
Environmental Issues Quotes

There are 475 quotes

"Every year, eight million people die from air pollution, 63,000 in Britain, and that by 2050 there'll be as much plastic in the sea as fish."
"The climate is changing, and there is a human element to it."
"Capitalism definitely has the tools to address the problem."
"Economic inequality is inextricably tied to the damage inflicted on our common home, the Earth."
"It's a confounding issue for the environmental movement. At the same time, we need to be absolutely sure that we're not repeating the mistakes of the past and that best practice is adopted in every single mine."
"We cannot deal with the problems of the environment, of climate change, except through global cooperation."
"The single greatest factor that is creating the conditions for the unprecedented wildfires all over the globe is climate engineering."
"Corporations make up so much more of the Earth's issues than anything else."
"It rivals climate change in importance, and they're both happening at the same time."
"Public property is never taken care of. There's no respect because it doesn't belong to you."
"I'm very glad that the leftists have decided the crucial threats to the planet is plastic straws."
"Popular anger and increasingly bold resistance to government authorities is being fueled by forced land acquisitions, arbitrary land grabs... and environmental degradation."
"Fossil fuels today are almost universally understood as a major problem for our world."
"Pollution always starts in the workplace, and then moves to the community and natural environment."
"The symbolism of the wall is obviously not just referring to the danger of our coastlines and environment but also our kind of post-Brexit mentality, xenophobia, and the UK attitude towards immigrants and refugees."
"We’re seeing methane bubbling up from underneath the seafloor. There are massive heat waves, drought, fires going on; ocean acidification is happening on a massive scale. It’s scary."
"In every single case, either a technological progress occurred that made it not a problem at all, or we were ignoring some broader rule of the universe that made sure everything was okay."
"With regards to climate change, the discussion usually centers around three basic issues: is it happening, how bad will it be, and is it our fault/what can we do to stop it?"
"Plastic bottles and loads of plastic bags... are genuinely clogging up our oceans and the ecosphere."
"Are we facing a Water Crisis? We should actually be framing the question to reflect the problem of availability versus the problem of access."
"Since the discovery of oil, tens of thousands of acres of Louisiana marshland is gone. Every 14 minutes, another acre disappears underwater."
"The Water Crisis isn't a thing of tomorrow; it's a thing of today."
"The earth has been transformed into a post-apocalyptic wasteland; left in a ruined state by humanity's wasteful consumerism."
"Understanding the past can help us deal with the present Anthropogenic Extinction."
"Forget climate change, this is entirely problematic."
"Capitalism and environmental degradation went hand in hand."
"Environmental concerns will drive the rise of electric cars in the next decade."
"Plastic pollution costs humanity up to 19 billion dollars a year."
"Pollution steals 5 Years From people's average lifespan."
"It's very hard to reverse climate change, especially issues like sea level rise. The water is coming in quite rapidly."
"Climate change is an existential threat to our way of life."
"If not, the resulting mega drought could have a catastrophic impact, not only on the Southwest, but also the entire nation."
"It's not the end of the world; it's not our most important environmental problem."
"Imagine having technologies that would... solve all the environmental problems... and change geopolitical dynamics."
"The biggest environmental issue that's facing us isn't global warming, it's overfishing in the oceans."
"It's refreshing to study something that you want to learn at the time you want to learn it. That's relevant to you."
"White supremacy is evil and it's everywhere and it's also the reason why your home is comfortable and you aren't dying of heat stroke."
"Climate change is without question a very controversial subject."
"Lead poisoning has revealed environmental racism in the United States."
"There's no such thing as global warning, there's just [__] Global crying bro."
"Chemtrails, they're not contrails are indeed real."
"Wildfires: a serious threat to life on earth."
"Plastic pollution affects our entire planet."
"Large parts of the world are suffering from deforestation."
"Knowing about stranded whales is vitally important, largely due to human causes."
"Mercury pollution spreads to the deepest parts of the Mariana Trench."
