
Financial Discipline Quotes

There are 247 quotes

"The reality is, building long-term sustainable wealth and growing it in the stock market is not easy...it's all about just consistently investing every week or every month and letting your investments grow and compound over time."
"You are someone who's very financially disciplined; you make wise decisions with your money."
"If you don't already have that structure and discipline before you get that money, you definitely ain't gonna have it when they give you more."
"The formula for wealth creation is you definitely need to have the discipline to live on less than you make."
"The discipline you exhibit today will determine the amount of dollars you have in the future."
"In investing, whether the market is good or bad, you have to be able to make money."
"What gives you the discipline to save your money is hard because when you're young... you want to shine."
"Life is expensive, especially when you're just starting out your career, but I do believe it's possible you will be able to buy a home if you're disciplined in your career and save money."
"I am disciplined and consistent with my financial strategy."
"To keep greed in check, consider setting a firm profit target."
"There is no magic formula to live beneath your means. It takes determination and it takes you deciding, 'I'm going to do it.'"
"All of this is irrelevant if you can't find a way to have good trading psychology or discipline is what this is also known as."
"Congratulations, you have unlocked a level which no one unlocks: keeping losses small and winners big."
"A cash account teaches you patience and discipline."
"Have that discipline to take some profits, get some cash, stay liquid."
"As long as you are disciplined with your finances, you overcome any type of financial obstacle."
"My low buy year forced me to attack this problem and to start putting real money down on this loan to get it out of my life and for me to finally become financially free."
"Trading is very hard, it's doable but it's going to require a lot of effort, a lot of time, and a lot of discipline."
"We got to stop playing, we got to be resourceful, we got to get out of debt."
"Learn to say no; prioritize saving over unnecessary spending."
"There's some pain involved in living like no one else so that later you can live and give like no one else."
"The reason why people don't get rich is because they let their emotions run wild."
"Spending properly then is just the culmination of making good decisions over and over and over again day in and day out."
"Financial discipline is key to wealth building."
"Another great thing that gives me a lot of financial discipline is this recycling boxes."
"We set the trends in the market as well, we make companies high and once you understand the disciplines of how to trade in the market, you can use that same discipline when you're trading crypto."
"Wealthy people get rich and stay rich by living below their means and always, no matter how much money they make, always putting money aside to pay themselves first."
"A good trade is not a trade that makes money, a good trade is a trade that follows your rules."
"The worst thing you can have happen is make money not following your rules."
"Remember, a good trade is not a trade that makes money, a good trade is a trade that follows your rules."
"Investing is a blood sport, but the best thing to do is focus on very few assets and become very disciplined."
"The key to success isn't just in making profits, but in sustaining them through disciplined trading."
"Having a plan and sticking to it is crucial in trading."
"Saving for retirement demands a real level of discipline when it comes to delayed gratification."
"Believe it or not, that's the key, a little self-discipline."
"Practicing deferred gratification is the hardest part."
"FOMO is how you lose money. Stay disciplined, be patient."
"That's a really smart question, and I think because of my upbringing, I never quite fell prey to lifestyle inflation."
"If we were disciplined at all times throughout our lives, we would probably be able to save a much higher rate."
"You don't have to make money every day. Your goal is to not dig yourself such a big hole."
"We're very strict on we don't buy anything unless we can buy cash."
"I deserve that right but am I gonna do that nah Dave Ramsey got me."
"Dollar cost averaging is disciplined and systematic."
"Remember, you're in the space to invest, not to speculate."
"Now I take it way more serious so I journal every single trade I make."
"The way you build wealth is not hard or a secret, it's about working hard and making the right choices with your money."
"Before you can really see any success in the investing world, you gotta stop spending money on things that aren't making you any money."
"The number one thing to keep in mind when trading in actual moment, the number one thing, is to follow your plan. You should be trading your plan and planning your trade, right?"
"When he sank by you remember what he said? 'He's gonna be the next great defender in the world.' Look what I have to buy you right now."
"Just take one to two trades a day and accept the loss before you even enter the trade."
"The thing about emotions, you're right. Emotions wreck your trading."
