
Trustworthiness Quotes

There are 1589 quotes

"Influencers, many have the personalities of celebrities, most of them, well, they just aren't, and that's why people tend to trust them more. But can they be trusted? Absolutely not."
"When America gives its word, it means something. When we make a commitment, we keep it, and NATO is a sacred commitment."
"Trustworthiness, it's not any really any different than honesty. It's not really any different from telling the truth."
"God is not a man that He should lie, nor is He the son of man that He should repent."
"I always say, judge me by my conduct. If my words align with my conduct, then you can trust me."
"Warmth and trustworthiness has been shown to trump pretty much any other trait."
"I got in this business to learn about it. I've proved to everybody I'm a real dude. Now it's time for me to show everybody I'm a good father, I'm a businessman, I'm a good friend, I can be trusted."
"Jesus doesn't just tell the truth, He's not just about the truth, He is the truth. He is the truth that means Jesus is utterly dependable and trustworthy. You can take Him at His word."
"To be a man who has integrity, to be a man of his word, to be a man that needs only to shake your hand and tell you he's going to do it, and then execute against it."
"When God says something, he's a god of his word. I trust everything he says."
"You can trust this book; it's right about the past, it's right about the present, it's right about the future because it is God's Word."
"He is reliable, trustworthy, unfailing, unwavering, constant, steadfast."
"Our authority figures actually do lie all the time. It shouldn't be particularly controversial to point out that politicians and government officials aren't very trustworthy."
"A person who fulfills the trust of people and restrains himself from hurting the honor of people, that's a man."
"The best of those that you appoint is the strong and the trustworthy one."
"Honest people don't need to convince you they're honest."
"We have this overarching theme in the scriptures... about revealing God to His people and showing the consequences of a trustworthy God and what happens when people trust Him or not."
"He is honest, he is trustworthy, he is considerate."
"This person will be genuine... It is actions that you can trust."
"You guys are really stable people, and you're really trustworthy."
"God wants to know that he can trust you to use the spiritual when the going gets tough."
"If you're reaching out to somebody and they won't tell you a single bad thing about what you're reaching out about, don't trust them, in my opinion."
"Your word is your word, and don't compromise on it."
"Integrity over money always always money comes and goes but your trust in me does not."
"Keep your word. Your reputation depends on it."
"Faith and obedience are two sides of the same coin. Faith is action that begins by thinking it through of whether the one calling me to action is trustworthy."
"Once a snake always a snake. Once a problem always a problem."
"If you've been trusted with something, do right by it, just because somebody can't catch you or they're not there, don't go behind their back."
"Practice being that guy that people can trust."
"The most important value that you can bring to the table is your integrity, is your trustworthiness."
"You quickly become somebody that people trust."
"I don't think Donald Trump can be trusted to uphold the Constitution or indeed any contract that he's ever signed."
"Be consistent because when you're consistent you create more trust in your audience."
"I am making all things new. Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true."
"We all know men lie, women lie, numbers don't."
"One thing you can't say is that I can't be trusted with the deepest of waters."
"To be trustworthy is not more important than to seem to be trustworthy."
"This person clearly should not be trusted with anything, let alone the American people's First Amendment."
"It's not enough to say people don't trust the media if the media doesn't earn trust."
"I'm a man of my word, believe it or not, most of the time."
"Just know that I will never ask for any of your personal information, I will never ask you to pay for shipping, and I will never ask you to download any like weird sketchy apps."
"Science at its core, as long as it is thoroughly and repeatedly and historically cross-checked, is something you should be able to trust in."
"Transparency is key; trust your content creator."
"Trust should be earned, the only person who has to trust is God because he's perfect he has no conflict of interest."
"The number one most important thing when it comes to crypto projects is trust."
"Every word of God is tested; he's a shield of those who take refuge in him." - Proverbs 30
"A promise from the U.S is worth its weight in gold."
"Honest: always speaking the truth, trustworthy."
"We want to be the most trusted company out there in crypto."
"This is a man who makes good on his promises."
"Your word and your handshake should mean something."
"When it comes to understanding and fighting viruses, Dr. Anthony Fauci is the man you want on your side."
"If he's not giving you red flags and he's doing what you need, that's a trustworthy man."
"When a man is trustworthy, he is intentional about demonstrating it before it is required."
"You will go and build up some posts on your page that make it look more trustworthy."
"I want to make as much money as I can. If you said it, you might not mean it. But if I say it, you can take it to the bank."
"CNN is MSNBC masquerading as the most trusted name in news."
"The fact that you can keep a secret is your biggest secret."
"I would never do anything to make a person lose money on this channel, I promise you that."
"Every community needs... accurate, trustworthy information about its own community... if those three things aren't there then you're in a really dangerous situation."