"We're running out of time, eventually the water will drown us out."
"The climate crisis is the biggest crisis facing us right now."
"We are all accessory to the murder of rivers."
"There is some indication that the end of time will be near when there is mass devastation and famine and hunger and environmental degradation and conflict and warfare."
"The survival of our planet is on the ballot."
"Industry had basically used the nation's environment as a Dumping Ground."
"The number one threat facing the country right now remains global warming."
"Australia is very clearly on the front lines of dealing with the impacts of climate change."
"Flint is the example. It shouldn't take this long, but it has to be done."
"It's amazing to me that in San Francisco in the middle of the great California drought in the last five years we can go from no rain for like say the eight weeks that we normally get rain every single day."
"We fix everything else but we don't fix the environment, we're done. It's over."
"When it comes to ecological catastrophe... you still have the greed, the short-term thinking, the obsession with profit."
"Blizzard doesn't understand that not doing anything about a forest fire won't just make it go away."
"The time lag is so much longer when it comes to climate change."
"Most people think global carbon emissions have been rising."
"Masculinity has been associated with fossil fuel consumption, extraction, and burning for decades."
"As long as we treat the climate crisis as a side topic or as a political issue among other political issues and so on and do not see it for as the emergency it is..."
"They're eating the reef, we're being invaded by the stuff."
"The climate crisis at some fundamental level is a soil crisis."
"The system we have in place now is so unsustainable."
"Democrats put real money behind this. It's the election equivalent of saving the whales."
"This isn't something we can pretend isn't a big issue."
"We live in an age of radical evil. The architects of this evil are decimating the earth and driving human species toward extinction."
"On top of that, they're also becoming these just garbage wastelands."
"If they really cared about carbon emissions they probably wouldn't be flying in private planes or blowing up the Nordstrom pipeline."
"Global warming is not anything else but a symptom. It's a fever of the planet."
"A delicate balance, especially when you have a global economy still powered largely by fossil fuels."
"We must reject the perennial prophets of doom... They predicted an overpopulation crisis in the 1960s, mass starvation in the 70s, and an end of oil in the 1990s." - President Trump
"The problem is with oxygen in Delhi and surrounding parts because of a transportation problem."
"Air pollution is at the heart of human activity."
"This highly unsustainable path is slowly turning China into a post-apocalyptic wasteland."
"Climate change is an existential threat to our country and the world."
"It's the one percent point you made... the world's moving towards electric vehicles."
"I think just, uh, Elon's point, I think... the most aggressive way as Elon has mentioned."
"Soylent Green resonates with current world issues."
"The most prevalent debris in the ocean is throwaway plastic."
"Great Pacific Garbage Patch: a vortex of circulating currents."
"The drying Euphrates river and its far-reaching implications."
"Pollution is a major cause of death, full stop."
"Climate change is very vitally vitally important."
"If you care about the climate and you want to get involved but you're not quite sure how, I can help."
"Money is vitally important for a lot of charities who are working to combat climate change."
"Climate change doesn't alarm me because we identified the problem decades ago, and there's no reason why human will and ingenuity can't fix it."
"Enter the Salton Sea: A toxic, shrinking lake."
"They're begging now, they went from 'you'll do it, you'll love it, you'll eat the bugs' to 'if we don't do this, catastrophe'."
"Unless someone like you cares a whole lot that nothing is going to get better, it's not."
"Food waste is a huge problem in North America."
"Climate engineering is killing the planet. The population bomb threatens the peace of the world."
"The next generation are going to kill us for this because they will."
"The planet's burning down and the fascists are taking over and we have a lot of work to do and I believe we actually can win we actually because we do win yeah."
"So what do you do with those dirty plastic bags?"
"One storm will not fix a problem that's been a hundred years in the making but it certainly won't hurt."
"This is a climate crisis playing out in real time."
"Humans had all the resources to save the planet, but they chose greed instead."
