired of living up at hell when I know Heaven is free, and nothing really more important than protecting peace."
"I just don't know what to do with my life anymore, I try every day, and people just keep hating."
"The narrative reflects our own individual struggle throughout life, not just necessarily from a religious point of view, but in a more human sense."
"Life is combat with the forces of evil."
"We kind of go through these phases and we live paycheck to paycheck, from tragedy to tragedy, from family loss to family loss, and we kind of always just on the ropes just trying to hang in there."
"We all are the same, a lot of us are alike though, a lot of us went through the same stuff."
"Decades of struggling with God and wrestling with life and sadness all was being washed away like a river of pain gone into Oblivion."
"When you're sure you've had enough of this life, don't let yourself go."
"Every single downfall in my life, moments of pain, suffering struggle, paycheck to paycheck makes now everything makes sense."
"I saw a quote once it said you don't know what someone has been through to get to where they are now."
"Life is about difficulties which you try to overcome."
"Everyone is going through something; you just don't know what it is."
"It becomes just like every part of brokenness of life, an opportunity to grieve with hope."
"It's amazing how much can go wrong in a life, and if somehow the end comes together well, it's as though it makes sense of an otherwise miserable life."
"Breaking out of those cages that life has held them in for so long."
"People who have gone through the valley... these are the kind of folks that have greater empathy for people that are going through it right now."
"Harder when your whole life is on fire, though."
"Chasing highs to stay alive, but if I'm with you I'll survive."
"You never know what somebody's going through, man, you never know."
"You're going to need faith just to live, just to deal with living, just to deal with your future dreams and visions, just to fulfill your aspirations and your ambition."
"Everybody has good days, bad days, struggles, and it's okay to feel sad sometimes."