"We have this basic conviction that he is who he says he is and he will keep his every single promise."
"Microsoft has proven itself to not be a trustworthy company."
"Focus a lot on building eat... expertise authoritativeness and trustworthiness."
"The only thing you can trust the Chinese to do is execute whatever plan they have with competence."
"Those who knew him said he had integrity. He always kept his word."
"Larian and From Software are the only two Studios that I trust."
"If you're looking for someone you can trust, I do recommend Noble Gold."
"It was a matter of treating people fairly, being trustworthy, and consistent."
"Safe people are trusting individuals and they're trustworthy individuals."
"They will honestly prove that to you with their words, with their actions."
"Their core value proposition is having the most trustworthy data."
"I think Royce is someone you can trust, he's going to stand on his beliefs come hell or high water."
"Judge people by the consistency of their character."
"You should prove a man before you approve a man."
"Loyalty and trustworthiness are essential. Stand up for him, keep your promises, and earn his trust."
"My words match my intention and my action matches my words and therefore you can trust on me, you can count on me."
"I'm asking you to trust me because I've been a straight shooter with you."
"Instagram is now your business card. So, who are you? Can you be trusted?"
"John seems to be a real stand-up guy. I hate the fact that you have to call or email the order but on the average real trustworthy guy."
"They find you very independent, trustworthy, and hardworking."
"Most men will proclaim each his own goodness, but who can find a faithful man?"
"Faith is believing something on the word of a witness. If the witness is trustworthy, then it is quite reasonable to believe the testimony."
"The word of God is more trustworthy than anything else."
"Do we trust you here? You can't even spell views."
"He's a man of his word. We respect it. I've got something for you too."
"He resolved cases and was always a man of his word."
"Men who run their lives based on emotion and violence are not to be trusted."
"People trust you, realizing they left behind a trustworthy person."
"Never trust someone who can't be like, 'oh, you know what, I shouldn't have said that or my bad.'"
"Integrity is non-negotiable; once lost, it's nearly impossible to regain."
"I knew the thing I knew about him is he was a man of integrity."
"Numbers don't lie... hope my audience understands."
"In this life you will encounter many people who claim to preach the truth, some are trustworthy."
"If you can't trust the sources, then what can you trust?"
"We never lie, we never FIB the truth, we never try and deceive you guys at all on how we do these builds."
"If you lie 24/7, you've lost all credibility."
"What people want is someone that they can trust and who will be true to their word at the end of the day."
"So the question is can we trust BookTubers? I'm gonna say yes and not just because I am one."
"He who can be trusted with little can be trusted with much."
"Faith in Christ is the evidence he is reliable."
"The number one thing you have to do is keep your credibility."
"A Mitch McConnell promise is as trustworthy as a husband with glitter on his face."
"We need to vote for someone who we could trust, who has experience, and who will tell the truth."
"People deserve to know what is in their products, how they work, and to be able to trust what's actually on those labels."
"They feel you're a trustworthy person, straightforward and sincere."
"I'm not gonna try and sell you anything. I'm not going to pitch you anything to buy from me or pay me for something."
"It's a testament to character for someone if they tell you something in confidence."
"They see you as someone trustworthy, a true friend."
"We work hard every day to earn and keep the trust of our members."
"Who do I trust, a wing commander who has nothing to gain from this, or not you?"
"Your word is your bond; lead with integrity."
"I care about y'all enough to not promote something to you and your families that I would not promote to mine."
"The single hardest decision you'll make is whose advice to trust on what topic."
"You can't trust a drug dealer who doesn't use his own product."
"Lying about little things - that's an immediate red flag."
"Trust in people like me who are gonna be honest about this stuff."
"You can't fake real estate. You can fake a lot of things, but not this."
"Anyone with a mustache is very trustworthy and reliable."
"In Asia, it's all about keeping your word. Handshake is the contract."
"Media with a heavy ideological bias shouldn't be trusted."
"This is no April Fool's, I promise you every fiber of my being."
"Being reliable, having them know they can rely on you."
"Unimpeachable character is the absolute foundation upon which everything we have is built."
"If he just stuck with the grown-up who's in charge, I'm sorting out the economy, it's really difficult but you can trust me to just get on with the job."
"If God is holy, that means he cannot sin against you, which makes him the most trustworthy being there is."
"You want someone you trust, someone you can build something with."
"That's money you can take to the bank; that's good advice."
"People trust me because I told you I don't do paid promo. If I put it out there, it's truly because I believe in it."
"Transparency is one of the biggest indications of how ethical the company truly is."
"Believe every word that I've said because everything I said is true."
"You can trust me this is old man wisdom for you."