"Remember, leave your emotions at the door when investing."
"Not letting your last trade affect your next trade."
"Stay disciplined and keep to your long-term investment discipline."
"It's important to have a trading plan... any deviation from that plan is what is going to make that plan not work as intended."
"Just take time to budget for it, right? And if it cannot fit in the budget, ask yourself, 'Hey, is it necessary? Is it a sacrifice? Is it something that I can sacrifice or see how do I afford to pay for it, right?'"
"Trading isn't about the best prediction. Trading is about risk management, setting the right stop losses and having good money management."
"Prevent blow-up days by setting a hard stop for yourself at three times your risk per trade."
"Discipline around money is what builds the trust for your partner to trust you."
"Let this fear drive you to none of us are eating out nobody's getting new shoes none of us are going to the movies we're cutting all the subscriptions we're getting rid of everything so we can get this crap done."
"Almost all millionaires are frugal people who had good financial principles and were disciplined over a long period of time."
"Greed and fear are the two main emotions that traders must control. Overtrading and revenge trading are common pitfalls."
"You should never pay a single dime in interest. You should always pay off your entire credit card in full at the end of every month."
"Stay disciplined when it comes to Money Matters."
"Discipline and consistency prevent people from losing money or turning a winning date into a losing day."
"Don't get greedy, stay focused, stay disciplined, play the long game." - CryptoCasey
"Not following my trading plan was really hurting me."
"Live below your means, stop spending money you don't have."
"The richer I become, the more I live beneath my means."
"Spending less than what you earn and investing the difference is the secret sauce."
"You got to spend less than what you earn."
"It's the same thing with saving; if it's just sitting there, there's no intention behind it, it's very difficult to not spend it."
"If you actually put money away and don't spend all of it, you're actually quite wealthy."
"You either tell your money what to do or you wonder where it went."
"It's really easy to get into this bag holder mentality. But a question people should ask themselves is if you sold all of it today, would you buy back the same amount?"
"The disciplined investor must honor the financial laws of gravity."
"My rule is, as long as I invest $100,000 every single month in my investment portfolio."
"Live like a college student. Economy means living within your means."
"Have a no-spend week or weekend to cut down unnecessary spending."
"The gist of really saving on a consistent basis is doing little things every day sprinkled in with a little bit of patience. That is really the magic combination that will get you where you want to go financially."
"Tracking is so popular I don't have to track every single dollar I'm making now because I have these habits in place where it feels wrong to spend money on dumb things."
"By spending money today on things that you don't really need, you rob your future self of the wealth that it deserves."
"I feel like I've gotten much better with my spending. I give myself rules when it comes to shopping. I no longer allow myself to buy more than three things at one place because I feel like anything beyond three is impulse shopping."
"I've managed to get together a little budget to put towards clothes by doing things like canceling any unwanted subscriptions and limiting the food and coffees I buy when I'm out."
"Make sure you're being disciplined with your finances."
"I use debt. I don't let debt use me. I pay off all of my credit cards every month down to zero balance and I pay and we've done as much as 450,000 on our credit card in a single month."
"Financial discipline is very, very important. Going into business goes beyond just having a plan, a plan is very important, it's very crucial."
"Does this require you to exercise discipline? 100 because it is tough to put little money aside for a goal that you think is far far away."
"Don't stop here and don't go over our budget, we should be fine."
"If you can't afford to buy a cash, you can't buy it. I'm strict, yes, agreed."
"It's okay to work a lot it's okay to have Financial discipline it's okay to go through a season of your life where you sacrifice lots of things including time in order to get wealthy."
"Once we can get in control of overspending, we can start increasing that space, that gap between our income and our expenses."
"The fifth and final step to really paying down this debt as fast as possible is to not make the same mistakes that got you into this financial mess in the first place."
"Because if you do not have the financial discipline to understand how to control your spending, you will never have the opportunity to build wealth."
"Just having that budget in place will really make you think twice about every single purchase that you make."
"I eliminated as many bills as possible and started tracking every single penny that I spent."
