
Networks Quotes

There are 149 quotes

"If you really want to bring India's power to bear, then you have to think about these things. Networks are energy. The moment you bring them together, it doesn't become 1 + 1 + 1; it becomes exponential."
"Nodes are the heart of the world; they create the ebb and flow of life."
"An open access network is the only real way to go."
"Bitcoin is supposed to be this large interoperable network, not just about the anarchist roots, but even if you just think about it from a tech standpoint."
"The future is going to be defined by these networks."
"The networks that they created and the national unity and infrastructure."
"A parachain is basically... a bunch of pair chains connected to the relay chain..."
"These are externalized neurological networks, these are sentient networks."
"These networks could recombine to create unique new and fluid forms of a cult."
"The Internet: the global collection of interconnected networks."
"It's the way every single network, spiritual community, anything has ever spread."
"AI will develop in some form in this complex Global open networks."
"Human smuggling is a network of independent operators. It's not a cartel industry making billions. It's just people getting paid at every single leg of the trip."
"I know about computers, know about networks, and I thought to myself, surely someone is doing something about this, and if they’re not, maybe I can do something."
"Support networks, whether through therapy, coaching, or friends, are invaluable."
"...a society and set up networks by which we make each other better."
"If you're trans right now pitch pitch pitch, because they need to prove every network will want it. Because we're then we're not like Netflix, more than Netflix."
"These karmic networks are being [__] dismantled or whatever plot and plan that they were trying to do."
"The distribution networks at that time were localized and had no centralized management."
"The geometry of deep learning networks tells us about their inner workings. It's basically a very intensive form of trial and error."
"Smaller networks are more likely to learn patterns that generalize."
"I actually am pretty optimistic about sort of the potential for these distributed networks in general."
"Ultimately, you have to use these physics-informed networks."
"The rich have access to networks that give them access to the types of deals that you will never see."
"Understanding these complex networks through graph theory is something that has become more and more popular."
"Social interaction is built into our DNA and is universal... So it's the universes the mathematics and physics of these networks."
"It's nice to have the web of wisdom be a little wider and a little broader and a little stronger... I like distributed networks of wisdom rather than central hierarchies of single teachers..."
"Cognition, according to Maturana and Varela, is the activity involved in the self-generation and self-perpetuation of living networks."
"This theme of multiple networks of connectivity lies at the root of why I use the plural 'roads' in my talk today."
"Mathematics expresses the underlying generic constraints of networks."
"Your friendship groups and your networks are very important to you. You're a very loyal friend and you attract loyal friends."
"The nervous system is the big discovery of nature because with the nervous system, with neurons, you can make networks, and those networks can represent images or construct images."
"I think we need networks that give us courage."
"Networks are within the movement, with other movements worldwide, with the internet blogosphere, with the media, and with society at large."
"The world is full of lots of networks that are based on relationships that could be captured by a graph."
"IP addresses help identify not only the device but also the networks where they're located."
"...we have networks for actors, value network, and critic networks..."
"The whole notion of a ring... it's not really a ring, it's just pedophiles who know each other and form connections and help each other out effectively. That's what it is."
"The Nexus has multiple networks and they're all decentralized."
"Underlying this extraordinary scaling of quantities is, in fact, the dynamic of social networks and social interactions."
"Think of world literature not as involving bodies of literature and individual readers who partake in it, but to think of it instead as a matter of relationships and networks."
"The network is the next leviathan, hovering above, making fallible men behave in pro-social ways."
"The most powerful force in the world is shifting from the state to encrypted computer networks."
"The ability to operate crypto across networks has become increasingly critical."
"By using networks, we can help answer some of those questions, so we can get inferred biological function."
"The future is distributed; it's a distributed network of social networks."
"It is our networks of collaboration, our helping of one another, that is actually how we accomplish what we accomplish."
"Networks tab is super interesting, and you're gonna be using this a lot of times as a front-end developer to debug issues with back-ends."
"Once you can understand the universal features of network, you can predict the nature of each different network."
"We are actually seeing a lot of success in that we've got three large angel networks out."
"I could see how you could put those together into big networks and they could be tunable, trainable, and that could be the basis of learning."
"Two-sided networks actually benefit when people are on the same page and coordinate with each other."
"It's important that these sensors then connect to the regulatory networks that we have in mind."
"Networks are emerging as a new model for organizing human activity without dependence upon geographic boundaries."
"The world of yesterday was ruled by the states and armies, the world of today by markets and finance, the world of tomorrow will be an empire of networks."
"Worms are malware that do not need a host file; they exploit network resources and services to propagate."
"Support networks are incredibly important, and we all need them to a point."
"It's fascinating understanding the physiology and the pathophysiology of those receptor networks."
"The amount of times you'll come across a website with weak credentials on an internal network is astounding."
"DIDs enable the new kind of network, they enable trust networks."
"In a DID network where all the actors be they people or organizations or things are identified with DIDs, you could have trusted relationships of whatever dimension of trust you want everywhere."
"Both types of RT-HIL simulation can be realized through communication networks, in which, the simulators and the devices communicate with each other by use of standard communication protocols."
"The Data Cloud changes those dynamics to a completely different realm--the realm of content and networks."
"Discrete differential geometry plays an important role because many of the network architectures that might work for traditional signals don't immediately translate to irregularly sampled geometric representations."
"The more technical term for a big connected clump is a connected component."