"Access to clean drinking water is one of our world's greatest challenges."
"Flooding in China is fundamentally a problem of excessive development."
"Water scarcity isn't a problem that we need to be facing if we were just bolder and more equitable."
"Does anyone think that the polar ice caps are melting because me and my wife use gas to cook our dinner? I don't."
"Individual action doesn't cut it... we need structural change."
"You can't just say oil bad, nuclear bad, it's all bad."
"The world may need to resort to lockdowns again, this time to tackle a climate emergency."
"Exploitation and environmental destruction and doing just about anything for a buck is the name of the game under capitalism and that's what we take issue with, not that Jeff specifically is the one doing it."
"These are massive problems, but we're going to make sure that this is not the end of the world."
"People talk about global warming but people don't talk about erosion."
"Global warming, overpopulation, these are all just scare tactics."
"The climate crisis is right now. We'll either have figured out in 100 years, meaning people will be living sustainably, or we'll be screwed way before that."
"Cars are being unfairly demonized, they bear a disproportionate amount of accountability."
"Climate denialism is growing far stronger in recent years than what it was 10 or 15 years ago."
"The real struggle of the world is to live together and overcome our common crises of environment and inequality." - Jeffrey Sachs
"Some say that this is potentially one of the worst land-based environmental disasters in recent U.S history."
"I'm just thinking about the fact that if I had kids, I genuinely have to worry about what kind of world they'd be living in."
"Greenwashing makes an eco-conscious public view the company more positively while not actually changing any of its potentially harmful activities."
"It's hard to know that we don't get the full story... but we do know there's a big e-waste problem."
"There's no environmental damage right... just like you gotta figure out what to do with the rods."
"Yeah pipelines don't leak... 55,000 gallons leaked... nothing to see here."
"Once we made a horrible mess of the earth, we vacuum up all its little pieces to sell for a profit."
"Humans have done a pretty terrible job of keeping our planet clean and healthy."
"China recognizes that climate change is a very serious threat for the entire world."
"It's not a border crisis, it's a climate crisis."
"Everything's on fire except all of the things we need not to be."
"Climate change is the most important and difficult issue humanity faces."
"I think we're in a little bit of a drought, a drier spell one might say."
"Venice, sinking nine inches in the last century, faces the serious threat of disappearing due to climate change."
"Mount Kilimanjaro's snow cap is melting and may be completely gone by the end of this century, blamed on global warming."
"Climate change and our environmental challenges are one of the biggest existential threats to our way of life."
"Climate change is real in the pokemon world as well."
"Imagine Earth more screwed than it is now... difficult but very much so not impossible."
"Sea level rise will affect hundreds of millions, up to a billion people around the world."
"Climate change is also favoring some allergy-inducing plants."
"Why is this a possible warning sign a nation may be on the brink of collapse? It's in the results stemming from the destruction of natural habitats and resource depletion."
"The 2020 election may well be about the survival of our planet."
"Plastic in the oceans is causing serious damage to marine wildlife."
"The tragedy of the commons will have to be solved by multilateralism. We've all got to act together."
"Climate change is an existential threat to humanity and our way of life."
"It's a climate change movie happening in real life."
"This chaotic, polluting, and unjust system is really entirely within our hands to control."
"Straws aren't the reason turtles are dying." - "Straws aren't the reason turtles are dying."
"It's not over. This community still does not have safe water."
"The greatest experiment the world has ever known."
"Stagnation in the environment begs for a change; it's just a question of when."
"Global climate change is wreaking havoc on this planet."
"Why are we fighting over small pieces of overdeveloped land?"
"Efficiency means the elimination of waste, and pollution is waste."
"It's happening now. It's not going to happen, it is happening."
"Granola finally goes on to finish off gas once and for all."
"Eco-tyrants and megalomaniacs invade countries because they think they can get away with it. The way to deal with bullies is to stand up to them."
"The only way forward in this fight is to reach a critical mass of awareness."