"The idea of a set amount they have to save every single day week month, whatever it is, and end up with what is actually quite a surprising amount of cash at the end."
"I had a hundred thousand dollars invested in a brokerage account before I bought anything designer, before I buy anything designer, before I bought any luxury car, I had a hundred thousand dollars saved."
"Save and save until it hurts. Saving is a cornerstone of wealth building, so get in the habit early and save until it hurts."
"There's always a way to get back on the path and get back to that frugality that you've been walking in."
"You want to be investing your money instead of spending it."
"I deny myself things all the time. No, no, no, that's not the kind of denial I'm talking about. I'm talking about you're denying that you spent money."
"Hustle like you are broke. Right now you're broke. You're like just dead broke."
"Going into debt is like the ultimate form of instant gratification."
"The reason why some of y'all can't save is because you spend money on things you don't need."
"Just because you see your income going up doesn't mean that your expenses have to go up."
"You need to budget. You must have a list of the needs and the wants, not just keep on spending, spending, spending."
"It's like being able to have a budget be like [__] that I'm going to cap myself up like if I go shopping somewhere I cap myself up at a certain number and be like I'm going to see what work with this in this range you know what I'm saying."
"...we were saving half of our income at the time and that's what helped us to get to a really stronger financial position."
"I think it's important to be wise with your spending habits because many of the people who have advanced past middle class have done so because they have good spending habits."
"You use a grocery list and buy only what is on that grocery list. Becoming more intentional with your money is easier to do when you only buy what's on your list."
"Resist charging your room to gamble or using credit cards in the ATM. Only take that amount that you could afford to lose."
"What is your comfort number? The amount of money you can spend on a challenge that will make you take it seriously."
"The most common thread among all millionaires is their ability to discipline and live below their means."
"Investing in discipline and good choices builds passive income like investments."
"No more financing anything that does not pay you. Period."
"I think if you really are serious about it, you can put some money aside and then you can approach trading the right way."
"Whatever you get, be satisfied and don't spend your money until you get it. So many people get in debt."
"Even just a small amount of money, even through your leanest times, you're going to build up some muscle memory."
"You got to find that balance and you don't know where that balance is, be disciplined with the money, keep your money moving and rolling right."
"I was saving at least three thousand dollars a month."
"The joy of completing the month of budget is worth more than a night out which costs you a hangover and an overdraft increase."
"I saved $700 in just not spending that I would be a monster with a credit card... It really desensitizes you."
"Rich people don't ask how much down and how much a month, they ask how much. They avoid payments, they pay for it or they don't buy it, and that's what got them to be rich and keeps them rich."
"Budgeting, a clear strict budget that you don't break, has been life-transforming for me."
"Always be buying. Automate the wealth building process."
"I got more enjoyment I think from saving than I did from spending."
"If every time you ask yourself that question, you only buy needs, you'll be amazed at how much more money you have."
"But I'm glad I let Dion take the car because I be trying to run away from responsibilities and go out and spend money but I am forced to stay in the house and get some [ __ ] done."
"If you can't pay cash for it immediately, you can't do it."
"It's really about weighing trade-offs. And I think one of the biggest 'aha' moments for me when it came to overspending is that mantra that we talk about a lot is, 'Check the budget first.'"
"Saving anything is fantastic because so many people in America are like, 'Oh, I'll do that next year,' and next year never comes."
"Number two habit: eating out and overspending on food."
"A budget is only good if you stick to it, right? So I do want to also track my spending and make sure I'm sticking to how things are supposed to go."
"You set such a great example that it can be done no matter your situation, your circumstances. If you're willing to buckle down, get on a budget and do the work, it can be done. Yes, amen. I'm so proud of you, thank you."
"I ate ramen noodles for three years, put 90% of my money to my loans, paid them off. I had a party when I paid them off."
"Before I impulse spend, I would impulsive invest."
"Don't spend more money than you have each year."
"And honestly, like, it's amazing Melody, a lot of times all we need to do to get ahead, to get a great deal and stay disciplined."
"The key around that is to have a plan as to when you stop."
"Give us the type of discipline to stack my money even when somebody else needs some money."
