
Disinterest Quotes

There are 371 quotes

"I just don't care anymore... I'm so over it."
"Otherwise, I don't think it's that interesting to me personally as a commander."
"Vanguard isn't just uninspired, it's apathetic. And so is this review. Apathy is death."
"Future Disney plus Marvel TV series are you looking forward to them? No, after this, no."
"Most traders hear words like support, resistance, or trend and immediately stop paying attention and turn the other way."
"They clearly are not interested in the pillars of democracy."
"I just never found myself interested in any of it."
"The sheer disinterest in movies themselves is what frustrates me so much about film bro discourse."
"I stopped really giving a [ __ ] about the story whenever WAD happened."
"I truly couldn't be bothered to do anything else."
"It was the event that I was least excited to see beforehand because we didn't."
"I don't give a shit and I don't think anyone's given a shit for 20 years."
"Nobody gives a [ __ ] about that. I'm not here to talk about that. That is a foregone conclusion."
"You don't waste your time talking to people who aren't actually interested in the truth."
"So if you're not paying attention, you will be invested in a game where when you walk off the court, no one cares what the score was."
"Nature is fascinating. I do miss it to a point and then I'm like okay, I'm just like I see nothing."
"Your energy is not for me. I don't give a [__]."
"We're Switzerland. We don't care. We could not possibly care less."
"He's over it, not leading to anything in real life."
"Could it be Villa have just looked at this game and gone we've got loads of games this is one where we're not really that interested in it."
"I wouldn't actually want to play a real game at that point."
"I couldn't give a [ __ ] less about this new Mulan movie."
"Either way, I'm not getting an advantage off Foreboding Ruins, so no thank you."
"Maybe the best option is to stop watching it so that they will just be in like oblivion. Maybe that's the kindest thing to do for these players."
"If you're the kind of person like me who doesn't want to put ridiculous amounts of work into a video game... this isn't going to be your game."
"I just don't see how you can look at all the stuff that's happening here and be like alright screw it I'm just never gonna watch baseball yeah that seems like a group I no longer want to support."
"I just don't care right now, so right now, it's about... I'm sitting at home and I just don't feel like looking at that crap."
"There is nobody busier than someone who's not interested."
"That's the biggest slam, I don't think of that meddler. Who cares? Yeah, who cares?"
"Just count me out. Just don't even count me in."
"I don't care about the monetization anymore. I don't give a [__]."
"Let's just get this over with so I can go watch something more pleasant."
"One of the really frustrating ones for me is one of your only interactions is not interested."
"I was never interested in any of that. I just always thought, for some reason, I just wanted to be free."
"Things that they need to bring mainstream like AI, crypto, like the metaverse, it's not happening because we're not interested right now."
"I know my value. If you're too stupid to see it, that's on you."
"Politics for politics sakes does not interest me one iota...it's a terrible godforsaken place most of the time."
"But then once their daughter was born, Joanne just kind of stopped caring."
"This weird relationship turned me away from the game."
"Make sure to check out some Tron today because you know I won't be."
"I think a lot of fans are just kind of sick of them and just want to tune them out."
"For many, many years after that, my understanding of D&D was that it was confusing, complicated, and boring, which is a pretty deadly combination of traits."
"Just enough that like, you know what, I don't feel like eating."
"I don't pay attention to that kind of stuff."
"I'm probably not going to be playing with this character."
"Follow your heart. Implement self-care, release the pressure, and recognize that you have a lot to offer in life."
"I was not very interested in hearing any more from the good doctor."
"But yeah, do you want another Phantasmagoria? No, I don't."
"They actually may have lost interest in this person... decided that you didn't want to overthink it anymore."
"I've tried and tried multiple times to like Fortnite again these past six months. I can't."
"Girls think that if there's something on the plate for them, chances are they're probably not interested."
"Those who don't will let you disappear forever; that will tell you everything you need to know."
"I have gold, lots of it. I have no interest in gold."
"Just go play something else, please. This is just not worth it."
"Some people are just never gonna be interested."
"Every time we go up to Gary to get our passes, he acts like he is way too busy for us."
"I think about all this and I try so hard and I just can't give a [ __ ] yeah there's just no hype for it and there's nothing there's no hype for any of this stuff."
"It's not worth all of that, that ain't got nothing to do with me, man. I'm just keeping it from you."
"I literally don't play Fortnite at all. I don't... I don't play Fortnite. I don't."
"I couldn't care less. It doesn't have minimal."
"What I'm saying is yes, you are right, the vast majority of these things can be explained, we don't care about those."
"I find it incredibly boring for hopefully fairly obvious reasons."
"I don't care what they all say honestly, I just don't."
"smut is boring no shade on people who enjoy it you do you I'm cheering you on I just don't like it personally."
"I literally have that little interest that I would run for president of the US before I do that."
