
Retirement Planning Quotes

There are 638 quotes

"Retiring wealthy is really just about consistency and preparation, and the sooner you start, the richer you'll become."
"I want you to be an aggressive investor because social security is becoming a thing of the past, and pensions are becoming history."
"By your 50s and 60s, you should focus on what you're retiring to, not just what you're retiring from, to ensure fulfillment and purpose in later life."
"If you believe that garbage of go to school, get a job and retire forever on a 401k or a government pension, you might be sadly disappointed."
"The ability to move College savings plans into Roth IRAs is a significant change introduced by Secure Act 2.0."
"Discipline, that's you deferring a portion of your salary towards your employer's retirement plan, the 401(k), that's the money that's getting invested, giving it enough time with the free match, and this thing, you are going to turn that one dollar not into 88 dollars, you're going to turn it into 176."
"Every dollar that you can invest has the potential to turn into 88 by the time that you turn 65."
"Maximize the 401(k) by, at the same time, maximizing your Roth IRA."
"The whole idea with the Roth IRA is you pay taxes on your money right now... then when you hit the retirement age you can pull your money out and you don't have to pay taxes."
"In your 50s, it's about finishing the puzzle... getting the final pieces put into place of your financial independence."
"Measure twice, cut once; get a full retirement plan analysis done."
"If you're not saving for your own retirement, you're leaving behind a horrible legacy for your kids."
"The reason that you save for retirement is to cover the expenses for your future self. So if you have to begin using retirement assets now, you're essentially borrowing from your future self."
"Figuring out how much you need to retire and figuring out the best way to get there is going to be something that you have to take the responsibility for."
"People don't save early enough for retirement. Even a small amount of money invested early on, because of compound interest, can give you quite the nest egg."
"If you start investing a hundred dollars a month when you're just 21 years old...you are going to retire with more than one million dollars."
"If you don't have the right mindset, I don't care what you're doing with numbers two through six because you are not going to be able to retire wealthy."
"Toxicity is a measurement that matters if you'd like to make it to retirement."
"Retirement is not about whether you can downgrade. It's about whether you're making a decision based on emotions or a well-thought-out plan."
"If you want to replace 100% of your pre-retirement income, how much do you need?"
"What is health care going to cost for retirees? Over your lifetime, you're anticipated to spend about $316,000."
"The easiest way to determine how to retire is to determine how much money we need to retire."
"We're investing 25% of the household income on a monthly basis, you guys are going to retire multi-millionaires."
"But advocates argue that by doing some simple math, following important strategies, and abiding by the famous four percent rule, or some variant, financial freedom is achievable earlier than most expect."
"We've got to get back to a Canada that has jobs that are enough for a family to live on, where people can expect a decent pension at the end."
"The main factor in how much money you have in retirement isn't based on how much money that you invest. It's how much time you allow that money to grow."
"Our pension system has changed dramatically. People aren't going to have pensions like they used to."
"Choosing the right retirement account that best suits your needs is a vital step in making sure you are well prepared for retirement."
"The best way to build up a nest egg for retirement is to start saving early."
"Retirement is the single biggest reason why people save."
"The most important step in planning for retirement is to start with a clear understanding of your current financial situation."
"If you're behind on your retirement savings, it's never too late to start. Every little bit you save now can make a significant difference later."
"When you're going to retire, it's not just about the numbers; it's about your lifestyle, health, and personal goals as well."
"It's reasonably simple to reduce the costs in most, if not all, of these areas without reducing the consumption or the enjoyment of the person in retirement."
"Avoiding taxation on your Social Security benefits will add on average about seven years to your retirement income."
"The phasing out of defined benefit pensions...transferred the burden of retirement funding away from the company and onto the employee."
"In retirement, it's likely that the majority of your income is going to come from your pensions, which is why if you want to achieve the highest income possible, you need to optimize your pension to reduce the amount of tax you pay when taking money out."
"It's time that a lot of people realistically are starting to think about their retirement."
"I'm actually planning on retiring my husband from corporate life."
"Objects should not touch because they are not alive."
"We want to be comfortable in retirement and live our lives the way we want."
"If you're able to save just fifteen dollars a day in a Roth IRA beginning at the age of 20..."
"One way to assure the value of your retirement plan is zero is to not invest a penny, and zero is guaranteed."
"If you have not started investing for retirement yet at 30, I'm not here to tell you that all is lost, because it's not."
"Please start your retirement now is the time the younger the better your future self will thank you."
