
Ideologies Quotes

There are 75 quotes

"Ideologies that are out of touch with reality cause people to do things that are impractical, dangerous, and damaging."
"When we think about extremism, we think about extremist ideas. What we don't consider too often is that people can adopt non-extremist ideologies through extremist measures."
"Ideologies are never about equality, they're about control."
"People who defend evil ideologies justify themselves with constant expectations of catastrophe, as if we were in an endless state of war-like emergency that required the suspension of moral order."
"All ideologies lack self-awareness; they refuse to explore new perspectives and have radically new experiences."
"Nazism fascism Marxism all these isms claim to be scientific but in reality are all religions and Cults."
"Beliefs and ideologies are the biggest trap in self-actualization."
"Before you go and judge and assume that they're evil or something like that, you might be surprised to find that their ideologies and religion is quite the opposite."
"Normalcy is what allowed us to come here. The systems that were normal, the institutions that were normal, the beliefs and the ideologies that were normal have led us to this moment, and nothing should be the same ever again."
"The more nonsensical the ideas are, the more they operate like a uniform. If they're everybody, you know you have somebody who's very committed to a cause."
"I never thought we would be debating things that were debated in the '30s - both communism and socialism."
"By actually changing the mechanics surrounding these ideologies, Paradox can finally escape from the propaganda cycle that these games have thus far been trapped in."
"What 'could have been' for both anarchism and communism can, in the imagination of the audience, turn into 'what could be'."
"Signing up to such ideologies needs to be a matter of informed consent."
"Scripture fortifies our way of thinking so we're not swayed by false teachings or ideologies of men."
"We're in an inflection point in history. There's literally a war here. Truth versus lies, freedom versus fascism, health versus disease. That's what this is about."
"Empires fall, ideologies change, and it's because humans are fickle and quick to blame everyone else."
"They oppose liberal policies in classical liberals."
"I completely disavow the support of any groups that hold hateful ideologies."
"The left and the right is basically Collective versus principle."
"Hopefully, that's a shock wave for the system that gets rid of these weirdos who are obsessed about weird stuff ideologies."
"The three expansionist ideologies wanting each having a very open public statement to take over the world."
"Gaming may look like a safe haven for certain ideologies, but the gaming landscape is diverse and everyone's views need to be accounted for."
"Both of them are non-complementary paradigms."
"History has taught us it is not effective to ignore or minimize these kind of ideologies."
"There is a war right now between nationalism and globalism."
"Nobody likes Nazis. I used to think that, now I know. In theory, at least in the 80s when I grew up, nobody liked Nazis."
"All organized societies are cemented together... by ideologies."
"All ideas, beliefs, and ideologies are open to criticism, debate, mocking, ridicule, and other forms of scrutiny. Protect individuals but never ideas and certainly never religious."
"The will to power is critical; it is this cyclical nature of ideologies."
"People get to the end of the rainbow of communism, socialism, Marxism, and they say there's no pot of gold here."
"...I mean Gandhi was a kind of populist."
"People on the right don't like the idea of natural selection and the people on the left don't like the idea of gender roles which is why this whole thing gets pushed into this narrow place."
"There are no southern conservative democrats anywhere, there are no liberal republicans anymore."
"These are stylistic differences, nobody knows the difference between Bernie Sanders' democratic socialism and Elizabeth Warren's capitalism."
"This is a series that tackles real issues, specifically the confliction of different ideologies."
"Identity and dignity were violently stripped from people, and all of these ideologies aim to regain dignity and identity."
"The opposing ideologies that both make sense in their own way is just great writing."
"I remember people would casually drop phrases like Marxism and paradigm shift and I had never heard of either."
"Ideas and ideologies are invading our society... and that's why the truth becomes so critical... because it's the standard by which all other truths should be measured."
"Knowledge is so crucial, knowledge is an ammunition against ignorance against certain ideologies."
"When we hold accountable those who repeat the myths of overpopulation and those who create the conditions for the climate crisis, we're able to make it a lot harder for ugly and violent ideologies to find a comfortable home."
"I hope that we could get to a point one day where people don't have so many ableist ideologies interlocked with their own perceptions of others."
"With that collapse also collapsed ideologies interrelated but of a different kind."
"All political theorists up to now have produced totally unrealistic, imaginary systems."
"Both Marx the hero of Communism and Nietzsche the hero of fascism were spiritually small and shouting and bullying and threatening. They were examples of Machiavelli's philosophy that it is better to be feared than to be loved."
"Ideologies of empire began to emerge."
"Their personal and political ideologies should not be interjected into public safety."
"The choice was never between socialism and capitalism but between governmental hierarchies and commercial hierarchies."
"Post-modernism vs. modernism: life vs. death."
"Drake initially challenged the ideologies of gangster and self-indulgence in a healthy way."
"She was here to teach him how to reconcile them having kind of the same goals and ideologies and then him realizing wait there's something beyond that."
"If you're a socialist, everything is seen through the lens of class. If you're a feminist, everything is seen through the lens of patriarchy."
"We're kind of ruled by slogans and and something that'll come along, critical race theory or feminism or or whatever it may be, but it's there there's really no attempt to give a complete coherent view of reality."
"In the Venture Brothers, good and evil are political ideologies, not systems of morality."
"The republicans... they're out there loud and proud because their political formations, their traditions, their definitions of the terms we use to even think and reason our way through the world were forged in the more brutal chambers of plantation economics."
"Words are not just words, especially when they are rooted in or associated with hateful ideologies."
"Attack on Titan is not just a battle between Titans shifters; it's a battle between conflicting ideologies."
"The newest ideologies are a mere reprise of the oldest."
"We might be able to go beyond leaving social decisions to the over-simple ideologies of so-called leaders."
"People are different, people come from different backgrounds, people come from different ideologies."
"Our invisible ideologies and belief systems... immerse us so completely that we have seen them as reality itself."
"We're told that we live at a time that is sort of beyond ideologies."
"I'm very wary of cults and ideologies because I think that they deliberately, manipulatively cut you off from the rest of the human thought space."
"It showed how two nations once fractured by polarizing Cold War ideologies could peacefully reintegrate."
"It decides to embrace what's always made Star Wars great and to be true to the lore and ideologies that have always been what Star Wars is about."
"I hate groupthink and defeatist ideologies."
"These are great lessons for an ever polarizing world of clashing ideologies."
"Investments made on behalf of the American people by asset managers should serve in the interest of the investor, not woke ideologies being pushed by corporate financial institutions."
"Spiritual warfare is about the destruction of ideas, theories, viewpoints, philosophies, psychologies, religions."
"The world has become the victim of dogmatic political creeds, of which in our day the most powerful are capitalism and communism."