"The real power of graphs comes from their ability to model entities and their relationships."
"With Zabbix, you can monitor all kinds of networking equipment, servers, application services, and more."
"RNNs are a class of neural networks that allow previous outputs to be used as inputs while having hidden states."
"How do we build smarter networks? It's not only that the devices are smart, we need to have smarter networks."
"The gospel spreads through relationships, through social networks."
"My forecast is that these networks are here to stay."
"Graphs are everywhere, people are connected, things are connected."
"Big questions that people ask when they start studying networks is which vertices are really important in the network."
"The answer to this question really depends on what one means by importance."
"The location of the actor in the network is tightly related to the power that this person has within the network."
"Betweenness centrality is one of the most interesting definitions of centrality."
"Closeness centrality is defined as an inverse distance from the node to all other nodes."
"Eigenvector centrality is the nodes that are connected to other nodes with large centrality."
"Networks are everywhere... they're a very good universal abstract representation."
"It's a really critical step in the hybrid process of looking at the structure and the content of networks."
"Networks, which are also called graphs, are one of the most interesting parts of data science."
"The capability of identifying communities inside networks has a wide variety of potential uses."
"One of the things you can do rather than running physical separate networks and bridging those together is you can create VLANs."
"In the future, many more services will come to us via leaderless user-owned peer-to-peer networks similar to Bitcoin."
"Social Capital... describes the value of someone's networks."
"What you're doing is you're creating these networks of people trying to support each other."
"This happens quite a bit actually, there's a lot of information out on large networks that people don't realize is sitting out there."
"The virus may have made its way into highly interconnected sexual networks."
"Abstractions are essential and good, but just like social networks, phylogenies, you have to remember that they're not real."
"These very complex networks in your body are involved in this nonstop process of getting information from the outside world, sorting it, and processing it."
"Chain Link and Quant Network are really at the heart of it."
"We talked about knowledge distillation targeting using a teacher network to improve the accuracy performance of a student network."
"Unpaired image to image translation using cycle consistent adversarial networks."
"A spiking neural network basically adds the concept of time."
"If some protein is close to another protein in this interaction network, it is likely to have similar function."
"Graph embeddings... a popular application area for graph embeddings is recommendation."
"Ethernet evolved to a switch network, which is a variation on the tree or star topologies."
"You can't talk about networks without at least touching on the OSI reference model."
"Networks are just connections between genes or proteins."
"Networks are useful for discovering relationships and also for visualizing data, including visualizing multiple different types of data together."
"People are still the most important links in most spy networks."
"Residual connections facilitate training much deeper networks."
"Your phone knows where these wireless networks should be, so if it detects a certain pattern of wireless networks nearby, it knows relatively where it is."
"Wigle Wi-Fi and wiggle net are able to map and discover all kinds of devices that create wireless networks."
"Racial segregation limits access to the helpful social networks needed for successful employment."
"Internet is a worldwide collection of interconnected networks."
"We're progressing just that much and building bigger and bigger networks."
"Brains aren't just feedforward neural networks; there's anatomical evidence that they aren't just feedforward neural networks as well."
"Rethinking how knowledge networks work, I think is going to be the most important."
"Communities happen based on the underlying network structure."
"My specialty here at Award Solution is 3G, 4G, and 5G radio access networks."
"IBM has now gotten to the point where we have over three dozen production blockchain networks."
"Ethereum because it's credibly neutral, you have competitive networks building on top."
"This is true interoperability, this is connecting anything to anything, this is the network of networks."
"Graphs are the ideal data structure for modeling networks, making them an essential part of your data structure toolkit."
"Entities with similar properties tend to cluster and agglomerate in certain network regions."
"The small world network phenomena says... we can connect ourselves to anybody through just a very small number of mutual acquaintances."
"Networks represent relationships; it can be different types of relationships."
"Social structures are networks, and there's an enormous amount of research at the moment in sociology on network structures as basic building blocks."
"These adversarial networks have somehow still managed to learn some really nice useful representation."
"If I can figure out the behavior of networks to a sinusoidal input, then if the circuit is linear I can then compute the response of the circuit to any periodic waveform."
"Graph theory is basically the thing that allows you to do all your studies of pathing and graph traversal."
"Bayesian networks provide a graphical representation."
"We have to see the world differently right now, we have to see it for the connections and the networks that are possible."
"These events are an emergent phenomena of different interacting networks: social, political, and economic."
"Different levels of encryption like WEP or WPA are used to secure wireless networks."
"The real-world networks have a core which is a bunch of nodes very tightly connected."
"We should be seeing that these networks are holding neutral at a minimum rather than going down."
"You can join on anywhere on this ring, in theory, this ring is perfectly symmetrical."
"We're all part of networks and that is where we have influence and where we can make a difference."
"Think like a hacker in the effort to protect our networks."
"The internet is really just this interconnection of lots of different networks."
"If we could look at a genome and understand how these networks are encoded, we could predict biologically relevant interactions directly from the genome."
"We will begin to see applications that are already existing on other networks join the Cardano network."
"Very large networks that have many more parameters than you think are necessary, actually can generalize pretty well."
"Fungi... illustrate the foundational nature of networks and the networked nature of the universe."
"Keras provides you an implementation of very deep networks, like VGG 16, 19, and residual networks as well."
"The heart connects to entire networks of Hearts through compassion, forgiveness, and empathy."