"Goldco is a patriot gold company that specializes in helping you find out how you can protect your retirement with the trustworthiness of gold and silver."
"The railroad retirement is incredible, but not so incredible that you should keep a job making the absolute ceiling on your ability to progress."
"I don't want to talk about 18 children being slaughtered by a cowardly satanic piece of worthless filth. I have no commentary to offer on this. I have nothing but anger and confusion and I have prayers."
"The amount of people who have the opportunity to open a 401k and just pass up free money astounds me."
"Method number one is to pay off your debt but then next best thing that you can do with your ten thousand dollars is to actually open a retirement account."
"You could practically buy a small portion of every single stock in existence."
"You could safely spend four percent of your portfolio every single year without running out of money."
"Roth 401 Ks are an amazing tax-free wealth building hack."
"Thank God for my friends at goldco who have made sure that us slightly offensive backers have a way that we can protect our retirement and our savings."
"I got to the point where I knew I would not have to work when I hit... two million dollars."
"This way you can retire or have financial independence earlier."
"Every dollar you put in, the government's essentially funding a third of that contribution."
"Once you get your Roth dollars in the bucket, then you're going to get in your pre-tax dollars."
"Distributions for qualified medical expenses are completely tax free."
"Retirement plans are one of the best places to legally hide money from the government."
"You're kind of limited in your 30s with how much you can actually build up these buckets."
"The vast majority of people should file at age 70 if they want to maximize their social security benefit. The payment is over 50% higher at age 70 versus age 62."
"Get started here, but what I want you to remember is that this is not where your retirement planning should end."
"It's irresponsible for a parent not to take care of themselves for retirement."
"I realized that people die, but I turned 60 last year. I'll turn 70 in 10 years. I hope to never retire."
"Investing now gives your money more time to grow and allows for a better retirement."
"Many people opt for the 401k because they feel their tax rate is going to be higher when they're working than when they're retired."
"You're not retiring for a year or three years, you're retiring hopefully for 20, 30, 40 years."
"This is the big boy, the mega backdoor Roth."
"Get peace of mind, you will know the minimum guaranteed value of your plan on the day that you tap into it."
"By 65, you want to make sure you have at least a few million to live the rest of your life off of."
"You can do your backdoor Roth at any age and any income level."
"Financial Security and being able to retire."
"By the age of 30, almost everybody recommends that you have the equivalent of one year of your salary saved and invested."
"Understanding Advanced investing strategies, hedging techniques, even more simple things like understanding the different retirement accounts that are available to you."
"Even if the market does crash unless you're within a few years of retirement chances are that's just a good time to keep buying even more."
"I want families to be able to retire with dignity, be able to change their family tree, and be able to live well."
"If you're relying on the government for your retirement, you're doing yourself a tremendous disservice. No one cares about your freedom more than you."
"Saving everything for retirement makes no sense."
"The real takeaway should be to live in a financially prudent way to start investing, not to stop. The sooner and the more you invest, the faster you'll be able to retire."
"At some points you'll be able to retire off of your portfolio. That's the goal with investing."
"If you keep investing then you'll retire in your dividend someday."
"Save at least 15 to 20 percent of your net annual income for investing and retirement."
"If you put $100 a month away into an investment account every month until you retire, that alone would be a million dollars."
"Recent reports have found that less than 30% of American workers are on track to retire at all, and even fewer think they will have a comfortable retirement and they might be right."
"Retiring with a home, means that even modest retirement savings or a pension can go a very long way when compared to someone who will need to stretch those payments to cover rent."
"Simple low-cost target date funds is a great way to go."
"You will end up with 3.2 million dollars that you don't have to pay any taxes on."
"Do yourself a favor and open up a retirement account."
"An HSA is like a Roth IRA on steroids, so it's extremely important to take advantage of it if you're able to."
"If you maxed out your HSA at $7,200 per year as a family over 30 years, then at a 7% return, your account would grow to $680,000 of tax-free money."
"You got to be saving 40% of your income for the next 30 years to be able to live a retirement where you're just pulling out half of your final salary before you hit retirement."
"Retirement is the state at which you never need to work again and yet your money will last you the rest of your life."
"Retirement will last 30 years... people really want to retire earlier as well as life expectancies are getting a lot longer."
"I'm a big fan of maxing out your Roth and any kind of matches that you get for retirement Accounts at your workplace."
"You could be a multi-millionaire by the time you retire."
"Retirement enriched by the stability and growth potential of silver becomes not just feasible but firmly within grasp."