"If you're broke and you want to get out of that, one of the ways to stop being broke is to discipline yourself."
"I learned the principles of paying tithing and the blessings that follow."
"The first thing you got to do is stop the losing."
"Once you're able to understand these differences, there is never going to be a day where you blow that account because of a drawdown limit or because of a daily drawdown limit."
"Stick to your budget and don't chase comps."
"Developing a detailed trading plan for your ideas is essential."
"Change behavior and develop better money habits."
"Tithing is God's management training program."
"My spending ban is going fantastic."
"The typical millionaire... they've been patient and diligent with their savings."
"If you've done really well for three or four months and you've saved the amount you wanted to save every single month, stop being hard on yourself."
"It doesn't matter how much you make. The discipline you're trying to achieve is to discipline yourself to save something out of whatever it is that you're making."
"I've never carried credit card debt month-to-month."
"This is what happens when you save your money, this is what happened when you discipline yourself."
"Don't spend more than 60 percent on expenses."
"If you can exercise discipline and you have time, it does not take a whole lot of money to end up with a whole lot of money."
"Make sure that you're financially disciplined in whatever you do and start small."
"I am very disciplined about cutting losses."
"I'm able to invest my entire military salary into my 401k and I max out my IRA every year."
"Just one year of financial sacrifice can change your life."
"Saving is just a series of disciplined decisions, nothing more, nothing less."
"You get out of debt quicker than you think when you discipline yourself."
"Manage your trades properly and start to manage your risk properly."
"I do not make mistakes with money; that's too damn important to me."
"Financial discipline is knowing when to say, 'I really don't need that. Why am I buying this? I don't need this.'"
"What is a no buy year? In short, it is a period of time where you curb your spending to either get out of debt or to save for something or just to learn or unlearn bad money habits."
"You've got to hit your target and the way you do it is you have the discipline not to spend money on crap you don't need."
"It really is a marathon of paying off your bill on time every month."
"There are ways to not go broke, you just have to be disciplined."
"I think a lot of Traders would benefit if they treated their trading like a business."
"Making big money does not matter if you can't keep it."
"The company does have this financial discipline to keep its debt low relative to earnings."
"Just take your trade, trust your strategy."
"I'm really trying to tighten my stops with that in mind."
"Bulletproof yourself to master the markets with disciplined confidence and a winning mindset."
"Be grateful when it comes to Forex Trading. Don't be greedy."
"We never want to allow our emotions to dictate our behavior when it comes to investing."
"You are basically only spending money on your essential needs."
"Never ever ever touch the piggy bank because once you touch the piggy bank, you stop compounding."
"When you begin to bank and you discipline yourself and you begin to see your resources increase, it encourages you to continue doing it."
"Delayed gratification will help you, and that's like putting a lasso around your spending."
"Make sure you're putting a lot of that money into investments and not just increasing lifestyle."
"When you budget, you spend money wisely but still allow yourself money to spend."
"You're not going to spend the money you're saving for the emergency fund buying groceries because it's not in the groceries category, it's in the emergency fund category."
"It's about building the habit and consistency of saving money."
"If you want to be congruent with wealth, this is how you will behave."
"You have to have the discipline of your income that you actually defer a small portion of today for that great big beautiful tomorrow."
"Do a no spend month. It's basically a month where you just buy your necessities and essentials."
"I always, always, if I use a credit card, I pay it off every month."
"Discipline with IPOs is your edge."
"I opened a Roth IRA when I was 18 years old and did my very best to put the max in that every single year."
"I'm doing way better with not spending money on stupid stuff."
"Everybody can do this, it just takes you disciplining yourself to save the money, get what you need."
"Being disciplined means paying yourself at least 10 percent."
"A lot of people don't have financial discipline, and that's super important. Don't get caught up in the hype."
"I have majorly reduced what I buy by giving myself spending limits."
"I want to get back in the habit of saving each week a portion of my income."
"We're trying to build a home and we've been working really, really hard at trying to get debt-free first."
"If you are disciplined with your money, then you can get a better return by investing your money yourself."