"These are the 15 famous mansions no one wants to buy."
"If a girl doesn't ask you any original questions and just deflects yours, chances are, she doesn't really care to get to know you."
"If she's taking hours to reply, she's probably not that interested."
"Whenever Stinger Flyn talks I have a real hard time listening to him cuz he's just monotone."
"I don't want to have anything to do with women, it's like you're a pathetic weasel."
"They're trying to pull people back into the black hole of 2020, and I ain't interested in it."
"Mihawk took this world by the balls and castrated it, and he now stands at its ultimate peak, looking down, watching the squabbles of every other force on this planet, with at best mild interest."
"Do not feed any energy to things that you do not genuinely feel passionate about."
"I didn't want to [ __ ] do that because I'm not interested in that [ __ ] it's not interesting to me."
"If you don't strive for perfection, then that's not something that I am gonna have a long-standing interest in. I will lose my interest very quickly."
"I seriously fell really deep for this person."
"It's not that I don't get it, it's just that I don't enjoy it."
"I just don't tweet. Like, I just have no idea. I just [__] on it."
"I'm not trying to hear that, fam. Some joke, some joke team bro."
"If you own an altcoin that is consistently underperforming bitcoin then why in the hell do you hold it?"
"No one's really talking about the Premier League coming back, people just go into this coma of the international break."
"No one wants to watch that anyway you know what I mean."
"I already saw the true ending of that game, so there's really no reason for me to be here."
"You're talking about everybody was waiting for Dave Chappelle. I've been waiting for nothing."
"I don't have to watch Raw again for the foreseeable future."
"This game brings me no enjoyment, never has, never will."
"I don't want your information, I don't want that. I don't want to know who you are, I'm not trying to get you to go pay money to some go fund me for some disaster that happens somewhere that's kind of ambiguous and things that I don't want."
"You would look at your stuff and go... I don't care about this."
"I just wasn't having fun with it, and if I'm not having fun with it, I'm not gonna play it."
"God is constantly subverting and overturning human assumptions about power and privilege."
"I don't give a [ __ ] what Spurs are doing. It's, to be honest, I don't care if Spurs are worse than us."
"I don't give a [ __ ] about these event Primo gems anymore."
"There is nothing on God's green earth that could make me go see the next Star Wars movie."
"I couldn't wait to finish. I hated football and when I retired I didn't watch any football."
"I don't think one way or the goddamn mother, I really don't care about that case at all."
"It's like you've cut them off, and you don't care. You've lost so much interest in this person."
"I'm not reading all this, bro, I'm not reading all this."
"They just kind of felt like two people who you could feel didn't want to be there."
"If Peter Parker is not part of it, I'm not interested."
"During my 90 minutes with Redfall, I definitely experienced a lot of lag and I really wasn't all that interested in the story."
"You're going to turn the video off and say like no thank you."
"I just nod politely not in the mood to interact with this human crossover between mrs. clause and the actual devil."
"I don't even like trucks... I have zero percent interest in owning a pickup truck."
"I'm done, bro. I might just end my stream and go back to bed."
"Yeah, this is boring man, is that imma go sleep."
"My opinion is I just don't care if that makes any sense. It's like asking me what my opinion on Barbie dolls is—I just don't care, you know what I mean?"
"To be fair, Zim only seems to have interest in conquering Earth, rather than ever actually enslaving it and ruling it himself--when a group of humans actually do announce their loyalty to him, he can’t wait to get away from them."
"But I got bored with it. After 1900 hours and all of those videos, I really didn't want to touch this game ever again."
"It's just not something that I feel like I need to pick up."
"I'd rather scroll my phone all day long than play toys with you."
"You're just over it, you don't have time for that."
"Not interested in something, I feel like we have somebody here that's just not interested."
"I don't know why I never really got into it."
"I never cared about Harry Potter, but I feel [__]."
"I don't believe Ted Cruz cares about this issue at all."
"You won't have much of a reason to go there anyway."
"I don't even want it to my jetpack on for you."
"I'm not interested in drama, fame, money; I'm interested in worldly affairs."
"I don't know if you can tell by looking at me but I'm kind of obsessed with not being interested in fashion."
"I don't know anything about Star Wars."
"No one cares anymore. There's no emotional investment at all anymore."
"Mark never shows any interest in becoming a father."
"I don't even want to talk about it."
"It's hard to have any enthusiasm watching it, let alone talking about it."
"They're just not that into it, yeah I agree."
"If it ain't about me, let's get next."
"It's just a whole lot of mess. It's dismissed. They oughta let it go."
"If somebody wants to play games I'm not interested in playing games."
"Please don't call me again because none of this is actually my business."
"I found myself being bored at the same time."
"I'm not interested in any gruesome details."
"He doesn't want to have anything to do with it. He doesn't want to do anything with the dress, with the venue, with the guests."