"Silver emerges as a versatile element, a beacon guiding us toward a retirement that promises security and prosperity."
"The journey to a secure and prosperous retirement is a mosaic of informed choices and strategic investments."
"Ted Benna changed everything with the 401K plan."
"More than 50% of retirees have Social Security as their only source of retirement income."
"You do not have to work nine to five for 40 years to retire on 40 of what you couldn't afford to live on in the first place."
"If the 401k stop working and stuff like this."
"The less you spend, the faster you're going to retire."
"Just because you retire just because you're approaching retirement just because you cross that threshold into Financial Independence doesn't mean your money stops working."
"I'll retire you and then you can go and do something with basketball or something you really want to do."
"The dangers for global markets and your retirement accounts as most people lose almost everything during an economic reset."
"It's just something that's very sobering and tells us all that we're not safe any of us for having a job to retirement."
"Start from the ending in mind. When do I want to have the option to retire?"
"You gotta really ask yourself: By what age do you want to have the option to work or not to work?"
"If you want to be financially free, don't depend on Social Security. Blaze your own trail."
"If your dream is to retire early, enjoy that sweet life on a beach where nobody can bother you and live a life of Plenty."
"As long as you're a statistical outlier, you'll probably make it to retirement."
"The average American should have in retirement minimum two million dollars."
"What we tell our clients is that if you earn six percent a year on your assets for the rest of your life, I guarantee you won't retire."
"Take advantage of any employer-sponsored retirement plan matching. Always take it. This one thing can make you tens of thousands of dollars for free."
"Contribute some of that to a Roth IRA. Everything money makes you within a Roth IRA is going to be completely tax-free by the time you're 59 and a half."
"Always meet the match. Always meet the match."
"The goal is to have the most fun and do awesome things, not just think about how to save for retirement."
"Property is a good tool for income, but retirement plans offer guaranteed income in tough times."
"If you are not contributing to your 401(k) plan, you are making one of the biggest mistakes out there."
"Not starting my Roth IRA earlier when I first started working is one of my biggest financial regrets."
"We don't have the pensions, we don't have the defined benefits anymore."
"That's unacceptable... we have zero for retirement so that's unacceptable we do not accept that."
"If you're already saving for retirement and/or your kids' college, that's awesome for you."
"Stocks is a key wealth building tool and should definitely be part of somebody most people are investing in stock market without them even knowing it because of the form on k plan."
"After years and years of putting money into retirement accounts at some point the IRS is going to flip the script on you and actually force you to start taking money out of your retirement accounts."
"These stocks could help you grow your wealth, become financially independent, and potentially even retire early in life."
"Planning on retiring and leaving for good as the host of drama on my 40th birthday."
"You need to be putting your 15% aside for retirement, and that part of your list is increased giving as your income increases."
"People generally retire at 50 because they have enough money saved up, not because they want to mooch off their kids."
"Retiring on a tight budget is unfortunately more common than not."
"Don't just think about what you are retiring from, know exactly what it is you are retiring to."
"Financial independence retire early... the dream is that we all know."
"We want to flip that. What if we only worked for 20 years and we got to enjoy retirement for a lot longer?"
"The real path to millionaire status before you’re spending it on adult undergarments and denture cream is in creating a business."
"Investing for retirement while having high-interest debt is like running on a treadmill and trying to lose weight while eating a cake."
"So, when it comes to understanding where should you pull funds from first in retirement..."
"How many of you guys thought you were getting ready to retire?"
"A Roth IRA circumvents the tax you would owe because you paid your taxes already upfront on the money you invested leaving you with the entire amount completely tax-free at the age of 59 and a half."
"What's retirement? Oh, retirement. Oh, that's after you work 40 years in a job you hate so you save enough money to do things you love."
"It's really just as simple as this all you got to do is invest $8 a day in a Roth IRA within an SP 500 index fund with the dividends reinvested and within 42 years you're gonna have over 1 million dollars tax-free adjusted for inflation."
"If you want to retire right now, according to CNBC, you need something like 1.7 million dollars or at least a net worth something around there."
"Getting rich enough to retire only takes about 10 years."
"For most Americans, 1.7 million is the magic retirement number."
"If you actually wanted to have the government involved in retirement... you would set up personalized savings accounts."
"Let's build a retirement system we can all rely on."
"Would you be willing to delay your retirement plans by two years if it means that your child was happy with their career for the rest of their life? I'd take that trade any day of the week."
"What if you could live off your investments without ever having to sell shares?"
"Living on borrowed time, retirement money is living on real time."