"It's not a natural disaster but a man-made one."
"Climate change is real and accelerating and just curbing our emissions is not going to be enough."
"Death is being engineered in the earth right now."
"Sea levels are rising faster than expected, which isn't cool."
"Climate change and our environmental challenges are the biggest existential threats to our way of life."
"Do we have an energy problem? No, we have an ignorance problem."
"The tapping of pipelines, stealing of oil, and the emissions from the refining process have added another complication to the region's environmental crisis."
"Water has been taken for granted. We live in a world where in the next 10 years almost 2 billion people will be living in regions with absolute water scarcity."
"This is definitely going to be a very difficult reckoning for the oceanography community."
"This isn't something that we can just push off anymore. It's something that needs to be taken seriously."
"Every paragraph is mind-blowing information about the corruption of the environmental movement."
"Has there ever been an organization in history which has dedicated itself to the destruction of the possibility of organized human life? That's actually what we're facing."
"The tension between economic and environmental priorities couldn't be clearer than in the fight for and against pipelines."
"Global warming isn't a thing. It's not man-made. It's not a problem. It's all as God ordains it."
"A smart thing to do is to position oneself to be able to withstand a potential global water crisis."
"Climate engineering has been ongoing for over 75 years, catastrophe is already the result."
"A solid argument: the surface world is harming the underwater kingdoms with pollution and ecological disasters."
"What we have to remember is that I have been to Beijing on a Sunday morning. The air was so polluted coming back, I could hardly breathe. And that was on a Sunday in Beijing where factories shut down."
"A monumental failure: how a flagship of the American idea was unable to overcome nature and culture."
"The emerging safety issue around crude by rail has turned that project and others from being this kind of esoteric environmental discussion to a question of whether oil trains are gonna blow up and kill them."
"Plastics and fossil fuels are inextricably linked."
"I have faith in us to at least try to free as many people before the earth sneezes."
"Recent research is revealing a worldwide epidemic of arsenic poisoning in areas with contaminated groundwater."
"The water situation in the world seems critical, but remedies to the problem do exist."
"The water war is something that is very exciting; it sells papers."
"Water scarcity: a looming crisis impacting global trade and economies."
"It's gonna take people learning about it, explaining why this is happening, and how you can help in understanding the issue."
"There's a conspiracy going around. Fires may have been started in strategic locations to max destruction."
"We have a big challenge with climate change, with ocean pollution, and this championship wants to have a purpose."
"The problem of not having enough natural resources."
"Can anyone mention that? Can anyone talk about that? It's a real thing."
"Climate change: a real concern with global implications."
"You're not a climate change denier if you have a skeptical position on a certain fact."
"The transition from fossil fuels, in my opinion, is the most pressing issue facing humanity. This is an all hands on deck problem."
"The magnitude of something like this is a game-changer for the entire planet."
"Beijing over the years, especially at that point in China 2007, there was some really heavy pollution."
"People are literally living in piles of garbage."
"The planet itself is beautiful, but we've swallowed a nightmare pill and we're turning it into a real horror show."
"I hate jungle with a burning passion, so how appropriate that the jungle is now burning."
"Not a lot of people have been talking about a disaster that has kind of been in the making for over 100 years."
"There appears to be something darker behind the effort to subjugate humanity and wreck the environment than simple corporate greediness or political power grabs." - Jim Marrs
"We have swept these things under the rug for far too long, for decades, for convenience, for short term profit. We're paying the piper now."
"But to understand the layers of political and legal drama unfolding today, it's important to understand what the U.S. has deemed illegal when it comes to PFAS. In short, not much."
"It's not actually about the environment they wanted a method to introduce like far left policies like socialism, environment was just like part of it."
"Of all agricultural land in the world, two-thirds is what we call marginal, meaning you cannot grow crops there."
"How such a luxurious wonder could turn into a toxic basin."
"Climate change is one of the primary existential threats that our planet faces today."