"He's not interested, he's walking out. It's the way it is with Anthony Martial."
"There's no future, and I don't really have interest in you."
"I hope there's not a second season, there's barely got together everyone as they did, now people are gonna have other [ __ ] to do, I just I don't care for it, I truly truly don't."
"They're always one or two or three, often apparently brightest, who are simply not interested. They're reading the most interesting books, they're capable of the most interesting observations, they have, I hope, the most interesting teachers—but they're not interested."
"it's like it's like a pathetic safeguard of protection by making people disinterested in it by making them bored of you"
"The truth is he was not invested in this relationship."
"Of course I didn't watch the World Cup"
"I was never really super into Twitter to begin with."
"Sorry, I don't want to play anymore."
"I wasn't too keen on continuing. I just didn't want to do it anymore."
"I don't personally find it that interesting, moving on."
"I'm not interested, you know that's a thousand dollars just to have a conversation and then I'm probably gonna say no."
"I'm [__] done. I quit. I don't—they had a girls match, I don't care. I don't know what else they did, I don't care. I couldn't make it through two hours of this."
"But none of this actually answers why I lost interest in Harry Potter."
"You know what I guess that was cool to see but I don't need to be doing this."
"I struggled through school because the topics didn't interest me."
"Well, if I'm honest, I don't really have an interest in being a princess."
"All in all we have a film all about finding the Fountain of Youth where our main hero doesn't care about or have anything to do with finding the Fountain of Youth."
"Staz shows no interest in the fight and continues talking to the girl."
"I don't blame her. We're seeing younger folks not interested in playing these games."
"I never bothered about it, to be honest."
"I never really wanted to go there."
"I couldn't care less about the game"
"The fighter ended scenes abruptly by leaving, telling us she was bored with it."
"There's just certain things in life that just don't get you excited that people can talk about till they're blue in the face and be like, this is the space baby."
"I think I've kind of fallen out with football a bit lately."
"They're gonna pull away for some of you with that 'I'm losing this interest here,' you know?"
"This interest is a signal to exit."
"I don't care what that second is."
"I'll be honest, I'm not sure that I could continue to watch this."
"no one really cared to listen to stories about their wedding"
"What sucks is that Cartoon Network was clearly not interested."
"Funny there was an available Rogue, but eventually I just tuned out her rantings, set my phone to do not disturb, hung up, and started binge-watching Christmas specials. Haven't heard from her since."
"I'm gonna be honest with you I'm just not feeling this project anymore."
"Nevertheless, he creates this robot library that can read like 10,000 stories to people, but nobody's interested in hearing them."
"It's the most melodramatic crap that's ever existed, I could not care less."
"Nothing you've done is making me care about any of it."
"I lost all interest in the mysteries which evidently lurked far back in my family tree."
"If you're looking for a princess you might want to let it go. Not interested in the Frozen beef Kingdom."
"And if you're not that interested in it in the first place, maybe don't go near it."
"I accumulated 50,000 followers from my last TikTok video and I have no interest in posting on there anymore."
"You're not interested in reconciliation."
"I don't know, I don't think I care enough about anything really going on to make me continue in the series."
"The game is over, I think. I have little taste for any further."
"I'm out on Star Wars, I'm [__] out. If I watch it, it'll just be as a casual observer who does not give a [__] anymore."
"There is zero passion for it. None. Zero."
"he's getting a price to go set money but he's not interested in making that call"
"It's clear that VI isn't very interested in that."
"...I never went into like science or anything. Ew."
"I am just not about that life man."
"I'm not interested. Tell your sob story to the officers when they come knocking on your door."
"This one's been rode hard and put away wet. This is definitely not something that I'm interested in."
"Casey's not there for that, she's not there for that."
"I remember thinking, no, I'm not really interested in that even at that time."
"I just don't want to be involved with mudslinging and just consistently going on and on and on throwing mud back and forth I'm not interested in that."
"I still have no idea who that person is, I don't really care to find out."
"I have no interest in this fight."
"I just don't be doing that kind of stuff."
"Anyway, it's not your financial prowess I am interested in."
"He found out that he had little interest in everyday governing."
"I wouldn't know what to do with that anyway."
"I just don't have any interest in these kind of romance books."
"All those Elder ring Elder like not Elder Scrolls Alden ring Dark Souls bloodborne it all looks the same to me I have no interest so I'll just fantasy D [ __ ] I know it's not actually what it is. DND falls in the same all that stuff I'm like everything my wife likes no interest."
"I remember just being like, 'This is so not interesting and I don't know what the [__] is going on.' Starfield, yeah."
"We just left the DS, we reacting to that when it drops. Or you don't care? Or you don't care, young genius?"
"That's how you know that a guy really does not care about you if he does not ask you a single question"
"Celeste was right, no one seemed interested in reading at this hour."
"Nobody cares less about life than Swerve."