"The only thing he has to run on is I'm good old Joe I might not be the sharpest tool in the shed but gosh darn it you can trust me."
"He's very clever and very likable. You trust him."
"I'm not a hallucination. I am not a pipe dream. You can trust me."
"Joe Biden has shown himself to be fundamentally weak, unreliable, and dishonest."
"He comes across as just a serial liar, somebody where you just cannot really believe much that comes out of his mouth."
"Trust is something you get because you've been around for a while. Thirty years on TV with only a six-month interruption, that's a long time."
"Trust is a big asset, especially global decentralized trust."
"Among the things that should make you most skeptical of someone is an apparent inability to admit that they were wrong."
"She's become one of the few critics that I actually trust."
"Kraken is the most secure player in the industry."
"People can trust you to tell the truth and be honest in a kind way."
"Whatever gets people to a good place of positivity and love and trustworthiness and honesty, I would rather be with."
"He kept his word, so for me, you know, I hope that makes everybody happy."
"This then is what viewers were left with at the end of season 21: a potentially unlikable and untrustworthy hero."
"An honest crook is still gonna screw you." - A cautionary statement about trusting seemingly genuine but deceitful individuals.
"Can you be trusted with what God has called you to do?"
"It's a matter of pride that they look their best."
"Trust is hard to come by, but I had it in you."
"He was a person who was trusted by each and every wrestler who stepped into the ring."
"We tell the truth on this show because the truth is simply indisputable."
"People trust real people they can know intimately."
"This person is definitely somebody you can trust."
"You'll be deemed untrustworthy and excised from society."
"You can only trust that which is consistent."
"People must know you care, you are serious, and that you will competently do the job."
"Integrity is when your words and your actions match."
"Integrity and a good faith coming from a position of good faith over somebody that's just going to tell me what I want to hear any day of the week."
"When we publish something you guys can trust that that's our real opinion."
"It proved I was trustworthy because when an employer pays you, they're projecting that is going to continue. They can't project forward in a positive fashion without a belief in you and a trust in you."
"There is no one you should be more suspicious of than a person who has to constantly tell people they are a good person."
"More reliable than a lot of sources nowadays."
"They're looking at you like you're somebody they feel they can rely on."
"Do your best to be a person others can trust."
"It's not just about being a watch expert, it's about being a trusted resource."
"The person you're asking about is trustworthy, come beautiful."
"Someone who's dependable can be relied on to do what is expected or what they promised."
"Don't take this list for complete science, although you can trust the top 10 Pokémon being generally good."
"Believe what they do, not what they say. Your actions always betray you. It applies to everybody."
"People that have nothing to hide hide nothing."
"I trust her ability to get through to people."
"You have to earn the trust that's not given to you."
"Your imperfections make you more likable, more trustworthy, it makes you as an expert be somebody that people lean toward."
"It’s just generally a good idea to be trusted in the world, to have the respect of other people."
"I trust you. Yeah, even to me. You can't ignore any cry for help on the fan site."
"They're looking for someone not showy, not phony, someone who seems trustworthy and has depth to them."
"Sovereign Lord, you are God, your covenant is trustworthy."
"Prime doesn't have a bad circuit in his body."
"If you want trustworthy people in your life, you need to be a trustworthy person."
"Only refer products that you know, use, and like."
"I'm a man of my word. If I give my word, you can take it to the bank."
"You cannot break promises over and over again with people that you work with."
"How could a cat be considered a clan mate if they couldn't be trusted with your life?"
"You're my good brother. It's okay. You're a trustful person."
"Jim Jordan doesn't deceive, he simply tells you straight up what he believes."
"People need to trust you, they need to have confidence in you, and they need to know that they want you on their side."
"Scientists are not the biggest liars, they're the people who lie the least, the least, the politicians are the liars."
"She's the girl next door, she's the type of girl you would let babysit your children."
"Anyone who claims that they know is a scoundrel, a liar, or a fool."
"Trust is the most valuable asset you have as a YouTuber, influencer, or whatever the heck you call yourself."
"Either our reasoning abilities are trustworthy, or everything we're saying is gibberish."
"Their word is their bond, this person who's new that's coming in is actually going to do what they say they're going to do."
"If they want a mayor who they can trust who has good character and who will be in that position making decisions ethically, then they should choose me."
"Don't trust sweet pretty words, trust the energy, the actions around somebody."
"Someone here is Honorable, Source can trust you, and you're handling responsibility the way things should be handled."
"You cannot be trusted in business if you don't know how to treat a woman."
"People are going to trust him because he does good things."
"But Noah was probably a very reliable man because God gives him a very big mission."
"Don't lie about one thing but say, 'Believe me about this,' you're not going to be believed."
"You want to return control of the government to a legislature who is trustworthy."