"Invest for wealth building. $100 a month into a decent growth stock mutual fund in a Roth IRA... by the age of 70, $100 a month will be 1.17 six million dollars."
"It might have been questionable whether you would take a penalty to get your money out of your pension fund, but right now it's a lot easier to make that decision."
"Life is tough sometimes. It's not their fault sometimes they plan poorly, but whatever the case is, they aren't ready to retire."
"My next video is how to retire in five to seven years starting with nothing. It's something that a lot of people encounter unfortunately, but there is a very specific way to manage the road ahead."
"You need to look at all these athletes show your life and they start naming a few athletes like yo this guy's broke, this guy's broke, these guys broke because all they do is they don't think about at some point you have to retire."
"The odds of you retiring a millionaire greatly accelerate when you own real estate."
"Investing about 15% if you really want to retire and retire comfortably."
"Dividends are an amazing way to create your own pension-like stream of income and even a small amount can start lowering your stresses about money, your job, and your future."
"Your originals, that's your 401k, that will be what gets you through your retirement."
"Your health, your life expectancy... financial circumstances also come into play here."
"If you're planning on starting to take your OAS at age 65 and you're still earning high income at age 64 above that threshold you will have all of your OAS clawed back."
"I fear a crash or a reset that kills the pensions of people who are planning to retire."
"You've made it through all seven baby steps, and cue the Disney music right, it's time for dreams come true, pixie dust, let's go."
"So I would go ahead and do your 15% all in the Roth 401k now."
"The idea of mini retirements is that instead of waiting until you're 65 to have your 30 years of retirement, why not spread your retirements throughout your life?"
"Choosing a harder life now leads to an easy life later... Working hard now, saving money is going to give you an easier retirement."
"I bought my folks a retirement house for them to relax instead of working so hard."
"15% of your household income into retirement at Baby Step Four."
"You better be conservative because that is a lot of time you're actually living off these assets significantly longer than you work to build those assets."
"It may not be the ideal mathematically, but it can be the thing that helps someone mentally and emotionally become comfortable with the idea of retiring if worry and stress is the only thing realistically holding them back."
"Bitcoin, litecoin, ethereum... Noble Gold Investments... move some or all of your 401 or IRA into cryptos."
"Don't defer your retirement until the age of 65. Try taking a few weeks off work and going to a beach."
"Guys taking control of their own situation and retiring on their own terms."
"I would like to retire early at 62 and just do this Etsy and Facebook Marketplace full time."
"More and more people are moving to small and Rural towns to retire or work remotely—there's a lot of great places... those towns aren't on this list."
"Grandma's retirement fund and pension fund almost just got completely liquidated."
"Max out your retirement accounts and contribute to your future."
"Income investors typically only touch or spend their income they never touch their capital... only dependent on time itself."
"Most people own one property in their lives... imagine retiring with ten."
"I'm gonna trade more in my IRA account next year - the gains are totally tax-free."
"Could you retire today if you wanted to and live happily ever after?"
"I want to be able to retire my mom. She deserves the best."
"It's basically impossible to save money for things like leisure time or retirement."
"Maximize your 401k benefit. If you don't, it is really just giving up on free money."
"You might need to work longer than 65... I would plan on that."
"Investing for the first time can be scary, but it's a whole new world that most of us are never exposed to."
"Your 401k or IRA shouldn't be your sole retirement plan; consider investing outside of tax-deferred accounts."
"10 million is the greatest retirement fund most people could ever imagine."
"You ain't ready to have a conversation with me if you thinking the best thing you got is a 401k."
"The people in our 75-year study who were the happiest in retirement were the people who had actively worked to replace workmates with new playmates."
"Long-term investments are really what you want to be looking out for your retirement fund."
"The road to retirement may not be paved with stock certificates and mutual funds like it has been for the past 40 years."
"Having a purpose in life is a fundamental human need and it's the other cornerstone to a successful retirement."
"There's a lot of people with 401ks um they're worried about their retirement."
"The task at hand is Amir Khan. Retirement is not even on my mind right now."
"A retirement is so important because like I know when I was young I was like I'm not worried about that like when I'm 40 or 50 or 60 and now I turn 40 and I was like thank God I started at 32."
"Just stick with it. Now you're gonna retire in ten years on a $70,000 salary."
"They walked away from that meeting fully knowing that they could retire if they really needed to."
"You might be worried about what happens to your retirement plan."
"The very last thing you want to do is enter retirement guessing, guessing how much you can afford to spend."